Proteus - Sample Output from Splash 2 Programs

This Set

Barnes -- FMM -- Ocean -- Water N2

Other Sets

Set 1: Radix, FFT, LU, Cholesky
Set R: Multiple Radix graphs.
Set 2: Radiosity.


The four Splash 2 programs below were run on the following simulated computer:

Legend Description

The plots show processor activity during execution, there are seven states common to all Proteus (Version 3.11 and 3.12) runs, the other states are application specific. The states are:


The reason for the large work imbalance during the first "compute forces" phase is unknown. Sample Proteus Output


Sample Proteus Output


Sample Proteus Output

Water N2

Sample Proteus Output

ECE Home Page
David M. Koppelman -
Modified 28 Nov 2007 18:35 (035 UTC)