1. Anil Kumar Goparaju (M.S.): Superposition Coding Based Co-Operative Diversity Schemes. Graduated in Fall 2005,  works now at Apple Inc.
  2. Dimeng Wang (M.S.):  Sigma-Delta Modulation Based Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks.  co-advised with Dr. Gu, Graduated in Spring 2007, works now at Qualcomm. Inc., CA. 
  3. Bandali Akkawi (M.S.): Physical Layer Secrecy Channel Coding. Graduated in Summer 2008, now works at Epic Systems Corporation in Madison, WI. 
  4. George Amariucai (Ph.D.):  Physical Security in Wireless Networks: Intelligent Jamming and Eavesdropping, Graduated in Spring 2009, now an Associate Professor at Kansas State University.  .
  5. Venkat Patcha (M.S.) : Experimental Study of Cognitive Radio Test-bed Using USRP." Graduated in May 2011,  Qualcomm Inc., CA. 
  6. Sandeep Nimmagadda (M.S.): Simulation of Jamming Scenarios using QulaNet. Works now at T-Mobile, USA.
  7. vita_swei2.dvi Benjamin Elliott Carroll (M.S.) Learning and Identification of Wireless Network Inter-node Dynamics Using Software Defined Radio,Jan. 2013.
  8. Yahya Sowti Khiabani (Ph.D.),  Achievable Secrecy Enhancement Through Joint Encryption and Privacy Amplification, Graduated in May 2013, now at Legion Technologies.
  9. Phuoc Doan Vu (M.S.): Graphical Models in Characterizing the Dependency Relationship in Wireless Networks and Social Networks,  August 2014, now a Ph.D. student at NJIT
  10. Ahsan Ali (Ph.D.), Spectrum Allocation in Networks with Finite Sources and Data-Driven Characterization of Users, May 2015, now at Mathworks.
  11. Shuhang Wu (Ph.D.) An Information Theoretic Study of the Establishment and Identification of Cooperative Relationship over Multi-access Channels (visiting student from Tsinghua University), defended in  2015.
  12. Limeng Pu (M.S.), Stochastic Modeling of Semantic Structures of Online Movie Reviews, May 2015. (continue Ph.D. at LSU).
  13. Bita Hasheminezhad (M.S.), A Mixed Consensus and Fuzzy Approach to Position Control of Four-Wheeled Vehicles, co-advised with Dr. Gu, defended in Nov. 2016.
  14. Mahmudul Hasan (M.S.),  Estimation of RFID Tag Population Size by Gaus- sian Estimator, defended in April 2017, and continues in Ph.D. program at LSU.
  15. Ali Moharrer (Ph.D.), Information Theoretic Study of Gaussian Graphical Models and Their Applications, defended in July 2017.
  16. Binglin Li (Ph.D.), An Theoretical and Algorithmic Study on Classification Problem of Graphical Gaussian Model, July 2018 (Visiting student from Tsinghua University)
  17. Aldo Duarte Vera Tudela (M.S), Non-Parametric Classification of Time Series Using Permutation Ordinal Statistics, Sept. 2018
  18. Farhang Bayat (Ph.D.) Study of Fundamental Tradeoff Between Deliverable and Private Information in Statistical Inference, July 2020
  19. Xinchun Yu (Ph.D.), Finite Blocklength Coding Rate of Covert Communication over AWGN Channels, Oct. 2020 (SJTU)

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