/// LSU EE 4702-1 (Fall 2015), GPU Programming

 /// Simple CUDA Example, without LSU ECE helper classes.

/// References

#if 0
/// Background

 /// CUDA
 //  NVIDIA's system for programming NVIDIA GPUs.
 //  Intended for non-graphical computation, widely used for
 //  scientific computation.

 /// CUDA Components.
 //  - CUDA C
 //    Language used for writing code that runs on the GPU.
 //  - CUDA Runtime API
 //    Library used for managing the execution of code on the GPU.
 //  - CUDA Compiler Toolchain
 //    The "compiler" nvcc, and related tools.
 //  - CUDA Compatible GPU
 //    Probably just NVIDIA GPUs.

 /// CUDA C
 //  Language used for writing code that runs on the GPU.
 //  A file can contain both CUDA C and C for the host compiler ...
 //  ... that is the case for this file.
 //  In this file CUDA C is in routine: cuda_thread_start()
 //  Syntactically similar to C++.
 //  Major Differences
 //    Executes as a hierarchy of threads.
 //    Specialized address spaces.

 /// CUDA C Runtime API
 //  Library calls used on CPU side to manage execution on GPU.
 //  Activities Performed with API
 //    o Send data from CPU to GPU.
 //    o Start execution of GPU code.
 //    o Send data from GPU to CPU.

 /// CUDA Address Spaces

 /// Global
 //  Works like "regular" memory on CPU, but it's usually separated.

 /// Constant
 //  Limited amount of storage, read-only on GPU.


#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <new>

#include <cuda_runtime.h>

 /// CUDA API Error-Checking Wrapper
#define CE(call)                                                              \
 {                                                                            \
   const cudaError_t rv = call;                                               \
   if ( rv != cudaSuccess )                                                   \
     {                                                                        \
       printf("CUDA error %d, %s\n",rv,cudaGetErrorString(rv));               \
       exit(1);                                                               \
     }                                                                        \

  struct timespec tp;
  return ((double)tp.tv_sec)+((double)tp.tv_nsec) * 0.000000001;

struct App
  int num_threads;
  int array_size;
  float *v_in;
  float *m_out;
  float *d_v_in;
  float *d_m_out;

// In host address space.
App app;

// In device constant address space.
__constant__ App d_app;

__global__ void
  const int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;

  if ( tid >= d_app.num_threads ) return;

  // Warning: The order in which d_v_in is accessed is inefficient.
  //          See demo-cuda-02-basics for a better ordering.
  const int elt_per_thread = d_app.array_size / d_app.num_threads;
  const int start = elt_per_thread * tid;
  const int stop = start + elt_per_thread;

  for ( int h=start; h<stop; h++ )
    d_app.d_m_out[h] = d_app.d_v_in[h] + 1;


main(int argc, char **argv)
  const int nt_raw = argc < 2 ? 1 : atoi(argv[1]);
  app.num_threads = abs(nt_raw);

  app.array_size = argc < 3 ? 1 << 20 : int( atof(argv[2]) * (1<<20) );
  const int array_size_bytes = app.array_size * sizeof(app.v_in[0]);
  const int out_array_size_bytes = app.array_size * sizeof(app.m_out[0]);

  // Allocate storage for CPU copy of data.
  app.v_in = new float[app.array_size];
  app.m_out = new float[app.array_size];

  // Allocate storage for GPU copy of data.
  CE( cudaMalloc( &app.d_v_in,  array_size_bytes     ) );
  CE( cudaMalloc( &app.d_m_out, out_array_size_bytes ) );

  printf("Preparing for %d threads %d elements.\n",
         app.num_threads, app.array_size);

  // Initialize input array.
  for ( int i=0; i<app.array_size; i++ ) app.v_in[i] = drand48();

  const double time_start = time_fp();

  // Copy input array from CPU to GPU.
  CE( cudaMemcpy
      ( app.d_v_in, app.v_in, array_size_bytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) );

  // Copy App structure to GPU.
  CE( cudaMemcpyToSymbol
      ( d_app, &app, sizeof(app), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice ) );

  const int threads_per_block = 256;
  const int blocks_per_grid =
    ( app.num_threads + threads_per_block-1 ) / threads_per_block;


  // Copy output array from GPU to CPU.
  CE( cudaMemcpy
      ( app.m_out, app.d_m_out, out_array_size_bytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );

  const double data_size = 
    app.array_size * ( sizeof(app.v_in[0]) + sizeof(app.m_out[0]) );
  const double fp_op_count = app.array_size * 5;
  const double elapsed_time = time_fp() - time_start;

  printf("Elapsed time for %d threads and %d elements is %.3f µs\n",
         app.num_threads, app.array_size, 1e6 * elapsed_time);
  printf("Rate %.3f GFLOPS,  %.3f GB/s\n",
         1e-9 * fp_op_count / elapsed_time,
         1e-9 * data_size / elapsed_time);