The 18th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture

HPCA-18 Call for Workshops and Tutorials

18th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture New Orleans, LA, February 25-26, 2012

The 2012 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-18) is seeking proposals for workshops and tutorials to accompany the conference.  Workshops and tutorials will be held on Saturday-Sunday, February 25-26, and may be a half day or a full day in length.
We encourage members of the community to consider submitting proposals for workshops and tutorials that bring together researchers and practitioners working on research topics of significant current interest to the HPCA community.
Prospective workshop and tutorial organizers are invited to submit proposals in pdf of no more than two pages to the workshop and tutorials co-chairs Meeta Gupta and Lixin Zhang, via email to or

Submission details:
Deadline for submission:        August 31, 2011 (firm deadline)
Notification of acceptance:     September 30, 2011
For workshops, please include in your proposal:
- title of the workshop
- organizers and their affiliations
- sample call for papers, including the workshop's main topics and URL
- expected duration of the workshop: 1/2 day or full day
- for previously held workshops, the number of papers and attendees at
  the last workshop
For tutorials, please include in your proposal:
- title of the tutorial
- organizers, presenters, and their affiliations
- abstract of the tutorial, including objectives, target audience, and
  prerequisite knowledge
- list of topics to be covered and URL to the tutorial web page
- expected duration of the tutorial: 1/2 day or full day
- for previously held tutorials, the location (i.e., which conference),
  date, and number of attendees at the last tutorial

Selection committee
The workshop proposals will be evaluated by members of the HPCA 2012 organizing committee.
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society TC on Computer Architecture