Duke TIP looking for instructors and teaching assistants

Duke TIPDuke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is seeking instructors and teaching assistants for courses being offered to highly gifted middle and high school students. The instructor is responsible for designing a course or using a Duke TIP syllabus to teach a course to a group of approximately 16-20 academically gifted students. The instructor position requires at least a year of graduate coursework and/or teaching experience with specific emphasis in the subject area, while the teaching assistant position requires completion of at least two years of undergraduate coursework.

Learn more at http://www.tip.duke.edu/node/956?strand=6

One thought on “Duke TIP looking for instructors and teaching assistants

  1. For anyone who is interested, I would highly recommend this. I was an instructor for the Web Programming class last summer, and it was a blast. Not only do you get to spark kids’ interest in science and technology, it looks good on a resume to boot!

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