/// LSU EE 4702-1 (Fall 2022), GPU Programming

// Specify version of OpenGL Shading Language.
#version 460

#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable

// Declare variables for communication between vertex shader
// and fragment shader.

 /// Vertex Shader Inputs
layout (location = LOC_IN_POS) in vec4 in_vertex_o;
layout (location = LOC_IN_NORMAL) in vec3 in_normal_o;
layout (location = LOC_IN_COLOR) in vec4 in_color;
// The CPU must provide these inputs.

 /// Vertex Shader Uniforms
layout ( binding = BIND_LIGHT_SIMPLE ) uniform Uni_Light
  vec4 position;
  vec4 color;
} uni_light;

layout ( binding = BIND_TRANSFORM ) uniform Uni_Transform
  // Transformation Matrices
  mat4 eye_from_object, clip_from_eye, clip_from_object;
  mat4 object_from_eye, eye_from_clip;
} ut;

 /// Vertex Shader Output
layout (location = 0) out Data_VF
  vec4 color;

 /// The Vertex Shader
  // Transform the vertex object-space coordinate to clip space.
  gl_Position = ut.clip_from_object * in_vertex_o;
  // gl_Position is predefined (by OGSL) and must be written with
  // the clip-space coordinates of the vertex.

  // Compute eye-space coordinates for vertex and normal.
  vec4 vertex_e = ut.eye_from_object * in_vertex_o;
  vec3 normal_e = normalize( mat3(ut.eye_from_object) * in_normal_o );

  // Compute lighted color.
  vec3 vec_vl = uni_light.position.xyz - vertex_e.xyz;
  float dist_to_light = length( vec_vl );
  float phase = abs( dot( normal_e, vec_vl/dist_to_light ) );
  color = uni_light.color * in_color * phase / dist_to_light;


layout (location = 0) in Data_VF
  vec4 color;

// Fragment Shader Output
layout (location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
// This will get written to frame buffer if tests pass, such as the
// depth (z-buffer) test.

  // All this fragment shader does is substitute red for the color if
  // the user is seeing the back of the triangle.
  frag_color = gl_FrontFacing ? color : vec4(1,0,0,1);
  // On important thing fragment shaders do--but not this one--is
  // apply textures.