!! LSU EE 4720 -- Spring 2010 -- Computer Architecture
!! Compiler Optimization Lecture Notes

        save %sp, 2, %g3

!! Under Construction
! Time-stamp: <8 March 2010, 10:06:04 CST, koppel@ellipse>

! CPI wo opt:  (/  (* 0.85 1e9)  437720410.0) = 1.9419 
! CPI:  (/  (* 0.34 1e9)  100220398.0) = 3.3925 

!! Contents
! Optimization Introduction
! Steps in Preparing a Program
! Compiler Definitions
! High-Level Optimizations
! Low-Level Optimizations
! Compiler Optimization Options
! Use of Compiler Switches

!! References
! :HP3: Hennessy & Patterson, "Computer Architecture, a Quantitative Approach"

!! Lecture Goals
! Understand the Program Building and Compilation Process
!  Describe steps in program building and optimization, including
!  intermediate files (assembler, object, ...) and tool names (preprocessor,
!  compiler, etc.).
! Understand Specific Optimizations and Assumption Switches
!  Describe, work example, explain benefit.
! Understand Profiling
!  Steps, how performance is improved.
! Understand ISA and Implementation Options
!  How programmer chooses them, how compiler uses them.
! Understand how Programmers Use Compilation Options
!  Normal program development, high-performance programs, SPEC disclosure.

!! Optimization Introduction

! :HP3: Section 2.11

! :Def: Optimization
! The optional steps in compiling a program that reduce the program's
! execution time, reduce the size of the program, or both.

! Typically, the only time optimization is NOT done is when a program
! is being debugged.
! In most cases, the programmer sets overall optimization effort (low,
! medium, high).
! When performance is very important the programmer can specify which
! specific optimizations to use.

! :Example:
! Data on a program that computes pi with and without optimization.
! System:   SunOS sol 5.6 Generic_105181-31 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
! Compiler: Sun WorkShop 6 2000/04/07 C 5.1
! Clock Frequency: 300 MHz
! Without Optimization
!   Size              : 6408 bytes
!   Run Time          : 3.00 s
!   Instruction Count : 325,338,749
!   CPI               : (/ (* 3.00 300e6) 325338749.0 ) = 2.7663
! With Optimization
!   Size              : 6340 bytes    Smaller! (OK, only a tiny bit smaller.)
!   Run Time          : 1.65 s        Faster!
!   Instruction Count : 100,338,751
!   CPI               : (/ (* 1.65 300e6) 100338751.0) = 4.9333

 !! Reasons *not* to Optimize
! Percentage shows roughly how often reason applies.
! 95%  It makes debugging difficult, so don't optimize while debugging.
!      This is true for almost everyone that uses a debugger.
! 10%  It slows down compilation.
!      Only important when there is a very large amount of code to
!      recompile.  (Back in the 20th century when computers were slow
!      this was important.)
!  1%  Optimization introduces bugs.
!      It does, but very rarely.

!! Steps in Building a Program

! Typical Steps in Building a Program
!      Pre-Process, Compile, Assemble, Link, Load
! pi.c ->     pi.i  -> pi.s  ->  pi.o  -> pi
! These steps can all be automatically performed of the compiler
! driver. (cc, gcc, MS Visual Studio, etc.)
! :Sample: cc pi.c -o pi
! They can also be specified individually.
! More details appear below, compile is what we're interested in.

 !! Pre-Process
!   Load include files, expand macros.
!   Typical pre-processor name: cpp
!   Input File: pi.c
!   Output File: pi.i  (High-Level Language)

 !! Compile
!   Convert high-level language in to assembler.
!   Typical compiler name: cc1 (not cc, or gcc, or Visual Studio)
!   Input File: pi.i
!   Output File: pi.s  (Assembler)

 !! Assemble
!   Convert assembly language in to machine language.
!   Typical assembler name: as
!   Input File: pi.s
!   Output File: pi.o  (Object file containing machine code.)

 !! Link
!   Combine object files, libraries, and other code into executable.
!   Typical linker name: ld
!   Input File: pi.o
!   Output File: pi

 !! Load
!   Copy executable in to memory, link with shared libraries, and start.
!   Loader name: exec system call.

!! Compiler Definitions

! A program is compiled using a steps or /passes/.
!   The first pass reads the pre-processed high-level source code.
!   The last pass emits assembler code.
!   Between the first and last passes the program is in some
!    intermediate representation.
!   The way passes are defined and organized varies greatly from
!   compiler to compiler.

! :Def: Pass
! A step in compiling a program.  A pass usually looks at an entire function.

! :Def: Intermediate Representation
! The form of a program (sort of a special-purpose language) used internally
! by a compiler.  A compiler might use several intermediate representations.

 !! Typical Passes
! Parse
!   Convert the source code to a high-level intermediate representation (H-IR).
! High-Level Optimization 
!   Optional, may be done in several passes.
!   Also called front-end optimization.
!   Modify H-IR to improve performance or reduce code size.
!   Reads and writes H-IR
! Low-Level Intermediate Representation (L-IR) Generation
!   Convert H-IR to a low-level intermediate representation (L-IR).
! Low-Level Optimization  (Optional, may be done in several passes.)
!   Also called back-end optimization.
!   Modify L-IR to improve performance or reduce code size.
! Register Assignment (Part of low-level optimization.)
!   Choose machine registers.
! Code Generation
!   Convert L-IR to assembly code.
! Pigeonhole Optimizations  (Optional, may be done in several passes.)
!   These are also called low-level optimizations.
!   Modify L-IR to improve performance or reduce code size.
!   Some of these can be done at link time.

! :Def: Compiler Front End
! The parts of the compiler that do the parsing and high-level
! optimization passes.

! :Def: Compiler Back End
! The parts of the compiler that do the low-level optimization,
! register assignment, and code generation passes.

!! High-Level Optimizations

! Easy high-level optimizations presented here.

 !! Some Easy-To-Explain Front-End Optimizations
! Dead-Code Elimination (DCE)
! Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE)
! Constant Propagation, Folding

! :Def: Dead-Code Elimination (DCE)
!   Removal of code which isn't used.
!   Yes, it happens.
!   This can also be a low-level optimization.

! :Example:
! Code benefiting from DCE
! High-level code shown for clarity.  Most compilers will transform
! an intermediate representation.
! Before:
main(int argv, char **argc)
  double i;   double sum = 0;

  for(i=1; i<50000000;)
      sum = sum + 4.0 / i;   i += 2;
      sum = sum - 4.0 / i;   i += 2;

  printf("Performed %d iterations.  Thank you for running me.\n",i);
! After:
main(int argv, char **argc)
  double i;

  for(i=1; i<50000000;)
      i += 2;
      i += 2;

  printf("Performed %d iterations.  Thank you for running me.\n",i);
! Note: Other optimizations would leave only the printf.

! :Def: Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE)
!   Remove duplicated code.
! Before:
  r = ( a + b ) / ( x + y );
  s = ( a + b ) / ( x - y );
! After:
  temp = a + b;
  r = ( temp ) / ( x + y );
  s = ( temp ) / ( x - y );

! :Def: Constant Propagation, Folding
!   The compiler performs whatever arithmetic it can at compile time
!   rather than emitting code to perform the arithmetic at run time.
! Before:
  int sec_per_day = 60 * 60 * 24;
  int sec_per_year = sec_per_day * 365;
  some_routine(sec_per_day * x, sec_per_year * y);
! After:
  int sec_per_day = 86400;
  int sec_per_year = 31536000;
  some_routine(86400 * x, 31536000 * y);

!! Low-Level Optimizations

! Some Low-Level Optimizations
! This is not a complete list.
! Register Assignment
! Instruction Selection
! Scheduling

! :Def: Register Assignment
! Selection of which values will be held in registers.  Values
! not held in registers are stored in memory.
! Without Register Assignment Optimizations
! All values corresponding to variables (in high-level program) are
! written to memory (and not held in registers).  Intermediate results are
! held in registers.
! With Register Assignment Optimization
! Registers are assigned to as many variables as possible, with priority
! given to frequently used variables.
! Advantage of Register Assignment Optimization
! Fewer memory writes and reads.

! :Def: Scheduling
! Re-arranging instructions to minimize the amount of time one instruction
! has to wait for another.
! For example, if an instruction takes a long time it will be started early
! so that other instructions will not have to wait for its result.
! Scheduling will be covered in more detail later in the semester.

! :Example:
! pi program without and with optimization.
! Optimizations include register assignment and scheduling.
! Without Optimization
!   10      {
!   11        sum = sum + 4.0 / i;   i += 2;

        ldd     [%fp-24],%f6   ! f6 = sum
        ldd     [%l0+0],%f4    ! f4 = 4.0
        ldd     [%fp-16],%f2   ! f2 = i
        fdivd   %f4,%f2,%f2    ! f2 = 4.0 / i
        faddd   %f6,%f2,%f2    ! f2 = sum + (4.0/i)
        std     %f2,[%fp-24]   ! sum = f2

        ldd     [%fp-16],%f4   ! f4 = i
        ldd     [%l0+8],%f2    ! f2 = 2.0
        faddd   %f4,%f2,%f2    ! f4 = i + 2.0
        std     %f2,[%fp-16]   ! i = f4

!   12        sum = sum - 4.0 / i;   i += 2;

        ldd     [%fp-24],%f6   ! f6 = sum
        ldd     [%l0+0],%f4    ! f4 = 4.0
        ldd     [%fp-16],%f2   ! f2 = i
        fdivd   %f4,%f2,%f2    ! f2 = 4.0 / i
        fsubd   %f6,%f2,%f2    ! f2 = sum - (4.0/i)
        std     %f2,[%fp-24]   ! sum = f2

        ldd     [%fp-16],%f4   ! f4 = i
        ldd     [%l0+8],%f2    ! f2 = 2.0
        faddd   %f4,%f2,%f2    ! f2 = i + 2.0
        std     %f2,[%fp-16]   ! i = f2

        ldd     [%fp-16],%f4   ! f4 = i
        ldd     [%l0-8],%f2    ! f2 = 50000000
        fcmped  %f4,%f2        ! compare i, 50000000
        fbl     .L92           ! Branch if FP comparison less than.
! With Optimization
!   10                !    {
!   11                !      sum = sum + 4.0 / i;   i += 2;
/* 0x0020         11 */         fdivd   %f4,%f30,%f6    ! temp1 = 4.0 / i_2
/* 0x0024            */         faddd   %f30,%f2,%f8    ! i_1 = i_2 + 2.0

!   12                !      sum = sum - 4.0 / i;   i += 2;

/* 0x0028         12 */         faddd   %f8,%f2,%f30    ! i_2 = i_1 + 2.0
/* 0x002c            */         fcmped  %f30,%f0        ! i_2 < 50000000
/* 0x0030            */         fdivd   %f4,%f8,%f8     ! temp2 = 4.0 / i_1
/* 0x0034         11 */         faddd   %f10,%f6,%f6    ! sum = sum + temp1
/* 0x0038         12 */         fbl     .L77000016
/* 0x003c            */         fsubd   %f6,%f8,%f10    ! sum = sum - temp2

!   13                !    }

!! Compiler Optimization Options

! Under Construction

! Optimization options tell the compiler:
!   How much EFFORT to put into optimization.  E.g., -O2
!   Which PARTICULAR optimizations to perform.  E.g., -fno-strength-reduce
!   The TARGET system the code will be running on.  E.g., -xultra2
!   Whether to make certain ASSUMPTIONS about the code.
!   Whether to use PROFILING data from a training run.

 !! Target Options
! Specify exact type of machine code will be run on:f ISA, Implementation, Cache
! Choice is based on type of machines customers have.

 !! Specifying the: ISA
! The exact instruction set used.
! Specifies not just the ISA family, but a particular variation.
! A poor choice will limit the number of machines code can run on.
 !! Specifying the: Implementation (Processor Core)
! Specify the implementation code will run on.
! A poor choice will result in slower code.
 !! Specifying the: Cache (Can be considered part of ISA implementation.)
! Specify configuration of cache.
! Caches covered later in the semester.
! A poor choice will result in slower code.

 !! Background
! Sun SPARC Architecture
!  Developed by Sun
!  Major Versions:  v7, v8, v9, v9+vis
! Some Implementations
!  UltraSPARC T2       Implements v9, (On newer Sun computers.)
!  UltraSPARC VII      Implements v9, (On newer Fujitsu computers.)
!  UltraSPARC IV       Implements v9, (On newer Sun computers.)

! :Example:
! Switches for Sun Workshop 6 Compiler.
!     -xarch     Specifies ISA
!     -xchip     Specifies implementation.
!     -xcache    Specifies cache.

!     -xtarget   Specifies system. ISA/implementation and cache.

!     -xarch Values:
!     v7, v8a, v8, v8plus (v8 with 32-bit v9), v8plusa (v8 with 32 bit v9 etc.),
!     v8plusb, v9, v9a, v9b

!     -xchip=c
!           c must be one of: generic, old, super, super2, micro,
!           micro2, hyper, hyper2, powerup, ultra, ultra2, ultra2e,
!           ultra2i, ultra3, ultra3cu, 386, 486, pentium,
!           pentium_pro.

 !! Optimization EFFORT
! :Def: Optimization Effort
! Amount of optimization to be done. A small effort means performing
! only easy optimizations, a large effort means performing more
! time-consuming optimizations.
! Most compilers have optimization levels.
! The higher the number, the more optimizations done.

! :Example:
! Optimization Levels for Sun Workshop 6 Compiler

!      -xO [1|2|3|4|5]
!           Optimizes the object code. Note the upper-case letter
!           O.

!           The levels (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) you can use differ
!           according to the platform you are using.

!                ( SPARC)

!                -xO1 Does basic local optimization (peephole).

!                -xO2 Does basic local and global optimization.
!                     This is induction variable elimination, local
!                     and global common subexpression elimination,
!                     algebraic simplification, copy propagation,
!                     constant propagation, loop-invariant optimi-
!                     zation, register allocation, basic block
!                     merging, tail recursion elimination, dead
!                     code elimination, tail call elimination and
!                     complex expression expansion.

!                     The -xO2 level does not assign global, exter-
!                     nal, or indirect references or definitions to
!                     registers. It treats these references and
!                     definitions as if they were declared "vola-
!                     tile." In general, the -xO2 level results in
!                     minimum code size.

!                -xO3 Performs like -xO2 but, also optimizes refer-
!                     ences or definitions for external variables.
!                     Loop unrolling and software pipelining are
!                     also performed. The -xO3 level does not trace
!                     the effects of pointer assignments. When com-
!                     piling either device drivers, or programs
!                     that modify external variables from within
!                     signal handlers, you may need to use the
!                     volatile type qualifier to protect the object
!                     from optimization.  In general, the -xO3
!                     level results in increased code size.

!                -xO4 Performs like -xO3 but, also does automatic
!                     inlining of functions contained in the same
!                     file; this usually improves execution speed.
!                     The -xO4 level does trace the effects of
!                     pointer assignments.  In general, the -xO4
!                     level results in increased code size.

!                     If you want to control which functions are
!                     inlined, see -xinline .

!                -xO5 Generates the highest level of optimization.
!                     Uses optimization algorithms that take more
!                     compilation time or that do not have as high
!                     a certainty of improving execution time.
!                     Optimization at this level is more likely to
!                     improve performance if it is done with pro-
!                     file feedback.

 !! PARTICULAR Optimizations
! The levels specify sets of optimizations (like ordering the "Sport Package"
! for a new car).
! In contrast to optimization levels (-O3), the compiler can be told which
! particular optimizations to make.
! These are typically used by skilled programmers trying to get
! fastest code.
! Some examples below.

! gcc
! `-frerun-loop-opt'
!      Run the loop optimizer twice.

! Sun Workshop 6
! Prefetch instructions read memory in advance, eliminating some cache
! misses (covered later in the semester).  They can also increase
! cache misses or increase the time to access memory, hurting
! performance.  The compiler does not know if they will help or hurt.
!      -xprefetch[=val],val
!           (SPARC) Enable prefetch instructions on those architec-
!           tures that support prefetch, such as UltraSPARC II.
!           (-xarch=v8plus, v9plusa, v9, or v9a)

!           Explicit prefetching should only be used under special
!           circumstances that are supported by measurements.

 !! ASSUMPTIONS (Assertions) About the Program

! Compilers must generate correct code.
!  That is, the code must execute in the way specified by the
!  high-level language definition.
! Correct code can be slow.
!  The compiled code might need to check for things that can happen ...
!  ... but don't in a particular program.
! Some options tell the compiler to make assumptions about the program.
!  These assumptions would not hold for every program.
!  The compiled program runs faster ...
!  ... and correctly if the assumptions are valid.

! Some switches specifying assumptions:

! gcc, Assume the program does not require strict IEEE 754 FP features.
! `-ffast-math'
!      This option allows GCC to violate some ANSI or IEEE rules and/or
!      specifications in the interest of optimizing code for speed.  For
!      example, it allows the compiler to assume arguments to the `sqrt'
!      function are non-negative numbers and that no floating-point values
!      are NaNs.

! cc (Sun Workshop 6 Compiler) Assume certain pointers do not overlap.
!      -xrestrict=f
!           (SPARC) Treats pointer-valued function parameters as
!           restricted pointers. f is a comma-separated list that
!           consists of one or more function parameters, %all,
!           %none.  This command-line option can be used on its
!           own, but is best used with optimization of -xO3 or
!           greater.
!           The default is %none. Specifying -xrestrict is
!           equivalent to specifying -xrestrict=%all.
! :Example:
! In the loop below the compiler would ordinarily load the value at x
! from memory (dereference) each iteration (five times) because the
! address of x may be the same as the address of one of the "a"
! elements.  With -xrestrict switch, x is not loaded each iteration,
! saving time and space.  The switch is needed because the compiler
! has no way of knowing if x and the a's overlap and must otherwise
! make a conservative assumption (that they overlap)
void array_add(int *a, int *b, int *x)
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<5; i++) 
    a[i] = b[i] + x[0];

! Compiled Code Without -xrestrict 

!   24                !  int i;
!   25                !  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
!   26                !    a[i] = b[i] + *x;

                                ! %g4  i
                                ! %o2  x
                                ! %g3  &a[i]
                                ! %g2  &b[i]

/* 0x0004         26 */         ld      [%o1],%o5   ! o5 = Mem[o1]
/* 0x0008         23 */         or      %g0,%o1,%g2 ! g2 = 0 + o1
/* 0x000c         25 */         or      %g0,0,%g4   ! g4 = 0 + 0

                       .L900000108:                    ! The loop body starts here.
/* 0x0010         26 */         ld      [%o2],%o4   !  <-- Load x, notice that
/* 0x0014            */         add     %g4,1,%g4   !      o2 does not change.
/* 0x0018            */         add     %g2,4,%g2   ! g2 = g2 + 4
/* 0x001c            */         cmp     %g4,5
/* 0x0020            */         add     %o5,%o4,%o5 ! o5   = b[i] + x[0]
/* 0x0024            */         st      %o5,[%g3]   ! a[i] = o5
/* 0x0028            */         add     %g3,4,%g3  
/* 0x002c            */         bl,a    .L900000108
/* 0x0030            */         ld      [%g2],%o5   ! o5 = b[i+1]
/* 0x0034            */         retl    ! Result =
/* 0x0038            */         nop

! Compiled Code With -xrestrict 

/* 000000         23 */         or      %g0,%o0,%g4

!   24                !  int i;
!   25                !  for(i=0; i<5; i++)
!   26                !    a[i] = b[i] + *x;

                                                    ! o2  x
                                                    ! g2  *x
                                                    ! g4  &a[i]
                                                    ! g3  &b[i]

/* 0x0004         26 */         ld      [%o2],%g2   ! <-- Load x before entering
/* 0x0008         23 */         or      %g0,%o1,%g3 !     the loop.
/* 0x000c         26 */         ld      [%o1],%o5
/* 0x0010         25 */         or      %g0,0,%g1
                       .L900000108:                      ! The loop body starts here.
/* 0x0014         26 */         add     %o5,%g2,%o5
/* 0x0018            */         st      %o5,[%g4]
/* 0x001c            */         add     %g1,1,%g1
/* 0x0020            */         add     %g3,4,%g3
/* 0x0024            */         add     %g4,4,%g4
/* 0x0028            */         cmp     %g1,5
/* 0x002c            */         bl,a    .L900000108
/* 0x0030            */         ld      [%g3],%o5
/* 0x0034            */         retl    ! Result =
/* 0x0038            */         nop

! If array_add is compiled using the -xrestrict switch and it is
! called by the code below, it will return the wrong answer (since x
! changes value).

int main(int argv, char **argc)
  int a[5], b[5];
  int *x = &a[1];
  ... (More code here)

! (End of example.)


! :Def: Profiling  (a.k.a. Feedback-Directed Optimization)
! A compilation technique in which data taken from a sample run is used
! to guide compiler decisions.

! Typical Profiling Procedure
! (1) Compile program with profiling option.
! (2) Run program using typical input data.
!     During run profile information collected for compiler.
! (3) Run compiler again, specifying where to find profile information.

! Branches occur frequently in code.  There is a performance penalty
! in taking a branch and so it's best if the compiler organizes code
! (rearranges the intermediate representation) so that branches are
! not taken as much as possible.  To do that the compiler needs to
! know how often an "if" or other condition (for which the branch is
! emitted) is true.  Only in a few cases can the compiler figure that
! out on its own, because, for example, "if" conditions depend on
! input data.  To obtain this useful information a two-step
! compilation process called profiling is used.  In the first step the
! code is compiled so that it writes branch information (more
! precisely basic block, covered later) to a file.  The program is run
! with typical input data, called the training input, and it writes
! the branch information to a file.  In the second step the compiler
! reads the information and uses that to better organize the code.

! Sun Profiling Compiler Switches
!      -xprofile=p
!           Collects data for a profile or use a profile to optim-
!           ize.
!           p must be collect[:name], use[:name], or tcov.
!           This option causes execution frequency data to be col-
!           lected and saved during execution, then the data can be
!           used in subsequent runs to improve performance. This
!           option is only valid when a level of optimization is
!           specified.

!! Use of Compiler Switches

 !! Use of Compiler Switches

!   Type of system all uses have. (IA-32 for PCs, SPARC for Sun users, etc.)
!   Users can't normally run code compiled for a different ISA.

! Implementation
!   Type of system most users have.
!   Other users can run code, but won't run as fast.

! Optimization
!   Select medium or high optimization level.
!   If market very sensitive to performance, use specific optimizations.