Web Server Statistics

HITS  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
REFUSALS  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
MISSES  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches


Graph showing hits.

Visits (Successful Accesses)

From 8 Mar 2000 11:08:07 to 24 Apr 2024 23:59:53

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Visited Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/                   www.ece.lsu.edu174794 = 12470 + 162324, (68881)
/kak/               MahabharataII.pdf  85903 = 0 + 85903, (9296)
/                   ieee  73412 = 201 + 73211, (150145)
/                   s_menu.html  59385 = 12320 + 47065, ( 929)
/                   s_home1.html  58967 = 12256 + 46711, ( 896)
/                   index-skel.html  39971 = 1118 + 38853, (8492)
/ieee/              wp-login.php  35864 = 1 + 35863, (6692)
/lpeng/papers/      tpds-20-1.pdf  28236 = 1 + 28235, (1445)
/ee3755/2013f/      cla.pdf  28004 = 8 + 27996, (5782)
/                   xmlrpc.php  27881 = 0 + 27881, (14100)
/kak/               GarbhaUpanishad.pdf  27824 = 0 + 27824, (4585)
/                   wp-login.php  26237 = 0 + 26237, (3870)
/ee4720/2014/       lfp.s.html  23759 = 13 + 23746, (4663)
/                   4720  23319 = 1202 + 22117, (9148)
/                   xinli  20007 = 105 + 19902, (12709)
/                   v  19391 = 2303 + 17088, (11280)
/dept/              person.html  19315 = 3512 + 15803, (3700)
/                   ?page_id=78  18770 = 0 + 18770, (2151)
/kak/               a3.pdf  18342 = 0 + 18342, (2910)
/                   koppel  17897 = 2069 + 15828, (11546)
/kak/               roopa51.pdf  17450 = 0 + 17450, (5054)
/kak/              EarlyArchitecture.pdf  15080 = 0 + 15080, (2812)
/ee3755/2002/       l07.html  14872 = 3 + 14869, (3637)
/kak/               zoro.pdf  14698 = 0 + 14698, (4718)
/                   ece-news-insert.js  14422 = 896 + 13526, ( 740)
/mendrela/    EE3410ElMechEnergyConv.pdf  12854 = 11 + 12843, (3137)
/dept/              facbba.html  12403 = 1807 + 10596, (3392)
/                   jxr  12395 = 508 + 11887, (14308)
/kemin/             essentials.htm  11661 = 2 + 11659, (6063)
/kak/               Time2.pdf  11601 = 0 + 11601, (3890)
/kak/               Akhenaten.pdf  11487 = 0 + 11487, (4947)
/ee3755/2012f/      l07.v.html  11295 = 6 + 11289, (2975)
/v/2017/            shifter.v.html  11089 = 10 + 11079, (2633)
/aravena/           aravena.html  10697 = 2349 + 8348, ( 869)
/fac/               Kargarian-insert.js  10234 = 347 + 9887, (1043)
/                   kak  10126 = 747 + 9379, (6983)
/                   kemin  9995 = 266 + 9729, (7820)
/grad/              ee_cours.html  9880 = 1076 + 8804, (3495)
/                   aravena  9773 = 1502 + 8271, (2483)
/gp/notes/          set-nv-org.pdf  9592 = 10 + 9582, (3575)
/desouza/Classes/EE3751/Lab 4.pdf        9481 = 0 + 9481, (1320)
/kak/               ast.pdf  9403 = 0 + 9403, (2530)
/kak/               centers.pdf  9324 = 3 + 9321, (3042)
/kak/               writ.pdf  9219 = 0 + 9219, (3024)
/ee3755/2012f/      l05.v.html  9193 = 3 + 9190, (3177)
/                   ?page_id=66  9138 = 0 + 9138, (2047)
/lpeng/             wordpress  9127 = 104 + 9023, (5167)
/desouza/Classes/EE3751/Lab 3.ppt        8950 = 0 + 8950, (1302)
/fac/               Farasat-insert.js  8907 = 382 + 8525, ( 964)
/                   vaidy  8739 = 1210 + 7529, (5830)
Totals:32090171478043061213 (22797340 )
Distinct Hosts:9564143791952623 (44045 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  56.80%   64.25%  Chrome    : 87.0.x  3.9%,  86.0.x  3.3%,  90.0.x  3.3%, 
                             : 70.0.x  2.8%,  67.0.x  2.8%,  89.0.x  2.6%, 
                             : 103.0.x  2.4%,  80.0.x  2.4%,  88.0.x  2.2%, 
                             : 83.0.x  2.2%,  114.0.x  2.1%.
                             : Android 13.9%,  Linux  4.5%,  Macintosh 12.4%, 
                             : Unknown  1.2%,  Windows 68.0%,  iPhone  0.0%, 
                             : iPod   0.0%.
  11.55%   13.06%  Safari    : 604.1x 39.5%,  605.1x 37.1%,  537.36x  8.7%, 
                             : 600.1.x  3.2%,  600.2.5  2.4%,  10600.6.3  1.1%, 
                             : 9537.53x  1.0%,  602.1x  0.9%,  601.1x  0.9%, 
                             : 604.5.x  0.6%,  534.30x  0.5%.
                             : Android 10.5%,  Linux  0.3%,  Macintosh 42.1%, 
                             : SymbianOS  0.0%,  Unknown  0.1%,  Windows  0.3%, 
                             : iPad   2.8%,  iPhone 43.9%,  iPod   0.0%.
  11.28%   12.76%  Firefox   : 62.0x 15.2%,  102.0x  2.4%,  84.0x  2.4%, 
                             : 111.0x  2.3%,  83.0   2.0%,  78.0x  1.9%, 
                             : 68.0x  1.9%,  60.0x  1.7%,  61.0x  1.6%, 
                             : 52.0x  1.5%,  72.0x  1.5%.
                             : Android  1.5%,  Linux 35.1%,  Macintosh  8.5%, 
                             : SunOS  0.0%,  Unknown  2.7%,  Windows 52.2%, 
                             : iPhone  0.0%.
   5.87%    6.64%  MSIE      : 8.0   19.2%,  5.5   17.9%,  5.0x  16.8%, 
                             : 10.0  14.1%,  5.01  12.8%,  6.0x   7.9%, 
                             : 9.0x   6.2%,  7.0x   2.7%,  4.01   2.1%, 
                             : 4.5    0.1%,  4.0x   0.1%.
                             : Linux  0.1%,  Macintosh  0.1%,  SunOS  0.0%, 
                             : Unknown  0.9%,  Windows 98.9%.
   2.28%    2.57%  Netscape  : 5.0x  55.7%,  4.75x 11.6%,  4.7x   8.0%, 
                             : 4.76x  6.0%,  4.73x  2.9%,  4.72x  2.5%, 
                             : 4.5x   1.6%,  4.61x  1.6%,  4.77x  1.5%, 
                             : 4.06x  1.3%,  4.6x   1.2%.
                             : Android  0.0%,  Linux  2.6%,  Macintosh  1.2%, 
                             : SunOS 10.2%,  Unknown 82.5%,  Windows  3.5%.
   1.96%           Dalvik    : 2.1.0 99.7%,  1.6.0  0.3%.
                             : Android 100.0%.
   0.99%           Baiduspider: 2.0   99.9%,         0.1%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   0.80%           AppleWebKit: 605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)x 51.2%, 
                             : 534  (KHTML, like Gecko) BingPreview/1.0b 29.5%, 
                             : 537.36x 14.2%, 
                             : 602.4.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/14D27x  1.0%, 
                             : 601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/x  1.0%, 
                             : 601.7.x  0.6%, 
                             : 603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko)x  0.4%, 
                             : 537.51.x  0.4%, 
                             : 604.4.7 (KHTML, like Gecko)x  0.3%, 
                             : 531.22.8 (KHTML, like x  0.2%, 
                             : 600.1.4 (KHTMLx  0.1%.
                             : Android  0.1%,  Linux  0.0%,  Macintosh 37.3%, 
                             : SymbianOS  0.1%,  Unknown  0.4%,  Windows 43.7%, 
                             : iPad   1.2%,  iPhone 17.3%,  iPod   0.0%.
   0.58%           facebookexternalhit: 1.1   96.0%,  1.1;line-poker/1.0  3.0%, 
                             : 1.1; kakaotalk-scrap/1.0;  https://devtalk.kakao.com/t/scrap/33984  0.9%, 
                             : 1.1;kakaotalk-scrap/1.0;  https://devtalk.kakao.com/t/scrap/33984  0.1%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   0.53%           like Gecko:       98.8%,  4tds562  1.2%.
                             : Windows 100.0%.

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Accesses by Possible Robots
 Visits Hosts  Possible Robot
 4506590   190  54.36.150
 4394149   456  ahrefs.com
 3501445     2  neevabot.com
 2912607    79  semrush.com
 2134522    50  46.229.168
 1013789   726  googlebot.com
 632754   992  yandex.com

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Domain
    110376  21303  amazonaws.com
     74641    264  ece.lsu.edu
     60575     88  130.39.222
     47683   1214  your-server.de
     39372   2763  cox.net
     39273   6891  comcast.net
     32001     89  130.39.223
     28006    139  52.233.106
     26419    485  baidu.com
     21545   1314  apple.com
     20849   3175  sbcglobal.net
     16209     12  kagoya.net
     16200   3802  googleusercontent.com
     13770    108  130.39.4
     11807   3820  spectrum.com

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
   2325020  813658  Unknown Origin
    295041  50503  com   - Commercial
    228413  39101  net   - Network Provider
    176419   9776  edu   - Educational
     54765   4067  de    - Germany
     20509   8408  in    - India
     11159    531  eu    - European Union
      6473   1767  ru    - Russia
      4252   1524  jp    - Japan
      4121   1874  ca    - Canada
      3387    440  arpa
      2706    874  fr    - France
      2649    666  cn    - People's Republic of China
      2599    561  org   - Non-commercial, non-governmental organization
      2477   1096  it    - Italy

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Referred Pages
Lnks Visits Page Most Common Linking Page
114 1999 / 1142 www.lsu.edu
157 1514 /kak/MahabharataII.pdf 243 en.m.wikipedia.org
37 910 /xinli/ 553 pami.xmu.edu.cn
39 853 /kak/sutra.pdf 412 m.facebook.com
34 756 /kemin/essentials.htm 232 web.boun.edu.tr
32 739 /kak/Akhenaten.pdf 328 hi.m.wikipedia.org
43 625 /kak/zoro.pdf 127 es.wikipedia.org
14 600 /kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf 312 m.facebook.com
5 589 /kak/rev-ashva.html 572 hi.m.wikipedia.org
39 454 /kak/bhate.pdf 150 m.facebook.com
21 364 /s_menu.html 253 www.lsu.edu
21 359 /s_home1.html 248 www.lsu.edu
17 342 /kak/centers.pdf 143 m.facebook.com
5 340 /ee3755/2002/l07.html 328 answers.google.com
17 315 /kak/roopa51.pdf 124 m.facebook.com
34 297 /kak/Time2.pdf 131 en.m.wikipedia.org
18 280 /kak/VedicJapan.pdf 119 en.m.wikipedia.org
8 270 /kak/binary.pdf 187 m.facebook.com
20 216 /kak/akhena.pdf 95 en.m.wikipedia.org
18 213 /kemin/ 85 folk.ntnu.no
13 205 /vaidy/raw05/ 188 hartenstein.de
30 200 /kak/wonder.pdf 40 nl.wikipedia.org
12 151 /ipl/Software.html 112 www.ok.sc.e.titech.ac.jp
12 146 /kak/shruti.pdf 75 en.m.wikipedia.org
29 140 /kak/kak.html 50 hinduwisdom.info
12 133 /kak/plan.pdf 62 en.wikipedia.org
5 131 /kak/AryabhataAlgorithm.pdf 78 en.wikipedia.org
2 129 /gunturk/EE7700/A_Combined_Corner_and_Edge_Detector.pdf 127 mahendrathapa.medium.com
10 119 /kak/ang3.pdf 91 m.facebook.com
8 117 /kak/chro.pdf 102 en.m.wikipedia.org
Omitted promotional referrers: 61288, promoted urls: 3711.
Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Engines
Visits Via Search Engine
  7084 www.google.com
  2113 www.bing.com
  1278 google.yahoo.com
   537 search.lsu.edu
   477 www.altavista.com
   462 cn.bing.com
   362 scholar.google.com
   296 xueshu.baidu.com
   260 search.msn.com
   134 www.google.co.in

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Visits Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Visits)
 27 19  2   419  funny poems /feldman/Poems.html
  1  1  1   152  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf/kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf
  1  1  1   138  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/MahabharataII.pdf/kak/MahabharataII.pdf
 11  6  2   128  polydimethylsiloxane /jblee/research/polydimethylsiloxane.htm
 19  7  9   128  subhash kak /kak/kak.html
 24  9  5   122  jorge aravena /aravena
 16 11  3   113  radix sort /koppel/proteus/radix.html
  1  1  1   101  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/a3.pdf /kak/a3.pdf
  1  2  1    87  q=Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity/seminar/2004/t_wang_zhou_0.pdf
 15  7  8    79  ramanujam /jxr
  1 13  1    68  Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity/seminar/2004/t_wang_zhou_0.pdf
  1  1  1    65  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/shruti.pdf /kak/shruti.pdf
  4  7  1    65  software pipelining /jxr/nestsoft/nestsoft.html
  1  1  1    62  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/zoro.pdf /kak/zoro.pdf
 13  7 15    62  kemin zhou /kemin
 13  4  1    52  image segmentation /gunturk/Topics/Segmentation-1.pdf
  1  1  1    51  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/writ.pdf /kak/writ.pdf
  1  1  1    43  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf/kak/EarlyArchitecture.pdf
  9  3  1    43  pipelining /jxr/nestsoft/nestsoft.html
 10 17 27    41  사이트 /kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were visited, the one with the most visits from the string is shown.

Refused (Unauthorized)

From 8 Mar 2000 12:35:41 to 24 Apr 2024 20:34:26

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Refused Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/v/s/               genus_user.pdf  1281 = 0 + 1281, ( 537)
/v/s/               genus_comref.pdf  1074 = 0 + 1074, ( 637)
/lpeng/             ee7700-5  488 = 25 + 463, ( 506)
/xwzhou/spawc20/    onlineproceedings  361 = 0 + 361, ( 24)
/v/s/               genus_attref.pdf  347 = 0 + 347, ( 288)
/v/s/               genus_hdlmod.pdf  336 = 0 + 336, ( 301)
/v/s/              genus_chipwareref.pdf  315 = 0 + 315, ( 480)
/v/s/               SimVisionIntro.pdf  184 = 0 + 184, ( 229)
Totals:97723349438 (25159 )
Distinct Hosts:51231424981 (3306 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  45.71%   62.00%  Chrome    : 81.0.4044.x  6.6%,  83.0.4103.x  4.7%, 
                             : 87.0.4280.x  4.6%,  96.0.4664.x  4.1%, 
                             : 86.0.42x  3.0%,  89.0.4389.x  2.9%, 
                             : 88.0.432x  2.8%,  90.0.4430.x  2.8%, 
                             : 80.0.398x  2.6%,  34.0.1847.131  2.5%, 
                             : 79.0.3945.x  2.5%.
                             : Android  7.6%,  Linux  5.4%,  Macintosh  7.1%, 
                             : Unknown  1.4%,  Windows 78.4%.
  12.21%   16.56%  Firefox   : 6.0.2 22.2%,  76.0   7.2%,  72.0   4.1%, 
                             : 84.0   3.7%,  91.0   3.4%,  68.0   2.7%, 
                             : 102.0  2.7%,  85.0   2.5%,  37.0   2.1%, 
                             : 38.0   2.1%,  60.0   2.1%.
                             : Android  1.2%,  Linux 28.0%,  Macintosh  6.6%, 
                             : Windows 64.2%.
  11.21%   15.20%  Safari    : 537.36 50.7%,  605.1x 35.2%,  604.1 10.7%, 
                             : 600.2.5  3.2%,  7534.48.3  0.1%.
                             : Android 50.3%,  Linux  0.3%,  Macintosh 38.4%, 
                             : iPad   0.4%,  iPhone 10.6%.
   8.08%           Baiduspider/2.0
   6.38%           ClaudeBot
   3.38%    4.59%  MSIE      : 7.0   35.0%,  5.5   22.9%,  5.01  19.7%, 
                             : 5.0   13.9%,  10.0   3.6%,  9.0    3.1%, 
                             : 3.0    0.9%,  6.0b   0.4%,  4.01   0.4%.
                             : Unknown  1.3%,  Windows 98.7%.
   2.09%           YandexBot/3.0
   1.93%           Python    : 3.9 aiohttp/3.8.1 99.2%, 
                             : 3.5 aiohttp/2.0.2  0.8%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
   1.30%           Linespider/1.1
   1.17%           SputnikBot/2.3

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Domain
       917    744  amazonaws.com
       533    178  baidu.com
       354    126  comcast.net
       300     40  130.39.222
       215     29  130.39.223
       172     43  yandex.com
       139      1  103.119.177
       132      1  104.189.10
       103     44  ece.lsu.edu
       101      5  sputnik.ru

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
      5048   2581  Unknown Origin
      2320   1336  com   - Commercial
       986    518  net   - Network Provider
       444    214  edu   - Educational
       152     32  ru    - Russia
       116     63  de    - Germany
       109     70  in    - India
        52     23  nl    - Netherlands
        42     12  org   - Non-commercial, non-governmental organization
        34     22  jp    - Japan

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks   Denys  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
  273    3808  www.ece.lsu.edu            1971 From/v/s/genus_user.pdf
    1       1  github.com                  All From/jxr/courses/7785/stuff
    1       1  www.ece.neu.edu             All From/naraghi/courses/ee7674/ee7674.html
Omitted promotional referrers: 21 promoted urls: 8
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p  Denys Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Denys)
  1  1  2     2  set_attribute exemplar /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  2     2  timing constrains lut rams /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  4 bit multiplier maxplus2 /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  Actel ADL netlist reader /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  critical parameter asic testbench circuit/v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  "disconnect port" batch /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  "environment variable" script tcl Leonardo/v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  error  value 0 is out of index constraint  Leonardo/v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  "Lookup table (LUT)" FPGA /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  MANUAL AUTOTOP /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  powertabs 1.7 /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  quartus altera 20k timing problems /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  +QUARTUS +TRICKS +ALTERA /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  quartus vhdl fast flip flop /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  Software Requirment Analysis tutorial /v/leo_user.pdf
  1  1  1     1  spectrum leonardo mutually exclusive /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  Verilog pullup switch /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  verilog-xl sdf port source Error /v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  vhdl + dc shell + synthesis + flattening +power + area + scripts + pdf/v/leo_cmds.pdf
  1  1  1     1  vi mapping verilog-mode /v/leo_user.pdf

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were refused, the one with the most denys from the string is shown.

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 34931 401 Unauthorized.

Misses (Target Missing, etc)

From 8 Mar 2000 11:08:28 to 24 Apr 2024 23:12:59

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Missed Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/                   www.ece.lsu.edu134181 = 89 + 134092, (11390)
/                   wp-login.php  86502 = 0 + 86502, (2162)
/                   ieee  75803 = 2 + 75801, (8894)
/ieee/              wp-comments-post.php  37655 = 0 + 37655, ( 402)
/                   xmlrpc.php  33784 = 0 + 33784, ( 718)
/biomems/fonts/     icomoon.woff  16976 = 177 + 16799, ( 606)
/                   GXHLGSL.txt  6126 = 0 + 6126, ( 0)
/                   index.php  5556 = 1 + 5555, (92881)
/                   wiki-tree  5267 = 9 + 5258, ( 538)
/wp-content/themes/seotheme/db.php       4265 = 0 + 4265, ( 2)
/fac/               XXX-Image-Path  4211 = 104 + 4107, ( 334)
/                   .env  4077 = 0 + 4077, ( 16)
/.well-known/       traffic-advice  3957 = 0 + 3957, ( 301)
/manager/           html  3944 = 0 + 3944, ( 832)
//plus/             mytag_js.php  3803 = 0 + 3803, ( 0)
/lpeng/             wp-login.php  3732 = 0 + 3732, ( 1)
/wp-content/plugins/ioptimization/IOptimize.php 2399 = 0 + 2399, ( 0)
/mailto:job-g3bxb-2582032019@craigslist.org 2302 = 0 + 2302, ( 0)
/smehraeen/         research.html  1995 = 30 + 1965, ( 482)
/owa/auth/          logon.aspx  1781 = 0 + 1781, ( 19)
Totals:1086802104231076379 (4732652 )
Distinct Hosts:134558595133963 (14742 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  34.77%   52.84%  Chrome    : 60.0.x 23.6%,  85.0.x  8.6%,  90.0.x  6.7%, 
                             : 99.0.x  4.3%,  109.0.x  3.2%,  72.0.3x  2.5%, 
                             : 62.0.x  2.3%,  66.0.x  2.1%,  83.0.x  1.8%, 
                             : 56.0.x  1.6%,  41.0.x  1.6%.
                             : Android 28.0%,  Linux  4.7%,  Macintosh  5.1%, 
                             : Unknown  0.3%,  Windows 61.9%,  iPhone  0.0%.
  15.44%   23.46%  MSIE      : 9.0   33.5%,  8.0   29.4%,  6.0x  25.3%, 
                             : 10.0   8.7%,  7.0x   2.1%,  5.5    0.3%, 
                             : 5.0x   0.3%,  5.01   0.2%,  6.1    0.0%, 
                             : 4.01   0.0%,  3.0    0.0%.
                             : Linux  0.0%,  Macintosh  0.1%,  Unknown  0.0%, 
                             : Windows 99.9%.
  14.28%           UT-Dorkbot: 1.0   84.1%,  1.2   15.9%.
                             : Unknown 100.0%.
  11.06%   16.82%  Firefox   : 57.0  10.5%,  40.1   8.1%,  28.0   7.9%, 
                             : 72.0   7.7%,  56.0x  7.2%,  52.0x  6.2%, 
                             : 45.0x  5.7%,  4.0.1x  4.4%,  3.6x   3.0%, 
                             : 48.0x  2.8%,  31.0   2.3%.
                             : Android  0.0%,  Linux 30.5%,  Macintosh  3.6%, 
                             : SunOS  0.0%,  Unknown  1.2%,  Windows 64.7%.
   5.57%           like Gecko:       100.0%,  4tds562  0.0%.
                             : Windows 100.0%.
   5.27%           Arachni/v1.5.1
   2.40%    3.65%  Safari    : 605.1x 30.6%,  534.50x 24.8%,  537.36 15.7%, 
                             : 604.1x 13.8%,  533.1x  3.7%,  534.30  2.1%, 
                             : 8536.25x  1.1%,  531.22.7  0.9%,  602.1  0.7%, 
                             : 601.1x  0.6%,  530.64  0.6%.
                             : Android 21.5%,  Linux  0.3%,  Macintosh 58.4%, 
                             : SymbianOS  0.0%,  Unknown  0.3%,  Windows  2.0%, 
                             : iPad   1.4%,  iPhone 15.7%,  iPod   0.4%.
   1.97%           python-requests: 2.27.x 28.0%,  2.25.x 19.3%,  2.28.x 15.2%, 
                             : 2.26.0  9.6%,  2.22.0  7.2%,  2.24.0  4.1%, 
                             : 2.9.1  3.7%,  2.23.0  3.2%,  2.18.x  2.7%, 
                             : 2.31.0  2.0%,  2.21.0  1.9%.
                             : Linux  1.3%,  Unknown 98.4%,  Windows  0.4%.
   1.72%    2.61%  Netscape  : 5.0x  94.8%,  4.75   1.3%,  4.7x   1.2%, 
                             : 4.76x  0.8%,  4.0    0.5%,  4.5    0.2%, 
                             : 4.73x  0.2%,  4.06   0.2%,  4.08   0.1%, 
                             : 5/0    0.1%,  4.61x  0.1%.
                             : Linux  0.5%,  Macintosh  0.2%,  SunOS  0.7%, 
                             : Unknown 96.9%,  Windows  1.6%.
   1.23%           wp_is_mobile

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Domain
    198347      5  utexas.edu
     59937   4223  amazonaws.com
     13195      1  78.142.18
     12487     10  193.142.146
     12124      3  79.124.8
     11232    124  contaboserver.net
      7432      1  168.100.9
      6021      1  128.199.189
      4504    131  linodeusercontent.com
      3839    238  google.com

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
    680767  113485  Unknown Origin
    209519    950  edu   - Educational
     97905   9200  com   - Commercial
     36514   3532  net   - Network Provider
     11242    517  de    - Germany
      4126    946  in    - India
      3334    658  br    - Brazil
      2883    130  mx    - Mexico
      2752     17  vn    - Vietnam
      2568    354  arpa

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks  Misses  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
 9018  114018  www.ece.lsu.edu            13280 From/ieee/wp-comments-post.php
    3     480  faculty.csu.edu.cn          473 From → /gveronis/edu/gveronis
    2     111  www.chembio.ntnu.no         110 From → /kemin/books/essentials
    1     110  www.44fang.comwww.bawww.tuniu.com   All From → /plugins/weathermap/configs/test404.php
    1      92  www.zhonghuiaixin.com       All From → /plugins/weathermap/configs/test404.php
    1      59  www.veda.harekrsna.cz       All From/kak/zoro.pdf
   41      45  www.lsu.edu                   2 From → /Research/bib/bibZL14GMP.htm
    4      31  www.technologyreview.com     18 From → /bwei/index.html
   22      22  www.gram.edu                  1 From → /Research/bib/bibPDTVCG09.htm
    9      16  xml.coverpages.org            4 From → /ssst96
    1      16  www.sheaf.com.tw            All From → /fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/php/connector.php
    1      16  muchong.com                 All From → /xinli)
   15      15  www.cs.utexas.edu             1 From → /eng/ece/index.php
    6      14  blog.csdn.net                 5 From → /ipl/Demos.html
    2      13  www.oasis-open.org           12 From → /ssst96
    1      12  web.mit.edu                 All From → /saquib
   11      11  lsu.edu                       1 From → /Research/bib/bibLLWQ13TVCG.htm
    4      10  www.eng.lsu.edu               5 From → /bandit/index.html
    1       9  en.m.wikipedia.org          All Fromkak/MahabharataII.pdf
    3       9  mems.utdallas.edu             7 From → /jblee/EE7240/index.htm
Omitted promotional referrers: 45029 promoted urls: 946
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Misses Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Misses)
  1  1  1    13  garbhopanishad pdf /kak/GarbhaUpanishad.pdf
  1  1  1    10  SHOW DIAGNOSTICS /query
  1  1  2     6  Electricity Generation mail /mendrela/EE3410 Electric generators.pdf
  1  2  1     6  Generators mail /mendrela/EE3410Electric generators .pdf
  1  1  2     6  Nicole WU mail /wu/public_html/wu.html
  1  1  2     5  kaçık mail / kak /hist.html
  2  1  4     5  Suresh Rai suresh.rai@unilever.com mail / suresh
  1  1  1     4  bios interrupt /desouza/Classes/EE3751/Lab 3
  1  1  1     4  IEEE mail / ieee 
  2  2  1     4  image segmentation /gunturk/Topics/Segmentation-1.pdf
  1  2  1     4  Mohammad Saquib /saquib
  1  1  1     4  probability and random processes alberto/xiong/e7660-98.html
  2  3  1     4  Yijun Xiong /xiong
  1  1  1     3  author:(Q Hong) /xinli/Research/PolycubeSpline08.pdf
  1  1  2     3  CHOI mail /fac/ Choi .html
  1  2  1     3  Manjunath /bandit
  1  1  2     3  MEMS /ssl/fabLinks.html
  2  2  1     3  "Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits"/jxr/courses/4702-hsyn.html
  1  1  1     3  www.illusioncn.org /81160
  1  2  1     3  ZHOU mail /xw zhou

#e: Number of different search engines used, link is to the most common engine.
#s: Number of search strings the line actually reports on. For example, if the #s entry were 5 and the string shown were "Computers" the line might report on search strings "Computers", "Computer", "+Computers", "COMPUTERS", and even "-computers".
#p: Number of distinct pages that were missed, the one with the most misses from the string is shown.

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 7 300 Ambiguous address. 145584 400 Syntax error in request. 938456 403 Forbidden. 4685839 404 Not found. 15712 405 Method not allowed. 103 406 Not acceptable. 21 408 Request timeout. 2434 416 Range not satisfiable. 546 417 Unknown status. 30642 500 Server error. 110 501 Not implemented.