EE 4720 Computer Architecture - HW 6 Solution (Spring 1998)

Problem 1,  EE 4720 HW 6 Solution Top   Next

In the execution below, the branch outcome is not available when the branch instruction reaches ID, at cycle 4, and so it waits in a reservation station. The system predicts the branch as taken and so fetching starts at the branch target in cycle 5. (If the system had an IF-stage branch target buffer it would have been possible to fetch the target at cycle 4, eliminating a cycle of delay.) Instructions at the target are executed speculatively, that is they don't do anything that can't be undone. The branch condition is finally available at cycle 11, the speculatively executed instructions are deleted from the reorder buffer and fetching starts at the target in cycle 12.

sub   r4, r5, r6                                                                 IF   ID 3:EX 3:WB
Cycle             0   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10   11   12  13   14   15   16
multf f4, f5, f6  IF  ID 1:M1 1:M2 1:M3 1:M4 1:M5 1:M6 1:M7 1:WB
addf  f0, f1, f2      IF   ID 6:A1 6:A2 6:A3 6:A4 6:WB
eqf   f0, f3               IF   ID 7:RS 7:RS 7:RS 7:A1 7:A2 7:A3 7:A4 7:WB
bfpt  TARG                      IF   ID 2:RS 2:RS 2:RS 2:RS 2:RS 2:RS 2:BR 2:WB
add   r1, r2, r3                     IF   x                                  IF  ID 2:EX 2:WB 
sub   r4, r5, r6                                                                 IF   ID 3:EX 3:WB

 and  r1, r2, r3                          IF   ID 3:EX 3:WB
 or   r4, r5, r6                               IF   ID 4:EX 4:WB 4:WB
Execution notes: With dynamic execution load and store instructions use their own functional units, so other instructions do not pass through the MEM stage. The stage labeled WB is actually a write to the common data bus which will write into any waiting reservation stations or functional units (as would happen in cycle 7 when addf completes) and also into the reorder buffer. The data is written to the register file when the instruction is retired from the reorder buffer.
The reorder buffer contents are shown by cycle below. An entry for a cycle includes instructions that are inserted during that cycle and instructions that will be removed at the end of the cycle. The reorder buffer fills until cycle 9 as instructions wait for multf to complete, after that instructions up to the branch retire one-by-one. (To be retired [as opposed to being deleted] from the reorder buffer an instruction must be the least-recent entry [the bottom entry as illustrated below] and must have completed execution [indicated by a Completed execution.]). The branch condition is resolved in cycle 11, since the branch was mispredicted the speculatively executed and and or instructions are removed from the reorder buffer and fetching is restarted at the add instruction. The pipeline and reorder buffer might contain instructions before multf and after sub and or, these are omitted for clarity and to save time.
addfCompleted execution.
andCompleted execution.
addfCompleted execution.
andCompleted execution.
addfCompleted execution.
multfCompleted execution.
orCompleted execution.
andCompleted execution.
addfCompleted execution.
orCompleted execution.
andCompleted execution.
eqfCompleted execution.
bfptCompleted execution.
addCompleted execution.
subCompleted execution.
*Empty of any instructions included above.
Completed execution. Completed execution.

Problem 2,  EE 4720 HW 6 Solution Top   Previous   Next

The branch behavior here is very easy to determine: the branch will not be taken in the first 16 iterations then taken in the next 16 iterations, after which the cycle repeats.

 add r1, r0, r0
 andi r2, r1, #0x10
 beqz r2, CONTINUE
 addi r3, r3, #1
 addi r1, r1, #1
To determine the branch prediction accuracy the value of the branch history counter at each iteration is needed. The counter value is initially 0, it's incremented in the first 16 iterations though it saturates at 7. During the second 16 iterations the counter is decremented, reaching zero by the beginning of iteration 23, and remaining at zero through iteration 31. Note that these are the values of the counter before the branch executes, which of course is used for prediction. As with the branch outcome, the branch history counter value also repeats. The table below shows the counter values, prediction, outcome, and number of correct predictions by iteration. At the beginning of iteration 32 the BHT counter is zero, since the branch behavior repeats every 32 cycles the prediction behavior will also repeat. The branch prediction accuracy is the number of correct predictions divided by the number of predictions, 24/32 = 0.75.
Iteration Count Value Prediction Outcome Num. Correct
0-4 0-4 NT T 0
5-7 5-7 T T 3
8-15 7 T T 8
16-18 7-5 T NT 0
19-23 4-0 NT NT 5
24-31 0 NT NT 8

Problem 3,  EE 4720 HW 6 Solution Top   Previous   Next

The solution is shown in the figure below, with additions in red. Not shown are details of the stack implementation, clocking inputs for the BHT, hardware to support context switches, prediction and target address hardware.
Modifications for problem 3
The key to solving the problem is choosing the correct address for the branch history table (BHT) because the branch predictor matches a particular history (counter value) with a particular address. Normally, the BHT is addressed with the branch instruction's address, so that each branch instruction has its own history (ignoring collisions). In the problem a branch predictor is to be designed that also takes into account the calling procedure. Therefore, the BHT address must be constructed using something that could identify the calling procedure; that something is the return address that is saved in r31 by the jal and jalr instructions. (The return address is available in the IF/ID.NPC register when the call instruction is in ID.)
In the solution above, part of the most-recent calling address is available at the ToS (top of stack) output of the Call Stack box. That is combined with the branch instruction address to construct a BHT address. Because DLX instructions are aligned, bits 0 and 1 from both addresses are omitted (since they would always be zero, and if included would leave 75% of the BHT unused). Four bits (2:5) are taken from the calling procedure address and eight bits from the branch instruction (2:9), for a total of 12 bits. Only four calling-address bits are included because the number of different places that a procedure can be called from would be much smaller than the number of branch instructions in the program. As with an ordinary BHT and especially with a correlating predictor there will be collisions in the BHT, that is, multiple branch instructions will use the same entry. This is acceptable because it doesn't happen too often and the consequences of a collision is only misprediction, not incorrect execution. Note that multiple branch instructions with identical address bits 2:9 would not collide in the BHT if the calling address bits 2:5 were all different.
The box labeled Caller Stack stores bits 2:5 of the addresses of assumed procedure call instructions. Whenever a jal or jalr instruction is in ID, the instruction address is pushed on the stack, it will appear at the ToS (top of stack) output in the next cycle. When a jr r31 instruction, the assumed procedure return, is in ID the stack is popped. (That is, the most recently pushed address is removed and the next-most-recent one is moved to the top-of-stack position.) If the stack is empty the empty line is asserted, which might trigger a trap. (The operating system might fill the stack with data that had overflowed when too many items were pushed.)
As with all chapter-3 DLX implementations, there is no actual reason to predict branches since the branch condition is available early. The chapter-3 DLX implementation was used above for simplicity.

Problem 4,  EE 4720 HW 6 Solution Top   Previous  

The connections and address locations are shown below.
Modifications for problem 3

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David M. Koppelman -
Modified 6 May 1998 16:37 (21:37 UTC)