EE 7700-1, Computer Microarchitecture

12:40-13:30 MWF, Spring 2007
Room 3129 CEBA Building
Call Number 1856
Spring 2007.
Offered by
David M. Koppelman

Forum for discussing projects, material, assignments, exams, etc.

A list describing each set of lectures with links to slides used in class, if any.

Instructions for running Shade and other software used in this course.

References for lectures and homework assignment. Some are required reading, others are optional.

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10 May 2007, 15:11:09 CDT
A correction in Problem 4 in the take home exam. The branch is at address 0x3de0c. A corrected exam has been posted.
4 May 2007, 18:25:57 CDT
Take-home Final Exam available. Due Friday, 11 May 2007 13:00. Use this topic to discuss the exam and the use of PSE. Good luck!!!
A new version of PSE with the PostScript export bug fixed has been posted. In addition to not crashing, the export PostScript command (the printer in the toolbar) will also generate PDF (assuming ghostscript can be found).
2 May 2007, 16:05:09 CDT
Here is the source code for the init_table routine analyzed in class. Notice that the loaded values (table_size and table) were not the target of pointers as I assumed in class, instead they are static variables with file scope. It's possible that elsewhere in the code some pointer is assigned the address of one of these, and that address might appear in the store.
What was new. (13 more items.)

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David M. Koppelman -
Modified 10 May 2007 15:12 (2012 UTC)