/// LSU EE 4702-1 (Fall 2015), GPU Programming
 /// Minimal OpenGL Program

 /// Purpose
//   Show complete OpenGL program in compact form.

//   The routine draws a single triangle.

 /// To compile and run:
//     make
//     demo-4-simple-ogl

// C Standard IO (part of C library) header.
#include <stdio.h>

// OpenGL library header.
#include <GL/gl.h>

// Glut (OpenGL utility) library header.
#include <GL/freeglut.h>

/// Render: Paint Frame Buffer
  // This routine called each time OS wants a region of the screen
  // painted.

  /// Clear Frame Buffer  (Set all pixels to same color.)

  //  Tell OpenGL what color to clear the frame to.
  //  The color below is a dark gray.
  glClearColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0);    // Red, Green, Blue, Alpha

  //  Clear color buffer using color specified by last glClearColor call.

  /// Specify Transformation Matrices

  // Tell OpenGL that subsequent matrix commands are for modelview matrix.
  // The modelview matrix transforms from object (world) to eye space.

  // Load an identity matrix into modelview matrix.

  // Multiply modelview matrix by a translation matrix.
  // (Note that there is no OpenGL glLoadTranslatef().
  // Note: the "f" means arguments are of type float.
  // This modelview is for a viewer at (1,0.5,3);

  // Tell OpenGL that subsequent matrix commands are for projection matrix.

  // Load an identity matrix into projection matrix.

  // Multiply projection matrix by a frustum transformation.
  // Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Front, Back
  glFrustum( -0.8, +0.8, -0.8, 0.8, 1, 5000 );

  /// Emit One Purple Triangle

  //  Indicate type of primitive.

  //  Specify color attribute.
  //  This will be used for all vertices specified after this point.
  glColor3ub( 0x58, 0x0d, 0xa6); // Red, Green, Blue
  // Note: "3ub" indicates 3 arguments of type unsigned byte.

  // Specify vertices for a triangle.
  glVertex3f( 1.5, 0, -3.2 );
  glVertex3f( 0,   5, -5 );
  glVertex3f( 9,   6, -9 );
  // Note: "3f" indicates 3 arguments of type float.
  // Note: If we specify 3 more vertices we get another triangle.
  // At this point a triangle painted in "back" frame buffer.

  glEnd();  // No more triangles for now.

  /// Swap Color Buffers
  //  The commands above wrote the "back" color buffer, which is
  //  not displayed.  Swap the back and front buffers so our triangle
  //  will be visible.  (This double-buffering approach makes frame
  //  transitions seem instantaneous.)
  //  OpenGL "knows" how to write the different buffers, but it does
  //  not know how to swap them, which is why the call below uses glut.
  glutSwapBuffers();            // Swap front and back buffers.

main(int argc, char **argv)

  /// Initialize glut
  //   Glut will remove and process selected command line arguments.
  glutInit(&argc, argv);

  /// Request Frame Buffer
  //  Tell glut to get a frame buffer with the listed bitplanes:
  //   GLUT_RGBA:    Get color buffers with bitplanes for red, green,
  //                 blue, and alpha components.
  //   GLUT_DOUBLE:  Two color buffers, one for display, for update.
  //   GLUT_DEPTH:   Request a z-buffer bitplane.
  glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH );

  /// Request Window
  glutInitWindowSize( 640, 480 );

  // Create a new window.
  glutCreateWindow("Hello, world!  - The lonely triangle.");

  /// Specify Display Callback Function
  //  Tell glut to call specified callback function (render) each time
  //  our window needs to be painted (updated). (E.g., after re-size
  //  or after window is damaged by overlapping windows.)
  //  Note that glut won't call this function unless it is "spinning"
  //  the message loop.

  /// Spin the Message Loop
  //  Tell glut to run (spin) the message loop, the mechanism used
  //  to communicate with the windowing system.  Some messages will
  //  indicate that "our" window needs to be painted and for these
  //  glut will call the display function registered above.

  // When code reaches this point the program is about to exit.

  return 0;