## LSU EE 4720 Fall 2018 Homework 1 -- SOLUTION

 # Assignment http://www.ece.lsu.edu/ee4720/2018/hw01.pdf

## Problem 1 -- unsqw Routine


        ## Register Usage
        # CALL VALUES:
        #  $a0: Address of start of compressed string.
        #  $a1: Address of area to decompress into.
        # RETURN:
        #  [✔] Write memory starting at a1 with decompressed string.
        # Note:
        #  Can modify $t0-$t9, $a0-$a3

        # [✔] Code should be correct.
        # [✔] Code should be reasonably efficient.
        # [✔] Do not use pseudoinstructions except for nop and la.

        ## Both Methods
        #  A reference starts with a character of value 0x80 or higher.
        #  This byte is called the reference marker.
        ## Simple Method:
        #    0x80      B1 B2 :
        #  = 1000_0000 B1 B2 :
        #    0x80 is the reference marker.
        #      B1 is length,
        #      B2 is distance.
        ## Better Method:
        #    1000_0000 B1 B2:
        #    0x80 = 1000_0000 is the reference marker.
        #      B1 is length,
        #      B2 is distance.
        #    10LL_LLLL B1:
        #    10LL_LLLL is the reference marker.
        #      LL_LLLL (low 6 bits) are length,
        #      B1 is distance.
        #    1100_0000 B1 B2 B3:
        #    0xc0 = 1100_0000 is the reference marker.
        #      B1 holds length.
        #      B2 holds bits 15:8 of distance and
        #      B3 holds bits 7:0 of distance.
        #    11LL_LLLL B1 B2:
        #    11LL_LLLL is the reference marker.
        #      LL_LLLL (low 6 bits) are length,
        #      B1 holds bits 15:8 of distance and
        #      B2 holds bits 7:0 of distance.


        j LOOP

        sb $t0, 0($a1)          # Write literal character to output buffer.
        beq $t0, $0, DONE       # If 0, we're at the end of the string.
        addi $a1, $a1, 1

        lb $t0, 0($a0)          # Load next character of compressed text.
        bgez $t0, LITERAL_CHAR  # If it's non-negative, it's an ordinary char.
        addi $a0, $a0, 1        # Either way, increment address.

        ## Reference Marker Found
        #  At this point in the code:
        #    Reference Marker is in $t0.

        andi $t3, $t0, 0x3f    # Extract length from marker. (Bits 6-0.)
        bne $t3, $0, SKIP_LB   # If this length is non-zero, get distance.
        lbu $t4, 0($a0)        # Load next byte. Could be length or dist.

        ## Case 1 and 3 -- Length is in byte immediately following marker.
        #  At this point in code:
        #    Reference marker is in $t0
        #    Length is in register $t4.

        addi $t3, $t4, 0   # Move distance into register t3.
        lbu $t4, 1($a0)    # Load next byte, the first distance byte.
        addi $a0, $a0, 1

        ## Check whether distance is in one or two bytes (case 3 & 4).

        #  At this point in code:
        #    Reference marker is in $t0.
        #    Length is in register $t3.
        #    First distance byte is in register $t4.

        andi $t1, $t0, 0x40    # Check whether distance is stored in two bytes.
        beq $t1, $0, SKIP_2B_DISTANCE  # If taken, $t4 is the distance.

        ## Cases 3 and 4 -- Length is stored in two bytes.
        #  At this point in code:
        #    Reference marker is in $t0.
        #    Length is in register $t3.
        #    Most (more) significant distance byte is in register $t4.
        lbu $t5, 1($a0)    # Load second distance byte.
        sll $t4, $t4, 8    # Combine two distance bytes by shifting LSB ...
        or $t4, $t4, $t5   # ... and oring them together.
        addi $a0, $a0, 1


        ## All Cases
        #  Copy the prior occurrence of text from some part of the
        #  output buffer to the end of the output buffer.

        #  At this point in code:
        #    Reference marker is in $t0.
        #    Length is in register $t3.
        #    Distance is in register $t4.
        sub $t4, $a1, $t4  # Compute starting address of prior occurrence.
        add $t5, $t4, $t3  # Compute ending address of prior occurrence.
        addi $a0, $a0, 1

        lbu $t0, 0($t4)    # Load character of prior occurrence ..
        sb $t0, 0($a1)     # .. and write it to the end of the output buffer.
        addi $t4, $t4, 1
        bne $t4, $t5, COPY_LOOP
        addi $a1, $a1, 1
        j LOOP

        jr $ra

## Testbench Routine

uncomp:  # Uncompressed data.
        .ascii "[Note: it has been cold cold cold cold!]"    # Idx:    0 -   39
        .ascii "\n======================================="   # Idx:   40 -   79
        .ascii "===============================\nAnother "   # Idx:   80 -  119
        .ascii "frigid Arctic airmass is already pushing"    # Idx:  120 -  159
        .ascii " into the region\nand will provide bitter"   # Idx:  160 -  199
        .ascii "ly cold temperatures. Temperatures will\n"   # Idx:  200 -  239
        .ascii "plunge into the teens and 20s tonight an"    # Idx:  240 -  279
        .ascii "d could be quite similar\nWednesday night"   # Idx:  280 -  319
        .ascii ".\n======================================"   # Idx:  320 -  359
        .ascii "================================\n* TEMPE"   # Idx:  360 -  399
        .ascii "RATURE...Lows will fall into the mid tee"    # Idx:  400 -  439
        .ascii "ns to lower 20s\nalong and north of the I"   # Idx:  440 -  479
        .ascii "-10/12 corridor. South of I-10 lows\nwill"   # Idx:  480 -  519
        .ascii " range from 20 to 25. These temperatures"    # Idx:  520 -  559
        .ascii " will be similar\nWednesday night.\n\n* DUR" # Idx:  560 -  599
        .ascii "ATION...Freezing conditions will likely "    # Idx:  600 -  639
        .ascii "last for 12 to 26\nhours over much of the"   # Idx:  640 -  679
        .ascii " warned area tonight and then 12 to 18\nh"   # Idx:  680 -  719
        .asciiz "ours Wednesday night."                      # Idx:  720 -  740
comp_simple:  # Compressed data Simple Method.
        .ascii "[Note: it has been cold"                     # Idx:    0 -   22
       # Idx:   18 =   23 -   5 =  0x17 -   0x5.  Len:  15 =  0xf.
        .byte 0x80  15   5  # " cold cold cold"
        .ascii "!]\n="                                       # Idx:   38 -   41
       # Idx:   41 =   42 -   1 =  0x2a -   0x1.  Len:  69 = 0x45.
        .byte 0x80  69   1  # "====================================================================="
        .ascii "\nAnother frigid Arctic airmass is alread"   # Idx:  111 -  150
        .ascii "y pushing into the region\nand will provi"   # Idx:  151 -  190
        .ascii "de bitterly"                                 # Idx:  191 -  201
       # Idx:   28 =  202 - 174 =  0xca -  0xae.  Len:   6 =  0x6.
        .byte 0x80   6 174  # " cold "
        .ascii "temperatures. T"                             # Idx:  208 -  222
       # Idx:  209 =  223 -  14 =  0xdf -   0xe.  Len:  11 =  0xb.
        .byte 0x80  11  14  # "emperatures"
       # Idx:  180 =  234 -  54 =  0xea -  0x36.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5  54  # " will"
        .ascii "\nplunge"                                    # Idx:  239 -  245
       # Idx:  160 =  246 -  86 =  0xf6 -  0x56.  Len:  10 =  0xa.
        .byte 0x80  10  86  # " into the "
        .ascii "teens "                                      # Idx:  256 -  261
       # Idx:  177 =  262 -  85 = 0x106 -  0x55.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4  85  # "and "
        .ascii "20s tonight"                                 # Idx:  266 -  276
       # Idx:  261 =  277 -  16 = 0x115 -  0x10.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5  16  # " and "
        .ascii "could be quite similar\nWednesday "          # Idx:  282 -  314
       # Idx:  272 =  315 -  43 = 0x13b -  0x2b.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5  43  # "night"
        .ascii ".\n"                                         # Idx:  320 -  321
       # Idx:   67 =  322 - 255 = 0x142 -  0xff.  Len:  44 = 0x2c.
        .byte 0x80  44 255  # "============================================"
       # Idx:  365 =  366 -   1 = 0x16e -   0x1.  Len:  26 = 0x1a.
        .byte 0x80  26   1  # "=========================="
        .ascii "\n* TEMPERATURE...Low"                       # Idx:  392 -  411
       # Idx:  233 =  412 - 179 = 0x19c -  0xb3.  Len:   6 =  0x6.
        .byte 0x80   6 179  # "s will"
        .ascii " fall"                                       # Idx:  418 -  422
       # Idx:  246 =  423 - 177 = 0x1a7 -  0xb1.  Len:  10 =  0xa.
        .byte 0x80  10 177  # " into the "
        .ascii "mi"                                          # Idx:  433 -  434
       # Idx:  206 =  435 - 229 = 0x1b3 -  0xe5.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4 229  # "d te"
       # Idx:  258 =  439 - 181 = 0x1b7 -  0xb5.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4 181  # "ens "
        .ascii "to lower"                                    # Idx:  443 -  450
       # Idx:  265 =  451 - 186 = 0x1c3 -  0xba.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4 186  # " 20s"
        .ascii "\nalong"                                     # Idx:  455 -  460
       # Idx:  277 =  461 - 184 = 0x1cd -  0xb8.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5 184  # " and "
        .ascii "north of"                                    # Idx:  466 -  473
       # Idx:  428 =  474 -  46 = 0x1da -  0x2e.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5  46  # " the "
        .ascii "I-10/12 corridor. Sou"                       # Idx:  479 -  499
       # Idx:  469 =  500 -  31 = 0x1f4 -  0x1f.  Len:   6 =  0x6.
        .byte 0x80   6  31  # "th of "
       # Idx:  479 =  506 -  27 = 0x1fa -  0x1b.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4  27  # "I-10"
       # Idx:  445 =  510 -  65 = 0x1fe -  0x41.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4  65  # " low"
        .ascii "s\n"                                         # Idx:  514 -  515
       # Idx:  414 =  516 - 102 = 0x204 -  0x66.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5 102  # "will "
        .ascii "range from 20"                               # Idx:  521 -  533
       # Idx:  442 =  534 -  92 = 0x216 -  0x5c.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x80   4  92  # " to "
        .ascii "25. These temperature"                       # Idx:  538 -  558
       # Idx:  412 =  559 - 147 = 0x22f -  0x93.  Len:   7 =  0x7.
        .byte 0x80   7 147  # "s will "
        .ascii "be similar\nWednesday night.\n\n* DURATION." # Idx:  566 -  605
        .ascii "..Freezing condition"                        # Idx:  606 -  625
       # Idx:  559 =  626 -  67 = 0x272 -  0x43.  Len:   7 =  0x7.
        .byte 0x80   7  67  # "s will "
        .ascii "likely last for 12"                          # Idx:  633 -  650
       # Idx:  534 =  651 - 117 = 0x28b -  0x75.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5 117  # " to 2"
        .ascii "6\nhours over muc"                           # Idx:  656 -  671
       # Idx:  470 =  672 - 202 = 0x2a0 -  0xca.  Len:   9 =  0x9.
        .byte 0x80   9 202  # "h of the "
        .ascii "warned area to"                              # Idx:  681 -  694
       # Idx:  587 =  695 - 108 = 0x2b7 -  0x6c.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5 108  # "night"
       # Idx:  461 =  700 - 239 = 0x2bc -  0xef.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x80   5 239  # " and "
        .ascii "then"                                        # Idx:  705 -  708
       # Idx:  648 =  709 -  61 = 0x2c5 -  0x3d.  Len:   7 =  0x7.
        .byte 0x80   7  61  # " 12 to "
        .ascii "18"                                          # Idx:  716 -  717
       # Idx:  657 =  718 -  61 = 0x2ce -  0x3d.  Len:   7 =  0x7.
        .byte 0x80   7  61  # "\nhours "
       # Idx:  577 =  725 - 148 = 0x2d5 -  0x94.  Len:  16 = 0x10.
        .byte 0x80  16 148  # "Wednesday night."
        .byte 0
        # Original: 741 B,  Simple Compressed: 508 B,  Ratio: 0.686

comp_better:  # Compressed data Better Method.
        .ascii "[Note: it has been cold"                     # Idx:    0 -   22
       # Idx:   18 =   23 -   5 =  0x17 -   0x5.  Len:  15 =  0xf.
        .byte 0x8f           0x05  # " cold cold cold"
        .ascii "!]\n="                                       # Idx:   38 -   41
       # Idx:   41 =   42 -   1 =  0x2a -   0x1.  Len:  69 = 0x45.
        .byte 0x80 0x45      0x01  # "====================================================================="
        .ascii "\nAnother frigid Arctic airmass is alread"   # Idx:  111 -  150
        .ascii "y pushing into "                             # Idx:  151 -  165
       # Idx:  115 =  166 -  51 =  0xa6 -  0x33.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x33  # "the"
        .ascii " region\nand will provide bitterly"          # Idx:  169 -  201
       # Idx:   28 =  202 - 174 =  0xca -  0xae.  Len:   6 =  0x6.
        .byte 0x86           0xae  # " cold "
        .ascii "temperatures. T"                             # Idx:  208 -  222
       # Idx:  209 =  223 -  14 =  0xdf -   0xe.  Len:  11 =  0xb.
        .byte 0x8b           0x0e  # "emperatures"
       # Idx:  180 =  234 -  54 =  0xea -  0x36.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0x36  # " will"
        .ascii "\nplunge"                                    # Idx:  239 -  245
       # Idx:  160 =  246 -  86 =  0xf6 -  0x56.  Len:  10 =  0xa.
        .byte 0x8a           0x56  # " into the "
        .ascii "t"                                           # Idx:  256 -  256
       # Idx:   15 =  257 - 242 = 0x101 -  0xf2.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xf2  # "een"
       # Idx:  143 =  260 - 117 = 0x104 -  0x75.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x75  # "s a"
       # Idx:  178 =  263 -  85 = 0x107 -  0x55.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x55  # "nd "
        .ascii "20s tonight"                                 # Idx:  266 -  276
       # Idx:  261 =  277 -  16 = 0x115 -  0x10.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0x10  # " and "
        .ascii "cou"                                         # Idx:  282 -  284
       # Idx:  205 =  285 -  80 = 0x11d -  0x50.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x50  # "ld "
        .ascii "be quite similar\nWednesday "                # Idx:  288 -  314
       # Idx:  272 =  315 -  43 = 0x13b -  0x2b.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0x2b  # "night"
        .ascii "."                                           # Idx:  320 -  320
       # Idx:   40 =  321 - 281 = 0x141 - 0x119.  Len:  72 = 0x48.
        .byte 0xc0 0x48 0x01 0x19  # "\n======================================================================\n"
        .ascii "* TEMPERATURE...Low"                         # Idx:  393 -  411
       # Idx:  233 =  412 - 179 = 0x19c -  0xb3.  Len:   6 =  0x6.
        .byte 0x86           0xb3  # "s will"
        .ascii " fa"                                         # Idx:  418 -  420
       # Idx:  416 =  421 -   5 = 0x1a5 -   0x5.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x05  # "ll "
       # Idx:  247 =  424 - 177 = 0x1a8 -  0xb1.  Len:   9 =  0x9.
        .byte 0x89           0xb1  # "into the "
        .ascii "mi"                                          # Idx:  433 -  434
       # Idx:  206 =  435 - 229 = 0x1b3 -  0xe5.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0xe5  # "d te"
       # Idx:  258 =  439 - 181 = 0x1b7 -  0xb5.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0xb5  # "ens "
       # Idx:  426 =  443 -  17 = 0x1bb -  0x11.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x11  # "to "
        .ascii "lower"                                       # Idx:  446 -  450
       # Idx:  265 =  451 - 186 = 0x1c3 -  0xba.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0xba  # " 20s"
        .ascii "\nalong"                                     # Idx:  455 -  460
       # Idx:  277 =  461 - 184 = 0x1cd -  0xb8.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0xb8  # " and "
        .ascii "north of"                                    # Idx:  466 -  473
       # Idx:  428 =  474 -  46 = 0x1da -  0x2e.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0x2e  # " the "
        .ascii "I-10/12"                                     # Idx:  479 -  485
       # Idx:  281 =  486 - 205 = 0x1e6 -  0xcd.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xcd  # " co"
        .ascii "rridor. Sou"                                 # Idx:  489 -  499
       # Idx:  469 =  500 -  31 = 0x1f4 -  0x1f.  Len:   6 =  0x6.
        .byte 0x86           0x1f  # "th of "
       # Idx:  479 =  506 -  27 = 0x1fa -  0x1b.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0x1b  # "I-10"
       # Idx:  445 =  510 -  65 = 0x1fe -  0x41.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0x41  # " low"
        .ascii "s\n"                                         # Idx:  514 -  515
       # Idx:  414 =  516 - 102 = 0x204 -  0x66.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0x66  # "will "
        .ascii "ra"                                          # Idx:  521 -  522
       # Idx:  243 =  523 - 280 = 0x20b - 0x118.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0xc4      0x01 0x18  # "nge "
        .ascii "from"                                        # Idx:  527 -  530
       # Idx:  451 =  531 -  80 = 0x213 -  0x50.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x50  # " 20"
       # Idx:  442 =  534 -  92 = 0x216 -  0x5c.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0x5c  # " to "
        .ascii "25. Thes"                                    # Idx:  538 -  545
       # Idx:  254 =  546 - 292 = 0x222 - 0x124.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0xc4      0x01 0x24  # "e te"
       # Idx:  224 =  550 - 326 = 0x226 - 0x146.  Len:  15 =  0xf.
        .byte 0xcf      0x01 0x46  # "mperatures will"
       # Idx:  287 =  565 - 278 = 0x235 - 0x116.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0xc4      0x01 0x16  # " be "
       # Idx:  297 =  569 - 272 = 0x239 - 0x110.  Len:  25 = 0x19.
        .byte 0xd9      0x01 0x10  # "similar\nWednesday night.\n"
       # Idx:  392 =  594 - 202 = 0x252 -  0xca.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xca  # "\n* "
        .ascii "DU"                                          # Idx:  597 -  598
       # Idx:  400 =  599 - 199 = 0x257 -  0xc7.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xc7  # "RAT"
        .ascii "ION"                                         # Idx:  602 -  604
       # Idx:  406 =  605 - 199 = 0x25d -  0xc7.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xc7  # "..."
        .ascii "Freez"                                       # Idx:  608 -  612
       # Idx:  157 =  613 - 456 = 0x265 - 0x1c8.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0xc4      0x01 0xc8  # "ing "
        .ascii "conditio"                                    # Idx:  617 -  624
       # Idx:  440 =  625 - 185 = 0x271 -  0xb9.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xb9  # "ns "
       # Idx:  561 =  628 -  67 = 0x274 -  0x43.  Len:   5 =  0x5.
        .byte 0x85           0x43  # "will "
        .ascii "likely last for "                            # Idx:  633 -  648
       # Idx:  484 =  649 - 165 = 0x289 -  0xa5.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xa5  # "12 "
       # Idx:  535 =  652 - 117 = 0x28c -  0x75.  Len:   4 =  0x4.
        .byte 0x84           0x75  # "to 2"
        .ascii "6\nhours ov"                                 # Idx:  656 -  665
       # Idx:  449 =  666 - 217 = 0x29a -  0xd9.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0xd9  # "er "
        .ascii "muc"                                         # Idx:  669 -  671
       # Idx:  470 =  672 - 202 = 0x2a0 -  0xca.  Len:   9 =  0x9.
        .byte 0x89           0xca  # "h of the "
        .ascii "warned area"                                 # Idx:  681 -  691
       # Idx:  269 =  692 - 423 = 0x2b4 - 0x1a7.  Len:  13 =  0xd.
        .byte 0xcd      0x01 0xa7  # " tonight and "
       # Idx:  677 =  705 -  28 = 0x2c1 -  0x1c.  Len:   3 =  0x3.
        .byte 0x83           0x1c  # "the"
        .ascii "n"                                           # Idx:  708 -  708
       # Idx:  648 =  709 -  61 = 0x2c5 -  0x3d.  Len:   7 =  0x7.
        .byte 0x87           0x3d  # " 12 to "
        .ascii "18"                                          # Idx:  716 -  717
       # Idx:  657 =  718 -  61 = 0x2ce -  0x3d.  Len:   7 =  0x7.
        .byte 0x87           0x3d  # "\nhours "
       # Idx:  577 =  725 - 148 = 0x2d5 -  0x94.  Len:  16 = 0x10.
        .byte 0x90           0x94  # "Wednesday night."
        .byte 0
        # Original: 741 B,  Better Compressed: 428 B,  Ratio: 0.578

        .asciiz "Unsqwished Data:\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n%/a2/s\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"

        .asciiz "Input %/a2/s: Error at idx %/t4/d. Text below is from idx %/t6/d - %/t8/d.\n  Found: \"%/t5/s\"\nCorrect: \"%/t7/s\"\n\n";

        .asciiz "Input %/a2/s: Decompressed text is all correct.\n\n"

        .asciiz "Simple"
        .asciiz "Better"

        .space 512

        .globl __start


        la $a0, msg
        la $a2, uncomp
        addi $v0, $0, 11

        la $a0, comp_simple
        la $a1, data_out

        jal unsqw

        la $a2, dname_simple
        jal TB_CHECK

        la $a0, comp_better
        la $a1, data_out
        addi $t0, $a1, 512
        sb $0, 0($a1)
        bne $a1, $t0, TB_LOOP_CLEAR
        addi $a1, $a1, 1
        la $a1, data_out

        jal unsqw
        la $a2, dname_better
        jal TB_CHECK

        addi $v0, $0, 10

        la $t0, uncomp
        la $t1, data_out

        lbu $t2, 0($t0)
        lbu $t3, 0($t1)
        bne $t2, $t3, TB_ERROR
        addi $t0, $t0, 1
        bne $t2, $0, TB_COMPARE
        addi $t1, $t1, 1
        j TB_CORRECT

        la $a0, msg_err
        addi $v0, $0, 11
        la $t5, data_out
        sub $t4, $t1, $t5
        addi $t7, $0, 10 # Amount of context
        sub $t6, $t4, $t7
        bgez $t6, TB_POS
        addi $t6, $0, 0
        add $t5, $t5, $t6
        la $t7, uncomp
        add $t7, $t7, $t6
        addi $t8, $t4, 1
        sb $0, 1($t0)
        sb $0, 2($t1)
        j TB_DONE

        la $a0, msg_correct
        addi $v0, $0, 11

        jr $ra