## LSU EE 3755 -- Fall 2013 -- Computer Organization
## Note Set 9 -- MIPS  Basics

# Time-stamp: <23 October 2013, 9:05:55 CDT, koppel@dmk-laptop>

## Contents
# Machine Language Basics
# Machine Languages Covered in ECE Courses
# Instructions, Registers, Immediates, and Memory
# Basic Three-Register Instructions
# Other Basic Instructions
# Instruction Coding
# Miscellaneous Integer Arithmetic Instructions
# Pseudo Instructions

## References
# :PH:  Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design", 4th Ed
# :Mv1: MIPS Technologies, "MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers Vol I: Intro"
# :Mv2: MIPS Technologies, "MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers Vol II: Instr"

## Machine Language Basics

# :PH: 2.1, 2.2   Basics
# :PH: 2.12       Definition of assembly language and related terms.

# :Def: Machine Language
# An informal term for the language understood by the computer
# processor itself. (/Instruction-set architecture/ (ISA) is the
# formal term.)
# Examples: MIPS I, IA-32, SPARC-v8

# :Def: Instruction Set
# The instructions understood by a computer. Often used interchangeably
# with machine language.

# :Def: Machine Code
# All or part of a machine language program.

# :Def: High-Level Language
# A computer programming language for humans.
# Examples: C, Basic, Java, Fortran.
# A program in a high-level language may be converted into machine
# language and then run.
# A high-level language can be converted into the machine language of
# (compiled for) many machines.

# :Def: Assembly Language
# A language for humans used to prepare machine code.
# Assembly language is human readable, machine language is not.
# (At least without great effort or rare talent.)
# For each machine language there is usually one assembly language.
# (In principle there could be many assembly languages for each
#  machine language.)
# The machine language and corresponding assembly language are sometimes
# known by the same name, for example MIPS.
# Almost all examples will be in assembly language.

# :Example:
# The paragraph below uses the terms that were defined above.
# A compiler reads a program written in a high-level language, such as
# Fortran, and generates a corresponding assembly language
# program. The particular assembly language to use is based on the
# instruction set architecture (informally known as machine language)
# of the machine that will run the program. An assembler will read the
# assembly code and convert it into machine code.

 ## A Short MIPS Assembly Language Program
        add $s1, $s2, $s3       # s1 = s2 + s3
        sub $s1, $s4, $s1       # s1 = s4 - s1
# Comments start with a #.
# $s1-$s4 are storage locations called /registers/.
# Each register holds 32 bits.

# The program again, showing initial, intermediate, and final register values.
#                         Initial:  s1 = 10,   s2 = 20,   s3 = 30,   s4 = 40
        add $s1, $s2, $s3
#                                   s1 = 50,   s2 = 20,   s3 = 30,   s4 = 40
        sub $s1, $s4, $s1
#                         Final:    s1 =-10,   s2 = 20,   s3 = 30,   s4 = 40

# The program again, in three forms:
#  High-Level (C)       Assembly (MIPS)        Machine (MIPS)
#  a = b + c;           add $s1, $s2, $s3      0x02538820
#  a = d - a;           sub $s1, $s4, $s1      0x02918822
# Note: the relationship between high-level code and assembly code
#       is rarely one machine instruction per high-level statement.

## Machine Languages Covered in ECE Courses

 ## Covered in Required ECE Computer Courses
# EE 3750, 3751  Before Spring 2014.
#  Machine Language (ISA): IA-32 (80x86)
#  Processors: 8086, 8088, 80386, Xeon X5670, i7.
# EE 3755  <- You are here.
#  Machine Language (ISA): MIPS
#  Processors: R4000, R10000.
# EE 4720
#  Machine Languages (ISAs): MIPS, SPARC, Itanium, VAX, ARM, ...
# EE 7722  GPU Microarchitecture
#  Machine Languages: NVIDIA SASS, Xeon Phi (aka MIC, Larrabbee).

 ## Other Important Machine Languages
# PowerPC   IBM/Motorola/Apple.

 ## MIPS Family
# Variations: MIPS-I, MIPS-II, ... MIPS-V, MIPS32, MIPS64
# Covered Here: Subset of MIPS32. (Called MIPS for short here.)

 ## MIPS (and other RISC) vs. 80x86 (IA-32)
# MIPS:  All instructions are 32 bits.
# IA-32: Sizes vary. 8 bits to ??
# MIPS:  Arithmetic and logical instructions cannot access memory.
# IA-32: Arithmetic and logical instructions can access memory.
# MIPS:  Lots of general-purpose registers (though with recommended usage).
# IA-32: Special purpose registers.

## Instructions, Registers, Immediates, and Memory

# :PH: 2.2
# :Mv1: 2.8.4, 2.8.5  MIPS register descriptions

 ## Where MIPS Instructions Get Data
# Immediates:  Data stored in instruction.
# Registers:   A small number (66) of high-speed 32-bit storage locations.
# Memory:      A large number (2^32) of low-speed 8-bit storage locations.

 ## What MIPS Instructions can Modify
# Registers
# Memory

 ## Registers
# Used in this Class
# $0-$31:   32 bits, General Purpose Registers (GPRs). See GPR names below.
# PC:       32 bits (30 bits), Program Counter
# $lo, $hi: 32 bits, Registers used for multiplication and division.
# $f0-$f31: 32 bits, Floating Point (coprocessor 1) Registers

 ## General-Purpose Register (GPR) Names
# There are 32 (arguably 31) general purpose registers (GPRs).
# Each register holds 32 bits.
# Each has a name and a number.
#   Numbers range from 0 to 31.
#   Names indicate suggested use.
# Either names or numbers can be used in assembly language.

# Ways to Reference GPR Number 1 (varies by assembler, textbook author, etc.)
#   By number:  r1, R1, 1, $1
#   By name:    $at

# List of General-Purpose Registers. (Will be explained later.)
# The value of register 0 ($zero) is always zero.
# The value of the other registers is the last value written.
 ##      Names        Numbers     Suggested Use
#      $zero         0       The constant zero.
#      $at           1       Reserved for assembler.
#      $v0 - $v1     2-3     Return value
#      $a0 - $a3     4-7     Argument
#      $t0 - $t7     8-15    Temporary (Not preserved by callee.)
#      $s0 - $s7    16-23    Saved by callee.
#      $t8 - $t9    24-25    Temporary (Not preserved by callee.)
#      $k0 - $k1    26-27    Reserved for kernel (operating system).
#      $gp          28       Global Pointer
#      $sp, $fp     29-30    Stack and Frame Pointer
#      $ra          31       Return address.

# :Example:
# The two instructions below are identical, the first uses register
# names, the second uses register numbers.

        add $s1, $t2, $sp
        add $17, $10, $29

 ## Memory
# Memory consists of 2^32 locations. [Newer versions, 2^64 locations.]
# Each location stores 8 bits, called a /character/ or a /byte/.
# Each location has an /address/, an integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295
# Memory access is usually slower than register access.

# :Example:
# Examples of instructions accessing memory.  The first loads
# something from memory into a register, the second stores something
# from a register to memory.  These will be covered in detail later.
        lw	$4, 0($19)
        sw	$31, 72($sp)

 ## Immediates
# An immediate is a constant value stored in the instruction itself.
# In MIPS immediate are usually 16 bits and can be interpreted as
# signed or unsigned numbers (depending on the instruction).

# :Example:
# An instruction using an immediate, in this case 100.
        addi $1, $2, 100

## Basic Three-Register Instructions

# :PH:  Throughout Chapter 2.
# :Mv2: A complete list of instructions.

# The three-register instructions each read two source registers and
# write one destination register.

 ## The Plain Old Add Instruction
# :Syntax: ADD rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- rs + rt
# How to read the syntax shown above:
#   The mnemonic (name) of the instruction is ADD.  A lower-case
#   version of the mnemonic (add) should be used in assembly language.
#   The instruction has three operands, rd, rs, rt.
#   These symbols refer to general-purpose register operands.
#   In assembly language they would be replaced by a register name or number.
#   (Machine language coding will be covered later.)
#   The line rd <- rs + rt indicates what the instructions does.
# ADD instruction assembly language examples:

        add $1, $2, $3
        add $s1, $t2, $v1

# The instruction below is NOT an add instruction because $rt is not a GPR.
# A "strict" assembler would NOT be able to convert that in to machine
# code.  (A "liberal" assembler would correct the mistake by replacing
# "add" with "addi".)

        add $1, $2, 100

# There is an instruction that can take the constant 100, "addi."

 ## Other Basic Three-Operand Instructions
# :Syntax: SUB rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- rs - rt
# :Syntax: AND rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- rs & rt
# :Syntax: OR rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- rs | rt
# :Syntax: NOR rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- ~( rs | rt )
# :Syntax: XOR rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- rs ^ rt
# :Syntax: SLT rd, rs, rt           # Set less than.
#          rd <- rs < rt ? 1 : 0;
#          Comparison as signed integers.
#          There's no SGT, which makes sense if you think about it.
# :Syntax: SLLV rd, rs, rt          # Shift Left Logical Variable
#          rd <- rs << rt[4:0]
#          Note: Only five low-order bits of rt are used, the rest are ignored.
# :Syntax: SRLV rd, rs, rt          # Shift Right Logical Variable
#          rd <- rs >> rt[4:0]
#          Note: "Vacated" bit positions are zero.
#          Note: Only five low-order bits of rt are used, the rest are ignored.
# :Syntax: SRAV rd, rs, rt          # Shift Right Arithmetic Variable
#          rd <- {rs[31],rs[31],..., rs >> rt[4:0] }
#          Note: Sign is extended: bit (rs[31]) placed in vacated positions.
#          Note: Only five low-order bits of rt are used, the rest are ignored.

# :Example:
# Simplified assembler for the following line of C:
#  x = a + b - ( c + d );
#  Asm regs: x, $8;  a, $9;  b, $10;  c, $11;  d, $12

        add $8, $9, $10
        add $13, $11, $12
        sub $8, $8, $13

# :Example:
# Use of register zero.
# Simplified assembler for the following lines of C:
#  int x = -a;
#  int y = -1;
#  Asm regs: x, $8;  a, $9;  y, $10
#  Reminder: register $0 is always zero.

        sub $8, $0, $9   # x = -a;
        nor $10, $0, $0  # y = -1;

# :Example:
# Simplified assembler for the following lines of C:
#   int ir = ...;
#  x = ( ir >> off ) & mask;
# Asm regs: x, $8;  ir, $9;  off, $10;  mask, $11.

        srav $8, $9, $10
        and $8, $8, $11

# :Example:
# Simplified assembler for the following lines of C:
#   unsigned int ir = ...;
#  x = ( ir >> off ) & mask;
# Asm regs: x, $8;  ir, $9;  off, $10;  mask, $11.

        srlv $8, $9, $10
        and $8, $8, $11

# :Example:
# Simplified assembler for the following line of C:
#  x = a + b > ( c & mask ) | d;
# Asm regs: x, $8;  a, $9;  b, $10;  mask, $11;  c, $12;  d, $13

        add $20, $9, $10   # a + b
        and $21, $12, $11  # c & mask
        or $21, $21, $13   # ( c & mask ) | d
        slt $8, $21, $20   #  >

## Other Basic Instructions

# :PH:  Throughout Chapter 2.
# :Mv2: A complete list of instructions.

# :Def: Immediate
# A constant stored in the instruction itself.
# In MIPS most immediates are 16 bits, including the ones in this section.

 ## Assembler Metasyntactic Symbols for Immediates
# Metasyntactic symbols are used in syntax descriptions.
# immed:  16-bit immediate, for general use.
# sa:     5-bit immediate (shift amount), used in shift instructions.

 ## The Plain-Old Addi Instruction
# :Syntax: ADDI rt, rs, immed            # Add Immediate
#          rt <- rs + sign_extend(immed)
# Notes on the syntax above.
#   The destination register is now called rt.
#   Symbol immed refers to a 16 bit value which is stored in the instruction.
#   For the ADDI instruction immed is interpreted as a signed integer.

 ## Some More Instructions
# The following are NOT MIPS32 instructions:
# :Syntax: ANDI rt, rs, immed           # And Immediate
#          rt <- rs & immed
# :Syntax: ORI rt, rs, immed
#          rt <- rs | immed
# :Syntax: XORI rt, rs, immed
#          rt <- rs ^ immed
# :Syntax: SLTI rt, rs, immed           # Set Less Than Immediate
#          rt <- rs < sign_extend(immed) ? 1 : 0;
#          Comparison as signed integers, immed is sign-extended.
#          There's no SGT, which makes sense if you think about it.
# :Syntax: SLL rd, rt, sa               # Shift Left Logical
#          rd <- rt << sa
# :Syntax: SRL rd, rt, sa               # Shift Right Logical
#          rd <- rt >> sa
#          Note: "Vacated" bit positions are zero.
# :Syntax: SRA rd, rt, sa               # Shift Right Arithmetic
#          rd <- {rt[31],rt[31],..., rs >> sa }
#          Note: Sign is extended: bit (rt[31]) placed in vacated positions.
# :Syntax: LUI rt, immed                # Load Upper Immediate
#          rt <- {immed,16'b0}

# :Example:
# Simple examples to illustrate what some instructions do.
        # Assuming $9 = 23
        addi $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- 24

        # Assuming $9 = 23
        addi $8, $9, -1
        # $8 <- 22

        # Assuming $9 = 23
        addi $8, $9, 0x12345  # Assembler should reject this instruction.
        # No result because immediate is too large, it's limited to 16 bits.

        # Assuming $9 = 0x12345678
        andi $8, $9, 0xff
        # $8 <- 0x78

        # Assuming $9 = 23
        slti $8, $9, 20
        # $8 <- 0
        slti $8, $9, 30
        # $8 <- 1

        # Assuming $9 = 1
        sll $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- 2
        sll $8, $9, 3
        # $8 <- 8

        # Assuming $9 = 16
        srl $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- 8
        srl $8, $9, 3
        # $8 <- 2
        srl $8, $9, 32
        # $8 <- 16
        sra $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- 8
        sra $8, $9, 3
        # $8 <- 2

        # Assuming $9 = -1 = 0xffffffff
        srl $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- 2147483647 = 0x7fffffff
        srl $8, $9, 3
        # $8 <- 536870911 = 0x1fffffff
        sra $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- -1 = 0xffffffff
        sra $8, $9, 3
        # $8 <- -1 = 0xffffffff

        # Assuming $9 = -7 = 0xfffffff9
        srl $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- 2147483644 = 0x7ffffffc
        srl $8, $9, 3
        # $8 <- 536870911 = 0x1fffffff
        sra $8, $9, 1
        # $8 <- -4 = 0xfffffffc

        lui $8, 0x1234
        # $8 <- 0x12340000

 ## Uses for Immediates
# Register Initialization
# Constants

# :Example:
# Register initialization examples.
# Simplified assembler for the following lines of C:
#  a = 23;
#  b = 105;
#  c = 0x1234a678;  // Constant too large for one instruction to load.
#  d = 0;
# Asm regs: a, $8;  b, $9;  c, $10;  d, $11

        addi $8, $0, 23         # a = 23
        addi $9, $0, 105        # b = 105
        lui  $10, 0x1234        # c = 0x12340000 (so far)
        ori  $10, $10, 0xa678   # c = 0x1234a678
        add  $11, $0, $0        # d = 0 (lots of ways to do this)


# :Example:
# Simplified assembler for the following line of C:
#  rs = ( ir >> 21 ) & 0x1f;
# Asm regs: rs, $8;  ir, $9.

        srl $8, $9, 21
        andi $8, $8, 0x1f

## Instruction Coding

# :PH: 2.5
# :Mv1: 4.2

 ## The Three MIPS Instruction Formats
# R Format:  Typically used for three-register instructions.
# I Format:  Typically used for instructions requiring immediates.
# J Format:  Used for jump instructions (not covered yet).
# Every MIPS integer instruction is in one of these formats.

 ## R Format
# _________________________________________________________________
# | opcode    | rs      | rt      | rd      | sa      | function  |
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# Bits    Field Name    Unabbreviated Name     Typical Use
# 31:26:  opcode                               First part of opcode.
# 25:21:  rs            (Register Source)      Source register one.
# 20:16:  rt            (Register Target)      Source register two.
# 15:11:  rd            (Register Destination) Destination register.
# 10:6:   sa            (Shift Amount)         Five-bit immediate.
#  5:0    function                             Second part of opcode.

 ## I Format
# _________________________________________________________________
# | opcode    | rs      | rt      | immed                         |
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# Bits    Field Name    Unabbreviated Name     Typical Use
# 31:26:  opcode                               Entire opcode (for I and J).
# 25:21:  rs            (Register Source)      Source register one.
# 20:16:  rt            (Register Target)      Source register two.
# 15:0:   immed         (Immediate)            Immediate value.

 ## J Format
# _________________________________________________________________
# | opcode    | ii                                                |
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#  3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#  1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# Bits    Field Name    Unabbreviated Name     Typical Use
# 31:26:  opcode                               Entire opcode (for I and J).
# 25:0:   ii            (Instruction Index)    Part of jump target.

 ## Field Values
# Values for fields can be found in the following places:
#    :Mv2: Listed by instruction. "Official" MIPS documentation.
# opcode, function
#  Determined by the instruction.
#  For R-format instructions opcode is limited to a few values: e.g., 0, 1.
#  The function field takes on a larger range of values.
#  Values for opcode and function can be found in the following places:
#    :Mv2: Listed by instruction. "Official" MIPS documentation.
# rs, rt, rd
#  Usually register numbers represented using 5-bit unsigned integers.
#  Occasionally used as part of opcode or to specify something other
#    than a register.
# sa (Shift Amount)
#  A 5-bit constant usually used by shift instructions.
# immed
#  A 16-bit quantity.
# ii (Instruction Index)
#  A 26-bit quantity used to form a jump target address.

 ## R Format Examples
# _________________________________________________________________
# | opcode    | rs      | rt      | rd      | sa      | function  |
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# :Syntax: ADD rd, rs, rt
        add $2, $3, $4
# Based on the instruction above:
#   rd -> 2,  rs -> 3,  rt -> 4
# Looking up the instruction in :Mv2:
#   opcode -> 0,  function -> 0x20,  sa -> 0
# Machine code for the instruction above:
#     0 3 4 2 0 0x20                      (By field, each field in hexadecimal)
#   = 000000 00011 00100 00010 00000 100000    (By field, binary)
#   = 0000 0000 0110 0100 0001 0000 0010 0000  (Groups of four bits)
#   = 0x00641020                               (Hexadecimal)
# :Syntax: SLL rd, rt, sa               # Shift Left Logical
        sll $2, $3, 4
# Based on the instruction above:
#   rd -> 2,  rt -> 3,  sa -> 4
# Looking up the instruction in :Mv2:
#   opcode -> 0,  function -> 0,  rs -> 0
# Machine code for the instruction above:
#     0 0 3 2 4 0                      (By field, each field in hexadecimal)
#   = 000000 00000 00011 00010 00100 000000    (By field, binary)
#   = 0000 0000 0000 0011 0001 0001 0000 0000  (Groups of four bits)
#   = 0x00031100                               (Hexadecimal)

 ## I Format Examples
# _________________________________________________________________
# | opcode    | rs      | rt      | immed                         |
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# :Syntax: ORI rt, rs, immed
        ori $2, $3, 4
# Based on the instruction above:
#   rt -> 2,  rs -> 3,  immed -> 4
# Looking up the instruction in :Mv2:
#   opcode -> 13
# Machine code for the instruction above:
#     0xd 3 2 4                      (By field, each field in hexadecimal)
#   = 001101 00011 00010 0000000000000100     (By field, binary)
#   = 0011 0100 0110 0010 0000 0000 0000 0100 (Groups of four bits.)
#   = 0x34620004                              (Hexadecimal)

## Miscellaneous Integer Arithmetic Instructions

# :PH:  Throughout Chapter 2.
# :Mv2: A complete list of instructions.

 ## Miscellaneous Integer Arithmetic Instructions
# "Unsigned" Instructions: The name is misleading.
# Multiplication
# Division

 ## "Unsigned" Instructions
# Instructions SUBU, ADDU and ADDIU are NOT UNSIGNED.
#              The "U" means ignore overflow for these instructions.
# Instructions SLTU and SLTIU are unsigned.
# :Syntax: ADDU rd, rs, rt                # Add, overflow ignored.
#          rd <- rs + rt
#          Note: Identical to ADD except an overflow is ignored.
# :Syntax: SUBU rd, rs, rt                # Sub, overflow ignored.
#          rd <- rs - rt
#          Note: Identical to SUB except an overflow is ignored.
# :Syntax: ADDIU rt, rs, immed            # Add Immediate, overflow ignored.
#          rt <- rs + sign_extend(immed)
#          Note: Identical to ADDI except an overflow is ignored.
#          Yes, the immediate IS sign extended.
# :Syntax: SLTU rd, rs, rt                # Set Less Than Unsigned
#          rd <- rs < rt ? 1 : 0;
#          Comparison as unsigned integers.
# :Syntax: SLTIU rt, rs, immed            # Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned
#          rt <- rs < immed ? 1 : 0;
#          Comparison is for unsigned integers, immed IS sign-extended.

 ## Integer Overflow
# Because C expects integer overflow to be ignored, C compilers emit
# ADDU, SUBU, ADDIU, SUBIU for integer arithmetic.

 ## Difference between add and addu, etc.
# With add, sub, and addi overflow causes an error.
# With addu, subu, addui overflow is ignored.

# :Example:
# Note: In C integer overflow is silently ignored.
# C Code:
#  int x, a, b;
#  a = 0x7fffffff;  // Largest 32-bit signed integer.
#  b = 1;
#  x = a + b;
#  Asm regs: a, $8;  b, $9;  x, $10

        lui $8, 0x7fff;
        ori $8, $8, 0xffff;
        addi $9, $0, 1
        #  $8 = 0x7fffffff = 2147483647
        #  $9 = 1
        addu $10, $8, $9
        #  $10 = 0x80000000 = -2147483648  (Addition overflowed.)

# :Example:
# Language in a C-like language in which integer overflow is an error.
#  int x, a, b;
#  a = 0x7fffffff;  // Largest 32-bit signed integer.
#  b = 1;
#  x = 3755;
#  x = a + b;
#  Asm regs: a, $8;  b, $9;  x, $10

        lui $8, 0x7fff;
        ori $8, $8, 0xffff;
        addi $9, $0, 1
        addi $10, $0, 3755
        #  $8 = 0x7fffffff = 2147483647
        #  $9 = 1
        #  $10 = 3755;
        add $10, $8, $9
        #  Instruction above causes an error (exception, $10 not changed.)
        #  $10 = 3755

# :Example:
# Sign extension of immediate.
# addi, addui, and ori
# Remember that immediate is 16 bits.

        addi $8, $0, 1
        # $8 = 1
        addi $8, $0, -1
        # $8 = 0xffffffff = -1  (-1 sign extended)
        addiu $8, $0, 1
        # $8 = 1
        addiu $8, $0, -1
        # $8 = 0xffffffff = -1  (Yes, -1 sign extended.)
        ori $8, $0, 1
        # $8 = 1;
        ori $8, $0, -1
        # $8 = 0xffff  (-1 not sign extended.)

 ## Multiplication and Division
# Integer multiplication instructions write product to special
# hi and lo registers: lo gets bits 31:0, hi gets bits 61:32.
# :Syntax: MULT rs, rt
#          {hi,lo} <- rs * rt
#          Operands signed.
#          Never raises an exception.
# :Syntax: MULTU rs, rt
#          {hi,lo} <- rs * rt
#          Operands unsigned.
#          Never raises an exception.
# :Syntax: DIV rs, rt
#          lo <- rs / rt;  hi <- rs % rt
#          Operands signed.
#          Never raises an exception, even for division by zero.
# :Syntax: DIVU rs, rt
#          lo <- rs / rt;  hi <- rs % rt
#          Operands unsigned
#          Never raises an exception, even for division by zero.
# :Syntax: MTLO rs                      # Move to lo register.
#          lo <- rs
# :Syntax: MTHI rs                      # Move to hi register.
#          hi <- rs
# :Syntax: MFLO rd                      # Move from lo register.
#          rd <- lo
# :Syntax: MFHI rd                      # Move from hi register.
#          rd <- hi

# :Example:
# Simple multiplication and division examples.
# integer x, y, z, a, b;
# ...
# x = a * b;
# y = a / b;
# z = a % b;
#  Asm regs: x, $8;  y, $9;  z, $10;  a, $11;  b, $12

        mult $11, $12  # Write product into %hi and %lo
        mflo $8        # Move value in %lo register and put it into $8.

        div $11, $12
        mflo $9
        mfhi $10

## Pseudo Instructions

# :PH: 2.12 (Briefly under assembler heading.)

# :Def: Pseudo Instruction
# An assembly language instruction that does not (necessarily)
# correspond to a machine language instruction.  The assembler will
# substitute one or two real machine instructions. Pseudo instructions
# are intended to make assembler code more readable and to support
# future ISA extensions.  (Some pseudo instructions may become real
# instructions in future versions of the instruction set.)
# When these notes are viewed in HTML or with the class Emacs package,
# pseudo instructions (those recognized by the SPIM simulator) will be
# italicized.  See examples.

 ## Some Pseudo Instructions
# This is not a complete list of pseudo instructions.
# (Note: the examples show both pseudo and real instructions.  In
#  actual assembly code you would use one or the other.)
# :Syntax: NOP                          # No Operation
#  A special NOP instruction is not needed because many instructions
#  will do nothing if register zero is used as the destination.
#  Instruction sll is the "official" NOP because its coding is all
#  zeros.
        nop               # Pseudo
        sll $0, $0, 0     # Real.
# :Syntax: MOVE rd, rs                  # Move
#          rd <- rs
        move $1, $2       # Pseudo
        addu $1, $0, $2   # Real

# :Syntax: SGT rd, rs, rt              # Set Greater-Than
#          rd <- rs > rt ? 1 : 0
        sgt $1, $2, $3      # Pseudo
        slt $1, $3, $2      # Real

# :Syntax: LA rd, imm32                 # Load Address
# :Syntax: LI rd, imm32                 # Load Integer
#          rd <- imm32
#          Note: SPIM resolves la and li into the same instructions.
#          (That is, they do the same thing.  Use the one that better
#           conveys intent to the human assembly code reader.)
        li $2, 0x12345678   # Pseudo
        lui $1, 0x1234      # Real (First of two.)
        ori $2, $1, 0x5678  # Real (Second of two.)

        li $2, 0x12         # Pseudo
        ori $2, $0, 0x12    # Real (Assembler realizes lui not needed.)
# :Syntax: MUL rd, rs, rt
#          rd <- rs * rt;
#          Note: This is a pseudo instruction in MIPS I, but it is
#          a real instruction in MIPS32.
        mul $2, $3, $4      # Pseudo
        mult $3, $4         # Real (First of two.)
        mflo $2             # Real (Second of two.)