Major Steps in ECE Graduate Programs

This page summarizes the major steps in the ECE graduate program. For full details on rules and regulations see the ECE Graduate Handbook and the LSU Graduate Bulletin. IMPORTANT! Be informed of graduate school application deadlines.

Master's Degree Steps Doctoral Degree Steps

Master's Degree Steps

  1. Counsel by Graduate Advisor: On joining the program, you will be counseled by the Graduate Advisor and advised on course selection by a faculty member in your broad area of interest.
  2. Select Major Professor
  3. File the ECE Plan of Study: By the end of your second semester in the program, you must file a departmental MS Plan of Study. This must be approved by your major professor and the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). The Plan of Study is not a binding contract and may be changed from time to time in consultation with the major professor and the GSC.
  4. Complete your course requirements. If the courses you take are different from those in the approved plan of study, then you should have these deviations approved by the major professor and the GSC.
  5. File a request for a final exam ** at least (3) three weeks prior to the date of the exam.
  6. Select a master's committee (REQUIRED for both THESIS and NON-THESIS options)
  7. Enroll in at least one credit of EE 8000 in the semester in which you take the final exam.
  8. Take the Final Examination.
  9. Apply for the degree ** by the graduate school application deadline (See Graduate School Calendar)

Master's Degree Thesis Option Steps

The following steps apply only to those following the thesis option.

  1. Submit a copy of your dissertation to the committee in a timely manner.
  2. Submit a final copy of your thesis to the graduate school after making all suggested corrections and changes by the semester deadline as listed on the Graduate School Calendar

Master's Degree Non-Thesis Option Steps

The following steps apply only to those following the non-thesis option.

  1. Register to take the ECE MS Comprehensive Exam
  2. If you do not graduate in the semester in which you pass the MS Comprehensive exam (final exam), your committee will conduct a final oral exam in the semester of graduation.

Doctoral Degree Steps

  1. Counsel by Graduate Advisor: On joining the program, you will be counseled by the Graduate Advisor and advised on course selection by a faculty member in your broad area of interest.
  2. Select a major professor: This should be decided before you take the qualifying exam.
  3. Register and pass the qualifying exam.
    1. With Master's Degree: Exam should be taken in your second semester in the program.
    2. With Bachelor's Degree: Exam should be taken during or before your third semester in the program.
  4. File the ECE Plan of Study: By the end of the semester in which you pass the qualifying exam, you must file a departmental Plan of Study. This must be approved by your major professor (dissertation advisor) and the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC). The Plan of Study is not a binding contract and may be changed from time to time in consultation with the major professor and the GSC.
  5. Select an advisory committee for the dissertation.
  6. Take the General Exam:
    1. File a Request for General Exam ** at the Graduate School (three weeks prior to the exam date).
    2. File the Graduate School's Doctoral Degree Audit. This form is to be submitted with the Request for general exam. If the courses you take are different from your approved Plan of Study or Program of Study, you should run the changes by the GSC as soon as possible and if needed, request a change in your Doctoral Degree Audit.
    3. Submit a research prospectus in a timely manner to your advisory committee.
  7. Complete your course requirements.
  8. Defend your Dissertation (final examination) No sooner than six months after the General Exam.
    1. File a Request for Final Exam ** At least (3) three weeks prior to the date of the exam.
    2. Submit a copy of your dissertation to the committee in a timely manner.
    3. Enroll in at least one credit of EE 9000 in the semester in which you take the final exam.
    4. Submit ** a final copy of your dissertation to the graduate school after making all suggested corrections and changes by the semester deadline as listed on the Graduate School calendar.
  9. Apply for a degree.