Web Server Statistics

HITS  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
REFUSALS  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
MISSES  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches

Preceding 7 Days, HPCA-18

Graph showing hits.

Visits (Successful Accesses)

From 19 Apr 2024 1:57:09 to 25 Apr 2024 23:17:31

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Visited Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/hpca-18/files/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.pdf 34 = 0 + 34, ( 6)
/hpca-18/files/     cameraready.htm  26 = 0 + 26, ( 4)
/                   hpca-18  5 = 0 + 5, ( 16)
/hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote.pdf 2 = 0 + 2, ( 3)
/hpca-18/files/camera_ready_author_kit.zip 2 = 0 + 2, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/     menu.htm  2 = 0 + 2, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/     program.htm  2 = 0 + 2, ( 2)
/hpca-18/           sched-comb.pdf  2 = 0 + 2, ( 2)
/hpca-18/           cfp.pdf  1 = 0 + 1, ( 7)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex           1 = 0 + 1, ( 4)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/egpaper_for_review.blg 1 = 0 + 1, ( 0)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/eso-pic.sty 1 = 0 + 1, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/     calsession.htm  1 = 0 + 1, ( 5)
/hpca-18/files/     home.htm  1 = 0 + 1, ( 4)
/hpca-18/files/hpca-industry-cfp-2012.pdf 1 = 0 + 1, ( 3)
/hpca-18/files/hpca18-student-grant-app.pdf 1 = 0 + 1, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/     registration.htm  1 = 0 + 1, ( 2)
/hpca-18/shaw-3/  PreliminaryProgram.pdf  1 = 0 + 1, ( 2)
/hpca-18//files/    travelgrant.htm  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/           files  0 = 0 + 0, ( 8)
/hpca-18/files/     _vti_cnf  0 = 0 + 0, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/_vti_cnf/cfp.pdf          0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/_vti_cnf/committee.htm    0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/_vti_cnf/home.htm         0 = 0 + 0, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/_vti_cnf/na.htm           0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/     althome.htm  0 = 0 + 0, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/     authorkit  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/egbib.bib 0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/egpaper_for_review.DDF 0 = 0 + 0, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/egpaper_for_review.aux 0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/egpaper_for_review.bbl 0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/iccv_eso.sty 0 = 0 + 0, ( 2)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/latex/ieee.bst  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/msword          0 = 0 + 0, ( 3)
/hpca-18/files/authorkit/msword/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.doc 0 = 0 + 0, ( 2)
Totals:85085 ( 124 )
Distinct Hosts:83083 ( 94 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  68.24%   78.38%  Chrome    : 41.4%, 32.8%, 
                             :  6.9%,  5.2%, 
                             :  5.2%,  84.0.4147.105  3.4%, 
                             :  1.7%,  1.7%, 
                             :  1.7%.
                             : Android 22.4%,  Macintosh 12.1%,  Windows 65.5%.
   8.24%    9.46%  Safari    : 605.1.15 71.4%,  537.36 14.3%,  604.1 14.3%.
                             : Android 14.3%,  Macintosh 71.4%,  iPhone 14.3%.
   5.88%    6.76%  Netscape/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36
   4.71%    5.41%  Firefox   : 124.0 50.0%,  116.  50.0%.
                             : Linux 25.0%,  Windows 75.0%.
   3.53%           python-requests/2.31.0
   3.53%           aria2/1.33.1
   2.35%           Dalvik/2.1.0
   1.18%           Screaming Frog SEO Spider/19.8
   1.18%           SemrushBot-BA
   1.18%           Yeti/1.1

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Accesses by Possible Robots
 Visits Hosts  Possible Robot
     65    59  amazonaws.com
     24     6  googlebot.com
     11     8  52.230.152
      7     6  msn.com
      3     3  yandex.com
      3     3  semrush.com
      3     2  ahrefs.com

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Domain
         9      9  googlezip.net
         8      8  amazonaws.com
         3      3  comcast.net
         3      3  52.230.152
         2      2  your-server.de
         2      2  apple.com
         2      1  65-108-193-142.ptr
         2      1  103.187.111
         2      2  rcil.gov.in
         2      2  vsnl.net.in
         1      1  146.70.172
         1      1  103.231.161
         1      1  intechonline.net
         1      1  datapacket.com
         1      1  naver.com

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Visits  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
        36     35  Unknown Origin
        18     18  com   - Commercial
        15     15  net   - Network Provider
         5      5  in    - India
         4      3  ptr
         3      3  de    - Germany
         2      2  uk    - United Kingdom
         1      1  sg    - Singapore
         1      1  edu   - Educational

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Referred Pages
Lnks Visits Page Most Common Linking Page
1 1 /hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote.pdf All blog.csdn.net
Omitted promotional referrers: 0, promoted urls: 0.
Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Engines
Visits Via Search Engine

Top  Pages  Browsers  Robots  Visitors  Countries  Referred  Engines  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Visits Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Visits)

Refused (Unauthorized)

From 18 Jan 2038 21:14:07 to 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Refused Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
Totals:000 ( 0 )
Distinct Hosts:000 ( 0 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Domain

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
     Denys  Hosts  Originating Country or Group

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks   Denys  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
Omitted promotional referrers: 0 promoted urls: 0
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p  Denys Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Denys)

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description

Misses (Target Missing, etc)

From 23 Apr 2024 23:32:27 to 25 Apr 2024 5:00:29

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Missed Pages

Page  TotalLSUOutside (Bot? )
/hpca-18/files/     HPCA2012_Facebook_  1 = 0 + 1, ( 0)
/hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote.pdf.%5b51 1 = 0 + 1, ( 0)
/hpca-18/files/HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote.pdf.[51 1 = 0 + 1, ( 0)
/hpca-18/files/     zhanglixin@ict.ac.cn  1 = 0 + 1, ( 0)
/hpca-18/  HPCA2012_Facebook_Keynote.pdf  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.pdf 0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/     hpca-industry-cfp-2012.pdf  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/          hpca-ppopp-sched.html  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/   hpca18-student-grant-app.pdf  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
/hpca-18/           wp-login.php  0 = 0 + 0, ( 1)
Totals:404 ( 6 )
Distinct Hosts:404 ( 6 )
 A category is chosen using these tests applied in order:

 "Bot?",    Hit from the same host requested robots.txt. (As Web indexers do.)
 "LSU",     Host name matches Perl regular expression \.lsu\.edu$.
 "Outside", Any host name.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Browsers and other User Agents

     All   Brwsrs  Brand     : Version Pct, ...
  50.00%   50.00%  Chrome/
  25.00%   25.00%  Netscape/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36
  25.00%   25.00%  Firefox/125.0

Notes: MSIE refers to Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape refers to Netscape Navigator, SeaMonkey refers to SeaMonkey and to older versions (called the Mozilla Suite). Firefox refers to Mozilla Firefox and to older versions (Mozilla Firebird, Firebird™ and Phoenix). All shows the percentage of accesses using the corresponding user agent, Brwsrs only counts recognized web browsers. A version ending in x refers to multiple sub-versions.

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Domains
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Domain
         2      2  your-server.de
         1      1  amazonaws.com
         1      1  dl.je

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Visiting Countries or Groups
    Misses  Hosts  Originating Country or Group
         2      2  de    - Germany
         1      1  je    - Jersey
         1      1  com   - Commercial

Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Likely Referring Hosts
 Lnks  Misses  ...From Links on Host      Most Common Linking Page and Target
    7       7  www.ece.lsu.edu               1 From → /hpca-18/egpaper_hpca2012_for_review.pdf
Omitted promotional referrers: 0 promoted urls: 0
Top  Pages  Browsers  Visitors  Countries  Referrers  Searches
Most Frequently Used Search Strings
 #e #s #p Misses Using Search Strings...                ...Found Page (Most Misses)

Status Codes (Access Outcomes)

Count Code Description 10 404 Not found.