/// EE 4755 - Digital Design Using HDLs

 /// Material used in class 26 August 2016

module shift_right1
   ( output logic [15:0] shifted,
     input wire [15:0] unshifted,
     input wire [3:0] amt );

   localparam int width = 16;

   /// WARNING: To be correct only one of the four alternatives below
   /// should be present.

   // Implicit structural
   assign     shifted = unshifted >> amt;

   // Explicit structural for MSB
   or o1(zn,amt[3],amt[2],amt[1],amt[0]);
   not n1(z,zn);
   and a1(shifted[15], unshifted[15], z);

   // Implicit structural easy way.
   always_comb shifted = unshifted >> amt;

   // Implicit structural hard way.
   always_comb begin
      for ( int i=0; i<width; i++ )
        shifted[i] = i + amt >= width ? 0 : unshifted[ i + amt ];
