About the ECE Graduate Program Community Moodle Site


This site, whose membership is restricted to ECE graduate students, is designed to facilitate communication between the Graduate Office and Graduate students and includes an anonymous suggestion box and a calendar of upcoming events and deadlines. It also has worksheets that will help you check whether your plan of study meets the requirements of your program.

To use this site, you must first be added to it. Many of you may have been added to it already. By clicking the link below you should see a page that lists the “ECE Graduate Program” as one of you “community courses.”

If you have not been added to the course, please click on the link below and log into your PAWS account if instructed. This should allow the system to recognize your PAWSID. Then send an email to eceapply@lsu.edu listing your name and PAWSID and requesting to be added to the community.


Enter the ECE Graduate Program Community Moodle Site