Web Server Statistics

HITS  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
REFUSALS  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
MISSES  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches

Year to Date

Graph showing hits.

Visits (Successful Accesses)

From 1 Jan 2024 0:01:57 to 23 Apr 2024 23:58:51

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Visited Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/                   www.ece.lsu.edu 5691 = 0 + 5691, (1211)
/                   xmlrpc.php  4334 = 0 + 4334, (1759)
/                   ieee  3054 = 8 + 3046, (7421)
/kak/               MahabharataII.pdf  2516 = 0 + 2516, ( 761)
/kak/               GarbhaUpanishad.pdf  1888 = 0 + 1888, ( 213)
/                   4720  1805 = 182 + 1623, ( 483)
/kak/               a3.pdf  1572 = 0 + 1572, ( 256)
/ieee/              wp-login.php  1360 = 0 + 1360, ( 100)
/                   index-skel.html  1321 = 64 + 1257, ( 886)
/kak/               ast.pdf  1203 = 0 + 1203, ( 139)
/kak/               zoro.pdf  1104 = 0 + 1104, ( 438)
/kak/              EarlyArchitecture.pdf  1054 = 0 + 1054, ( 445)
/kak/               roopa51.pdf  894 = 0 + 894, ( 483)
/kak/               Time2.pdf  889 = 0 + 889, ( 427)
/ee3755/2013f/      cla.pdf  888 = 0 + 888, ( 198)
/kak/               shruti.pdf  850 = 0 + 850, ( 125)
/news/2008/    ECEConnectionFall2008.pdf  828 = 0 + 828, ( 46)
/                   wp-login.php  796 = 0 + 796, ( 4)
/                   koppel  730 = 57 + 673, ( 616)
/ee4720/            exam-all.pdf  702 = 2 + 700, ( 89)
/ieee/              ?page_id=66  690 = 0 + 690, ( 78)
/kemin/             essentials.htm  682 = 0 + 682, ( 215)
/kak/               writ.pdf  668 = 0 + 668, ( 306)
/4720/              prev.html  642 = 87 + 555, ( 128)
/fac/               Kargarian-insert.js  640 = 26 + 614, ( 82)
/kak/               Akhenaten.pdf  631 = 0 + 631, ( 357)
/gp/notes/          set-nv-org.pdf  621 = 1 + 620, ( 293)
/ee4720/doc/        vax.pdf  558 = 1 + 557, ( 101)
/v/                 proc.html  547 = 6 + 541, ( 215)
/                   xinli  544 = 3 + 541, ( 463)
/kak/               chro.pdf  543 = 0 + 543, ( 398)
/ee4720/doc/    riscv-bitmanip-1.0.0.pdf  527 = 0 + 527, ( 86)
/fac/               Xu-insert.js  523 = 26 + 497, ( 86)
/v/guides/         pset-syn-seq-main.pdf  520 = 1 + 519, ( 136)
/v/2017/            shifter.v.html  516 = 0 + 516, ( 125)
/fac/               Wu-insert.js  502 = 18 + 484, ( 81)
/fac/               Trahan-insert.js  501 = 26 + 475, ( 70)
/                   ?page_id=78  498 = 0 + 498, ( 64)
/fac/               Farasat-insert.js  497 = 24 + 473, ( 68)
/ieee/              xmlrpc.php  475 = 0 + 475, ( 24)
/fac/               Mehraeen-insert.js  466 = 20 + 446, ( 80)
/tca/papers/        vanderwiel-00.pdf  445 = 0 + 445, ( 102)
/fac/             Daniels-Race-insert.js  433 = 32 + 401, ( 79)
/gunturk/Topics/    Segmentation-1.pdf  430 = 0 + 430, ( 375)
/fac/               Park-insert.js  427 = 21 + 406, ( 87)
/fac/               Wei-insert.js  425 = 18 + 407, ( 65)
/fac/               Czarnecki-insert.js  415 = 14 + 401, ( 79)
/kak/               wonder.pdf  415 = 0 + 415, ( 251)
/hpca-18/files/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.pdf 409 = 0 + 409, ( 283)
/koppel/gpup/       sys-status.html  406 = 75 + 331, ( 51)
Totals:1340772948131129 (211230 )
Distinct Hosts:5796463557329 (9306 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  62.21%   69.89%  Chrome    : 120.0.x 18.9%,  122.0.x 13.7%,  121.0.x 13.4%, 
                             : 123.0.x 13.1%,  108.0.x  5.1%,  114.0.x  5.1%, 
                             : 119.0.x  4.2%,  103.0.x  2.6%,  87.0.x  2.4%, 
                             : 84.0.x  1.4%,  60.0.x  1.3%.
                             : Android 14.2%,  Linux  7.2%,  Macintosh 12.3%, 
                             : Unknown  0.9%,  Windows 65.4%,  iPhone  0.0%.
  13.66%   15.35%  Safari    : 604.1x 43.4%,  605.1x 32.9%,  537.36x 16.9%, 
                             : 10600.6.3  3.4%,  9537.53x  0.8%,  601.1x  0.5%, 
                             : 534.30  0.5%, 
                             : 601.2.4 facebookexternalhit/1.1 Facebot Twitterbot/1.0  0.1%, 
                             : 533.1x  0.1%,  600.1.4x  0.0%,  601.3.9  0.0%.
                             : Android 20.1%,  Linux  0.2%,  Macintosh 32.9%, 
                             : SymbianOS  0.0%,  Unknown  0.8%,  Windows  0.6%, 
                             : iPad   2.5%,  iPhone 42.8%,  iPod   0.0%.
  11.81%   13.27%  Firefox   : 111.0 12.2%,  121.0x 11.1%,  124.0x  9.3%, 
                             : 123.0  8.8%,  122.0x  8.2%,  62.0   7.6%, 
                             : 114.0  6.9%,  115.0x  6.1%,  84.0   5.3%, 
                             : 72.0   4.5%,  3.5.2  3.0%.
                             : Android  2.0%,  Linux 38.0%,  Macintosh  7.8%, 
                             : SunOS  0.0%,  Unknown  0.2%,  Windows 51.9%, 
                             : iPhone  0.0%.
   2.36%           ClaudeBot
   1.59%           Baiduspider/2.0
   0.87%           Yeti/1.1
   0.70%           facebookexternalhit: 1.1   95.8%,  1.1;line-poker/1.0  3.0%, 
                             : 1.1; kakaotalk-scrap/1.0;  https://devtalk.kakao.com/t/scrap/33984  1.2%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   0.65%           Dalvik/2.1.0
   0.64%    0.72%  MSIE      : 10.0  38.6%,  9.0   36.6%,  8.0   17.5%, 
                             : 6.0    3.5%,  7.0    2.5%,  5.5    0.2%, 
                             : 5.15   0.2%,  10.6   0.1%,  4.01   0.1%, 
                             : 5.0    0.1%,  6.5    0.1%.
                             : Linux  0.2%,  Unknown  6.6%,  Windows 93.2%.
   0.60%           Apache-HttpClient: 4.5.10 79.0%,  4.5.2 20.8%,  4.5.14  0.3%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Accesses by Possible Robots
 Visits Hosts  Possible Robot
  75882   159  googlebot.com
  32178  4186  amazonaws.com
  17118   508  msn.com
  11459   750  yandex.com
  10545    57  semrush.com
   9534   247  ahrefs.com
   6658     2  216.244.66

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Domain
     12553   6098  amazonaws.com
      4525    734  cox.net
      3445   1359  googleusercontent.com
      2941    343  baidu.com
      2358   1131  comcast.net
      2330    736  sbcglobal.net
      2066    632  apple.com
      1647    261  googlezip.net
      1624    854  spectrum.com
      1238    419  wlan.lsu.edu
      1235    507  naver.com
      1107     39  ece.lsu.edu
      1075      5  ip-57-128-147.eu
      1028    219  your-server.de
       951     27  hosted-by-vdsina.ru

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
     61130  29010  Unknown Origin
     32017  13269  com   - Commercial
     19958   6665  net   - Network Provider
      4685   1329  edu   - Educational
      2558   1779  in    - India
      1629    605  de    - Germany
      1559    394  ru    - Russia
      1407    115  eu    - European Union
       668    478  br    - Brazil
       431    164  tr    - Turkey
       410    274  jp    - Japan
       400    251  ca    - Canada
       333     73  arpa
       324    114  fr    - France
       297    155  pl    - Poland

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Referred Pages
Lnks Visits Page Most Common Linking Page
30 91 /kak/MahabharataII.pdf 19 en.wikipedia.org
5 51 /kak/roopa51.pdf 35 en.wikipedia.org
4 41 /kemin/essentials.htm 35 en.wikipedia.org
9 34 /kak/zoro.pdf 18 lm.facebook.com
7 31 /kak/Akhenaten.pdf 9 en.wikipedia.org
4 29 /kak/VedicJapan.pdf 20 en.wikipedia.org
6 28 /kak/Time2.pdf 17 en.wikipedia.org
4 27 /kak/chro.pdf 18 en.wikipedia.org
3 23 /kak/AryabhataAlgorithm.pdf 17 en.wikipedia.org
4 21 /jxr/index.html 10 volatilityfoundationorg.wpcomstaging.com
1 20 /gunturk/EE7700/A_Combined_Corner_and_Edge_Detector.pdf All mahendrathapa.medium.com
6 19 /kak/wonder.pdf 10 en.wikipedia.org
3 18 /kak/shruti.pdf 10 en.m.wikipedia.org
2 17 /kak/skak1998.pdf 9 en.wikipedia.org
2 17 /kak/writ.pdf 16 en.wikipedia.org
4 16 /kak/sutra.pdf 9 en.wikipedia.org
5 14 /kak/indic.pdf 6 en.wikipedia.org
3 11 /kak/x5kak.lo.pdf 7 en.wikipedia.org
5 9 /kak/akhena.pdf 3 nl.wikipedia.org
2 8 /ggu/ 7 news.sciencenet.cn
1 8 /ipl/ All medium.com
1 7 /kak/IndusFreqAnalysis.pdf All en.wikipedia.org
3 7 /jxr/jxr.html 4 www.lsu.edu
4 6 /kak/hist.html 3 veda.harekrsna.cz
3 6 /kak/shiva.pdf 4 sanskritdocuments.org
5 6 /xinli/ 2 www.jsnu.edu.cn
4 5 / 2 upverter.com
2 4 /kak/a3.pdf 3 en.wikipedia.org
3 4 /scalzo/Mega%20Hurtz%20FDR.pptx 2 52sbl.cn
4 4 /ipl/Software.html 1 blog.csdn.net
Omitted promotional referrers: 6212, promoted urls: 376.
Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Engines
Visits Via Search Engine
   455 www.google.com
    24 scholar.google.com
    16 www.baidu.com
    12 google.com
     9 tcpp.cs.gsu.edu
     3 cn.bing.com
     2 so.m.sm.cn
     2 m.search.naver.com
     2 www.bing.com
     2 yandex.ru

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Visits Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Visits)
  1  1  1    46  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf
  1  1  1    40  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/MahabharataII.pdf/kak/MahabharataII.pdf
  1  1  1    27  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/a3.pdf /kak/a3.pdf
  1  1  1    17  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/koppel/koppel.html/koppel
  1  1  1    15  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/writ.pdf /kak/writ.pdf
  1  1  1    15  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/zoro.pdf /kak/zoro.pdf
  1  1  1    13  93 million miles /kak/jyot.pdf
  1  1  1    13  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/Time2.pdf /kak/Time2.pdf
  1  1  1    12  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf/kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf
  1  1  1     9  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/wonder.pdf /kak/wonder.pdf
  1  1  1     8  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/ast.pdf /kak/ast.pdf
  1  1  1     8  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/shruti.pdf /kak/shruti.pdf
  1  1  1     7  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/ee3755/2013f/cla.pdf/ee3755/2013f/cla.pdf
  1  1  1     7  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/cons.pdf /kak/cons.pdf
  1  1  1     6  EduPar-13_Proceedings /vaidy/CDER-Workshop-LSU.htm
  1  1  1     6  Indian architecture PDF /kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf
  1  1  1     5  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/fac/Meng.html /fac/Meng.html
  1  1  1     5  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/kakosu.html /kak/kakosu.html
  1  1  1     5  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/roopa51.pdf /kak/roopa51.pdf
  1  1  1     5  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/v/guides/pset-syn-seq-main.pdf/v/guides/pset-syn-seq-main.pdf

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were visited, the one with the most visits from the string is shown.

Refused (Unauthorized)

From 1 Jan 2024 1:52:19 to 23 Apr 2024 19:35:26

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Refused Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/v/s/               genus_comref.pdf  308 = 0 + 308, ( 293)
/v/s/               genus_user.pdf  162 = 0 + 162, ( 222)
/koppel/gp/srefs/   p130-kim.pdf  31 = 0 + 31, ( 182)
/v/s/              genus_chipwareref.pdf  31 = 0 + 31, ( 47)
/lpeng/             ee7700-5  23 = 0 + 23, ( 25)
/v/s/               genus_hdlmod.pdf  22 = 0 + 22, ( 28)
/jxr/7000/          stuff  21 = 0 + 21, ( 7)
/koppel/gp/srefs/montrym-05-micro-gf6800.pdf 20 = 0 + 20, ( 152)
Totals:8620862 (1451 )
Distinct Hosts:7440744 ( 854 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  48.84%           ClaudeBot
  23.67%   46.36%  Chrome    : 120.0.x 20.6%, 17.2%, 
                             : 13.7%, 13.2%, 
                             : 12.7%,  3.4%, 
                             : 89.0.4389.82  2.9%,  87.0.4280.x  2.5%, 
                             :  2.0%,  96.0.4664.x  2.0%, 
                             :  1.5%.
                             : Android  5.4%,  Linux 10.3%,  Macintosh  9.8%, 
                             : Windows 74.5%.
  20.53%   40.23%  Safari    : 537.36 92.1%,  605.1.15  4.5%,  604.1  3.4%.
                             : Android 90.4%,  Linux  1.1%,  Macintosh  5.1%, 
                             : iPad   0.6%,  iPhone  2.8%.
   6.73%   13.18%  Firefox   : 72.0  43.1%,  122.0 10.3%,  121.0 10.3%, 
                             : 124.0  8.6%,  115.0  8.6%,  84.0   6.9%, 
                             : 123.0  3.4%,  114.0  3.4%,  68.0   1.7%, 
                             : 113.0  1.7%,  102.0  1.7%.
                             : Android  6.9%,  Linux 67.2%,  Macintosh  5.2%, 
                             : Windows 20.7%.
   0.12%    0.23%  MSIE 9.0
   0.12%           like Gecko

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Domain
       606    545  amazonaws.com
        17     15  hwclouds-dns.com
        11      1  diffbot.com
         6      5  sbcglobal.net
         6      5  archive.org
         4      2  tu-dresden.de
         4      1  103.225.59
         4      1  supermedia.pl
         4      1  spectrum.com
         4      4  cox.net

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
       643    564  com   - Commercial
       129    107  Unknown Origin
        29     25  net   - Network Provider
         9      8  edu   - Educational
         8      8  ru    - Russia
         7      6  org   - Non-commercial, non-governmental organization
         7      5  in    - India
         6      4  de    - Germany
         4      1  pl    - Poland
         4      3  it    - Italy

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks   Denys  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
   85     262  www.ece.lsu.edu             156 From/v/s/genus_user.pdf
Omitted promotional referrers: 0 promoted urls: 0
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p  Denys Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Denys)

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 2313 401 Unauthorized.

Misses (Target Missing, etc)

From 1 Jan 2024 0:04:58 to 23 Apr 2024 23:57:45

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Missed Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/                   wp-login.php  6503 = 0 + 6503, ( 227)
/                   xmlrpc.php  4837 = 0 + 4837, ( 46)
/                   ieee  1785 = 0 + 1785, ( 403)
/                   :undefined  1530 = 1326 + 204, ( 0)
/                   www.ece.lsu.edu 1253 = 52 + 1201, ( 934)
/                   style.php  1141 = 0 + 1141, ( 0)
/biomems/fonts/     icomoon.woff  927 = 12 + 915, ( 75)
/ieee/              wp-comments-post.php  810 = 0 + 810, ( 14)
/.well-known/       traffic-advice  796 = 0 + 796, ( 83)
/manager/           html  440 = 0 + 440, ( 81)
/                   .env  434 = 0 + 434, ( 1)
/                   simple.php  408 = 0 + 408, ( 0)
/                   class.api.php  338 = 0 + 338, ( 0)
/lpeng/             wp-login.php  331 = 0 + 331, ( 0)
/ieee/mailto:job-g3bxb-2582032019@craigslist.org 314 = 0 + 314, ( 0)
/                   index.php  291 = 0 + 291, (12647)
/wp-admin/          style.php  276 = 0 + 276, ( 0)
/wp-content/uploads/style.php            271 = 0 + 271, ( 0)
/wp-includes/       style.php  271 = 0 + 271, ( 0)
/wp-content/        style.php  268 = 0 + 268, ( 0)
Totals:76194172174473 (538026 )
Distinct Hosts:8167268141 (2825 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  63.44%   85.85%  Chrome    : 60.0.x 49.7%,  90.0.4430.x 11.7%, 
                             : 96.0.4664.x  4.2%,  117.0.x  3.1%,  56.0.x  3.0%, 
                             : 122.0.x  2.4%,  41.0.x  2.0%,  114.0.x  1.9%, 
                             : 120.0.x  1.9%,  85.0.x  1.5%,  35.0.x  1.1%.
                             : Android 61.0%,  Linux  2.0%,  Macintosh  8.8%, 
                             : Unknown  0.4%,  Windows 27.8%,  iPhone  0.0%.
  13.05%           like Gecko
   3.87%           Go-http-client/1.1
   3.31%           UT-Dorkbot/1.2
   3.17%    4.29%  Safari    : 537.36 59.1%,  534.50 15.9%,  605.1x 13.3%, 
                             : 604.1x  5.8%,  7534.48.3  1.6%,  534.30  1.4%, 
                             : 8536.25  0.4%,  9537.53x  0.2%,  603.2.4  0.2%, 
                             : 604.2.4  0.1%,  538.1  0.1%.
                             : Android 59.6%,  Linux  0.3%,  Macintosh 30.6%, 
                             : SymbianOS  0.1%,  Unknown  0.8%,  Windows  1.0%, 
                             : iPad   0.3%,  iPhone  7.3%.
   3.12%    4.23%  Firefox   : 48.0  13.1%,  123.0x 13.0%,  101.0x 11.0%, 
                             : 111.0  8.1%,  115.0  7.7%,  122.0  5.2%, 
                             : 83.0   3.2%,  32.0   3.0%,  45.0x  2.9%, 
                             : 77.0   2.1%,  121.0  2.0%.
                             : Android  0.2%,  Linux 23.9%,  Macintosh 15.1%, 
                             : SunOS  0.1%,  Unknown  0.3%,  Windows 60.5%.
   2.96%    4.00%  MSIE      : 9.0   88.5%,  6.0    9.1%,  10.0   1.9%, 
                             : 8.0    0.2%,  7.0    0.1%,  10.6   0.1%, 
                             : 5.0    0.0%,         0.0%,  5.15   0.0%.
                             : Unknown  0.1%,  Windows 99.9%.
   1.15%    1.55%  Netscape  : 5.0x  99.8%,  5/0    0.2%.
                             : Linux  2.7%,  Unknown 97.3%.
   1.12%           python-requests: 2.27.1 68.3%,  2.31.0 19.8%,  2.25.1  6.2%, 
                             : 2.28.x  4.1%,  2.24.0  0.6%,  2.26.0  0.6%, 
                             : 2.22.0  0.1%,  2.18.4  0.1%, 
                             : 2.6.0 CPython/3.6.8 Linux/3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64  0.1%.
                             : Linux  0.1%,  Unknown 99.9%.
   1.09%           Chrome Privacy Preserving Prefetch Proxy

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Domain
      6782      1  78.142.18
      3408      1  27.124.18
      3407     53  contaboserver.net
      3187      1  79.124.8
      2606   1459  amazonaws.com
      2544      1  159.65.1
      2419      1  utexas.edu
      1651      6  rnr-XXX.lsu.edu
      1544      1  216.39.248
      1436      1  206.189.151

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
     49455   3634  Unknown Origin
      7293    580  net   - Network Provider
      7158   2565  com   - Commercial
      4236     63  edu   - Educational
       979    132  arpa
       755    168  in    - India
       686      1  as    - American Samoa
       582     33  eu    - European Union
       472     89  br    - Brazil
       294     83  de    - Germany

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks  Misses  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
 1700    6670  www.ece.lsu.edu             798 From → /biomems/fonts/icomoon.woff
    2      68  faculty.csu.edu.cn           67 From → /gveronis/edu/gveronis
    1      25  www.baidu.com               All From → /gveronis/edu/gveronis
    1      11  www.technologyreview.com    All From → /bwei/index.html
    1       3  www.ece.lsu.eduadmin        All From → /module
    1       3  web.archive.org             All From → /ipl/public_html/OxfordJournals__Figures.zip
    1       3  www.chinadaily.com.cn       All From → /index.php
    1       2  daimajiaoliu.com            All From → /ipl/Teaching.html%C2%A0
    1       2  www.geek-share.com          All From → /hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote
    1       2  mahendrathapa.medium.com    All From/gunturk/EE7700/A_Combined_Corner_and_Edge_Detector.pdf
    1       2  interact.sh                 All From → /goform/goform_get_cmd_process
    1       1  www.fpga4fun.com            All From/v/refcard.pdf
    1       1  dokumen.tips                All From → /bwei/webpage.htm
    1       1  ich.unesco.org              All From → /kak/mahabharataii.pdf
    1       1  es.wikipedia.org            All From/kak/Time2.pdf
    1       1  xml.coverpages.org          All From → /ssst96
Omitted promotional referrers: 2757 promoted urls: 279
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Misses Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Misses)
  1  1  1    10  SHOW DIAGNOSTICS /query
  1  1  1     1  1160020 /ipl/Demos.html
  1  1  1     1  ashvamedha inurl:wp-content/uploads /wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("category/sin-categoria") "intraprocessor"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("category/sin-categoria") "shiva" /wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("Comment on Hello world!") macroinstruction/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("Comment on Hello world!") "unalliable"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  hindu temple influence on taj mahal /kak/taj.pdf
  1  1  1     1  ("non-classé") "parallelism" /wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("non-classé") radixes /wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  Pn Oak Taj Mahal /kak/taj.pdf
  1  1  1     1  ("Proudly powered by WordPress") "enhancement"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("Proudly powered by WordPress") "gerard"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("Proudly powered by WordPress") "multiprocessors"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("Proudly powered by WordPress") "processor"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  ("Proudly powered by WordPress") "resilient"/wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  the taj mahal /kak/taj.pdf
  1  1  1     1  ("uncategorized") drie /wp-login.php
  1  1  1     1  vishnu and the cosmic ocean in art /kak/ArtCosmologyDartmouth.pdf

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were missed, the one with the most misses from the string is shown.

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 9921 400 Syntax error in request. 118178 403 Forbidden. 484766 404 Not found. 578 405 Method not allowed. 6 408 Request timeout. 230 416 Range not satisfiable. 60 417 Unknown status. 481 500 Server error.