Student working in the lab.
The Microfluidic Biochip Laboratory
Jin-Woo Choi
Facilities to investigate, design, fabricate, and characterize microfluidic biochips.
Room 300 ERAD Building

Lab Highlights

  • Serves a multidisciplinary course for engineering and science students.
  • Funded by an NSF CCLI grant.

Lab Courses

  • EE 4000 - Microfluidic Biochip Lab

The Microfluidic Biochip Laboratory is a teaching laboratory that is currently being developed by Professor Jin-Woo Choi. A corresponding laboratory course is also being developed based on an instructional grant received from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program.

The course and the laboratory are designed to provide students a hands-on opportunity to learn, design, fabricate, and characterize a microfluidic biochip. In the course, students from multiple engineering disciplines are working in a small group to work on a semester-long project on such activities. At the end of the semester, each group presents to the class their findings from the project. Detailed laboratory activities include numerical simulation of a microfluidic mixing device using a commercially available software package, design of photolithography masks, fabrication of a microfluidic biochip using polymer rapid prototyping techniques, and characterization of the fabricated microfluidic biochip. As the instructional laboratory is in the developing stage, most of laboratory activities are carried out at the BioMEMS and Bioelectronics Laboratory sharing research instruments available there.