/// LSU EE 4755 Fall 2021 Homework 6

 /// Assignment  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/koppel/v/2021/hw06.pdf

 /// Additional Resources
  // Verilog Documentation
  //    The Verilog Standard
  //      https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8299595/
  //    Introductory Treatment (Warning: Does not include SystemVerilog)
  //      Brown & Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog, 3rd Ed.
  // Account Setup and Emacs (Text Editor) Instructions
  //      https://www.ece.lsu.edu/koppel/v/proc.html
  //      To learn Emacs look for Emacs tutorial.

`default_nettype none

///  Problem 1
 ///   Complete multi_step_pipe so that it computes the same value as
 ///   ms_functional, but does so in a pipelined fashion.
//     [✔] Only modify module multi_step_pipe.
//     [✔] Module must operate in pipelined fashion ..
//     [✔] .. meaning it should accept a new set of inputs each cycle ..
//     [✔] .. and provide the result several cycles later.
//     [✔] Be sure to pass the start signal from input to output.
//     [✔] Instantiate as many Chipware mult and add units as needed.
//     [✔] The critical path can go through at most one Chipware module.
//     [✔] Use SimVision to debug. Use command: xrun -gui hw06.v
//     [✔] Make sure that the testbench does not report errors.
//     [✔] Module must be synthesizable. Use command: genus -files syn.tcl
//     [✔] Code must be written clearly.
//     [✔] Pay attention to cost and performance.
//     [ ] Students can work in teams. List team members in this file

module multi_step_pipe
  ( output logic [31:0] result,
    output logic ready,
    input uwire [31:0] v0, v1,
    input uwire start, clk);

   //  Part of the solution is changing the object kind of the result
   //  and ready outputs from uwire to var (logic).

   localparam int nstages = 3;

   localparam logic [2:0] rm = 0; // Rounding Mode

   // Wires for fp unit outputs.
   uwire [7:0] mul_s1, mul_s2, mul_s3, a_s1, a_s2;
   uwire [31:0] v00, v01, v11, s1, s2;

   /// Pipeline Latch Declarations
   logic [31:0] pl_1_v00, pl_1_v01, pl_1_v11;
   logic [31:0] pl_2_v0001, pl_2_v11;
   logic pl_1_occ, pl_2_occ;
   // By convention pipeline latch names start with "pl_" followed by
   // the stage in which their value is used (read). So pl_1_v00 holds
   // a value that will be used in stage 1. The value of pl_1_v00
   // would have to have been written in stage 0.

   /// Floating-Point Functional Unit Instantiations
   //  Instantiate one functional unit for each operation:
   //    v0 * v0  +  v0 * v1  +  v1 * v1
   //    Three multiplications, two additions.
   //  The multipliers' operands come directly from the module inputs ..
   //  .. and so the multipliers are in stage 0.
   CW_fp_mult m00( .z(v00), .a(v0), .b(v0), .rnd(rm), .status(mul_s1) );
   CW_fp_mult m01( .z(v01), .a(v0), .b(v1), .rnd(rm), .status(mul_s2) );
   CW_fp_mult m11( .z(v11), .a(v1), .b(v1), .rnd(rm), .status(mul_s3) );
   //  The adders' operands come from the pipeline latches.
   //  Adder a1 is in stage 1.
   CW_fp_add  a1( .z(s1), .a(pl_1_v00),   .b(pl_1_v01), .rnd(rm), .status(a_s1));
   //  Adder a2 is in stage 2.
   CW_fp_add  a2( .z(s2), .a(pl_2_v0001), .b(pl_2_v11), .rnd(rm), .status(a_s2));

   always_ff @( posedge clk ) begin

      /// Stage 0
      // Stage 0 computes:
      //   v00 <- v0 * v0  (Instance m00)
      //   v01 <- v0 * v1  (Instance m01)
      //   v11 <- v1 * v1  (Instance m11)
      // Write values from stage 0 into pipeline latches.
      pl_1_v00 <= v00;
      pl_1_v01 <= v01;
      pl_1_v11 <= v11;
      pl_1_occ <= start;  // Note that start is passed down pipeline.

      /// Stage 1
      // Stage 1 computes: s1 <- pl_1_v00 + pl_1_v01
      pl_2_v0001 <= s1;
      pl_2_v11 <= pl_1_v11;
      pl_2_occ <= pl_1_occ;

      /// Stage 2
      //  Stage 2 computes: s2 <- pl_2_v0001 + pl_2_v11
      result <= s2;
      ready <= pl_2_occ;
      // Note: result and ready could have been named pl_3_result and
      // pl_3_ready.



 /// Non-Synthesizable Mag Module --- Complete, Don't Edit
// cadence translate_off
module multi_step_functional
  ( output shortreal mag,
    input shortreal v0, v1 );

   always_comb mag = v0 * v0 + v0 * v1 + v1 * v1;

// cadence translate_on

 /// Non-Synthesizable Mag Module --- Complete, Don't Edit
// This is provided for reference.
module multi_step_seq
  ( output logic [31:0] result,
    output logic ready,
    input uwire [31:0] v0, v1,
    input uwire start,
    input uwire clk );

   localparam logic [2:0] rnd = 0; // 1 is round towards zero.

   uwire [7:0] mul_s, add_s;

   logic [2:0]  step;

   uwire [31:0] mul_a, mul_b;
   uwire [31:0] add_a, add_b;
   uwire [31:0] prod, sum;

   logic [31:0] ac0, ac1;

   localparam   int last_step = 4;

   always_ff @( posedge clk )
     if ( start ) step <= 0;
     else if ( step < last_step ) step <= step + 1;

   CW_fp_mult m1( .a(mul_a), .b(mul_b), .rnd(rnd), .z(prod), .status(mul_s));
   CW_fp_add  a1( .a(add_a), .b(add_b), .rnd(rnd), .z(sum),  .status(add_s));

   assign mul_a = step < 2  ? v0 : v1;
   assign mul_b = step == 0 ? v0 : v1;
   assign add_a = ac0,  add_b = ac1;

   always_ff @( posedge clk )

        ac0 <= prod;

        case ( step )
           0: ac1 <= 0;
           1: ac1 <= sum;
           2: ac1 <= sum;

        if ( start ) ready <= 0; else if ( step == last_step-1 ) ready <= 1;


   assign result = sum;


/// Testbench Code

// cadence translate_off

function automatic real rand_real(real minv, real maxv);
      rand_real = minv + ( maxv - minv ) * ( real'({$random}) ) / 2.0**32;

function automatic shortreal fabs(shortreal val);
      fabs = val < 0 ? -val : val;

program reactivate
   (output uwire clk_reactive, output int cycle_reactive,
    input uwire clk, input var int cycle);
   assign clk_reactive = clk;
   assign cycle_reactive = cycle;

module testbench;

   typedef enum { MT_comb, MT_seq, MT_pipe } Module_Type;

   localparam int num_tests = 400;
   localparam int NUM_MUT = 4;
   localparam int err_limit = 7;
   localparam int trace_max_lines = 10;

   shortreal magr, vr[2];
   logic [31:0] vp[NUM_MUT][2];
   uwire [31:0] mag[NUM_MUT];

   uwire availn[NUM_MUT];
   logic avail[NUM_MUT];
   logic in_valid[NUM_MUT];

   typedef struct { int tidx; int cycle_start; int eta; } Test_Vector;

   typedef struct { int idx;
                    int err_count = 0;
                    int err_timing = 0;
                    Module_Type mt = MT_comb;
                    Test_Vector tests_active[$];
                    string trace_lines[$];
                    int eta_to_test[int];
                    bit all_tests_started = 0;
                    bit seq = 0; bit pipe = 0;
                    bit bpipe = 0;
                    int ncyc = 0;
                    int ncompleted = 0;
                    int cyc_tot = 0;
                    int latency = 0;
                    } Info;
   Info pi[string];

   localparam int cycle_limit = num_tests * 10;
   int cycle;
   bit done;
   logic clock;

   logic clk_reactive;
   int cycle_reactive;
   reactivate ra(clk_reactive,cycle_reactive,clock,cycle);

   initial begin
      clock = 0;
      cycle = 0;

         forever #10 cycle += ++clock;
         wait( done );
         wait( cycle >= cycle_limit )
           $write("*** Cycle limit exceeded, ending.\n");


   task pi_seq(input int idx, input string name);
      automatic string m = $sformatf("%s", name);
      pi[m].idx = idx; pi[m].mt = MT_seq;
      pi[m].seq = 1; pi[m].bpipe = 0; pi[m].pipe = 0;

   task pi_pipe(input int idx, input string name, input int ncyc);
      automatic string m = $sformatf("%s", name);
      pi[m].idx = idx; pi[m].mt = MT_pipe;
      pi[m].ncyc = ncyc;
      pi[m].seq = 1; pi[m].pipe = 1; pi[m].bpipe = 0;

   multi_step_pipe m3( mag[3], availn[3], vp[3][0],vp[3][1], in_valid[3], clock );
   initial begin pi_pipe(3,"MS Pipe",m3.nstages); end

   always @*
     foreach ( availn[i] ) if ( availn[i] !== 1'bz ) avail[i] = availn[i];

   initial begin

      automatic int awaiting = pi.size();

      logic [31:0] vs[num_tests][2];
      shortreal vrs[num_tests][2];

      done = 0;

      foreach ( pi[mut] ) begin
         automatic int midx = pi[mut].idx;
         automatic int steps = pi[mut].ncyc;
         automatic int latency =
           !pi[mut].seq ? 1 : !pi[mut].pipe ? 2 * steps : steps;
         pi[mut].latency = latency;
         in_valid[midx] = 0;

      for ( int i=0; i<num_tests; i++ ) begin

         if ( i < 4 ) begin

            // In first eight tests vector components are zero or one.
            for ( int j=0; j<2; j++ ) vrs[i][j] = i & 1 << j ? 1.0 : 0.0;

         end else begin

            // In other tests vector components are randomly chosen.
            for ( int j=0; j<2; j++ ) vrs[i][j] = rand_real(-10,+10);


         for ( int j=0; j<2; j++ ) vs[i][j] = $shortrealtobits(vrs[i][j]);


      fork forever @( negedge clk_reactive ) foreach ( pi[mut] ) begin
         automatic int midx = pi[mut].idx;
         if ( !in_valid[midx] && pi[mut].pipe ) begin
            vp[midx][0] = cycle;
            vp[midx][1] = 1;
      end join_none;

      repeat ( 2 * 10 ) @( negedge clock );

      foreach ( pi[mutii] ) begin
         automatic string muti = mutii;

         fork begin
            automatic string mut = muti;
            automatic int midx = pi[mut].idx;
            for ( int i=0; i<num_tests; i++ ) begin
               automatic int gap_cyc =
                 ( {$random} % 2 ) ? {$random} % ( 5 ) : 0;
               automatic Test_Vector tv;
               repeat ( gap_cyc ) @( negedge clock );
               vp[midx] = vs[i];
               in_valid[midx] = 1;
               tv.tidx = i;
               tv.cycle_start = cycle;
               tv.eta = tv.cycle_start + pi[mut].latency;
               pi[mut].eta_to_test[tv.eta] = i;
               pi[mut].tests_active.push_back( tv );
               @( negedge clock );
               in_valid[midx] = 0;
            pi[mut].all_tests_started = 1;
         end join_none;

         fork begin
            automatic string mut = muti;
            automatic int midx = pi[mut].idx;
            automatic int n_timing_errs = 0;
            automatic int n_correct_val = 0; // Reset when test over.
            while ( !pi[mut].all_tests_started || pi[mut].tests_active.size() )
              @( negedge clk_reactive ) begin
                 automatic shortreal v0 = $bitstoshortreal(vp[midx][0]);
                 automatic shortreal v1 = $bitstoshortreal(vp[midx][1]);
                 automatic shortreal r_future = v0*v0+v0*v1+v1*v1;
                 automatic shortreal r = $bitstoshortreal(mag[midx]);
                 automatic Test_Vector tv = pi[mut].tests_active[0];
                 automatic bit avail_sh = pi[mut].eta_to_test.exists(cycle);
                 automatic int ita = tv.tidx;
                 automatic int ieta =
                   avail_sh ? pi[mut].eta_to_test[cycle] : -1;
                 automatic int i = ita > ieta ? ita : ieta;
                 automatic shortreal v0p = vrs[i][0], v1p = vrs[i][1];
                 automatic shortreal shadow_magr = v0p*v0p+v0p*v1p+v1p*v1p;
                 automatic string in_txt = in_valid[midx]
                   ? $sformatf("In: %5.1f,%5.1f -> %5.1f", v0, v1, r_future)
                   : "start=0";
                 automatic shortreal err_mag = fabs( r - shadow_magr );
                 automatic bit okay = err_mag < 1e-4;
                 automatic bit err_rdy = avail_sh !== avail[midx];
                 automatic bit err_val = avail_sh && !okay;
                 automatic string tr_txt =
                     ("%-8s Cyc %3d  %-24s  Rdy %1d%s, Res: %5.1f %0s\n",
                      mut, cycle, in_txt,
                      err_rdy ? "X" : " ",
                      okay &&  avail[midx] && avail_sh  ? "Good" :
                      okay && !avail[midx] && avail_sh  ? "XX: Need Rdy" :
                      okay && avail[midx] && !avail_sh ? "XX: Early" :
                      !okay && avail_sh ? "XX: Wrong" :
                      avail[midx] && !avail_sh ? "XX: Unexpected" : ""

                 if ( err_rdy ) n_timing_errs++;
                 if ( okay ) n_correct_val++;

                 if ( pi[mut].ncompleted < 3 )
                   pi[mut].trace_lines.push_back( tr_txt );

                 if ( pi[mut].err_count < err_limit
                      && pi[mut].err_timing < err_limit
                      && ( err_rdy || err_val ) )
                   while ( pi[mut].trace_lines.size() )
                     $write("%s", pi[mut].trace_lines.pop_front() );

                 if ( avail_sh ) begin

                    if ( n_timing_errs ) begin
                       n_timing_errs = 0;

                    if ( n_correct_val == 0 ) begin
                       if ( pi[mut].err_count <= err_limit ) begin
                            ("%-8s test %0d: Inputs at cyc %0d, result expected at cyc %0d. Wrong val: h'%8h  %7.4f != %7.4f (correct)\n",
                             mut, i, tv.cycle_start, tv.eta,
                             mag[midx], r, shadow_magr);
                    n_correct_val = 0;

                 if ( pi[mut].trace_lines.size() > trace_max_lines )
         end join_none

      wait( awaiting == 0 || cycle > cycle_limit );

      foreach ( pi[ mut ] )
        $write("For %0s ran %0d tests: Errors: %0d wrong val, %0d bad timing\n",
               mut, num_tests,
               pi[mut].err_count, pi[mut].err_timing);

      done = 1;




// cadence translate_on

`default_nettype wire

`include "/apps/linux/cadence/GENUS211/share/synth/lib/chipware/sim/verilog/CW/CW_fp_mult.v"
`include "/apps/linux/cadence/GENUS211/share/synth/lib/chipware/sim/verilog/CW/CW_fp_add.v"