## LSU EE 4720 -- Spring 2014 -- Computer Architecture
## MIPS Floating Point
# Time-stamp: <22 January 2014, 15:00:04 CST, koppel@sky.ece.lsu.edu>

## Contents
# MIPS Floating-Point Instructions

## Objectives
# Floating Point
#  Read and write MIPS programs using floating point instructions.

## Differences Between FP and Integer Instructions

#  o  Separate set of registers. (f0-f31)
#  o  Separate instructions to operate on those registers ..
#     ... for arithmetic (add) ...
#     ... and loads and stores.
#  o  Need for format conversion.

## Registers
 ## MIPS Registers
#        MIPS has four sets of coprocessor registers.
#        The integer (GPR) registers are NOT one of the four sets.
#        Each set has 32 registers.
#          Co-processor 0: Processor and system control.
#          Co-processor 1: MIPS-32 floating-point
#          Co-processor 2: Reserved for special-purpose designs.
#          Co-processor 3: MIPS-64 floating-point

 ## Separate Floating Point Registers
# A feature of many RISC ISAs.
# Eases implementation.

## Floating Point Summary

 ## Representation of Floating-Point Numbers
#   IEEE 754 Single- and Double-Precision FP Numbers
#   Why IEEE 754?
#     Like the metric system ..
#     .. it's a good standard ..
#     .. but much more importantly:  many others use it.
#     Data files containing FP numbers can be shared
#     .. with other systems that implement IEEE 754 ..
#     .. without conversion (except for byte order).

 ## Coprocessor 1 and The Floating-Point Registers
#   Floating point handled by co-processor 1, one of 4 co-processors.
#   MIPS floating point registers also called co-processor 1 registers.
#   MIPS floating point instructions called co-processor 1 instructions.
#   Registers named f0-f31.
#   Each register is 32 bits.  (For MIPS-32)

 ## Coprocessor 1 Instructions
#   Coprocessor 1 instructions use coprocessor 1 (FP) registers.
#   This includes instructions that do FP arithmetic ..
#   .. and other types of instructions.
#   Many coprocessor 1 instructions have "c1" in their names ..
#   .. for example, lwc1.
#   Coprocessor 1 *arithmetic* instructions *do not* have c1 in their names ..
#   .. but they include a /completer/ that indicates data type ..
#   .. for example, add.d, where ".d" is the completer.
#   Completers:
#     ".s"  Single-Precision Floating Point (32 bits)
#     ".d"  Double-Precision Floating Point (64 bits)
#     ".w"  Integer (32 bits)

 ## Double-Precision Operands
#   In MIPS-32 (including MIPS-I) FP registers are 32 bits.
#   Instructions with ".d" operands get each operand from a pair of regs.
#   Register numbers must be even.

#   :Example:

        add.d $f0, $f2, $f4  # {$f0,$f1} = { $f2, $f3 } + { $f4, $f5 }
        add.d $f0, $f2, $f5  # ILLEGAL in MIPS 32, because f5 is odd.

 ## Immediate Operands and Constant Registers
#   MIPS FP instructions do not take immediate values.
        addi.s $f0, $f1, 2.3   # ILLEGAL, no immediate FP instructions.

#   There is no counterpart of integer register 0 ($0 aka r0 aka $zero).
        add.s $f0, $f1, $f2    # f0 has the sum,

 ## Types of Floating-Point Instructions
# Briefly here, in detail later.
 ## Arithmetic Operations
# Add double-precision (64-bit) operands.
# MIPS:  add.d $f0, $f2, $f4

 ## Load and Store
# Load double (eight bytes into two consecutive registers).
# MIPS:  ldc1 $f0, 8($t0)
 ## Move Between Register Files (E.g., integer to FP)
# MIPS:  mtc1   $t0, $f0

 ## Format Conversion
# Convert from one format to another, e.g., integer to double.
# MIPS:  cvt.d.w  $f0, $f2
 ## Floating Point Condition Code Setting
# Compare and set condition code.
# MIPS:  c.gt.d $f0, $f2
 ## Conditional Branch
# Branch on floating-point condition.
# MIPS:  bc1f TARGET   # Branch coprocessor 1 [condition code] false.

 ## FP Load and Store

        # MIPS
        # Load word in to coprocessor 1
        lwc1 $f0, 4($t4)   #  $f0 = Mem[ $t4 + 4 ]

        # Load double in to coprocessor 1
        ldc1 $f0, 0($t4)   #  $f0 = Mem[ $t4 + 0 ];  $f1 = Mem[ $t4 + 4 ]
        # Store word from coprocessor 1.
        swc1 $f0, 4($t4)   #  $f0 = Mem[ $t4 + 4 ]
        # Store double from coprocessor 1.
        sdc1 $f0, 0($t4)   #  Mem[ $t4 + 0 ] = $f0;  Mem[ $t4 + 4 ] = $f1

 ## Move Instructions

        # MIPS
        # Move to coprocessor 1
        mtc1 $t0, $f0      # f0 = t0   Note that destination is *second* reg.
        # Move from coprocessor 1.
        mfc1 $t0, $f0

 ## Data Type Conversion

        # Convert between floating-point and integer formats.
        # NOTE: Values don't convert automatically, need to use these insn.

        # MIPS
        # To: s, d, w;  From: s, d, w
        # cvt.TO.FROM fd, fs
        cvt.d.w $f0, $f2     # $f0 = convert_from_int_to_double( $f2 )

 ## Setting Condition Codes

        # In preparation for a branch, set cond code based on FP comparison.

        # MIPS
        # Compare:   fs COND ft
        # COND: eq, gt, lt, le, ge
        # FMT: s, d
        # c.COND.FMT fs, ft
        # Sets condition code to true or false.
        # Condition is false if either operand is not a number.
        c.lt.d $f0, $f2    # CC = $f0 < $f2
        bc1t TARG          # Branch if $f0 < $f2
        c.ge.d $f0, $f2    # CC = $f0 >= $f2
        bc1t TARG2          # Branch if $f0 < $f2
        # Reachable?

 ## FP Branches

        # MIPS
        # Branch insn specifies whether CC register true or false.
        bc1t TARG
        bc1f TARG