/// LSU EE 3755 -- Fall 2012 -- Computer Organization
/// Code by end of class 9 November 2012.
/// Hardwired Control, Multicycle MIPS, Day 1
//  Will be added to each day.

`define MIPS_PROG "uc.v"

module cpu(exc,data_out,addr,size,we,data_in,mem_error_in,reset,clk);
   input [31:0] data_in;
   input [2:0]  mem_error_in;
   input        reset,clk;
   output [7:0] exc;
   output [31:0] data_out, addr;
   output [1:0]  size;
   output        we;

   reg [31:0]    data_out, addr;
   reg [1:0]     size;
   reg           we;
   reg [7:0]     exc;

   // MIPS Registers
   reg [31:0] gpr [0:31];
   reg [31:0] pc, npc;
   reg [31:0] ir;

   // Instruction Fields
   reg [4:0]  rs, rt, rd, sa;
   reg [5:0]  opcode, func;
   reg [25:0] ii;
   reg [15:0] immed;

   // Values Derived From Immediates and Read From Register File
   reg [31:0] simmed, uimmed, limmed;
   reg [31:0] rs_val, rt_val, sa_val;

   reg [75:0]     bndl;

   // ALU Connections

   // Values for the MIPS funct field.
   parameter  F_sll = 6'h0;
   parameter  F_srl = 6'h2;
   parameter  F_add = 6'h20;
   parameter  F_sub = 6'h22;
   parameter  F_or  = 6'h25;

   // Values for the MIPS opcode field.
   parameter  O_rfmt = 6'h0;
   parameter  O_j    = 6'h2;
   parameter  O_beq  = 6'h4;
   parameter  O_bne  = 6'h5;
   parameter  O_addi = 6'h8;
   parameter  O_slti = 6'ha;
   parameter  O_andi = 6'hc;
   parameter  O_ori  = 6'hd;
   parameter  O_lui  = 6'hf;
   parameter  O_lw   = 6'h23;
   parameter  O_lbu  = 6'h24;
   parameter  O_sw   = 6'h2b;
   parameter  O_sb   = 6'h28;

   // Processor Control Logic States

   // ALU Operations
   parameter  OP_nop = 6'd0;
   parameter  OP_sll = 6'd1;
   parameter  OP_srl = 6'd2;
   parameter  OP_add = 6'd3;
   parameter  OP_sub = 6'd4;
   parameter  OP_or  = 6'd5;
   parameter  OP_and = 6'd6;
   parameter  OP_slt = 6'd7;
   parameter  OP_seq = 6'd8;

   // Handy Constant
   parameter  R0 = 5'd0;

   alu our_alu(alu_out,alu_a,my_alu_b, our_alu_op);
   alu our_other_alu(alu_out2,alu_a2,my_alu_b2, our_alu_op2);

   always @ ( posedge clk ) begin

      F_add:  // gpr[rd] = gpr[rs] + gpr[rt];
        alu_a = gpr[rs];



module alu(alu_out,alu_a,alu_b,alu_op);
   output [31:0] alu_out;
   input [31:0]  alu_a, alu_b;
   input [5:0]   alu_op;

   reg [31:0]    alu_out;

   // Control Signal Value Names
   parameter  OP_nop = 0;
   parameter  OP_sll = 1;
   parameter  OP_srl = 2;
   parameter  OP_add = 3;
   parameter  OP_sub = 4;
   parameter  OP_or  = 5;
   parameter  OP_and = 6;
   parameter  OP_slt = 7;
   parameter  OP_seq = 8;
   always @( alu_a or alu_b or alu_op )
     case( alu_op )
       OP_add  : alu_out = alu_a + alu_b;
       OP_and  : alu_out = alu_a & alu_b;
       OP_or   : alu_out = alu_a | alu_b;
       OP_sub  : alu_out = alu_a - alu_b;
       OP_slt  : alu_out = {alu_a[31],alu_a} < {alu_b[31],alu_b};
       OP_sll  : alu_out = alu_b << alu_a;
       OP_srl  : alu_out = alu_b >> alu_a;
       OP_seq  : alu_out = alu_a == alu_b;
       OP_nop  : alu_out = 0;
       default : begin alu_out = 0;  $stop;  end

// exemplar translate_off

module system(exc,reset,clk);
   input reset,clk;
   output [7:0] exc;

   wire [31:0] cpu_data_out, addr, mem_data_out;
   wire [2:0]  mem_err_out;
   wire [1:0]  size;
   wire        we;

   cpu cpu1(exc,cpu_data_out,addr,size,we,mem_data_out,mem_err_out,reset,clk);
   mips_memory_1p m1(mem_data_out,mem_err_out,addr,size,we,cpu_data_out,clk);


`include "mips_hc_tb.v"