## LSU EE 4720 Fall 2004 Homework 2 Solution

        .asciiz "Solution"  # Put your name between the quotes.

 ## Instructions:
  # (1) Copy this assignment, local path name
  #     /home/classes/ee4720/com/s/hw2.s, to a directory ~/hw in your
  #     class account. (~ is your home directory.)  Use this file for your
  #     solution.
  # (2) Find the problems in this file and solve them.
  #     A procedure shell has been provided for the each problem.  Place
  #     your solution there.
  #     Assembler code following the problems runs your solutions.
  #     That code can be modified.
  #     Your entire solution should be in this file.
  #     Do not rename the line labels in this file and be sure to use the
  #     directory and filename given above.  (Line labels may be added.)
  # (3) Your solution will automatically be copied from your account by
  #     the TA-bot.

 ## Additional Resources
  # MIPS Architecture Manual Volume 2 (Contains a list of instructions.)
  #      http://www.ece.lsu.edu/ee4720/mips32v2.pdf
  #      Note: SPIM implements MIPS-I instructions.
  # SPIM Documentation:
  #      Appendix A of Patterson and Hennessey.
  #      http://www.ece.lsu.edu/3755/spim.pdf
  # Account Setup and Emacs (Text Editor) Instructions
  #      http://www.ece.lsu.edu/ee4720/proc.html
  #      To learn Emacs look for and follow instructions for the Emacs tutorial.
  # Unix Help
  #      http://www.ece.lsu.edu/v/4ltrwrd/

 ## Grading Criteria
  # The code must work.
  # The code must be reasonably efficient.
  # Points will be DEDUCTED for obviously unnecessary or inefficient code.
  #  For example, instead of doing this:
  #    add $2, $0, $0   # This instruction not needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  #    or  $2, $3, $4
  #  Do this:
  #    or  $2, $3, $4
  #  Division or multiplication by powers of 2 must use shift instructions.

 ## Note on SPIM
# Clicking the close button (usually the upper-right-hand button on
# the window frame) of any window will immediately exit SPIM.

 ## Troubleshooting
# Make sure that the "run" dialog box shows 0x0400000 for the starting
# address.  If not, __start was not properly defined, possibly due to
# an error before __start.
# Check the messages (bottommost) pane for syntax and other errors.  It
# may be necessary to shorten other panes to make the messages pane visible.
# Common syntax errors include using "addi" instead of "add", or vice versa.
# Another common error is mistyping a label in a branch or jump target.
# Check the "Text Segments" pane to make sure all of your program is there.
# If not, there may have been an error reading the program.
# If your program fails a test or otherwise does not produce the
# expected output modify the test code so that the particular test it
# fails comes first (if it's not already).  Then, single-step the code
# (using the "step") button until you find the problem.
# If you've hit a wall ask the TA or instructor help.  It's better to
# err on the side of too many questions than too few.


## Problem 1
#  Complete the routine below so that it returns the product of
#  the elements of an integer array.  As described in the comments,
#  the array elements are four-byte (one-word) integers.  The returned
#  product should be a double-precision floating-point number.

#  [ ]  A correct solution uses 10 instructions.  (Can be longer.)  

        # CALL VALUE:   $a0      Address of start of array.
        # CALL VALUE:   $a1      Address of end of array (element after last).
        #                        Array elements are word-sized signed integers.
        # RETURN VALUE: $f0/$f1  Product of elements in array as double.

        # Grading Note:
        #   Many solutions initialized the product with the first element
        #   which is better than using the constant 1, as done below.

        addi $v0, $0, 1
        mtc1 $v0, $f0
        cvt.d.w $f0, $f0
        lwc1 $f2, 0($a0)
        cvt.d.w $f2, $f2
        addi $a0, $a0, 4
        bne $a0, $a1  LOOP
        mul.d $f0, $f0, $f2

        jr $ra
## Problem 2
#  Complete the routine below so that it sorts elements of array
#  $A0-$A1 into ascending order. Elements are interpreted as
#  word-sized signed integers.  Array is to be sorted in place. (That
#  is, rearrange the elements, don't copy them into a new array.)
#  Sort using the quicksort algorithm.  C code for quicksort is shown
#  below:

# void
# sort(int *start, int *stop)   // Start same as $a0, stop same as $a1
# {
#   int a0 = *start;            // Pivot element.
#   int *sptr = start + 1;      // Small-end pointer.
#   if( sptr >= stop ) return;
#   int *lptr = stop - 1;       // Large-end pointer.

#   while( 1 )
#     {
#       while( sptr < stop  && *sptr <  a0 ) sptr++;
#       while( lptr > start && *lptr >= a0 ) lptr--;
#       if( sptr >= lptr ) break;
#       int s = *sptr; *sptr = *lptr; *lptr = s;
#     }
#   *start = *lptr;  *lptr = a0;

#   sort(start,sptr);
#   sort(sptr,stop);
# }

#  The routine is best solved recursively.  If a recursive solution
#  is provided registers must be saved and restored properly.  Code
#  for doing so is shown below.
#  As an aid to debugging sample code for printing the contents of the
#  array is shown.  Please remove (or comment out) this code when you
#  are done debugging.

#  [ ]  A correct solution has 54 instructions.
#  [ ]  Be sure to save any $s registers your code will overwrite.
#  [ ]  Save any $t or $a registers before calling other routines.

#  When things go wrong:
#  [ ]  Make sure recursion is not infinite.  That will cause a stack error.
#  [ ]  Make sure registers are saved and restored properly.

        # CALL VALUE: $a0  Address of start of array.
        # CALL VALUE: $a1  Address of end of array (element after last).

        ## If array has one element return immediately.

        # Note that there is no need to save if code returns here.

        sub $t0, $a1, $a0
        slti $t1, $t0, 8
        beq $t1, $0, SOCONTINUE
        jr $ra


        ## Save registers on the stack.
        #  Save $s registers that this code will write.
        #  Save $ra and any $t registers that will be needed after a call.
        #  No need to save $s registers that this code does not write.
        #  No need to save $t registers that this code does not read.
        sw $s0, -4($sp)
        sw $s1, -8($sp)
        sw $ra, -12($sp)
        addi $sp, $sp, -12

        ## Load the pivot element.
        #  Elements less than the pivot will be moved to the beginning
        #  of the array and elements equal or larger than the pivot
        #  will be moved to the end.
        lw $t2, 0($a0)            # $t2  Pivot

        addi $t3, $t2, -1         # $t3  Pivot-1, used for a >= test.
        addi $s0, $a0, 4          
        addi $t1, $a1, -4

        add $s1, $a1, $0


        ## Increment small-end pointer ($s0) until element >= pivot ($t2) found.
        slt $t7, $s0, $a1
        beq $t7, $0  BIG_END_LOOP
        lw $t7, 0($s0)
        slt $t7, $t7, $t2
        beq $t7, $0  BIG_END_LOOP
        j SMALL_END_LOOP
        addi $s0, $s0, 4

        ## Decrement large-end pointer ($t1) until element < pivot ($t2) found.
        slt $t7, $a0, $t1
        beq $t7, $0  EXITBIGEND
        lw $t7, 0($t1)
        slt $t7, $t3, $t7
        beq $t7, $0 EXITBIGEND
        j BIG_END_LOOP
        addi $t1, $t1, -4


        ## Exit loop if small- and large-end pointers met.
        slt $t7, $t1, $s0
        bne $t7, $0  EXITBIGLOOP

        ## Swap out-of-place elements and continue moving large- and small-end pointers
        lw $t7, 0($s0)
        lw $t6, 0($t1)
        sw $t7, 0($t1)
        j BIGLOOP
        sw $t6, 0($s0)


        ## Move pivot element to its proper place.
        lw $t6, 0($t1)
        sw $t6, 0($a0)
        sw $t2, 0($t1)

        ## Call sort routine recursively on large and small end of array.
        jal sort
        addi $a1, $s0, 0
        addi $a0, $s0, 0   # Restore a0.
        jal sort
        addi $a1, $s1, 0

        ## Restore registers from the stack.
        #  Restore $s registers.
        addi $sp, $sp, 12
        lw $s1, -8($sp)
        lw $ra, -12($sp)
        jr $ra
        lw $s0, -4($sp)

## Main Routine

# This routine runs the test code for the first problem and makes sure
# you put your name at the top of the file.  It does not have to be
# modified but it can be if it would help.  If you're thinking of
# improving your grade by deleting the test cases which your code gets
# wrong you'll need to come up with a better plan.

        .word 1 7 4 3 8
        .word 12 1 7  4 3 8
        .word 50 99 10 51  98 83 70 40  30 35 19
        .word 1 1 1  1 1 1
        .word 0  # Keep label above word-aligned

        .double 672.
        .double 8064.
        .double 1147045048380000000.
        .double 1.

        .word array
        .word arraym
        .word arrayb
        .word arraydull
        .word no_more_arrays
        .word 0
        .asciiz "Minimum element first."
        .asciiz "Maximum element first."
        .asciiz "Middle element first."
        .asciiz "All ones."

        .asciiz "%/t5/s %/t1/2d "
        .ascii  "Running test: %/a2/s, XX below shows any sort error position.\n"
        .asciiz "Before: "
        .asciiz "Done with tests.\n"
        .asciiz "Before: "
        .asciiz "After : "
        .asciiz ""
        .asciiz "XX"
        .asciiz "\n"
        .asciiz "Product of:"
        .asciiz " returned is %/f0/.2f, correct is %/f2/.2f.\n\n"

        .globl __start

        la $s0, arrays
        la $s1, descriptions
        la $s2, products

        lw $a1, 4($s0)
        beq $a1, $0  MSEXIT
        jal product
        lw $a0, 0($s0)

        addi $v0, $0, 11
        la $a0, msg_prod
        lw $a0, 0($s0)
        la $a2, msg_null
        jal show
        lw $a1, 4($s0)
        ldc1 $f2, 0($s2)
        addi $s2, $s2, 8
        la $a0, msg_prod_is
        addi $v0, $0, 11
        jal strlen        
        addi $a0, $s1, 0
        add $s1, $s1, $v0
        addi $s1, $s1, 1
        j MSLOOP
        addi $s0, $s0, 4

        la $s0, arrays
        la $s1, descriptions

        la $s0, arrays
        la $s1, descriptions
        lw $a1, 4($s0)
        beq $a1, $0  MEXIT
        lw $a0, 0($s0)
        jal runsort
        addi $a2, $s1, 0

        jal strlen        
        addi $a0, $s1, 0
        add $s1, $s1, $v0
        addi $s1, $s1, 1
        j MLOOP
        addi $s0, $s0, 4

        la $a0, msg_bye
        addi $v0, $0, 11
        addi $v0, $0, 10

## runsort:  Call sort routine on array.
#  Print descriptive message, array $A0-$A1 (before version), call sort,
#  then print array again, showing an XX at between first misordered
#  elements (if any).

        # CALL VALUE: $a0  Address of array.
        # CALL VALUE: $a1  Address of array end. (Element after last.)
        # CALL VALUE: $a2  Address of string describing array.
        sw $ra, -4($sp)
        sw $s0, -8($sp)
        sw $s1, -12($sp)
        addi $sp, $sp, -12

        addi $s0, $a0, 0
        addi $s1, $a1, 0

        addi $v0, $0, 11
        la $a0, msg_running_test
        addi $a0, $s0, 0

        la $a2, msg_null
        jal show
        addi $a0, $s0, 0
        addi $a1, $s1, 0
        jal sort
        la $a0, msg_after
        addi $v0, $0, 11
        la $a2, msg_xx
        addi $a0, $s0, 0
        jal show
        addi $a1, $s1, 0
        addi $v0, $0, 11
        la $a0, msg_eol

        addi $sp, $sp, 12
        lw $ra, -4($sp)
        lw $s0, -8($sp)
        jr $ra
        lw $s1, -12($sp)

## show:  Print elements of array.
#  Print elements of array $A0-$A1. Put string $A2 between misordered
#  elements (if any).

        # CALL VALUE: $a0  Array start.
        # CALL VALUE: $a1  Array end
        # CALL VALUE: $a2  XX

        addi $v0, $0, 11
        addi $t0, $a0, 0
        la $a0, msg_element
        la $t3, msg_null
        lw $t2, 0($t0)
        lw $t1, 0($t0)
        slt $t7, $t1, $t2
        addi $t2, $t1, 0
        beq $t7, $0  SHSKIP
        addi $t5, $t3, 0   # Speculative
        addi $t5, $a2, 0
        addi $t0, $t0, 4
        bne $t0, $a1  SHLOOP

        la $a0, msg_eol

        jr $ra

## strlen: String Length

        ## Register Usage
        # CALL VALUE  : $a0: Address of first character of string.
        # RETURN VALUE: $v0: The length of the string.
        # $t0: Character being examined.
        # $t1: Address of current character being examined.
        addi $t1, $a0, 0
        lbu $t0, 0($t1)
        bne $t0, $0, SLOOP
        addi $t1, $t1, 1

        addi $t1, $t1, -1
        jr $ra
        sub $v0, $t1, $a0