Web Server Statistics

HITS  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
REFUSALS  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
MISSES  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches

Preceding 30 Days

Graph showing hits.

Visits (Successful Accesses)

From 20 Mar 2024 0:00:25 to 18 Apr 2024 23:58:59

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Visited Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/                   www.ece.lsu.edu 1466 = 0 + 1466, ( 322)
/                   ieee  778 = 3 + 775, (2488)
/                   4720  636 = 84 + 552, ( 105)
/kak/               GarbhaUpanishad.pdf  499 = 0 + 499, ( 52)
/kak/               MahabharataII.pdf  482 = 0 + 482, ( 111)
/                   index-skel.html  398 = 20 + 378, ( 249)
/kak/               zoro.pdf  311 = 0 + 311, ( 65)
/ieee/              wp-login.php  287 = 0 + 287, ( 24)
/kak/               a3.pdf  274 = 0 + 274, ( 66)
/ee4720/            exam-all.pdf  269 = 0 + 269, ( 34)
/                   koppel  254 = 25 + 229, ( 149)
/4720/              prev.html  231 = 39 + 192, ( 40)
/ee3755/2013f/      cla.pdf  229 = 0 + 229, ( 46)
/news/2008/    ECEConnectionFall2008.pdf  217 = 0 + 217, ( 10)
/ugrad/             advising-form.pdf  215 = 41 + 174, ( 24)
/kak/               ast.pdf  209 = 0 + 209, ( 40)
/kak/               shruti.pdf  197 = 0 + 197, ( 39)
/kak/               Akhenaten.pdf  192 = 0 + 192, ( 54)
/gp/notes/          set-nv-org.pdf  177 = 0 + 177, ( 43)
/kak/               Time2.pdf  177 = 0 + 177, ( 59)
/kak/               roopa51.pdf  176 = 0 + 176, ( 68)
/ee4720/doc/        vax.pdf  172 = 1 + 171, ( 27)
/kemin/             essentials.htm  163 = 0 + 163, ( 63)
/fac/               Trahan-insert.js  160 = 13 + 147, ( 20)
/fac/               Kargarian-insert.js  158 = 11 + 147, ( 18)
/kak/              EarlyArchitecture.pdf  157 = 0 + 157, ( 32)
/ee4720/doc/    riscv-bitmanip-1.0.0.pdf  154 = 0 + 154, ( 32)
/koppel/gp/2011/    d-splash-1.ogg  153 = 13 + 140, ( 3)
/                   gp  149 = 11 + 138, ( 59)
/v/guides/         pset-syn-seq-main.pdf  149 = 0 + 149, ( 46)
/                   hkn  146 = 1 + 145, ( 34)
/kak/               writ.pdf  142 = 0 + 142, ( 41)
/v/2017/            shifter.v.html  142 = 0 + 142, ( 36)
/ee4720/2022/       lmips.s.html  135 = 0 + 135, ( 7)
/ieee/              ?page_id=66  134 = 0 + 134, ( 18)
/                   xinli  129 = 0 + 129, ( 153)
/fac/               Farasat-insert.js  128 = 11 + 117, ( 16)
/                   ?page_id=78  123 = 0 + 123, ( 13)
/fac/               Wu-insert.js  123 = 10 + 113, ( 22)
/fac/               Wei-insert.js  122 = 11 + 111, ( 18)
/tca/papers/        vanderwiel-00.pdf  122 = 0 + 122, ( 30)
/fac/               Mehraeen-insert.js  121 = 10 + 111, ( 22)
/ee4720/            ln.html  118 = 12 + 106, ( 62)
/fac/               Xu-insert.js  115 = 12 + 103, ( 25)
/v/                 proc.html  114 = 1 + 113, ( 66)
/ee4720/            grades.html  110 = 13 + 97, ( 7)
/fac/               Czarnecki-insert.js  110 = 6 + 104, ( 22)
/ieee/              xmlrpc.php  108 = 0 + 108, ( 4)
/seminar/           index-insert.js  107 = 4 + 103, ( 15)
/                   kemin  105 = 0 + 105, ( 82)
Totals:32723113231591 (68078 )
Distinct Hosts:1566529515370 (4547 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  63.88%   71.01%  Chrome    : 123.0.x 47.0%,  122.0.x 14.4%,  108.0.x  5.7%, 
                             : 114.0.x  5.4%,  120.0.x  4.0%,  121.0.x  1.9%, 
                             : 103.0.x  1.8%,  60.0.x  1.5%,  87.0.x  1.2%, 
                             : 109.0.x  0.9%,  117.0.x  0.9%.
                             : Android 13.9%,  Linux  4.1%,  Macintosh 13.8%, 
                             : Unknown  1.0%,  Windows 67.2%,  iPhone  0.0%.
  15.38%   17.10%  Safari    : 604.1x 48.4%,  605.1x 33.1%,  537.36 12.7%, 
                             : 10600.6.3  3.8%,  601.1  0.7%,  534.30  0.4%, 
                             : 9537.53 BingPreview/1.0b  0.3%,  600.1.4x  0.1%, 
                             : 602.1  0.0%,  534.6 x  0.0%,  600.2.5  0.0%.
                             : Android 16.8%,  Linux  0.1%,  Macintosh 32.9%, 
                             : SymbianOS  0.0%,  Unknown  0.3%,  iPad   2.8%, 
                             : iPhone 47.0%,  iPod   0.0%.
   9.34%   10.38%  Firefox   : 124.0x 39.8%,  111.0 15.5%,  114.0  9.7%, 
                             : 123.0  7.2%,  115.0  6.7%,  126.0  2.9%, 
                             : 84.0   2.4%,  116.0x  1.8%,  125.0  1.6%, 
                             : 121.0  1.5%,  122.0  1.2%.
                             : Android  3.2%,  Linux 27.1%,  Macintosh  9.3%, 
                             : SunOS  0.1%,  Unknown  0.3%,  Windows 60.0%.
   2.59%           Yeti/1.1
   1.84%           Baiduspider/2.0
   0.69%           facebookexternalhit: 1.1   95.5%, 
                             : 1.1; kakaotalk-scrap/1.0;  https://devtalk.kakao.com/t/scrap/33984  3.6%, 
                             : 1.1;line-poker/1.0  0.9%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   0.68%    0.76%  MSIE      : 8.0   42.8%,  10.0  36.9%,  9.0   13.1%, 
                             : 6.0    3.6%,  7.0    2.7%,  5.15   0.5%, 
                             : 4.01   0.5%.
                             : Unknown  1.4%,  Windows 98.6%.
   0.61%           Apache-HttpClient: 4.5.10 72.2%,  4.5.2 27.8%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   0.58%    0.65%  Netscape  : 5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 90.5%,  5.0    9.5%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   0.54%           Dalvik/2.1.0

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Accesses by Possible Robots
 Visits Hosts  Possible Robot
  31739    64  googlebot.com
  10669  1686  amazonaws.com
   5027   305  msn.com
   2932   104  ahrefs.com
   2860    50  semrush.com
   2732   722  yandex.com
   1532     1

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Domain
      1704    280  cox.net
      1674    744  amazonaws.com
      1141    521  googleusercontent.com
       883    267  baidu.com
       849    438  naver.com
       756    246  sbcglobal.net
       601    322  comcast.net
       567    314  apple.com
       532    184  wlan.lsu.edu
       484    257  spectrum.com
       406    103  your-server.de
       341      5  ip-57-128-147.eu
       311     25  ece.lsu.edu
       287    222  hwclouds-dns.com
       262    111  googlezip.net

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
     13792   7600  Unknown Origin
      7479   3593  com   - Commercial
      5749   2035  net   - Network Provider
      1561    509  edu   - Educational
       592    220  de    - Germany
       552    418  in    - India
       408     37  eu    - European Union
       405    173  ru    - Russia
       127     59  pl    - Poland
       124     75  ca    - Canada
       117     35  cn    - People's Republic of China
       105     37  tr    - Turkey
        97     42  fr    - France
        87     21  ch    - Switzerland
        85     11  ptr

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Referred Pages
Lnks Visits Page Most Common Linking Page
17 38 /kak/MahabharataII.pdf 7 en.m.wikipedia.org
4 18 /kak/roopa51.pdf 12 en.wikipedia.org
2 14 /kak/VedicJapan.pdf 10 en.wikipedia.org
4 13 /kak/chro.pdf 7 en.wikipedia.org
1 12 /kemin/essentials.htm All en.wikipedia.org
2 9 /kak/AryabhataAlgorithm.pdf 5 en.wikipedia.org
2 8 /kak/writ.pdf 7 en.wikipedia.org
4 8 /kak/Akhenaten.pdf 3 en.wikipedia.org
3 8 /kak/sutra.pdf 4 en.wikipedia.org
4 7 /kak/Time2.pdf 3 en.wikipedia.org
2 6 /kak/skak1998.pdf 4 en.m.wikipedia.org
3 5 /kak/indic.pdf 2 en.wikipedia.org
1 5 /gunturk/EE7700/A_Combined_Corner_and_Edge_Detector.pdf All mahendrathapa.medium.com
3 4 /kak/x5kak.lo.pdf 2 en.wikipedia.org
1 3 /kak/wonder.pdf All traduction.sensagent.com
2 3 /kak/shiva.pdf 2 sanskritdocuments.org
3 3 /kak/zoro.pdf 1 zh.wikipedia.org
1 3 /ipl/ All medium.com
2 2 /grad/Instructions.html 1 www.applysquare.com
1 2 /kak/IndusFreqAnalysis.pdf All en.wikipedia.org
2 2 /hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote.pdf 1 www.geek-share.com
1 2 /lpeng/papers/tpds-20-1.pdf All d.cellmean.com
1 2 /scalzo/Mega%20Hurtz%20FDR.pptx All 52sbl.cn
1 2 /xinli/ All www.jsnu.edu.cn
1 2 /ggu/ All news.sciencenet.cn
1 2 /v/guides/pset-syn-seq-main.pdf All l.facebook.com
2 2 /kak/hist.html 1 veda.harekrsna.cz
2 2 /ipl/Software.html 1 qastack.cn
2 2 /xwzhou/publication.html 1 jnuaa.nuaa.edu.cn
2 2 /kak/centers.pdf 1 t.co
Omitted promotional referrers: 1608, promoted urls: 138.
Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Engines
Visits Via Search Engine
   135 www.google.com
     9 scholar.google.com
     4 tcpp.cs.gsu.edu
     2 google.com
     1 m.search.naver.com
     1 m.gsearch.co
     1 yandex.ru
     1 www.hindudharmaforums.com

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Visits Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Visits)
  1  1  1    10  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf
  1  1  1     9  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/a3.pdf /kak/a3.pdf
  1  1  1     9  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/MahabharataII.pdf/kak/MahabharataII.pdf
  1  1  1     7  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/writ.pdf /kak/writ.pdf
  1  1  1     5  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/koppel/koppel.html/koppel
  1  1  4     4  allintext: Introduction Conclusion Journal Vivekananda OR Ramayana OR Aurobindo OR Sankhya OR bhakti OR Pramāna OR yoga OR Ramanuja OR Mahabharata OR Hinduism OR Mimamsa OR Caitanya OR Kautilya OR Kalidasa OR Moksa OR Shiva OR Purușārtha OR Upanishad OR vedic OR vedanta OR Veda OR dharma OR Sankara "abstract:" filetype:pdf/kak/a3.pdf
  1  1  1     4  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/ast.pdf /kak/ast.pdf
  1  1  1     4  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/zoro.pdf /kak/zoro.pdf
  1  1  1     3  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/ang3.pdf /kak/ang3.pdf
  1  1  1     3  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/Time2.pdf /kak/Time2.pdf
  1  1  1     3  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/news/2011/Frank-Walk-Room-map.pdf/news/2011/Frank-Walk-Room-map.pdf
  1  1  1     2  EduPar-13_Proceedings /vaidy/CDER-Workshop-LSU.htm
  1  1  1     2  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/ee3755/2013f/cla.pdf/ee3755/2013f/cla.pdf
  1  1  1     2  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/fac/Meng.html /fac/Meng.html
  1  1  1     2  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/hpca-18/files/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.pdf/hpca-18/files/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.pdf
  1  1  1     2  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf/kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf
  1  1  1     2  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/shruti.pdf /kak/shruti.pdf
  1  1  2     2  Linear transformation of mean and covariance filetype:ppt/gunturk/EE7700/Lecture - Pattern Classification.ppt
  1  1  1     2  "matrix" "python" filetype:ppt /jxr/pohll-02/talks/jarek_talk.ppt
  1  1  2     2  multi-class linear discriminant function filetype:ppt/gunturk/EE7700/Lecture - Pattern Classification.ppt

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were visited, the one with the most visits from the string is shown.

Refused (Unauthorized)

From 21 Mar 2024 4:18:50 to 18 Apr 2024 16:07:48

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Refused Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/v/s/               genus_user.pdf  24 = 0 + 24, ( 6)
/v/s/               genus_comref.pdf  12 = 0 + 12, ( 8)
/ee4720/            kessler99.pdf  3 = 0 + 3, ( 1)
/v/s/               genus_attref.pdf  3 = 0 + 3, ( 3)
/v/s/              genus_chipwareref.pdf  3 = 0 + 3, ( 6)
/v/s/               genus_hdlmod.pdf  3 = 0 + 3, ( 6)
/ee3755/s/          vlogref.pdf  2 = 0 + 2, ( 8)
/koppel/gp/srefs/  larrabee_manycore.pdf  2 = 0 + 2, ( 5)
Totals:67067 ( 186 )
Distinct Hosts:53053 ( 134 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  82.09%   82.09%  Chrome    : 49.1%, 16.4%, 
                             : 12.7%,  5.5%, 
                             :  5.5%,  3.6%, 
                             :  3.6%,  37.0.2062.124  1.8%, 
                             : 87.0.4280.141  1.8%.
                             : Android  3.6%,  Linux  5.5%,  Macintosh 21.8%, 
                             : Windows 69.1%.
  13.43%   13.43%  Firefox   : 124.0 55.6%,  102.0 11.1%,  68.0  11.1%, 
                             : 115.0 11.1%,  113.0 11.1%.
                             : Android 22.2%,  Linux 33.3%,  Windows 44.4%.
   4.48%    4.48%  Safari    : 604.1 66.7%,  605.1.15 33.3%.
                             : Macintosh 33.3%,  iPad  33.3%,  iPhone 33.3%.

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Domain
        12     10  hwclouds-dns.com
         3      1  68.181.16
         3      1  bitemobile.lt
         2      1  103.100.176
         2      1  uci.edu
         2      1  198.11.161
         2      2  cuhk.edu.hk
         2      2  hinet.net
         2      1  vsnl.net.in
         2      1  145.94.233

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
        29     23  Unknown Origin
        12     10  com   - Commercial
         9      7  net   - Network Provider
         5      4  edu   - Educational
         3      1  lt    - Lithuania
         3      2  in    - India
         2      2  hk    - Hong Kong
         1      1  de    - Germany
         1      1  jp    - Japan
         1      1  org   - Non-commercial, non-governmental organization

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks   Denys  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
   49     101  www.ece.lsu.edu              45 From/v/s/genus_user.pdf
Omitted promotional referrers: 0 promoted urls: 0
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p  Denys Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Denys)

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 253 401 Unauthorized.

Misses (Target Missing, etc)

From 20 Mar 2024 0:17:47 to 18 Apr 2024 23:59:05

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Missed Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/                   wp-login.php  1316 = 0 + 1316, ( 57)
/                   xmlrpc.php  1143 = 0 + 1143, ( 6)
/manager/           html  414 = 0 + 414, ( 25)
/                   www.ece.lsu.edu 399 = 4 + 395, ( 276)
/                   style.php  337 = 0 + 337, ( 0)
/ieee/              wp-comments-post.php  184 = 0 + 184, ( 6)
/                   index.php  168 = 0 + 168, (3864)
/biomems/fonts/     icomoon.woff  164 = 0 + 164, ( 20)
/.well-known/       traffic-advice  155 = 0 + 155, ( 17)
/wp-content/uploads/style.php            150 = 0 + 150, ( 0)
/wp-admin/          style.php  148 = 0 + 148, ( 0)
/wp-includes/       style.php  148 = 0 + 148, ( 0)
/wp-content/        style.php  146 = 0 + 146, ( 0)
/                   simple.php  107 = 0 + 107, ( 0)
/                   :undefined  102 = 102 + 0, ( 0)
/                   class.api.php  99 = 0 + 99, ( 0)
/cgi-bin/luci/;stok=/locale              79 = 0 + 79, ( 0)
/.git/              config  77 = 0 + 77, ( 0)
/ieee/              wp-login.php  72 = 0 + 72, ( 0)
/ieee.lsu.edu/      .env  68 = 0 + 68, ( 0)
Totals:2467713424543 (161027 )
Distinct Hosts:214962143 (1419 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  74.29%   92.93%  Chrome    : 60.0.x 45.5%,  90.0.4430.x 18.3%,  41.0.x  4.8%, 
                             : 35.0.x  2.6%,  36.0.19x  2.4%,  37.0.20x  2.1%, 
                             : 89.0.4389.x  1.8%,  1.4%, 
                             : 114.0.x  1.3%,  1.2%,  34.0.18x  1.1%.
                             : Android 63.5%,  Linux  2.9%,  Macintosh  9.0%, 
                             : Unknown  0.8%,  Windows 23.7%,  iPhone  0.1%.
   9.68%           like Gecko
   4.95%           Go-http-client/1.1
   2.16%    2.70%  Firefox   : 123.0x 26.3%,  48.0   9.8%,  111.0  7.8%, 
                             : 124.0  4.6%,  52.0   4.6%,  45.0x  3.2%, 
                             : 84.0   3.0%,  103.0x  2.6%,  32.0   2.4%, 
                             : 44.0   2.2%,  34.0   2.2%.
                             : Android  0.2%,  Linux 40.8%,  Macintosh  9.0%, 
                             : SunOS  0.4%,  Unknown  0.2%,  Windows 49.4%.
   1.65%    2.06%  MSIE      : 9.0   82.8%,  6.0    8.6%,  10.0   7.3%, 
                             : 8.0    0.3%,         0.3%,  7.0    0.3%, 
                             : 5.0    0.3%,  5.15   0.3%.
                             : Unknown  0.8%,  Windows 99.2%.
   1.17%           Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2
   1.09%    1.36%  Safari    : 537.36 41.5%,  605.1.x 34.4%,  604.1x 13.0%, 
                             : 603.2.4  1.6%,  534.30  1.2%,  601.3.9  0.8%, 
                             : 9537.53  0.8%,  570.18  0.4%,  530.17  0.4%, 
                             : 537.10  0.4%,  602.2.14  0.4%.
                             : Android 43.5%,  Linux  0.4%,  Macintosh 40.7%, 
                             : Unknown  1.6%,  iPad   0.8%,  iPhone 13.0%.
   0.74%    0.93%  Netscape  : 5.0x  98.8%,  5/0    1.2%.
                             : Linux  5.8%,  Unknown 94.2%.
   0.67%           wp_is_mobile
   0.67%           Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Domain
      3408      1  27.124.18
      2750      1  78.142.18
      2544      1  159.65.1
      1272      1  152.42.161
      1272      1  209.97.174
      1272      1  143.198.214
      1025      1  216.39.248
       876      5  cdn77.com
       550      1  134.209.101
       513     20  contaboserver.net

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
     19786   1019  Unknown Origin
      1881    549  com   - Commercial
      1048    156  net   - Network Provider
       266     39  in    - India
       240     15  edu   - Educational
       200     48  arpa
       131      2  cl    - Chile
       129      9  id    - Indonesia
        74     14  org   - Non-commercial, non-governmental organization
        65     17  br    - Brazil

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks  Misses  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
  941    2645  www.ece.lsu.edu             145 From → /biomems/fonts/icomoon.woff
    1      23  faculty.csu.edu.cn          All From → /gveronis/edu/gveronis
    1       9  www.baidu.com               All From → /gveronis/edu/gveronis
    1       5  www.technologyreview.com    All From → /bwei/index.html
    1       3  web.archive.org             All From → /ipl/public_html/OxfordJournals__Figures.zip
    1       3  www.ece.lsu.eduadmin        All From → /module
    1       3  www.chinadaily.com.cn       All From → /index.php
    1       1  ich.unesco.org              All From → /kak/mahabharataii.pdf
    1       1  www.geek-share.com          All From → /hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote
    1       1  www.fpga4fun.com            All From/v/refcard.pdf
    1       1  es.wikipedia.org            All From/kak/Time2.pdf
Omitted promotional referrers: 315 promoted urls: 185
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Misses Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Misses)
  1  1  1     6  SHOW DIAGNOSTICS /query
  1  1  1     1  1160020 /ipl/Demos.html
  1  1  1     1  ("non-classé") radixes /wp-login.php

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were missed, the one with the most misses from the string is shown.

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 3118 400 Syntax error in request. 34841 403 Forbidden. 147395 404 Not found. 158 405 Method not allowed. 38 416 Range not satisfiable. 4 417 Unknown status. 150 500 Server error.