/// LSU EE X70X-X (Spring 2010),  GPU Course
 /// Demo of Dynamic Simulation, Multiple Balls on Curved Platform

// $Id:$

/// Purpose
//   Demonstrate Several Graphical and Simulation Techniques.
//   Base for course projects.

/// What Code Does // Simulates balls bouncing on a half-cylinder platform with // a water wheel and some steps. // Features // Ball friction and angular momentum modeled. // Physics computed by CPU or by GPU/CUDA (user selectable). // Demonstrates use of CUDA for GPU physics, also use of // CPU multi-threading (currently only in conjunction with CUDA). // Balls cast shadows on platform: // Demonstrates use of stencils and shadow volumes. // Ball reflections visible on mirrored tiles. // Demonstrates stencils, blending, vertex, and geometry shaders. // Vertex shader computes reflection locations (> 1 per vertex). // Geometry shader emits triangles for all reflection points. // Later, tile image is blended over reflected image of balls. // Occlusion queries used to limit number of balls rendered. // Two-color specular lighting used for balls. /// Keyboard Commands // /// Object (Eye, Light, Ball) Location or Push // Arrows, Page Up, Page Down // Will move object or push ball, depending on mode: // 'e': Move eye. // 'l': Move light. // 'b': Move ball. (Change position but not velocity.) // 'D': Move ball drip location. // 'B': Push ball. (Add velocity.) // /// Eye Direction // Home, End, Delete, Insert // Turn the eye direction. // Home should rotate eye direction up, End should rotate eye // down, Delete should rotate eye left, Insert should rotate eye // right. The eye direction vector is displayed in the upper left. /// Simulation Options // (Also see variables below.) // // 'p' Pause simulation. (Press again to resume.) // 'a' Switch physics method (CPU to GPU/CUDA). // 'd' Toggle dripping of balls. // 'x' Toggle shower of balls. // 'X' Release one pair of balls. // 't' Run 5-tier-of-balls benchmark. // 'T' Run 1-tier-of-balls benchmark. // 'R' Remove all but one ball. // 'm' Toggle reflections on mirror tiles. // 'w' Toggle shadows. // 'W' Toggle visibility of shadow volumes. // 'n' Toggle visibility of platform normals. // 's' Stop balls linear motion. // 'S' Stop balls rotational motion. // 'c' Use colors to show number of reflected points, and other info. // 'M' Switch between different shortcuts in computing reflections. // 'g' Turn gravity on and off. // 'F10' Write video to file. // 'F12' Write screenshot to file. /// Variables // Selected program variables can be modified using the keyboard. // Use "Tab" to cycle through the variable to be modified, the // name of the variable is displayed next to "VAR" on the bottom // line of green text. // 'Tab' Cycle to next variable. // '`' Cycle to previous variable. // '+' Increase variable value. // '-' Decrease variable value. // // VAR Light Intensity // - The light intensity. // VAR Gravity - Gravitational acceleration. (Turn on/off using 'g'.) // VAR Ball Mass // VAR Ball Radius // VAR Elasticity // - Softness of balls. (Inverse of spring constant // used to compute repulsion forces when balls touch.) // VAR Sliding Friction // - Dynamic friction coefficient. Used for ball/ball // and ball/platform contact. The standard friction model // is used, frictional force is proportional to force // between two sliding surfaces. // VAR Rolling Friction // - Rolling friction coefficient. Used both for // ball/ball and ball/platform rolling. Frictional // model is ad-hoc, with force proportional to ball // rotation with respect to contact point and ball // deformation. // VAR Bounce Energy Loss // - Amount of energy lost in contact. // VAR Block Size // - Size of CUDA thread block, used both for the // platform and pairs passes. // VAR Color by Block in Pass // - If opt_color_events is on, use block number // in PASS to determine color of ball. #define GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES #define GLX_GLXEXT_PROTOTYPES #include <math.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glext.h> #include <GL/glx.h> #include <GL/glxext.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #include <GL/freeglut.h> #include <gp/util.h> #include <gp/glextfuncs.h> #include <gp/coord.h> #include <gp/shader.h> #include <gp/pstring.h> #include <gp/misc.h> #include <gp/gl-buffer.h> #include <gp/texture-util.h> #include <gp/cuda-util.h> #include "shapes.h" #include "balls.cuh" /// /// Main Data Structures /// // // Class World: All data about scene. class World; // Class Contact: Information about pair of nearby balls. class Contact; // Struct Pairs_Chunk_Info: Information used for CPU parallelization. struct Pairs_Chunk_Info; // Class Tile: Physical rectangular object. class Tile; // Class Pass: Information needed for a CUDA launch of a pair pass kernel. // class Pass { public: Pass(){ block_cnt = 0; round_cnt = 0; } dim3 dim_grid, dim_block; int balls_per_block_max; int balls_per_thread_max; int block_num_base, block_num_next_pass; int block_cnt; int round_cnt; int thread_num_max; // Maximum thread number of any block. int thread_cnt_max; // Maximum number of threads used in any block. int prefetch_offset; int schedule_offset; int prefetch_elts_per_block; int ball_cnt; }; // Cast a Phys to a more specialized compatible class, or NULL. // #define BALL(p) \ ({Phys* const _p = p; _p->phys_type == PT_Ball ? (Ball*) _p : NULL;}) #define TILE(p) \ ({Phys* const _p = p; _p->phys_type == PT_Tile ? (Tile*) _p : NULL;}) // Class describing a physical object. // class Phys { public: Phys(Phys_Type phys_type); Phys(Phys& phys); virtual ~Phys(); const Phys_Type phys_type; Phys* const original; // Pointer to original if this is a copy. int idx; // Index into an array. int serial; // For debugging. bool read_only; // If true, no need to update position, etc. virtual void constants_update(){}; // Routines below for axis sorting. virtual float max_z_get(double delta_t) { return 0; } virtual float min_z_get(double delta_t) { return 0; } GLuint query_occlusion_id; bool occlusion_query_active; bool occluded; int occluded_run; int occlusion_countdown; int contact_count; // Number of other objects in contact with. bool collision; // True if object collided with something. uint32_t debug_pair_calls; // Members needed for scheduling proximity pairs on CUDA. Values // assigned are temporary and usually change during scheduling. For // example, a ball can be in multiple CUDA passes so a value for // pass does not indicate that it's the only pass it can be in. // PStack<int> proximity; // Nearby phys objects. int pass; int pass_todo; int rounds; bool placed; int block; int color_block; // Block number to use for coloring ball. int sm_idx; // Index into CUDA shared memory array. }; // Class representing physical ball. // class Ball : public Phys { public: Ball(World *w, float r = 0); Ball(Ball &b):Phys(b),w(b.w) { #define C(m) m=b.m C(position);C(velocity);C(orientation);C(omega); C(prev_velocity); #undef C } ~Ball(); float max_z_get(double delta_t); float min_z_get(double delta_t); void set_radius(float r) { radius = r; constants_update(); } void constants_update(); World& w; float radius, radius_sq, radius_inv; float density; float mass; float mass_inv; float fdt_to_do; float short_xrad_sq; pCoor position; pVect velocity; pQuat orientation; pVect omega; pVect prev_velocity; pVect prev_omega; pColor color_event; // Color based on a recent event. pColor color_natural; // The ball's "real" color. pVect point_rot_vel(pNorm tact_dir); void apply_tan_force_dt(pNorm tact_dir, pNorm force_dir, double force_dt); void apply_tan_force_dt(pNorm tact_dir, pVect force_dt); void push(pVect amt); void translate(pVect amt); void stop(); void freeze(); }; // Class representing physical water wheel, composed of a collection // of tiles. // class Wheel { public: Wheel(World* w):w(*w){}; void init(pCoor center, pVect axis, double r_inner, double blade_len); void to_cuda(); void from_cuda(); void variables_update(); void spin(); void collect_tile_force(Tile *tile, pCoor tact, pVect delta_mo); float friction_torque; double theta, omega, torque_dt; bool cpu_stale, cuda_constants_stale; pCUDA_Memory<float> cuda_omega; PStack<Tile*> tiles; pCoor center; pNorm axis_dir; float base_moment_of_inertia_inv, moment_of_inertia_inv; World& w; }; const pColor red(0.8,0.1,0.1); const pColor green(0.1,0.8,0.1); const pColor blue(0.1,0.1,0.8); const pColor cyan(0.1,0.8,0.8); const pColor dark(0); const pColor light_gray(0.8,0.8,0.8); const pColor dark_gray(0.15,0.15,0.15); const pColor white(0xffffff); const pColor lsu_business_purple(0x7f5ca2); const pColor lsu_spirit_purple(0x580da6); const pColor lsu_spirit_gold(0xf9b237); const pColor lsu_official_purple(0x2f0462); const pColor color_orange_red(0xff4500); const pColor color_dark_orange(0xff8c00); const pColor color_orange(0xffa500); const pColor color_gold(0xffd700); const pColor color_yellow(0xffff00); const pColor color_chartreuse(0x7fff00); const pColor color_lawn_green(0x7cfc00); const pColor color_spring_green(0x00ff7f); const pColor color_medium_spring_green(0x00fa9a); const pColor color_deep_sky_blue(0x00bfff); const pColor color_medium_blue(0x0000cd); const pColor color_dark_violet(0x9400d3); const pColor color_dark_magenta(0x8b008b); const pColor color_magenta(0xff00ff); const pColor color_dark_red(0x8b0000); const pColor color_brown(0xa52a2a); const pColor color_firebrick(0xb22222); const pColor color_indian_red(0xcd5c5c); const pColor color_light_coral(0xf08080); const pColor color_salmon(0xfa8072); const pColor color_light_salmon(0xffa07a); const pColor color_tomato(0xff6347); const pColor color_coral(0xff7f50); const pColor color_dark_salmon(0xe9967a); const pColor color_rosy_brown(0xbc8f8f); const pColor color_sienna(0xa0522d); const pColor color_saddle_brown(0x8b4513); const pColor color_chocolate(0xd2691e); const pColor color_peru(0xcd853f); const pColor color_sandy_brown(0xf4a460); const pColor color_burlywood(0xdeb887); const pColor color_tan(0xd2b48c); const pColor color_navajo_white(0xffdead); const pColor color_wheat(0xf5deb3); const pColor color_dark_goldenrod(0xb8860b); const pColor color_goldenrod(0xdaa520); const pColor color_light_goldenrod(0xeedd82); const pColor color_pale_goldenrod(0xeee8aa); const pColor color_cornsilk(0xfff8dc); const pColor color_dark_khaki(0xbdb76b); const pColor color_khaki(0xf0e68c); const pColor color_lemon_chiffon(0xfffacd); const pColor color_dark_olive_green(0x556b2f); const pColor color_olive_drab(0x6b8e23); const pColor color_yellow_green(0x9acd32); const pColor color_green_yellow(0xadff2f); const pColor color_light_green(0x90ee90); const pColor color_forest_green(0x228b22); const pColor color_lime_green(0x32cd32); const pColor color_pale_green(0x98fb98); const pColor color_dark_sea_green(0x8fbc8f); const pColor color_sea_green(0x2e8b57); const pColor color_medium_sea_green(0x3cb371); const pColor color_light_sea_green(0x20b2aa); const pColor color_medium_aquamarine(0x66cdaa); const pColor color_aquamarine(0x7fffd4); const pColor color_dark_cyan(0x008b8b); const pColor color_medium_turquoise(0x48d1cc); const pColor color_turquoise(0x40e0d0); const pColor color_pale_turquoise(0xafeeee); const pColor color_powder_blue(0xb0e0e6); const pColor color_light_blue(0xadd8e6); const pColor color_sky_blue(0x87ceeb); const pColor color_light_sky_blue(0x87cefa); const pColor color_cadet_blue(0x5f9ea0); const pColor color_steel_blue(0x4682b4); const pColor color_dark_slate_gray(0x2f4f4f); const pColor color_slate_gray(0x708090); const pColor color_light_slate_gray(0x778899); const pColor color_royal_blue(0x4169e1); const pColor color_dodger_blue(0x1e90ff); const pColor color_cornflower_blue(0x6495ed); const pColor color_light_steel_blue(0xb0c4de); const pColor color_dark_blue(0x00008b); const pColor color_navy(0x000080); const pColor color_midnight_blue(0x191970); const pColor color_dark_slate_blue(0x483d8b); const pColor color_slate_blue(0x6a5acd); const pColor color_medium_slate_blue(0x7b68ee); const pColor color_light_slate_blue(0x8470ff); const pColor color_medium_purple(0x9370db); const pColor color_blue_violet(0x8a2be2); const pColor color_purple(0xa020f0); const pColor color_dark_orchid(0x9932cc); const pColor color_medium_orchid(0xba55d3); const pColor color_orchid(0xda70d6); const pColor color_thistle(0xd8bfd8); const pColor color_plum(0xdda0dd); const pColor color_violet(0xee82ee); const pColor color_medium_violet_red(0xc71585); const pColor color_violet_red(0xd02090); const pColor color_pale_violet_red(0xdb7093); const pColor color_maroon(0xb03060); const pColor color_deep_pink(0xff1493); const pColor color_hot_pink(0xff69b4); const pColor color_pink(0xffc0cb); const pColor color_light_pink(0xffb6c1); const pColor color_snow(0xfffafa); const int colors_mask = 0xf; const pColor* const colors[colors_mask+1] = { &lsu_spirit_gold, &lsu_spirit_purple, &green, &blue, &red, &cyan, &light_gray, &dark_gray, &color_orange, &color_spring_green, &color_dark_violet, &color_salmon, &color_burlywood, &color_cornsilk, &color_sky_blue, &color_deep_pink }; // Constants for Location of Data (CUDA or CPU) // // Used to decide whether to copy data to or from CUDA. // enum Data_Location { DL_PO = 0x1, // Position, Orientation DL_CV = 0x2, // Collision Count, Velocity DL_OT = 0x4, // Other. DL_ALL = 0x7, DL_PO_CPU = 0x1, // Position, Orientation DL_CV_CPU = 0x2, // Collision Count, Velocity DL_OT_CPU = 0x4, // Other. DL_ALL_CPU = 0x7, DL_PO_CUDA = 0x10, DL_CV_CUDA = 0x20, DL_OT_CUDA = 0x40, DL_ALL_CUDA = 0x70 }; enum GPU_Physics_Method { GP_cpu, GP_cuda, GP_ENUM_SIZE }; const char* const gpu_physics_method_str[] = { "CPU", "CUDA" }; typedef PStack<Phys*> Phys_List; typedef PStackIterator<Phys*> Phys_Iterator; // Include class definitions for tiles. Yes, this code // is disorganized. // #include "tiles.h" /// /// Main Class: World /// class World { public: World(pOpenGL_Helper &fb): ogl_helper(fb){init();} void init(); pOpenGL_Helper& ogl_helper; pVariable_Control variable_control; pFrame_Timer frame_timer; static void render_w(void *moi){ ((World*)moi)->render(); } void render(); void render_objects(bool attempt_occlusion_test); void render_shadow_volumes(pCoor light_pos); void cb_keyboard(); void variables_update(); void modelview_update(); void time_step_cpu(); bool sphere_empty(pCoor center, float radius); void balls_add(float contact_y_max); // For debugging and tuning. // bool opt_verify; // If true verify correctness in certain places. bool opt_debug; // Turns something on and off. Changes frequently. bool opt_debug2; // Turns something else on and off. Changes frequently. bool opt_info; // Request info to be printed to stdout. // Time in simulated world. // double world_time; // Physical objects (Balls, Tiles, etc.) being Simulated // Phys_List physs; PSList<Phys*,double> eye_dist; // Balls sorted by eye distance. bool balls_iterate(Ball*& ball); Ball* ball_first(); // Oldest surviving ball. Ball* ball_last(); // Youngest surviving ball. // Options controlling ball shower. // bool opt_spray_on; int spray_cnt, spray_run; double ball_countdown; // Options controlling ball drip. // bool opt_drip; int drip_cnt, drip_run; pCoor drip_location; Ball *dball; Ball* pball; int physs_occluded; // Lists used for computing which phys pairs are in proximity. // PSList<Phys*,double> phys_zsort; PStack<Contact> contact_pairs; void ball_init(); void benchmark_setup(int tiers=1); void contact_pairs_find(); void contact_pairs_find_chunk(Pairs_Chunk_Info *ci); bool penetration_balls_resolve (Ball *ball1, Ball *ball2, bool b2_real = true); void balls_render(bool attempt_ot); void balls_render_simple(); void balls_remove(); void balls_stop(); void balls_rot_stop(); bool opt_gravity; float opt_gravity_accel; // Value chosen by user. float opt_ball_density; float opt_ball_radius; float opt_bounce_loss; float opt_elasticity; float opt_friction_coeff; float opt_friction_roll; int opt_time_step_factor; // Pre-computed values. // double delta_t; pVect gravity_accel; // Set to zero when opt_gravity is false; pVect gravity_accel_dt; double elasticity_inv_dt; Tile_Manager tile_manager; Wheel* wheel; float opt_wheel_tile_density; // Per area, for computing moment of inertia. /// Tiled platform for ball. (Not to be confused with Tile class.) // float platform_xmin, platform_xmax, platform_zmin, platform_zmax; float platform_xmid, platform_xrad, platform_xrad_inv; float delta_theta_inv, tile_size_inv; float platform_pi_xwidth_inv; float trmin, trmax, tsmin, tsmax; // Platform texture boundary. pBuffer_Object<pVect> platform_tile_norms; pBuffer_Object<pVect> platform_tile_coords; pBuffer_Object<float> platform_tex_coords; int platform_even_vtx_cnt, platform_odd_vtx_cnt; pColor mirror_tint; // Color of mirrored tiles. void platform_update(); bool platform_collision_possible(Ball *ball, float ts_mov_max = 0); pCoor light_location; float opt_light_intensity; enum { MI_Eye, MI_Light, MI_Ball, MI_Ball_V, MI_Drip, MI_Wheel, MI_COUNT } opt_move_item; bool opt_pause; pCoor eye_location; pVect eye_direction; pMatrix modelview; pMatrix modelview_inv; pMatrix modelview_projection; bool opt_shadows; bool opt_shadow_volumes; bool opt_mirror; int opt_mirror_method; bool opt_normals_visible; bool opt_color_events; int tri_count; // For tuning, demo. pShader *vs_fixed; pShader *vs_reflect; GLint sun_axis_e, sun_axis_ne, sun_platform_xrad_sq, sun_light_num; GLint sun_platform_xmid, sun_platform_xrad; GLint sun_eye_location, sun_eye_to_world, sun_world_to_clip; GLint sun_opt_mirror_method, sun_opt_color_events; GLuint texid_plat; GLuint texid_ball; // Pre-Computed Spheres // Sphere sphere; Sphere* spheres; Sphere sphere_lite; int sphere_lod_max; int sphere_lod_min; double sphere_delta_lod, sphere_lod_factor, sphere_lod_offset; int sphere_count; Sphere* sphere_get(Ball *ball); Cone cone; // Used to show platform normals. int opt_physics_method; int data_location; // Is data on CPU, CUDA or both. /// Variables controlling CUDA schedule computation thread. // pthread_cond_t pt_render_cond, pt_sched_cond; pthread_mutex_t pt_mutex, pt_pairs_mutex; pthread_t pt_sched_tid; void pt_sched_main(); // Entry routine for schedule thread. void pt_sched_start(); // Tell schedule thread to compute a sched. void pt_sched_waitfor(); // Wait for schedule thread to finish. bool pt_sched_is_idle(); char pt_render_cmd; // Command for schedule thread. bool pt_sched_waiting; // True if sched thread waiting for cmd. bool pt_sched_data_pending; // True if sched data ready and uncollected. /// /// CUDA Routines /// void cuda_init(); // Copy constants (such as ball radius) to CUDA. // void cuda_constants_update(); // Advance physical state by one time step. // void time_step_cuda(int iters_per_frame, bool just_before_render); int opt_block_size; // Number of threads to use in CUDA block. int block_size_max; // Maximum possible based on our CUDA code. int opt_block_color_pass; // Pass to use for coloring balls. dim3 dim_grid, dim_block; // Dimensions for platform pass. // Phys Data for CUDA // // This contains essential information from the Phys class // and is passed to CUDA as a structure of arrays. The structure // members are named for ball elements, but are used for tiles also. // pCUDA_Memory_X<CUDA_Ball,CUDA_Ball_X> cuda_balls; // Copy data from balls to cuda_balls, if necessary. // bool cpu_data_to_cuda(); // Copy data from cuda_balls to balls, if necessary. // void cuda_data_to_cpu(uint which_data); // Compute CUDA Schedule // // The schedule is a list of ball pairs for each CUDA thread // to handle. // // This routine runs on the CPU, but in a separate thread to // take advantage of multi-core CPUs. // void cuda_schedule(); // Compute CUDA schedule. // When positive CUDA schedule needs to be recomputed. // int cuda_schedule_stale; // Number of timesteps before CUDA schedule needs to be recomputed. // int schedule_lifetime_steps; // CUDA timing information, for tuning. cudaEvent_t frame_start_ce, frame_stop_ce; int timer_id_sched; // Measure time of whole scheduler routine. int timer_id_spart; // Measure time of part of sched. routine. PStack<Pass> *passes_curr; // Info needed to launch contact pair kernel. PStack<Pass> *passes_next; PStack<Pass> passes_0, passes_1; // Balls needed by each block executing contact pair kernel. // pCUDA_Memory<int> block_balls_needed; // Pairs of balls to handle in contact pair kernel. // pCUDA_Memory<SM_Idx2> cuda_tacts_schedule; // Reset things when ball added or removed, or when switching to CPU // physics. // void cuda_at_balls_change(); int cuda_ball_cnt; bool cuda_initialized; cudaDeviceProp cuda_prop; // Properties of cuda device (GPU, cuda version). cudaFuncAttributes cfa_platform; // Properties of code to run on device. cudaFuncAttributes cfa_pairs; int balls_per_block_max; int block_count_prev; // Maximum number of blocks in last pairs pass. int round_count_prev; // Total number of rounds in all pairs passes. bool cuda_constants_stale; // When true, need to update constants. }; #define CP(f) { const int rv=f; ASSERTS( rv == 0 ); } // Wrapper to call scheduler main thread in World class. void* pt_sched_main(void *arg){((World*)arg)->pt_sched_main();return NULL;} void World::init() { /// Initialize scheduler thread, used for computing CUDA schedule. // // Initialize pthread condition variables and mutex, thread interaction. // CP(pthread_cond_init(&pt_render_cond,NULL)); CP(pthread_cond_init(&pt_sched_cond,NULL)); CP(pthread_mutex_init(&pt_mutex,NULL)); CP(pthread_mutex_init(&pt_pairs_mutex,NULL)); pt_sched_waiting = false; pt_render_cmd = 0; // Create scheduler thread and wait for it to be ready. // CP(pthread_create(&pt_sched_tid, NULL, ::pt_sched_main, (void*)this)); pt_sched_waitfor(); tile_manager.init(&physs); data_location = DL_ALL_CPU; cuda_initialized = false; cuda_schedule_stale = 1; opt_physics_method = GP_cuda; opt_block_size = 128; frame_timer.work_unit_set("Steps / s"); world_time = 0; opt_gravity_accel = 9.8; opt_gravity = true; gravity_accel = pVect(0,-opt_gravity_accel,0); opt_normals_visible = false; opt_shadows = true; opt_shadow_volumes = false; opt_mirror = true; opt_mirror_method = 0; opt_spray_on = false; opt_color_events = false; opt_debug = false; opt_debug2 = false; opt_block_color_pass = 0; mirror_tint = lsu_spirit_purple * 0.5; // Instantiate shaders used for reflections. // // Creating reflections uses both a vertex shader and a geometry // shader, see code in balls-shdr.cc for details. // vs_reflect = new pShader ("balls-shdr.cc","vs_main_reflect();", "gs_main_reflect();", NULL); if ( vs_reflect->okay() ) { sun_platform_xrad = vs_reflect->uniform_location("platform_xrad"); sun_platform_xmid = vs_reflect->uniform_location("platform_xmid"); sun_eye_location = vs_reflect->uniform_location("eye_location"); sun_eye_to_world = vs_reflect->uniform_location("eye_to_world"); sun_world_to_clip = vs_reflect->uniform_location("world_to_clip"); sun_opt_mirror_method = vs_reflect->uniform_location("opt_mirror_method"); sun_opt_color_events = vs_reflect->uniform_location("opt_color_events"); } // Instantiate a non-shader shader object, which will be used to // tell OpenGL to used fixed functionality for all programmable // stages, rather than using one of our shaders. // vs_fixed = new pShader(); eye_location = pCoor(17.9,-2,117.2); eye_direction = pVect(-0.15,-0.06,-0.96); platform_xmin = -40; platform_xmax = 40; platform_zmin = -80; platform_zmax = 80; // Platform and Ball Textures // texid_plat = pBuild_Texture_File("gp.png", false, 255); texid_ball = pBuild_Texture_File("mult.png", false, -1); // Limits of texture coordinates for platform tiles. // trmax = 0.05; trmin = 0.7; tsmax = 0; tsmin = 0.4; opt_light_intensity = 100.2; light_location = pCoor(0,25.8,-14.3); opt_ball_radius = 2; opt_ball_density = 0.0074603942589580438; opt_friction_coeff = 0.1; opt_friction_roll = 0.1; opt_bounce_loss = 0.55; opt_elasticity = 1.0 / 16; opt_drip = true; drip_cnt = spray_cnt = 0; drip_run = 3; spray_run = 8; dball = NULL; opt_verify = true; opt_time_step_factor = 6; opt_wheel_tile_density = 0.01; variable_control.insert_power_of_2(opt_block_size,"Block Size"); variable_control.insert(opt_block_color_pass,"Color by Block in Pass"); variable_control.insert(opt_ball_density,"Ball Density"); variable_control.insert(opt_wheel_tile_density,"Tile Density"); variable_control.insert(opt_elasticity,"Elasticity"); variable_control.insert(opt_friction_coeff,"Sliding Friction"); variable_control.insert(opt_friction_roll,"Rolling Friction"); variable_control.insert(opt_bounce_loss,"Bounce Energy Loss"); variable_control.insert(opt_gravity_accel,"Gravity"); variable_control.insert(opt_light_intensity,"Light Intensity"); variable_control.insert(opt_ball_radius,"Ball Radius"); variable_control.insert(opt_time_step_factor,"Time Step Factor",1,1); opt_move_item = MI_Eye; opt_pause = false; pball = new Ball(this); pball->prev_velocity = pVect(0,0,0); pball->set_radius(1); drip_location = pCoor(30,20,60); ball_countdown = 0.1; sphere.init(40); sphere.tri_count = &tri_count; sphere_lite.init(4); sphere_lite.tri_count = &tri_count; // Initialize spheres with varying levels of detail (lod). // For performance reasons, sphere with lowest lod that provides // acceptable results is used. sphere_lod_max = 40; sphere_lod_min = 8; sphere_count = 16; sphere_delta_lod = ( sphere_lod_max - sphere_lod_min ) / (sphere_count-1); spheres = new Sphere[sphere_count]; for ( int i=0; i<sphere_count; i++ ) { const int lod = sphere_lod_min + int( i * sphere_delta_lod + 0.5 ); spheres[i].init(lod); spheres[i].tri_count = &tri_count; } wheel = new Wheel(this); variables_update(); platform_update(); modelview_update(); if ( wheel ) wheel->init(pCoor(0.6 * platform_xrad,-10,65), pVect(0,0,-10),3,8); { // Use tiles to construct a staircase. // const int step_count = 10; const float x2 = platform_xmax - 0.1 * platform_xrad; const float x1 = platform_xmid + 0.1 * platform_xrad; const float step_size = ( x2 - x1 ) / step_count; const pVect step_hor(step_size,0,0); const pVect step_ver(0,step_size,0); const pVect step_wid(0,0,5); const pCoor step_start(x1,-platform_xrad*0.9,-50); pColor step_color(0.5,0.5,0.5); for ( int i=0; i<step_count; i++ ) { const pCoor step_ll = step_start + i * ( step_hor + step_ver ); tile_manager.new_tile(step_ll,step_hor,step_wid,step_color); tile_manager.new_tile(step_ll+step_hor,step_ver,step_wid,step_color); } variables_update(); } /// Initialize Ball Positions // // Code below places balls in one of several ways. // Some of the ball arrangements are intended for debugging. if ( opt_spray_on ) { physs += new Ball(this); return; } const float r_short = platform_xrad - opt_ball_radius; if ( true ) { const double sa = asin( opt_ball_radius / r_short ); const double ca = 1.5 * M_PI; const double a[] = { ca - sa, ca + sa, ca }; const double r[] = { r_short, r_short, r_short - sqrt(3) * opt_ball_radius }; for ( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) { Ball* const b = new Ball(this); b->position = pCoor( r[i] * cos(a[i]), r[i] * sin(a[i]), 45); b->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); physs += b; } } if (false){ { Ball* const b = new Ball(this); b->position = pCoor(0,-r_short,40); b->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); physs += b; } { Ball* const b = new Ball(this); b->position = pCoor(r_short*cos(1.75*M_PI),r_short*sin(1.75*M_PI),40); b->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); physs += b; } } if ( false ) { Ball *b = new Ball(this); b->position = pCoor(0,-r_short,48); b->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); b->omega = pVect(0,6,0); physs += b; b = new Ball(this); b->position = pCoor(0,-r_short+3*opt_ball_radius,48); b->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); b->omega = pVect(0,1,0); physs += b; } } void World::variables_update() { // Updated pre-computed constants. // // This routine is called after user changes something. delta_t = 1.0 / ( 60 * opt_time_step_factor ); cuda_constants_stale = true; // Force cuda variables to be updated too. gravity_accel.y = opt_gravity ? -opt_gravity_accel : 0; gravity_accel_dt = delta_t * gravity_accel; elasticity_inv_dt = 100 * delta_t / opt_elasticity; if ( opt_bounce_loss > 1 ) opt_bounce_loss = 1; if ( wheel ) wheel->variables_update(); } void World::platform_update() { /// Set up Platform const float platform_delta_z = platform_zmax - platform_zmin; const int tile_count = int(max(1.0,platform_delta_z * 0.15)); const float zdelta = platform_delta_z / tile_count; const float platform_delta_x = platform_xmax - platform_xmin; PStack<pVect> p_tile_coords; PStack<pVect> p1_tile_coords; PStack<pVect> p_tile_norms; PStack<pVect> p1_tile_norms; PStack<float> p_tex_coords, p1_tex_coords; platform_pi_xwidth_inv = M_PI / platform_delta_x; const int tess_bits = 2; const int tess_mask = 1 << tess_bits; const int th_tile_count = 19 << tess_bits; const double delta_theta = M_PI / th_tile_count; delta_theta_inv = 1.0 / delta_theta; tile_size_inv = 1 / zdelta; platform_xmid = 0.5 * ( platform_xmax + platform_xmin ); platform_xrad = 0.5 * platform_delta_x; platform_xrad_inv = 1 / platform_xrad; const float trdelta = ( trmax - trmin ) / tess_mask; for ( int i = 0; i < th_tile_count; i++ ) { const double theta0 = i * delta_theta; const double theta1 = theta0 + delta_theta; bool even = i & tess_mask; const float x0 = platform_xmid - platform_xrad * cos(theta0); const float x1 = platform_xmid - platform_xrad * cos(theta1); const float y0 = -0.01 - platform_xrad * sin(theta0); const float y1 = -0.01 - platform_xrad * sin(theta1); pVect norm0( cos(theta0), sin(theta0), 0); pVect norm1( cos(theta1), sin(theta1), 0); const float trma = trmax - trdelta * ( i & ( tess_mask - 1 ) ); const float trmi = trma - trdelta; for ( float z = platform_zmin; z + 0.001 < platform_zmax; z += zdelta ) { PStack<pVect>& t_coords = even ? p_tile_coords : p1_tile_coords; PStack<pVect>& t_norms = even ? p_tile_norms : p1_tile_norms; PStack<float>& tex_coords = even ? p_tex_coords : p1_tex_coords; tex_coords += trma; tex_coords += tsmax; t_coords += pVect(x0,y0,z); t_norms += norm0; t_norms += norm0; tex_coords += trma; tex_coords += tsmin; t_coords += pVect(x0,y0,z+zdelta); tex_coords += trmi; tex_coords += tsmin; t_coords += pVect(x1,y1,z+zdelta); t_norms += norm1; t_norms += norm1; tex_coords += trmi; tex_coords += tsmax; t_coords += pVect(x1,y1,z); even = !even; } } platform_even_vtx_cnt = p_tile_coords.occ(); platform_odd_vtx_cnt = p1_tile_coords.occ(); while ( pVect* const v = p1_tile_coords.iterate() ) p_tile_coords += *v; while ( pVect* const v = p1_tile_norms.iterate() ) p_tile_norms += *v; while ( float* const v = p1_tex_coords.iterate() ) p_tex_coords += *v; platform_tile_norms.re_take(p_tile_norms); platform_tile_norms.to_gpu(); platform_tile_coords.re_take(p_tile_coords); platform_tile_coords.to_gpu(); platform_tex_coords.re_take(p_tex_coords); platform_tex_coords.to_gpu(); } void World::modelview_update() { pMatrix_Translate center_eye(-eye_location); pMatrix_Rotation rotate_eye(eye_direction,pVect(0,0,-1)); modelview = rotate_eye * center_eye; modelview_inv = invert(modelview); } void World::benchmark_setup(int tiers) { // Set up an arrangement of balls intended for performance measurement. cuda_at_balls_change(); for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { physs.iterate_yank(); delete ball; } // Note that number of balls determined by ball size. opt_ball_radius = 1.08; const float delta_z = opt_ball_radius * 3; const float delta_x = opt_ball_radius * 2.1; const float hdeltaz = delta_z / 2; const float hdeltax = delta_x / 2; const float delta_y = 2.1 * opt_ball_radius; const float ymax = delta_y * tiers - 0.001; opt_drip = false; opt_spray_on = false; opt_verify = false; opt_mirror = false; opt_shadows = false; opt_friction_coeff = 2.0; for ( float z = platform_zmin + hdeltaz; z < platform_zmax; z+= delta_z ) for ( float x = platform_xmin + hdeltax; x < platform_xmax; x += delta_x ) for ( float y = 0; y < ymax; y+= delta_y ) { Ball* const b = new Ball(this); b->velocity.z = 0; b->position = pCoor(x,y,z); physs += b; } variables_update(); } void World::cuda_init() { if ( cuda_initialized ) return; ASSERTS( sizeof(CUDA_Ball_W) == sizeof(CUDA_Tile_W) ); cuda_initialized = true; cuda_constants_stale = true; cuda_ball_cnt = 5; // Set initial size of CUDA ball_x array. schedule_lifetime_steps = 6; // Number of steps schedule good for. passes_curr = &passes_0; passes_next = &passes_1; // Get information about GPU and its ability to run CUDA. // int device_count; cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count); // Get number of GPUs. ASSERTS( device_count ); const int dev = 0; CE(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&cuda_prop,dev)); CE(cudaGLSetGLDevice(dev)); printf ("GPU: %s @ %.2f GHz WITH %d MiB GLOBAL MEM\n", cuda_prop.name, cuda_prop.clockRate/1e6, int(cuda_prop.totalGlobalMem >> 20)); printf ("CAP: %d.%d NUM MP: %d TH/BL: %d SHARED: %d CONST: %d " "# REGS: %d\n", cuda_prop.major, cuda_prop.minor, cuda_prop.multiProcessorCount, cuda_prop.maxThreadsPerBlock, int(cuda_prop.sharedMemPerBlock), int(cuda_prop.totalConstMem), cuda_prop.regsPerBlock ); // Prepare events used for timing. // CE(cudaEventCreate(&frame_start_ce)); CE(cudaEventCreate(&frame_stop_ce)); timer_id_sched = frame_timer.user_timer_per_start_define("Sched"); timer_id_spart = frame_timer.user_timer_per_start_define("SPart"); // Set up cuda_balls class. // // Identify structure members so they can be transposed into arrays. // CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,orientation); CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,position); CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,velocity); CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,prev_velocity); CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,omega); CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,tact_counts); CMX_SETUP(cuda_balls,ball_props); // Allocate initial storage for cuda_balls. // cuda_balls.alloc_locked(cuda_ball_cnt); // Send pointer to this storage to cuda. // cuda_balls.ptrs_to_cuda("balls_x"); // Determine resources used by each CUDA kernel. // See balls-kernel.cu for code. // CE(cuda_get_attr_plat_pairs(&cfa_platform,&cfa_pairs)); block_size_max = min(cfa_platform.maxThreadsPerBlock, cfa_pairs.maxThreadsPerBlock); set_min(block_size_max,cuda_prop.maxThreadsPerBlock); printf("CUDA Routine Resource Usage:\n"); printf(" pass_platform: %6zd shared, %zd const, %zd loc, %d regs; " "%d max thr\n", cfa_platform.sharedSizeBytes, cfa_platform.constSizeBytes, cfa_platform.localSizeBytes, cfa_platform.numRegs, cfa_platform.maxThreadsPerBlock); printf(" pass_pairs: %6zd shared, %zd const, %zd loc, %d regs; %d max thr\n", cfa_pairs.sharedSizeBytes, cfa_pairs.constSizeBytes, cfa_pairs.localSizeBytes, cfa_pairs.numRegs, cfa_pairs.maxThreadsPerBlock); balls_per_block_max = int(cuda_prop.sharedMemPerBlock / sizeof(CUDA_Phys_W)); printf(" Shared Memory: %d balls, based on ball size of %zd chars.\n", balls_per_block_max, sizeof(CUDA_Phys_W)); } /// /// CUDA Scheduler Thread Routines /// void World::pt_sched_main() { /// Main Scheduler Thread Routine // Initialize. pt_sched_data_pending = false; while ( true ) { // Wait for a command from the render (main) thread. // CP(pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex)); pt_sched_waiting = true; while ( !pt_render_cmd ) pthread_cond_wait(&pt_sched_cond,&pt_mutex); // Main thread has woken us up (with pthread_cond_signal), // perform command we were roused for. // const char cmd = pt_render_cmd; pt_render_cmd = 0; pt_sched_waiting = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex); // After unlocking main thread can "see" that we are awake and // received the command (since it's now zero). // Exit scheduler thread, perhaps because program is exiting. // if ( cmd == 'x' ) break; // Wake up render thread. // if ( cmd == 'w' ) { pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&pt_render_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex); continue; } ASSERTS( cmd == 's' ); // Compute a CUDA schedule. // cuda_schedule(); } } bool World::pt_sched_is_idle() { /// Return true if scheduling thread is idle. CP(pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex)); const bool rv = pt_sched_waiting && !pt_render_cmd; CP(pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex)); return rv; } void World::pt_sched_waitfor() { /// Wait for schedule thread to be idle. CP(pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex)); while ( pt_sched_waiting && pt_render_cmd ) { // Schedule thread is idle, but has work to do (pt_render_cmd), // so wait for that to be finished. // pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex); pthread_yield(); pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex); } while ( true ) { if ( pt_sched_waiting ) break; // Schedule thread isn't waiting, to request a wakeup and // go to sleep. // pt_render_cmd = 'w'; pthread_cond_wait(&pt_render_cond,&pt_mutex); } ASSERTS( !pt_render_cmd ); CP(pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex)); } void World::pt_sched_start() { /// Command scheduler thread to compute schedule. // // Called from render (main) thread. ASSERTS( pt_sched_waiting ); // Get data from CUDA. // This can only be done from one thread, here the render thread. // cuda_data_to_cpu( DL_PO | DL_CV ); // Set command and then wake up scheduler thread. // CP(pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex)); pt_render_cmd = 's'; pthread_cond_signal(&pt_sched_cond); // Wake up scheduler. pt_sched_data_pending = true; CP(pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex)); } void World::cuda_at_balls_change() { /// Reset scheduler and other CUDA data. // // Called when a ball is added or removed, or there is some other // disrupting change. if ( opt_physics_method == GP_cpu ) return; // Wait for scheduler thread to finish whatever it's currently doing. // pt_sched_waitfor(); // Forget about the schedule it may have just finished. // pt_sched_data_pending = false; cuda_schedule_stale = 1; // Bring data back to CPU. // cuda_data_to_cpu(DL_ALL); data_location = DL_ALL_CPU; } void World::cuda_constants_update() { /// If necessary, copy constants to CUDA. // // Performed during program initialization and after user changes to // options such as ball mass. if ( !cuda_constants_stale ) return; cuda_constants_stale = false; set_max(opt_block_size, 1); set_min(opt_block_size, block_size_max); // The macros below copy values to CUDA device variables with // the same name. // TO_DEV(gravity_accel_dt); TO_DEV(opt_bounce_loss); TO_DEV(platform_xmin); TO_DEV(platform_xmax); TO_DEV(platform_zmin); TO_DEV(platform_zmax); TO_DEV(platform_xmid); TO_DEV(platform_xrad); TO_DEVF(delta_t); TO_DEVF(elasticity_inv_dt); TO_DEVF(opt_friction_coeff); TO_DEVF(opt_friction_roll); } bool World::cpu_data_to_cuda() { /// Copy data to CUDA. ASSERTS( ( DL_ALL & ( data_location | ( data_location >> 4 ) ) ) == DL_ALL ); if ( wheel ) wheel->to_cuda(); const int cnt = physs.occ(); // Allocate additional cuda storage, if necessary. // if ( cnt > cuda_ball_cnt ) { cuda_balls.realloc(cnt); cuda_balls.ptrs_to_cuda_soa("balls_x"); cuda_ball_cnt = cnt; } cuda_constants_update(); // Just return if data already has valid values. // if ( ( data_location & DL_ALL_CUDA ) == DL_ALL_CUDA ) return false; data_location |= DL_ALL_CUDA; // Copy CPU's phys information to arrays, in preparation for // transfer to CUDA. // for ( int idx=0; idx<cnt; idx++ ) { Phys* const phys = physs[idx]; Tile* const tile = TILE(phys); int4 tact_counts; tact_counts.x = phys->phys_type; tact_counts.y = 0; // phys->contact_count, init to 0 tact_counts.z = 0; // phys->debug_pair_calls, init to 0. tact_counts.w = tile && tile->marker ? 1 : 0; // 1 if wheel. cuda_balls.soa.tact_counts[idx] = tact_counts; if ( Ball* const ball = BALL(phys) ) { vec_set(cuda_balls.soa.orientation[idx],ball->orientation); vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.position[idx],ball->position); vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.prev_velocity[idx],ball->velocity); vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.velocity[idx],ball->velocity); vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.omega[idx],ball->omega); float4 ball_props; ball_props.x = ball->radius; ball_props.y = ball->mass_inv; ball_props.z = ball->fdt_to_do; ball_props.w = 0; cuda_balls.soa.ball_props[idx] = ball_props; } else if ( tile ) { float4 wht; wht.x = tile->width; wht.y = tile->height; wht.z = 0; // Torque, initialized to zero. wht.w = 0; vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.position[idx],tile->pt_ll); cuda_balls.soa.velocity[idx] = wht; vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.omega[idx],tile->norm_rt); vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.prev_velocity[idx],tile->norm_up); vec_sets3(cuda_balls.soa.ball_props[idx],tile->normal); } else { ASSERTS( false ); } } // Transfer the data. cuda_balls.to_cuda(); return true; } void World::cuda_data_to_cpu(uint which_data) { /// Copy data from CUDA. ASSERTS( ( DL_ALL & ( data_location | ( data_location >> 4 ) ) ) == DL_ALL ); ASSERTS( which_data & DL_ALL ); // If the needed data is already on the CPU, return. // const uint mask = which_data & ~data_location; if ( !mask ) return; // Mark that the needed data is on the CPU (not yet, but it will be soon). // data_location |= which_data; cuda_balls.from_cuda(); // Transfer data. const int cnt = physs.occ(); // Copy data to physs array, copying only the data that's // needed and not already present. // for ( int idx=0; idx<cnt; idx++ ) { Phys* const phys = physs[idx]; Ball* const ball = BALL(phys); Tile* const tile = TILE(phys); if ( mask & DL_CV_CPU ) { const int4 tact_counts = cuda_balls.soa.tact_counts[idx]; phys->contact_count = tact_counts.y; phys->collision |= phys->contact_count; phys->debug_pair_calls = tact_counts.z; } if ( tile && tile->marker && ( mask & DL_PO_CPU ) ) { pCoor pt_ll; pt_ll.w = 1; pVect norm_rt, norm_up; vec_sets3(pt_ll,cuda_balls.soa.position[idx]); vec_sets4(norm_rt,cuda_balls.soa.omega[idx]); vec_sets4(norm_up,cuda_balls.soa.prev_velocity[idx]); tile->set(pt_ll, tile->height * norm_up, tile->width * norm_rt); } if ( !ball ) continue; if ( mask & DL_PO_CPU ) { vec_sets3(ball->position,cuda_balls.soa.position[idx]); vec_set(ball->orientation,cuda_balls.soa.orientation[idx]); } if ( mask & DL_CV_CPU ) { vec_sets4(ball->velocity,cuda_balls.soa.velocity[idx]); const int4 tact_counts = cuda_balls.soa.tact_counts[idx]; ball->contact_count = tact_counts.y; ball->collision |= ball->contact_count; ball->debug_pair_calls = tact_counts.z; } if ( mask & DL_OT_CPU ) { vec_sets4(ball->omega,cuda_balls.soa.omega[idx]); } } } void Wheel::init(pCoor centerp, pVect axis, double r_inner, double blade_len) { cpu_stale = false; cuda_constants_stale = true; center = centerp; axis_dir = axis; const int slices = 10; const double r_outer = r_inner + blade_len; pVect y_axis(0,1,0); pNorm x_axis = cross(axis,y_axis); const double wheel_width = axis_dir.magnitude; const double r_inner_sq = r_inner * r_inner; const double r_outer_sq = r_outer * r_outer; const double base_moment_of_inertia_rim = r_inner_sq * wheel_width * 2 * M_PI * r_inner; const double base_moment_of_inertia_blades = slices * wheel_width * (1.0/3) * ( r_outer_sq * r_outer - r_inner_sq * r_inner ); base_moment_of_inertia_inv = 1.0 / ( base_moment_of_inertia_rim + base_moment_of_inertia_blades ); moment_of_inertia_inv = base_moment_of_inertia_inv / w.opt_wheel_tile_density; torque_dt = 0; omega = 0; theta = 0; friction_torque = 10; const double delta_theta = 2 * M_PI / slices; pColor wheel_color(0,0.8,0); for ( int i=0; i<slices; i++ ) { const double theta_1 = i * delta_theta; const double theta_2 = (i+1) * delta_theta; pCoor pt1 = center + cos(theta_1) * r_inner * x_axis + sin(theta_1) * r_inner * y_axis; pVect pt1o = cos(theta_1) * blade_len * x_axis + sin(theta_1) * blade_len * y_axis; pCoor pt2 = center + cos(theta_2) * r_inner * x_axis + sin(theta_2) * r_inner * y_axis; pVect pt12(pt1,pt2); tiles += w.tile_manager.new_tile(pt1,pt12,axis,wheel_color); tiles += w.tile_manager.new_tile(pt1,pt1o,axis,wheel_color); } for ( Tile *tile; tiles.iterate(tile); ) { tile->read_only = false; tile->marker = this; } } void Wheel::to_cuda() { from_cuda(); cpu_stale = true; if ( cuda_constants_stale ) { cuda_constants_stale = false; CUDA_Wheel wheel; vec_set(wheel.center,center); vec_set(wheel.axis_dir,axis_dir); wheel.moment_of_inertia_inv = moment_of_inertia_inv; wheel.friction_torque = friction_torque; Tile* const tf = tiles[0]; Tile* const tl = tiles.peek(); const int tig_check = tl->idx - tf->idx + 1; ASSERTS( tig_check == tiles.occ() ); wheel.idx_start = tf->idx; wheel.idx_stop = tl->idx + 1; if ( cuda_omega.elements == 0 ) cuda_omega.alloc(1); wheel.omega = cuda_omega.get_dev_addr(); TO_DEV(wheel); } cuda_omega[0] = omega; cuda_omega.to_cuda(); } void Wheel::from_cuda() { if ( !cpu_stale ) return; cpu_stale = false; cuda_omega.from_cuda(); omega = cuda_omega[0]; } void Wheel::variables_update() { moment_of_inertia_inv = base_moment_of_inertia_inv / w.opt_wheel_tile_density; cuda_constants_stale = true; } void Wheel::spin() { from_cuda(); // Change in spin due to ball contact torques (torque_dt). // omega -= torque_dt * moment_of_inertia_inv; torque_dt = 0; // Change in spin due to rotational friction. // const float friction_delta_omega = friction_torque * moment_of_inertia_inv * w.delta_t; if ( fabs(omega) <= friction_delta_omega ) omega = 0; else if ( omega > 0 ) omega -= friction_delta_omega; else omega += friction_delta_omega; const double delta_theta = omega * w.delta_t; pMatrix_Translate tr_center(-center); pMatrix_Translate tr_restore(center); pMatrix_Rotation tr_rotate(axis_dir,delta_theta); pMatrix transform = tr_restore * tr_rotate * tr_center; for ( Tile *tile; tiles.iterate(tile); ) { pCoor ll = transform * tile->pt_ll; pVect vec_up = tr_rotate * tile->vec_up; pVect vec_rt = tr_rotate * tile->vec_rt; tile->set(ll,vec_up,vec_rt); } } void Wheel::collect_tile_force(Tile *tile, pCoor tact, pVect delta_mo) { if ( tile->marker != this ) return; pVect to_center(center,tact); // Formula below needs to be checked. torque_dt += dot(axis_dir,cross(to_center,delta_mo)); } /// /// Physical Simulation Code /// /// Initialize Simulation // int phys_serial_next = 0; Phys::Phys(Phys_Type phys_type): phys_type(phys_type),original(NULL) { read_only = false; occluded = false; occlusion_query_active = false; occluded_run = 0; occlusion_countdown = 0; glGenQueries(1,&query_occlusion_id); contact_count = 0; collision = false; serial = phys_serial_next++; debug_pair_calls = 0; } Phys::Phys(Phys& phys) :phys_type(phys.phys_type),original(&phys) { #define C(m) m=phys.m C(read_only); C(serial);C(idx); C(proximity); C(contact_count); C(debug_pair_calls); C(collision); query_occlusion_id = 0; #undef C } Phys::~Phys() { if ( query_occlusion_id ) glDeleteQueries(1,&query_occlusion_id); } bool World::balls_iterate(Ball*& ball) { for ( Phys *p; physs.iterate(p); ) if ( ( ball = BALL(p) ) ) return true; return false; } Ball* World::ball_first() { for ( Phys_Iterator phys(physs); phys; phys++ ) if ( Ball* const ball = BALL(phys) ) return ball; return NULL; } Ball* World::ball_last() { for ( int i = physs.occ() - 1; i>=0; i-- ) if ( Ball* const ball = BALL(physs[i]) ) return ball; return NULL; } Ball::Ball(World* wp, float r):Phys(PT_Ball),w(*wp) { w.cuda_at_balls_change(); density = w.opt_ball_density; set_radius( r == 0 ? w.opt_ball_radius : r ); color_event = pColor(0.5,0.5,0.5); color_natural = pColor(0.5,0.5,0.5); position = pCoor(30,22,-15.4); velocity = pVect(random()/(0.0+RAND_MAX),0,random()/(0.0+RAND_MAX)); orientation.set(pVect(0,1,0),0); omega = pVect(0,0,0); } void Ball::constants_update() { radius_sq = radius * radius; mass = 4.0 / 3 * M_PI * radius_sq * radius * density; radius_inv = 1 / radius; mass_inv = 1 / mass; short_xrad_sq = ( w.platform_xrad - radius ) * ( w.platform_xrad - radius ); // FYI, notice simplifications: // const float mo_inertia = 0.4 * mass * radius_sq; // fdt_to_do = radius / mo_inertia; fdt_to_do = radius_inv * 2.5 * mass_inv; } float Ball::max_z_get(double lifetime_delta_t) { const float max_z = position.z + max(0.0,fabs(velocity.z)) * lifetime_delta_t + radius; return max_z; } float Ball::min_z_get(double lifetime_delta_t) { const float z_min = position.z + min(0.0,-fabs(velocity.z)) * lifetime_delta_t - radius; return z_min; } Ball::~Ball() { if ( original ) return; ASSERTS( ! ( w.data_location & DL_ALL_CUDA ) ); ASSERTS( w.pt_sched_is_idle() ); } bool World::platform_collision_possible(Ball *ball, float ts_mov_max) { const pCoor pos = ball->position; const float r = ball->radius; return pos.y <= r + ts_mov_max && pos.x - ts_mov_max >= platform_xmin - r && pos.x + ts_mov_max <= platform_xmax + r && pos.z - ts_mov_max >= platform_zmin - r && pos.z + ts_mov_max <= platform_zmax + r; } /// External Modifications to State // // These allow the user to play with state while simulation // running. // Move the ball. // void Ball::translate(pVect amt) {position += amt;} // Add velocity to the ball. // void Ball::push(pVect amt) {velocity += amt;} // Set the velocity to zero. // void Ball::stop() { velocity = pVect(0,0,0); } // Remove all but one ball. // void World::balls_remove() { cuda_at_balls_change(); PStack<Phys*> survivors; bool ball_found = false; while ( physs.occ() ) { Phys* const phys = physs.pop(); const bool is_ball = phys->phys_type == PT_Ball; if ( !ball_found || !is_ball ) { survivors += phys; ball_found = ball_found || is_ball; } else { delete phys; } } while ( survivors.occ() ) physs += survivors; } void World::balls_stop() { for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) ball->stop(); } void World::balls_rot_stop() { for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) ball->omega = pVect(0,0,0); } bool World::penetration_balls_resolve(Ball *ball1, Ball *ball2, bool b2_real) { /// Update velocity and angular momentum for a pair of balls in contact. const pNorm dist(ball1->position,ball2->position); // Return if balls aren't touching. Note avoidance of square root. // if ( dist.mag_sq >= 3 * (ball1->radius_sq+ball2->radius_sq) ) return false; const double radii_sum = ball1->radius + ball2->radius; if ( dist.magnitude >= radii_sum ) return false; // Update counters used for optimization and to decide when to // release new balls (collision_count). // ball1->contact_count++; if ( b2_real ) ball2->contact_count++; // Compute relative (approach) velocity. // pVect prev_appr_vel = ball1->prev_velocity - ball2->prev_velocity; const double prev_approach_speed = dot( prev_appr_vel, dist ); const double loss_factor = 1 - opt_bounce_loss; // Compute change in speed based on how close balls touching, ignoring // energy loss. // const double appr_force_dt_no_loss = ( radii_sum - dist.magnitude ) * elasticity_inv_dt; // Change in speed accounting for energy loss. Only applied when // balls separating. // const double appr_force_dt = prev_approach_speed > 0 ? appr_force_dt_no_loss : loss_factor * appr_force_dt_no_loss; const double appr_deltas_1 = appr_force_dt * ball1->mass_inv; /// Update Linear Velocity // ball1->velocity -= appr_deltas_1 * dist; if ( b2_real ) ball2->velocity += appr_force_dt * ball2->mass_inv * dist; // Find speed on surface of balls at point of contact. // pVect tact1_rot_vel = ball1->point_rot_vel(dist); pVect tact2_rot_vel = ball2->point_rot_vel(-dist); // Find relative velocity of surfaces at point of contact // in the plane formed by their surfaces. // pVect tan_vel = prev_appr_vel - prev_approach_speed * dist; pNorm tact_vel_dir = tact1_rot_vel - tact2_rot_vel + tan_vel; // Find change in velocity due to friction. // const double fric_force_dt_potential = appr_force_dt_no_loss * opt_friction_coeff; const double mass_inv_sum = b2_real ? ball1->mass_inv + ball2->mass_inv : ball1->mass_inv; const double force_dt_limit = tact_vel_dir.magnitude / ( 3.5 * mass_inv_sum ); // If true, surfaces are not sliding or will stop sliding after // frictional forces applied. (If a ball surface isn't sliding // against another surface than it must be rolling.) // const bool will_roll = force_dt_limit <= fric_force_dt_potential; const double sliding_fric_force_dt = will_roll ? force_dt_limit : fric_force_dt_potential; const double dv_tolerance = 0.000001; const double sliding_fric_dv_1 = sliding_fric_force_dt * ball1->mass_inv; if ( sliding_fric_dv_1 > dv_tolerance ) { // Apply tangential force (resulting in angular momentum change) and // linear force (resulting in velocity change). // ball1->apply_tan_force_dt(dist,tact_vel_dir,-sliding_fric_force_dt); ball1->velocity -= sliding_fric_dv_1 * tact_vel_dir; } const double sliding_fric_dv_2 = sliding_fric_force_dt * ball2->mass_inv; if ( b2_real && sliding_fric_dv_2 > dv_tolerance ) { // Apply frictional forces for ball 2. // ball2->apply_tan_force_dt(-dist,tact_vel_dir,sliding_fric_force_dt); ball2->velocity += sliding_fric_dv_2 * tact_vel_dir;; } // Check for correctness. // if ( false && opt_verify && b2_real && will_roll ) { // Check only works if current velocity used for friction calc. // pVect appr_vel2 = ball1->velocity - ball2->velocity; const double approach_speed2 = dot( appr_vel2, dist ); pVect tact1_rot_vel2 = ball1->point_rot_vel(dist); pVect tact2_rot_vel2 = ball2->point_rot_vel(-dist); pVect tan_vel2 = appr_vel2 - approach_speed2 * dist; pNorm tan_vel_dir2 = tact1_rot_vel2 - tact2_rot_vel2 + tan_vel2; ASSERTS( tan_vel_dir2.magnitude <= 0.0001 + 100 * dv_tolerance ); ball1->color_event = ball2->color_event = pColor(1,1,1); } { /// Torque // // // Account for forces of surfaces twisting against each // other. (For example, if one ball is spinning on top of // another.) // const double appr_omega = dot(ball2->omega,dist) - dot(ball1->omega,dist); const double fdt_to_do_sum = b2_real ? ball1->fdt_to_do + ball2->fdt_to_do : ball1->fdt_to_do; const double fdt_limit = fabs(appr_omega) / fdt_to_do_sum; const bool rev = appr_omega < 0; const double fdt_raw = min(fdt_limit,fric_force_dt_potential); const pVect fdt_v = ( rev ? -fdt_raw : fdt_raw ) * dist; ball1->omega += ball1->fdt_to_do * fdt_v; if ( b2_real ) ball2->omega -= ball2->fdt_to_do * fdt_v; } // This code turned off since multiple-radius ball modification. // if(0){ /// Rolling Friction // // The rolling friction model used here is ad-hoc. pVect tan_b12_vel = b2_real ? 0.5 * tan_vel : pVect(0,0,0); const double torque_limit_sort_of = appr_force_dt_no_loss * sqrt( radii_sum - dist.mag_sq / radii_sum ); // * sqrt( ball1->radius - 0.25 * dist.mag_sq * r_inv ); pVect tact1_rot_vel = ball1->point_rot_vel(dist); pVect tact1_roll_vel = tact1_rot_vel + tan_b12_vel; pNorm tact1_roll_vel_dir = tact1_roll_vel; pVect lost_vel(0,0,0); const double rfric_loss_dv_1 = torque_limit_sort_of * 2.5 * ball1->mass_inv * ( tact1_roll_vel_dir.magnitude * opt_friction_roll / ( 1 + tact1_roll_vel_dir.magnitude * opt_friction_roll ) ); pVect lost_vel1 = min(tact1_roll_vel_dir.magnitude, rfric_loss_dv_1) * tact1_roll_vel_dir; lost_vel = -lost_vel1; if ( b2_real ) { pVect tact2_rot_vel = ball2->point_rot_vel(-dist); pVect tact2_roll_vel = tact2_rot_vel - tan_b12_vel; pNorm tact2_roll_vel_dir = tact2_roll_vel; const double rfric_loss_dv_2 = torque_limit_sort_of * 2.5 * ball2->mass_inv * ( tact2_roll_vel_dir.magnitude * opt_friction_roll / ( 1 + tact2_roll_vel_dir.magnitude * opt_friction_roll ) ); pVect lost_vel2 = min(tact2_roll_vel_dir.magnitude, rfric_loss_dv_2 ) * tact2_roll_vel_dir; lost_vel += lost_vel2; } ball1->apply_tan_force_dt(dist,0.4 * ball1->mass * lost_vel); if ( b2_real ) ball2->apply_tan_force_dt(dist, 0.4*ball2->mass * lost_vel); if ( false && opt_verify ) { pVect ch_tact1_rot_vel = ball1->point_rot_vel(dist); pVect ch_tact1_roll_vel = ch_tact1_rot_vel + tan_b12_vel; const double magloss = tact1_roll_vel.mag() - ch_tact1_roll_vel.mag(); ASSERTS( magloss >= -10.0 ); } } return true; } pVect Ball::point_rot_vel(pNorm direction) { /// Return velocity of point on surface of ball. // return radius * cross( omega, direction ); } void Ball::apply_tan_force_dt(pNorm tact_dir, pNorm force_dir, double force_dt) { /// Change rotation rate due to force_dt at tact_dir in direction force_dir. // omega += cross(tact_dir, fdt_to_do * force_dt * force_dir); } void Ball::apply_tan_force_dt(pNorm tact_dir, pVect force_dt) { omega += cross(tact_dir, fdt_to_do * force_dt ); } void World::balls_add(float contact_y_max) { /// If dripping is on, release a new ball if last one hit something. // if ( opt_drip && ( !dball || dball->collision ) ) { if ( !sphere_empty(drip_location,opt_ball_radius) ) return; dball = new Ball(this); dball->position = drip_location + pVect(0,dball->radius,0); dball->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); dball->color_natural = *colors[ ( drip_cnt >> drip_run ) & colors_mask ]; drip_cnt++; physs += dball; } /// If spray is on, release a new ball if it's time. // ball_countdown -= delta_t; if ( opt_spray_on && ball_countdown <= 0 || physs.occ() == 0 ) { const double min_radius = 0.8; const double max_rad = 2 * opt_ball_radius; const double dr = max_rad - min_radius; const double radius = min_radius + dr * random()/(0.0+RAND_MAX); const double r = 10; const double delta_theta = 0.001 + asin(radius/r); static double th = 0; th += delta_theta; pCoor position ( platform_xmax - r - 2 * opt_ball_radius + (r+max_rad) * cos(th), 20.0 + 3 * max_rad, (r+max_rad) * sin(th) ); th += delta_theta; if ( !sphere_empty(position,radius) ) return; Ball* const nball = new Ball(this); nball->position = position; nball->set_radius(radius); nball->color_natural = *colors[ ( spray_cnt>>spray_run ) & colors_mask ]; spray_cnt++; physs += nball; ball_countdown = 0.1; } } bool World::sphere_empty(pCoor center, float radius) { // Determine if volume of space is ball-free within radius of center. // for ( Phys_Iterator phys(physs); phys; phys++ ) if ( Ball* const ball = BALL(phys) ) { const double radii = radius + ball->radius; pNorm dist(ball->position,center); if ( dist.mag_sq <= radii * radii ) return false; } return true; } void World::time_step_cpu() { const float deep = -100; if ( wheel ) wheel->spin(); if ( data_location & DL_ALL_CUDA ) { pt_sched_waitfor(); cuda_data_to_cpu(DL_ALL); data_location = DL_ALL_CPU; } /// Remove balls that have fallen away from the platform. // for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) if ( ball->position.y < deep ) { physs.iterate_yank(); delete ball; } for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { ball->prev_omega = ball->omega; ball->prev_velocity = ball->velocity; } /// Sort balls in z in preparation for finding balls that touch. // phys_zsort.reset(); for ( Phys *phys; physs.iterate(phys); ) phys_zsort.insert(phys->max_z_get(0),phys); phys_zsort.sort(); /// Apply forces for balls that are touching. // for ( int idx9 = 1; idx9 < phys_zsort.occ(); idx9++ ) { Phys* const prop9 = phys_zsort[idx9]; const float z_min = prop9->min_z_get(0); Ball* const ball9 = BALL(prop9); for ( int idx8 = idx9 - 1; idx8 >= 0 && phys_zsort.get_key(idx8) >= z_min; idx8-- ) { Phys* const prop8 = phys_zsort[idx8]; Ball* const ball8 = BALL(prop8); if ( ball8 && ball9 ) { penetration_balls_resolve(ball8,ball9); continue; } if ( !ball8 && !ball9 ) continue; Tile* const tile = ball8 ? TILE(prop9) : TILE(prop8); Ball* const ball = ball8 ? ball8 : ball9; pCoor tact_pos; pNorm tact_dir; if ( !tile_sphere_intersect (tile,ball->position,ball->radius,tact_pos,tact_dir) ) continue; pball->position = tact_pos + pball->radius * tact_dir; pball->omega = pVect(0,0,0); pball->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); pVect vbefore = ball->velocity; penetration_balls_resolve(ball,pball,false); pVect delta_mo = ball->mass * ( ball->velocity - vbefore ); if ( wheel ) wheel->collect_tile_force(tile,tact_pos,delta_mo); } } /// Apply gravitational force. // for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) ball->velocity += gravity_accel_dt; /// Apply force for platform contact. // for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { const pCoor pos(ball->position); if ( !platform_collision_possible(ball) ) continue; pCoor axis(platform_xmid,0,pos.z); // Test for different ways ball can touch platform. If contact // is found find position of an artificial platform ball (pball) // that touches the real ball at the same place and angle as // the platform. This pball will be used for the ball-ball penetration // routine, penetration_balls_resolve. if ( pos.y > 0 ) { // Possible contact with upper edge of platform. // pCoor tact (pos.x > platform_xmid ? platform_xmax : platform_xmin, 0, pos.z); pNorm tact_dir(pos,tact); if ( tact_dir.mag_sq >= ball->radius_sq ) continue; pball->position = tact + pball->radius * tact_dir; } else if ( pos.z > platform_zmax || pos.z < platform_zmin ) { // Possible contact with side (curved) edges of platform. // pNorm ball_dir(axis,pos); if ( ball_dir.mag_sq <= ball->short_xrad_sq ) continue; const float zedge = pos.z > platform_zmax ? platform_zmax : platform_zmin; pCoor axis_edge(platform_xmid,0,zedge); pCoor tact = axis_edge + platform_xrad * ball_dir; pNorm tact_dir(pos,tact); if ( tact_dir.mag_sq >= ball->radius_sq ) continue; pball->position = tact + pball->radius * tact_dir; } else { // Possible contact with surface of platform. // pNorm tact_dir(axis,pos); if ( tact_dir.mag_sq <= ball->short_xrad_sq ) continue; pball->position = axis + (pball->radius+platform_xrad) * tact_dir; } // Finish initializing platform ball, and call routine to // resolve penetration. // pball->omega = pVect(0,0,0); pball->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); penetration_balls_resolve(ball,pball,false); } /// Based on updated velocity, update ball positions. // for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) ball->position += delta_t * ball->velocity; float contact_y_max = -platform_xrad; /// Update orientation of balls. (Also find highest ball that hit something.) // for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { pNorm axis(ball->omega); // If ball isn't spinning fast skip expensive rotation. // if ( axis.mag_sq < 0.000001 ) continue; // Update ball orientation. // ball->orientation = pQuat(axis,delta_t * axis.magnitude) * ball->orientation; if ( ball->contact_count ) ball->collision = true; // Find position of highest ball that has hit something. // if ( ball->collision && ball->position.y > contact_y_max ) contact_y_max = ball->position.y; } balls_add(contact_y_max); } // Class providing information about pair of phys in proximity (and // so potentially in contact). // class Contact { public: Contact():phys1(NULL),phys2(NULL),code_path(0){}; Contact(Contact *c): phys1(c->phys1),phys2(c->phys2),code_path(c->code_path),pass(-1){}; Contact(Phys *phys1, Phys *phys2, int code_path): phys1(phys1),phys2(phys2),code_path(code_path),pass(-1){}; Phys* const phys1; Phys* const phys2; const int code_path; // Code path expected, for grouping warps. Phys* other_phys(Phys* ball) { return ball == phys1 ? phys2 : phys1; } int pass; // Index of pass_pairs launch: 0 is first, 1 is second, .. int block; // Like blockIdx, but numbering is within time step, not pass. int thread; // Index of thread within block. int round; // Index within thread. Zero is 1st pair done by thd, etc. }; void World::contact_pairs_find() { /// Find pairs of phys that are in proximity: in contact now or maybe soon. // The pair list should include phys that may touch within // schedule_lifetime_steps (a constant); from that compute // a time. // const double lifetime_delta_t = schedule_lifetime_steps * delta_t; frame_timer.user_timer_start(timer_id_spart); /// Sort phys in z in preparation for finding phys in proximity. // phys_zsort.reset(); // Avoid reallocation by resetting rather than declaring. for ( Phys_Iterator ball(physs); ball; ball++ ) { const float max_z = ball->max_z_get(lifetime_delta_t); phys_zsort.insert(max_z,ball); ball->proximity.reset(); } phys_zsort.sort(); contact_pairs.reset(); const double delta_d_min = 0.1 * schedule_lifetime_steps * opt_ball_radius; /// Find pairs of balls that are, or might soon be, touching. // for ( int idx9 = 0; idx9 < phys_zsort.occ(); idx9++ ) { Phys* const prop9 = phys_zsort[idx9]; Ball* const ball9 = BALL(prop9); Tile* const tile9 = TILE(prop9); const float z_min = prop9->min_z_get(lifetime_delta_t); for ( int i=idx9-1; i>=0 && phys_zsort.get_key(i) >= z_min; i-- ) { Phys* const prop1 = phys_zsort[i]; Ball* const ball1 = BALL(prop1); Tile* const tile1 = TILE(prop1); Phys *propa, *propb; int code_path = 0; if ( tile1 && tile9 ) continue; if ( ball1 && ball9 ) { pNorm dist(ball1->position,ball9->position); const float region_length_small = 1.1 * ( ball1->radius + ball9->radius ); if ( dist.mag_sq > region_length_small * region_length_small ) { pVect delta_v(ball1->velocity,ball9->velocity); const double delta_d = lifetime_delta_t * delta_v.mag(); const double dist2 = dist.magnitude - max(delta_d,delta_d_min); if ( dist2 > region_length_small ) continue; } propa = prop1; propb = prop9; code_path = 1; } else { Ball* const ball = ball1 ? ball1 : ball9; Tile* const tile = tile1 ? tile1 : tile9; const float delta_s = max(delta_d_min,ball->velocity.mag() * lifetime_delta_t); if ( !tile_sphere_intersect (tile, ball->position, ball->radius + delta_s) ) continue; propa = tile; propb = ball; code_path = 2; } const int c_idx = contact_pairs.occ(); new (contact_pairs.pushi()) Contact(propa,propb,code_path); prop1->proximity += c_idx; prop9->proximity += c_idx; } } frame_timer.user_timer_end(timer_id_spart); } void World::cuda_schedule() { /// Prepare CUDA Schedule for Contact Pair Handling // // Each CUDA thread reads the schedule to determine which // phys pairs to handle (by calling penetration_balls_resolve). // // The schedule consists of two arrays, block_balls_needed and // cuda_tacts_schedule. // // The block_balls_needed array lists all the balls needed by each // block in each pass. At the beginning of a pass threads will read // ball numbers from this array and load (prefetch) data for those // balls from device memory into shared memory. // // The cuda_tacts_schedule lists pairs of phys, threads // will call penetration_balls_resolve on these pairs, which // will read and write shared memory. // // At the end of a pass data from shared memory is copied back // to device memory. frame_timer.user_timer_start(timer_id_sched); const int block_size = opt_block_size; // Find pairs of phys that are in contact or might soon be. // The pairs are assigned to variable pairs and the identity of // phys near to a ball are put in its proximity member. // contact_pairs_find(); // Prepare Ball Lists // // neighborhood: Most desirable phys to schedule in the current pass. // physs_todo_now: Phys to schedule in the current pass, after neighbors. // physs_todo_later: Phys to schedule in the next pass. // static PQueue<Phys*> physs_todo_a, physs_todo_b; static PQueue<Phys*> neighborhood; physs_todo_a.reset(); physs_todo_b.reset(); neighborhood.reset(); PQueue<Phys*> *physs_todo_now = &physs_todo_a; PQueue<Phys*> *physs_todo_later = &physs_todo_b; // Initialize phys members for scheduling, and initialize physs_todo_now. // for ( Phys_Iterator phys(physs); phys; phys++ ) { phys->idx = phys.get_idx(); phys->color_block = -1; // Used for coloring based on block num. if ( !phys->proximity.occ() ) continue; phys->pass = -1; phys->pass_todo = 0; phys->block = -1; physs_todo_later->enqueue(phys); } const double block_size_inv = 1.0 / block_size; int block_num = -1; int ball_count = -1; const int max_rounds = 32; const int ball_limit = balls_per_block_max; int iterations = 0; // Used for algorithm tuning. int thd_rounds = 0; // Used for placement tuning. bool new_block = false; const int ball_idx_bits = 18; # define WARP_LG 5 # define WARP_SIZE (1<<WARP_LG) # define WARP_MASK (WARP_SIZE-1) const int warp_per_block = ( block_size + WARP_MASK ) >> WARP_LG; const int max_code_paths = 3; const int cp_limit = min(warp_per_block,max_code_paths); const int round_retry_limit = max( block_size >> 2, 4 ); int next_thd[cp_limit+1][max_rounds]; // Return next thread to use for a given contact pair code path and // round. To avoid branch divergence, contact pairs with different // code paths are placed in different warps. // # define next_thd_get(code_path,round) \ ({ int& cthd = next_thd[min(code_path,cp_limit)][round]; \ if ( ( cthd & WARP_MASK ) == 0 ) { \ cthd = next_thd[0][round]; next_thd[0][round] += WARP_SIZE; } \ cthd >= block_size ? -1 : cthd++; }) PQueue<int> tacts; passes_next->reset(); PSList<Phys*,uint> pref_balls; int soft_ball_limit = 0; int new_seed_ball_limit = 0; while ( true ) { // If there are no more neighbors of placed balls to // work on, grab any unplaced ball. // if ( !neighborhood.occ() && physs_todo_now->occ() ) { Pass* const p = &passes_next->peek(); const int block_num_base = p->block_num_base; while ( physs_todo_now->occ() ) { Phys* const phys = physs_todo_now->dequeue(); const bool placed = phys->block >= block_num_base; if ( placed ) continue; if ( ball_count > new_seed_ball_limit ) new_block = true; neighborhood += phys; break; } } const bool new_pass = !neighborhood.occ(); // Check for end of this pass. // if ( new_pass ) { // If there is nothing in the next pass, exit the loop. // if ( !physs_todo_later->occ() ) break; // Prepare for the next pass by swapping todo lists. // PQueue<Phys*>* const todo_x = physs_todo_now; physs_todo_now = physs_todo_later; physs_todo_later = todo_x; neighborhood += physs_todo_now->dequeue(); } ASSERTS( ball_count <= ball_limit ); // If necessary, initialize a new block. // // A new block is prepared if the old block reached the ball limit // or if this is the start of a new pass and the current block isn't // empty. // if ( new_pass && ball_count || new_block ) { new_block = false; ball_count = 0; block_num++; bzero(next_thd,sizeof(next_thd)); } // If necessary, initialize a new pass. // if ( new_pass ) { Pass* const p = passes_next->pushi(); p->block_num_next_pass = p->block_num_base = block_num; p->ball_cnt = 0; p->thread_num_max = 0; p->balls_per_block_max = 0; p->round_cnt = 0; soft_ball_limit = passes_next->occ() == 1 ? min(max(8, 2 * block_size), ball_limit ) : ball_limit; new_seed_ball_limit = min(30,soft_ball_limit-2); } const int pass_num = passes_next->occ() - 1; Pass* const p = &passes_next->peek(); const int block_num_base = p->block_num_base; // Get a phys to consider. // Phys* const phys1 = neighborhood.dequeue(); // Check whether this ball already used in this pass. // const bool b1_placed = phys1->block >= block_num_base; // Macro for adding ball to todo list. #define NEXT_PASS_ADD(ba) \ { if ( ba->pass_todo <= pass_num ) \ { ba->pass_todo = pass_num + 1; physs_todo_later->enqueue(ba); } } // If ball used in this pass but not in this block then we have no // choice but to schedule it in a future pass. // if ( b1_placed && phys1->block != block_num ) { NEXT_PASS_ADD(phys1); continue; } // Initialize schedule for this ball if it's new to this block. // if ( !b1_placed ) phys1->rounds = 0; // Look for balls near phys1 that have not been considered, // and add suitable ones to tacts (contacts). // tacts.reset(); for ( int c_idx = phys1->proximity.iterate_reset(); phys1->proximity.iterate(c_idx); ) { iterations++; Contact* const c = &contact_pairs[c_idx]; if ( c->pass >= 0 ) continue; Phys* const phys2 = c->other_phys(phys1); const bool b2_placed = phys2->block >= block_num_base; // If other ball used in this pass but not this block // then we can't consider the phys1/phys2 contact in this // pass, so try again in the next pass. (Either phys1 or phys2 // could be added, phys1 may be more efficient.) // if ( b2_placed && phys2->block != block_num ) { NEXT_PASS_ADD(phys1); continue; } if ( !b2_placed ) phys2->rounds = 0; tacts += c_idx; } int rounds_skipped = 0; int dwell_count = 0; int round = 0; int round_full_cnt = 0; while ( tacts.occ() && round < max_rounds ) { // Counter used for tuning CPU time of this scheduling algorithm. iterations++; // Get a contact pair to try. // const int c_idx = tacts.dequeue(); Contact* const c = &contact_pairs[c_idx]; Phys* const phys2 = c->other_phys(phys1); const bool b1_placed = phys1->block >= block_num_base; const bool b2_placed = phys2->block >= block_num_base; const int code_path = c->code_path; // Bit positions indicate rounds in which ball is used. const uint32_t mask = 1 << round; // If phys1 used elsewhere in this round move to next round. // if ( phys1->rounds & mask ) { round++; dwell_count = 0; rounds_skipped++; tacts += c_idx; // Put contact pair back in list. continue; } // Check if phys2 used elsewhere in this round. // if ( phys2->rounds & mask ) { // Move to next round if we've already tried scheduling // other balls in this round. // if ( dwell_count++ >= tacts.occ() ) { round++; dwell_count = 0; rounds_skipped++; } tacts += c_idx; // Put contact pair back in list. continue; } dwell_count = 0; const int next_ball_count = ball_count + !b1_placed + !b2_placed; // If this contact pair would exceed ball limit, then try again // next pass. // if ( next_ball_count > soft_ball_limit ) { NEXT_PASS_ADD(phys1); continue; } const int thd = next_thd_get(code_path,round); if ( thd < 0 ) { round++; round_full_cnt++; tacts += c_idx; // Put contact pair back in list. if ( round_full_cnt > round_retry_limit ) { new_block = true; break; } continue; } if ( !b1_placed ) { phys1->block = block_num; p->ball_cnt++; // Add ball to prefetch list. Used to load CUDA // shared memory. // pref_balls.insert ( ( block_num << ball_idx_bits ) | phys1->idx, phys1 ); } if ( !b2_placed ) { phys2->block = block_num; p->ball_cnt++; pref_balls.insert ( ( block_num << ball_idx_bits ) | phys2->idx, phys2 ); // Put phys2 at the head of the todo list since phys1 and phys2 // are likely to have common neighbors. // neighborhood += phys2; } ball_count = next_ball_count; set_max(p->balls_per_block_max,ball_count); /// Scheduling of this Contact Pair Complete // c->pass = pass_num; c->block = block_num; c->thread = thd; set_max(p->thread_num_max,c->thread); c->round = round; p->block_num_next_pass = block_num + 1; // Update bit vectors indicating which rounds ball used. if ( !phys1->read_only ) phys1->rounds |= mask; if ( !phys2->read_only ) phys2->rounds |= mask; round++; thd_rounds += rounds_skipped + 1; rounds_skipped = 0; set_max(p->round_cnt,round); } // If anything is left over, re-consider ball in next pass. // if ( tacts.occ() ) NEXT_PASS_ADD(phys1); } // Compute number of blocks in each pass and collect tuning information. // int pass_blocks = 0; int pass_block_rounds = 0; int total_rounds = 0; int max_blocks = 0; while ( Pass* const p = passes_next->iterate() ) { p->thread_cnt_max = p->thread_num_max + 1; p->block_cnt = p->block_num_next_pass - p->block_num_base; p->balls_per_thread_max = int( ceil( p->balls_per_block_max * block_size_inv ) ); pass_blocks += p->block_cnt; total_rounds += p->round_cnt; pass_block_rounds += p->block_cnt * p->round_cnt; set_max(max_blocks,p->block_cnt); } // Prepare the pair_check sorted list, which is used for scheduling, // sanity checks, and collecting tuning information. // static PSList<Contact*,int64_t> pair_check; pair_check.reset(); while ( Contact* const c = contact_pairs.iterate() ) pair_check.insert ( c->block * max_rounds * block_size + c->round * block_size + int64_t(c->thread) , c ); pair_check.sort(); // Sanity Check: Make sure phys scheduled in at most one // block per pass. // for ( Phys_Iterator ball(physs); ball; ball++ ) ball->pass = -1; while ( Contact* const c = pair_check.iterate() ) { const int pass = c->pass; const int round = c->round; const int block = c->block; ASSERTS( pass >= 0 ); for ( int i=0; i<2; i++ ) { Phys* const b = i ? c->phys2 : c->phys1; ASSERTS( b->pass < pass || b->read_only || b->block == block && b->rounds < round ); b->pass = pass; b->block = block; b->rounds = round; } } // Tuning Info: Determine how much each warp being used. // int warp_rounds = 0; const int warp_lg = 5; const int warps_per_block = max(1,block_size >> warp_lg); const int warp_limit = ( block_num + 1 ) * warps_per_block; int warp_rounds_each[warp_limit]; bzero(warp_rounds_each,sizeof(warp_rounds_each)); int warp_path = 0, idx_last = -1; int warp_cnt = 0; int warp_broken_cnt = 0; while ( Contact* const c = pair_check.iterate() ) { const int round_cnt = c->round + 1; const int warp_idx = c->thread >> WARP_LG; const int idx = c->block * warps_per_block + warp_idx; if ( idx != idx_last ) { warp_cnt++; warp_path = c->code_path; idx_last = idx; } else if ( warp_path && warp_path != c->code_path ) { warp_broken_cnt++; warp_path = 0; } const int a = round_cnt - warp_rounds_each[idx]; if ( a <= 0 ) continue; warp_rounds_each[idx] = round_cnt; warp_rounds += a; } round_count_prev = total_rounds; static int total_rounds_max = 0; if ( opt_info || total_rounds > total_rounds_max ) { opt_info = false; printf("For %d tacts, %d p, %d tot rnds; " "Max Bl %d/%d/%d W %d/%d Eff %.3f %.3f\n", contact_pairs.occ(), passes_next->occ(), total_rounds, max_blocks, pass_blocks, pass_block_rounds, warp_rounds << warp_lg, thd_rounds, contact_pairs.occ() / double(warp_rounds<<warp_lg), contact_pairs.occ() / double(iterations) ); total_rounds_max = total_rounds; } // Determine size of schedule data (cuda_tacts_schedule and // block_balls_needed) for each pass, and remember offsets into // these arrays. // int ba_size = 0; int pa_size = 0; while ( Pass* const p = passes_next->iterate() ) { p->dim_block.x = block_size; p->dim_block.y = p->dim_block.z = 1; p->dim_grid.x = p->block_cnt; p->dim_grid.y = p->dim_grid.z = 1; p->prefetch_offset = pa_size; const int prefetch_elts_per_block = p->balls_per_thread_max * block_size; p->prefetch_elts_per_block = prefetch_elts_per_block; pa_size += prefetch_elts_per_block * p->block_cnt; p->schedule_offset = ba_size; ba_size += block_size * p->block_cnt * p->round_cnt; } // Update size of schedule arrays and initialize. // cuda_tacts_schedule.realloc_locked(ba_size); block_balls_needed.realloc_locked(pa_size); memset(cuda_tacts_schedule.data,-1,cuda_tacts_schedule.chars); memset(block_balls_needed.data,-1,block_balls_needed.chars); pref_balls.sort(); // Write schedule arrays. // int block_curr = -1; int pbi = 0; while ( Contact* const c = pair_check.iterate() ) { const int round = c->round; const int block = c->block; Pass& p = passes_next[0][c->pass]; // Fill in prefetch (balls_needed) array. // if ( block_curr != block ) { block_curr = block; const int idx_base = p.prefetch_offset + ( block - p.block_num_base ) * p.prefetch_elts_per_block; int ball_sidx_next = 0; while ( pbi < pref_balls.occ() ) { const int pb_block = pref_balls.get_key(pbi) >> ball_idx_bits; if ( pb_block > block_curr ) break; Phys* const b = pref_balls[pbi++]; const int idx = idx_base + ball_sidx_next; ASSERTS( ball_sidx_next < ball_limit ); ASSERTS( pb_block == block ); ASSERTS( block_balls_needed[idx] == -1 ); b->sm_idx = ball_sidx_next++; block_balls_needed[ idx ] = b->idx; if ( c->pass == opt_block_color_pass ) b->color_block = block; } } // Fill in cuda_tacts_schedule array. // SM_Idx2 pair = { c->phys1->sm_idx, c->phys2->sm_idx }; const int ba_idx = p.schedule_offset + ( block - p.block_num_base ) * p.round_cnt * block_size + round * block_size + c->thread; ASSERTS( ba_idx < ba_size && ba_idx >= 0 ); SM_Idx2 old_pair = cuda_tacts_schedule[ba_idx]; ASSERTS( old_pair.x == 0xffff && old_pair.y == 0xffff ); cuda_tacts_schedule[ ba_idx ] = pair; } frame_timer.user_timer_end(timer_id_sched); } void World::time_step_cuda(int iters_per_frame, bool just_before_render) { /// Advance physical state by one time step using CUDA for computation. cuda_init(); const int ball_cnt = physs.occ(); const int plat_block_size_1pmp = max(32,int(ceil(double(ball_cnt) / cuda_prop.multiProcessorCount))); const int plat_block_size = min(plat_block_size_1pmp, cfa_platform.maxThreadsPerBlock); // Set configuration for platform pass. // dim_grid.x = int(ceil(double(ball_cnt)/plat_block_size)); dim_grid.y = dim_grid.z = 1; dim_block.x = plat_block_size; dim_block.y = dim_block.z = 1; // If necessary, command scheduler thread to start working on a schedule. // We rather do this at the end of the routine because if we do it // here we are forced to wait. // if ( !pt_sched_data_pending && cuda_schedule_stale > 0 ) pt_sched_start(); // If a freshly computed schedule is waiting, send it to CUDA. // if ( pt_sched_data_pending ) { pt_sched_waitfor(); { PStack<Pass>* const x = passes_curr; passes_curr = passes_next; passes_next = x; } if ( opt_color_events ) for ( Ball *b; balls_iterate(b); ) b->color_event = b->color_block >= 0 ? *colors[b->color_block & colors_mask] : dark; block_balls_needed.ptrs_to_cuda("block_balls_needed"); block_balls_needed.to_cuda(); cuda_tacts_schedule.ptrs_to_cuda("tacts_schedule"); cuda_tacts_schedule.to_cuda(); pt_sched_data_pending = false; cuda_schedule_stale = -schedule_lifetime_steps; if ( wheel ) wheel->cuda_constants_stale = true; // Only if idx changed. } cuda_schedule_stale++; // Make copy of ball structures for debugging. Ball ball_a = *ball_first(); if ( passes_curr->occ() ) block_count_prev = passes_curr[0][0].dim_grid.x; // Start timer. (Used for code tuning.) // CE(cudaEventRecord(frame_start_ce,0)); cpu_data_to_cuda(); data_location = DL_ALL_CUDA; // Launch the contact pair kernel for as many passes as needed. // while ( Pass* const p = passes_curr->iterate() ) pass_pairs_launch (p->dim_grid,p->dim_block, p->prefetch_offset,p->schedule_offset,p->round_cnt, p->balls_per_thread_max,p->balls_per_block_max); // Launch the platform kernel. // pass_platform_launch(dim_grid,dim_block,physs.occ()); // If data is needed to render a frame, copy from CUDA to CPU. // if ( just_before_render ) cuda_data_to_cpu(DL_ALL); // Stop timer. CE(cudaEventRecord(frame_stop_ce,0)); CE(cudaEventSynchronize(frame_stop_ce)); float cuda_time = -1.1; CE(cudaEventElapsedTime(&cuda_time,frame_start_ce,frame_stop_ce)); frame_timer.cuda_frame_time_set(cuda_time); pError_Check(); // Copy an "after" ball, for hand debugging. Ball ball_b = *ball_first(); // Sanity Check: Make sure CUDA ran penetration_balls_resolve enough times. // if ( data_location & DL_OT_CPU ) for ( Phys *phys; physs.iterate(phys); ) { Ball* const ball = BALL(phys); Tile* const tile = TILE(phys); ASSERTS( ball || tile ); // Number of other props to check for collision with. const int px = phys->proximity.occ(); // Number of times CUDA code checked for a collision. const int ca = phys->debug_pair_calls >> 16; ASSERTS( phys->read_only || px == ca ); // Fatal error if not equal. } // Update counter used for shower spray. // ball_countdown -= delta_t; if ( ! ( data_location & DL_CV_CPU ) ) return; if ( !just_before_render ) return; float contact_y_max = -platform_xrad; for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) if ( ball->collision ) set_max(contact_y_max,ball->position.y); balls_add(contact_y_max); const float deep = -100; for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) if ( ball->position.y < deep ) { cuda_at_balls_change(); physs.iterate_yank(); delete ball; } if ( just_before_render && cuda_schedule_stale + iters_per_frame - 1 > 0 ) pt_sched_start(); } // Return a sphere with a detail level appropriate for the ball's distance // from the viewer's eye. // Sphere* World::sphere_get(Ball *ball) { const float dist = ball->radius_inv * ( distance(ball->position,eye_location) - 1 ); const int lod_raw = int( 0.99 + sphere_lod_factor / dist - sphere_lod_offset ); const int lod = max(min(lod_raw,sphere_count-1),0); return &spheres[lod]; } void World::balls_render_simple() { // Render balls without textures. Intended for casting shadows. tile_manager.render_simple(); for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { const int c = ball->contact_count; // Assume that a ball in contact with more than 6 others // won't cast a visible shadow. // if ( c > 6 ) continue; Sphere* const s = opt_pause ? &sphere : sphere_get(ball); s->render_simple(ball->radius,ball->position); } } void World::balls_render(bool attempt_ot) { physs_occluded = 0; int iter=0; for ( Phys *phys; eye_dist.iterate(phys); ) { Ball* const ball = BALL(phys); iter++; if ( !ball ) continue; pColor color = opt_color_events ? ball->color_event : ball->color_natural; // Retrieve the result of an occlusion test on this ball. // while ( attempt_ot && ball->occlusion_query_active ) { GLint avail = -1; glGetQueryObjectiv (ball->query_occlusion_id,GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE,&avail); if ( !avail ) break; GLint samples_passed = -1; glGetQueryObjectiv (ball->query_occlusion_id,GL_QUERY_RESULT,&samples_passed); ball->occlusion_query_active = false; ball->occluded = samples_passed == 0; if ( ball->occluded ) ball->occluded_run++; else ball->occluded_run = 0; ball->occlusion_countdown = 3; break; } if ( ball->occluded ) physs_occluded++; // Decide whether to perform an occlusion test. // const bool do_ot = attempt_ot && ball->occlusion_countdown-- == 0; // Don't render this ball because it hasn't resulted in // anything being written to the frame buffer more than // 10 consecutive times. // if ( ball->occluded_run > 10 && !do_ot ) continue; // Maybe start an occlusion query. if ( do_ot ) glBeginQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED,ball->query_occlusion_id); if ( ball->occluded_run > 10 ) { // Ball is probably not visible, so render it with // a simple sphere. // sphere_lite.render_simple(ball->radius,ball->position); } else { // Get sphere with detail level appropriate for viewer distance. // Sphere* const s = opt_pause ? &sphere : sphere_get(ball); // Set ball's color, position, and orientation, and // render it. // pMatrix_Rotation rot(ball->orientation); s->color = color; s->render(ball->radius,ball->position,rot); } if ( do_ot ) { ball->occlusion_query_active = true; glEndQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED); } } } void World::render_shadow_volumes(pCoor light_pos) { // Render objects' shadow volumes. // Make sure that only stencil buffer written. // glColorMask(false,false,false,false); glDepthMask(false); // Don't waste time computing lighting. // glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Set up stencil test to count shadow volume surfaces: plus 1 for // entering the shadow volume, minus 1 for leaving the shadow // volume. // glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); // sfail, dfail, dpass glStencilOpSeparate(GL_FRONT,GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_INCR_WRAP); glStencilOpSeparate(GL_BACK,GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_DECR_WRAP); glStencilFuncSeparate(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_ALWAYS,1,-1); // ref, mask if ( opt_shadow_volumes ) { // Make shadow volumes visible. glColorMask(true,true,true,true); glColor3f(0.8,0,0); } // Render balls' shadow volumes. // for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { Sphere* const s = opt_pause ? &sphere : sphere_get(ball); s->light_pos = light_pos; s->render_shadow_volume(ball->radius,ball->position); } // Render tiles' shadow volumes. // tile_manager.render_shadow_volume(light_pos); // Restore assumed state. // glColorMask(true,true,true,true); glDepthMask(true); } void World::render_objects(bool attempt_ot) { // Render objects normally. const float shininess_ball = 20; pColor spec_color(0.2,0.2,0.2); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // // Render Balls // // Set up cool specular lighting parameters. // glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SHININESS,shininess_ball); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SPECULAR,spec_color); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL, GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR); glEnable(GL_COLOR_SUM); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texid_ball); // Render each ball. // balls_render(attempt_ot); glDisable(GL_COLOR_SUM); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL, GL_SINGLE_COLOR); // Render each tile. // tile_manager.render(); // // Render Platform // // Set up attribute (vertex, normal, etc.) arrays. // glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texid_plat); platform_tile_coords.bind(); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(platform_tile_coords.data[0]), 0); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); platform_tile_norms.bind(); glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT,sizeof(platform_tile_norms.data[0]), 0); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); platform_tex_coords.bind(); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT,2*sizeof(float), 0); glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); // Write lighter-colored, textured tiles. // glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SPECULAR,spec_color); glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SHININESS,2.0); glColor3f(0.35,0.35,0.35); glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS,0,platform_even_vtx_cnt); // Write darker-colored, untextured, mirror tiles. // glEnable(GL_BLEND); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SPECULAR,white); glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SHININESS,20); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor3fv(mirror_tint); glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS,platform_even_vtx_cnt,platform_odd_vtx_cnt); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,0); } void World::render() { // This routine called whenever window needs to be updated. // Get any waiting keyboard commands. // cb_keyboard(); // Start a timer object used for tuning this code. // frame_timer.frame_start(); const double time_now = time_wall_fp(); if ( opt_pause || world_time == 0 ) { /// Don't change simulation state. // world_time = time_now; } else { // If we are recording a video base world time on video frame // rate rather than wall clock time. // if ( ogl_helper.animation_record ) world_time = time_now - ogl_helper.frame_period; // Advance simulation state by wall clock time. // const double elapsed_time = time_now - world_time; const int iter_limit = min( opt_time_step_factor * 3, int ( 0.5 + elapsed_time / delta_t)); for ( int iter=0; true; iter++ ) { const bool last = iter == iter_limit - 1; if ( opt_physics_method == GP_cpu ) time_step_cpu(); else time_step_cuda(iter_limit,last); world_time += delta_t; if ( last ) break; } frame_timer.work_amt_set(iter_limit); } /// Emit a Graphical Representation of Simulation State // const int win_width = ogl_helper.get_width(); const int win_height = ogl_helper.get_height(); const float aspect = float(win_width) / win_height; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadTransposeMatrixf(modelview); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // Frustum: left, right, bottom, top, near, far pMatrix_Frustum projection(-.8,.8,-.8/aspect,.8/aspect,1,5000); glLoadTransposeMatrixf(projection); glViewport(0, 0, win_width, win_height); pError_Check(); const double tri_edge_len_px = 4; sphere_lod_factor = win_width * 2.0 * M_PI / ( 1.6 * tri_edge_len_px * sphere_delta_lod ); sphere_lod_offset = sphere_lod_min / sphere_delta_lod; glClearColor(0,0,0,0); glClearDepth(1.0); glClearStencil(0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT ); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE,1); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_location); glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.3); glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 1.0); glLightf(GL_LIGHT0, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0); pCoor light1_location(0,40,100); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, light1_location); glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.3); glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION, 1.0); glLightf(GL_LIGHT1, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 0); pColor ambient_color(0x555555); glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, ambient_color); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, white * opt_light_intensity); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, dark); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, white * opt_light_intensity); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, white * opt_light_intensity); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, dark); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, white * opt_light_intensity); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); const float shininess_ball = 20; pColor spec_color(0.2,0.2,0.2); // Common to all textures. // glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL_LINEAR); glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV,GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL_MODULATE); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_REPEAT); glEnable(GL_RESCALE_NORMAL); glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE); ogl_helper.fbprintf("%s\n",frame_timer.frame_rate_text_get()); ogl_helper.fbprintf ("Eye location: [%5.1f, %5.1f, %5.1f] " "Eye direction: [%+.2f, %+.2f, %+.2f]\n", eye_location.x, eye_location.y, eye_location.z, eye_direction.x, eye_direction.y, eye_direction.z); ogl_helper.fbprintf ("Shadows: %-3s ('w') Mirror: %-3s %d " "Light location: [%5.1f, %5.1f, %5.1f]\n", opt_shadows ? "on" : "off", opt_mirror ? "on" : "off", opt_mirror_method, light_location.x, light_location.y, light_location.z); Ball& ball = *ball_first(); ogl_helper.fbprintf ("Balls %4d (%4d/%4d) Tiles %3d Last Ball Pos " "[%5.1f,%5.1f,%5.1f] Vel [%+5.1f,%+5.1f,%+5.1f] Tri Count %d\n", physs.occ(), physs.occ() - physs_occluded, physs_occluded, tile_manager.occ(), ball.position.x,ball.position.y,ball.position.z, ball.velocity.x,ball.velocity.y,ball.velocity.z, tri_count); ogl_helper.fbprintf ("Physics: %s ('a') Debug Options: %d %d ('qQ') " "Physics Verification %d ('v')\n", gpu_physics_method_str[opt_physics_method], opt_debug, opt_debug2, opt_verify); if ( opt_physics_method == GP_cuda && cuda_initialized ) { ogl_helper.fbprintf ("MPs: %d Blocks: %d (%.1f Bl/MP) Th/Bl: %d WP/Bl: %.3f " "Passes: %d Rounds: %d Time %.0f\n", cuda_prop.multiProcessorCount, block_count_prev, block_count_prev / double(cuda_prop.multiProcessorCount), opt_block_size, opt_block_size / 32.0, passes_curr->occ(), round_count_prev, ceil(block_count_prev / double(cuda_prop.multiProcessorCount)) * ceil(opt_block_size / 32.0) * round_count_prev ); pString pass_txt; pString cp_txt; int time_total = 0; while ( Pass* const p = passes_curr->iterate() ) { const int blocks_per_mp = int(0.99999 + double(p->block_cnt)/cuda_prop.multiProcessorCount); const int active_warps_per_block = int( 0.99999 + p->thread_cnt_max / 32.0 ); pass_txt.sprintf ("%3d / %3d / %3d / %4d ", p->block_cnt, p->thread_cnt_max, p->round_cnt, p->ball_cnt); cp_txt.sprintf(" %2d * %2d * %2d + ", blocks_per_mp, active_warps_per_block, p->round_cnt); time_total += blocks_per_mp * active_warps_per_block * p->round_cnt; } ogl_helper.fbprintf("Time %3d: %s\n", time_total, cp_txt.s); ogl_helper.fbprintf("Other data: %s\n", pass_txt.s); ogl_helper.fbprintf ("Platform Block cnt/size: %d / %d\n", dim_grid.x, dim_block.x ); } tri_count = 0; pVariable_Control_Elt* const cvar = variable_control.current; ogl_helper.fbprintf("VAR %s = %.5f (TAB or '`' to change, +/- to adjust)\n", cvar->name,cvar->get_val()); // Sort balls by distance from user's eye. // This is needed for the occlusion test. // eye_dist.reset(); for ( Ball *ball; balls_iterate(ball); ) { pVect ve(ball->position,eye_location); eye_dist.insert(dot(ve,ve),ball); } eye_dist.sort(); if ( opt_mirror && vs_reflect->okay() ) { // // Render ball reflection. (Will be blended with dark tiles.) // // Write stencil at location of dark (mirrored) tiles. // glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_NEVER,4,-1); glStencilOp(GL_REPLACE,GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP); platform_tile_coords.bind(); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(platform_tile_coords.data[0]), 0); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS,platform_even_vtx_cnt,platform_odd_vtx_cnt); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,0); // Prepare to write only stenciled locations. // glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL,4,4); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP); // Reflected front face should still be treated as the front face. // glFrontFace(GL_CW); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texid_ball); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SHININESS,shininess_ball); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SPECULAR,spec_color); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD); glBlendFunc(GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA,GL_ZERO); // src, dst glBlendColor(0,0,0,0.5); // Use a shader that reflects objects. // vs_reflect->use(); // Send constants to shader. // glUniform1f(sun_platform_xmid, platform_xmid); glUniform1f(sun_platform_xrad, platform_xrad); glUniform1i(sun_opt_mirror_method, opt_mirror_method); glUniform1i(sun_opt_color_events, opt_color_events); glUniform4fv(sun_eye_location, 1, eye_location); glUniformMatrix4fv(sun_eye_to_world, 1, true, modelview_inv); modelview_projection = projection * modelview; glUniformMatrix4fv(sun_world_to_clip, 1, true, modelview_projection); balls_render(false); tile_manager.render(); // Change back to fixed functionality (no user shader). // vs_fixed->use(); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } // At this point, frame buffer contains only object reflections. glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendEquation(GL_FUNC_ADD); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE,GL_ONE); if ( !opt_shadows ) { // /// Render objects in just a single pass, no shadows. // glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); render_objects(true); } else { // /// Render objects and the shadows they cast. // // // First pass, render using only ambient light. // glDisable(GL_LIGHT1); glDisable(GL_LIGHT0); // Send balls, tiles, and platform to opengl. // Do occlusion test too. // render_objects(true); // // Second pass, add on light0. // // Turn off ambient light, turn on light 0. // glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, dark); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); // Write stencil with shadow locations based on shadow volumes // cast by light0 (light_location). Shadowed locations will // have a positive stencil value. // glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); render_shadow_volumes(light_location); // Use stencil test to prevent writes to shaded areas. // glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL,0,-1); // ref, mask // Allow pixels to be re-written. // glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // Render, but don't do occlusion test again. // render_objects(false); // // Third pass, add on light1. // glDisable(GL_LIGHT0); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); render_shadow_volumes(light1_location); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP,GL_KEEP); glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL,0,-1); // ref, mask render_objects(false); } // Maybe render platform normals. // if ( opt_normals_visible ) { glColor3fv(lsu_spirit_gold); for ( int i=0; i<platform_tile_coords.elements; i++ ) cone.render(platform_tile_coords[i],0.2,5 * platform_tile_norms[i]); } // Render Marker for Light Source // insert_tetrahedron(light_location,0.5); pError_Check(); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); frame_timer.frame_end(); glColor3f(0.5,1,0.5); ogl_helper.user_text_reprint(); glutSwapBuffers(); } void World::cb_keyboard() { if ( !ogl_helper.keyboard_key ) return; pVect adjustment(0,0,0); pVect user_rot_axis(0,0,0); const float move_amt = 0.4; switch ( ogl_helper.keyboard_key ) { case FB_KEY_LEFT: adjustment.x = -move_amt; break; case FB_KEY_RIGHT: adjustment.x = move_amt; break; case FB_KEY_PAGE_UP: adjustment.y = move_amt; break; case FB_KEY_PAGE_DOWN: adjustment.y = -move_amt; break; case FB_KEY_DOWN: adjustment.z = move_amt; break; case FB_KEY_UP: adjustment.z = -move_amt; break; case FB_KEY_DELETE: user_rot_axis.y = 1; break; case FB_KEY_INSERT: user_rot_axis.y = -1; break; case FB_KEY_HOME: user_rot_axis.x = 1; break; case FB_KEY_END: user_rot_axis.x = -1; break; case FB_KEY_F8: { opt_elasticity = 10; opt_friction_roll = 300; opt_friction_coeff = 0.0001; break; } case 'a': if ( opt_physics_method == GP_cuda ) cuda_at_balls_change(); opt_physics_method++; if ( opt_physics_method > GP_cuda ) opt_physics_method = GP_cpu; break; case 'b': opt_move_item = MI_Ball; break; case 'B': opt_move_item = MI_Ball_V; break; case 'c': case 'C': opt_color_events = !opt_color_events; break; case 'd': opt_drip = !opt_drip; if(!opt_drip)dball=NULL; break; case 'D': opt_move_item = MI_Drip; break; case 'e': case 'E': opt_move_item = MI_Eye; break; case 'g': case 'G': opt_gravity = !opt_gravity; break; case 'i': opt_info = true; break; case 'l': case 'L': opt_move_item = MI_Light; break; case 'm': opt_mirror = !opt_mirror; break; case 'M': opt_mirror_method++; if ( opt_mirror_method == 4 ) opt_mirror_method = 0; break; case 'n': case 'N': opt_normals_visible = !opt_normals_visible; break; case 'p': case 'P': opt_pause = !opt_pause; break; case 'q': opt_debug = !opt_debug; break; case 'Q': opt_debug2 = !opt_debug2; break; case 'R': balls_remove(); break; case 's': balls_stop(); break; case 'S': balls_rot_stop(); break; case 'T': benchmark_setup(1); break; case 't': benchmark_setup(5); break; case 'v': opt_verify = !opt_verify; break; case 'w': opt_shadows = !opt_shadows; break; case 'W': opt_shadow_volumes = !opt_shadow_volumes; break; case 'x': opt_spray_on = !opt_spray_on; break; case 'X': { Ball* const b1 = new Ball(this); b1->position = pCoor(30,22,20); b1->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); b1->color_natural = lsu_spirit_purple; physs += b1; Ball* const b2 = new Ball(this); b2->position = b1->position; b2->position.z += 4 * opt_ball_radius; b2->velocity = pVect(0,0,0); b2->color_natural = lsu_spirit_gold; physs += b2; } break; case 9: variable_control.switch_var_right(); break; case 96: variable_control.switch_var_left(); break; // `, until S-TAB works. case '-':case '_': variable_control.adjust_lower(); break; case '+':case '=': variable_control.adjust_higher(); break; default: printf("Unknown key, %d\n",ogl_helper.keyboard_key); break; } variables_update(); // Update eye_direction based on keyboard command. // if ( user_rot_axis.x || user_rot_axis.y ) { pMatrix_Rotation rotall(eye_direction,pVect(0,0,-1)); user_rot_axis *= invert(rotall); eye_direction *= pMatrix_Rotation(user_rot_axis, M_PI * 0.03); modelview_update(); } // Update object location based on keyboard command. // if ( adjustment.x || adjustment.y || adjustment.z ) { const double angle = fabs(eye_direction.y) > 0.99 ? 0 : atan2(eye_direction.x,-eye_direction.z); pMatrix_Rotation rotall(pVect(0,1,0),-angle); if ( opt_move_item == MI_Eye ) adjustment *= rotall; switch ( opt_move_item ){ case MI_Ball: ball_last()->translate(adjustment); break; case MI_Ball_V: ball_last()->push(adjustment); break; case MI_Light: light_location += adjustment; break; case MI_Eye: eye_location += adjustment; break; case MI_Drip: drip_location += adjustment; break; default: break; } modelview_update(); } } int main(int argv, char **argc) { pOpenGL_Helper popengl_helper(argv,argc); World world(popengl_helper); popengl_helper.rate_set(30); popengl_helper.display_cb_set(world.render_w,&world); }