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Android SDK


Middlebury Database and Evaluation of Optical Flow

High Dynamic Range Imaging

Optical Character Recognition

Panorama Tools

Panorama Photo Stitcher

Standard Test Images


Sample Student Projects

3D View Simulation Based on Face Tracking

Shenghua Wan and Kang Zhang

[Report] [Presentation] [Source Code] (OpenCV) [Sample Video]


Sudoku Solver

Adam Hebert

[Report] [Presentation] [Source Code] (Matlab)


Video Stabilization

Houman Kamran

[Report] [Source Code] (Matlab) [Sample Video]


Virtual Mouse Using a Webcam

Kazim Sekeroglu

[Report] [Source Code] (Matlab)


Face Detection and Tracking

Jing Chen and Shaoming Chen

[Report] [Presentation] [Source Code] (Matlab, OpenCV)


Face Recognition

Jonathan Hoffpauir and Andy Nguyen

[Report] [Source Code] (Matlab, OpenCV, Android)


Color Based Object Tracker

Jordan Kenny

[Report] [Source Code] (OpenCV)