/// LSU EE 4755 Fall 2018 Homework 5

 /// Assignment  https://www.ece.lsu.edu/koppel/v/2018/hw05.pdf

`default_nettype none

///  Problem 1
 /// Complete batcher_sort so that it recursively implements a Batcher
 /// sorter using a merge module.
//     [ ] Assume that n is a power of 2.
//     [ ] Use implicit and explicit structural code only.
//     [ ] Use recursion as described in the handout.
//     [ ] Use behav_merge initially and when it's done, batcher_merge.
//     [ ] Make sure that the testbench does not report errors.
//     [ ] Module must be synthesizable. Use command: genus -files syn.tcl
//     [ ] Use SimVision for debugging.
//     [ ] Modify testbench to facilitate solution ..
//         .. but code must pass original testbench.
//     [ ] As always, code should be efficient and clearly written.

module batcher_sort
  #( int n = 4, int w = 8 )
   ( output uwire [w-1:0] x[n], input uwire [w-1:0] a[n] );

   // The code below is correct for about one in every n! inputs. Improve it.
   assign x = a;


module behav_merge
  #( int n = 4, int w = 8 )
   ( output logic [w-1:0] x[2*n], input uwire [w-1:0] a[n], b[n] );

   // Elements of input a are sorted, elements of input b are sorted too.
   // Module connects these to outputs x so that x is sorted.
   // For example, if the inputs are:
   //    a = { 1, 5, 9, 12 }    // Sorted.
   //    b = { 2, 3, 14, 19 }   // Also sorted.
   // Then output will be:
   //    x = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 14, 19 }

   logic [$clog2(n+1)-1:0] ia, ib;
   always_comb begin
      ia = 0; ib = 0;
      for ( int i = 0;  i < 2*n;  i++ )
        x[i] = a[ia] <= b[ib] ? a[ia++] : b[ib++];
//        x[i] = ( ib == n || ia < n && a[ia] <= b[ib] ) ? a[ia++] : b[ib++];

      for ( int i = 0;  i < 2*n;  i++ )
        x[i] = ib == n || ia < n && a[ia] <= b[ib] ? a[ia++] : b[ib++];


// :

///  Problem 2
 /// Modify batcher_merge so that it recursively implements a Batcher
 /// odd/even merge module.
//     [ ] Recursively implement a Batcher Odd / Even merge module.
//     [ ] Assume that n is a power of 2.
//     [ ] Use sort2 to swap the values.
//     [ ] Make sure that the testbench does not report errors.
//     [ ] Module must be synthesizable. Use command: genus -files syn.tcl
//     [ ] Use SimVision for debugging.
//     [ ] Modify testbench to facilitate solution ..
//         .. but code must pass original testbench.

module batcher_merge
  #( int n = 4, int w = 8 )
   ( output uwire [w-1:0] x[2*n], input uwire [w-1:0] a[n], b[n] );

   // Correct for one out of maybe ( n choose n/2 ) inputs. Improve it.
   assign x = {a,b};


// Correctly functioning 2-input sorter.
module sort2
  #( int w = 8 )( output uwire [w-1:0] x0, x1, input uwire [w-1:0] a0, a1 );
   assign {x0, x1} = a0 <= a1 ? { a0, a1 } : { a1, a0 };

/// Testbench Code
//  The code below instantiates some of the modules above,
//  provides test inputs, and verifies the outputs.
//  The testbench may be modified to facilitate your solution. For
//  example, one might modify the testbench so that the first tests it
//  performs are those which make it easier to determine what the
//  problem is, for example, test inputs that are all 0's or all 1's.
//  Of course, the removal of tests which your module fails is not a
//  method of fixing a broken module.  The TA-bot will test your
//  code using a fresh copy of the testbench, not the one below.

// cadence translate_off

module sortx
  #( int n = 5,
     int modnum = 0,
     int mut_idx = 0,
     int w = 8,
     int max_muts = 3,
     int max_n = n)
   ( output uwire [w-1:0] xlong[max_muts][max_n],
     input uwire [w-1:0] a[n] );

   localparam int nlo = n/2;
   localparam int nhi = n - nlo;
   uwire [w-1:0] x[n];
   assign xlong[mut_idx][0:n-1] = x;
   uwire [w-1:0] alo[nlo] = a[0:nlo-1];
   uwire [w-1:0] ahi[nhi] = a[nlo:n-1];

   if ( modnum == 2 ) begin:A

      localparam string name = "behav_merge";
      localparam bit merge = 1;
      behav_merge #(nlo,w) s(x,alo,ahi);

   end else if ( modnum == 1 ) begin:A

      localparam string name = "batcher_sort";
      localparam bit merge = 0;
      batcher_sort #(n,w) s(x,a);

   end else if ( modnum == 0 ) begin:A

      localparam string name = "batcher_merge";
      localparam bit merge = 1;
      batcher_merge #(nlo,w) s(x,alo,ahi);

   end else begin:A

      localparam string name = "sort4";
      localparam bit merge = 0;



module testbench;

   localparam int w = 10;
   localparam int n_tests = 10;
   localparam int max_n = 32;
   localparam int max_muts = 12;

   logic [w-1:0] a[max_n];
   uwire [w-1:0] x[max_muts][max_n];

   typedef struct { int idx; string name; bit merge; int n; } Info;
   Info pi[$];

   for ( genvar i=0; i<2; i++ ) begin
      for ( genvar nlg = 1; nlg < 6; nlg++ ) begin
         localparam int n = 1 << nlg;
         localparam int idx = i * 6 + nlg;
         sortx #(n,i,idx,w,max_muts,max_n) s(x,a[0:n-1]);
         initial pi.push_back( '{ idx, s.A.name, s.A.merge, s.n } );

   initial begin

      automatic int g_elt_err_count = 0;
      automatic int g_sort_err_count = 0;

      $write("Starting testbench.\n");

      // Initialize the input to a recognizable pattern, which should
      // be overwritten but if not, we can tell. If we print the value in
      // hex.
      for ( int e = 0; e < max_n; e++ ) a[e] = 'haaaaaaaa;

      foreach ( pi[idx] ) begin

         automatic Info p = pi[idx];
         automatic string mut = p.name;
         automatic int n = p.n;
         automatic int s_size = n;
         automatic int nlo = n/2;
         automatic int nhi = n - nlo;
         automatic logic [w-1:0] shadow[] = new[s_size];
         automatic logic [w-1:0] alo[] = new[nlo];
         automatic logic [w-1:0] ahi[] = new[nhi];
         automatic int this_sort_err_count = 0;

         for ( int i = 0;  i < n_tests;  i++ ) begin

            automatic int this_elt_err_count = 0;

            // To make sure that the comparison is correct restrict the
            // key to a subset of bits.
            automatic int n_bits = {$random} % w + 1;
            automatic int mask = ( 1 << n_bits ) - 1;

            for ( int i=0; i<w; i++ ) begin
               automatic int b = {$random} % w;
               {mask[b],mask[i]} = {mask[i],mask[b]};

            for ( int e = 0; e < s_size; e++ )
                 a[e] = {$random} & mask;
                 shadow[e] = a[e];
                 if ( e < nlo ) alo[e] = a[e]; else ahi[e-nlo] = a[e];

            if ( p.merge ) begin
               for ( int e=0; e<nlo; e++ ) a[e] = alo[e];
               for ( int e=nlo; e<n; e++ ) a[e] = ahi[e-nlo];



            for ( int e = 0; e < s_size; e++ ) begin
               automatic logic [w-1:0] elt = x[p.idx][e];
               if ( shadow[e] === elt ) continue;
               if ( g_elt_err_count > 5 ) continue;
                 ("Mod %s, n=%0d, sort %2d idx %2d, wrong elt %d != %d (correct)\n",
                  mut, n, i, e, elt, shadow[e]);

            if ( this_elt_err_count ) this_sort_err_count++;


         if ( this_sort_err_count ) g_sort_err_count++;

         $write("Tests for %s (idx %0d)  n=%0d done, errors in %0d of %0d sorts.\n",
                mut, p.idx, n,  this_sort_err_count, n_tests);


      $write("Done with all tests, errors on %0d sorters.\n",



// cadence translate_on