\begin{thebibliography}{1}\itemsep=-1pt \bibitem{Alpher02} A.~Alpher. \newblock Frobnication. \newblock {\em Journal of Foo}, 12(1):234--778, 2002. \bibitem{Alpher03} A.~Alpher and J.~P.~N. Fotheringham-Smythe. \newblock Frobnication revisited. \newblock {\em Journal of Foo}, 13(1):234--778, 2003. \bibitem{Alpher04} A.~Alpher, J.~P.~N. Fotheringham-Smythe, and G.~Gamow. \newblock Can a machine frobnicate? \newblock {\em Journal of Foo}, 14(1):234--778, 2004. \bibitem{Authors11} Authors. \newblock The frobnicatable foo filter, 2011. \newblock Face and Gesture submission ID 324. Supplied as additional material {\tt fg324.pdf}. \bibitem{Authors11b} Authors. \newblock Frobnication tutorial, 2011. \newblock Supplied as additional material {\tt tr.pdf}. \end{thebibliography}