/// LSU EE 3755 -- Fall 2001 -- Computer Organization
/// Fall 2001 Final Exam Review

// Time-stamp: <8 December 2001, 13:13:25 CST, koppel@sol>

/// Contents
// Exam Format
// Exam Topics
// How to Study (Under Construction)

module final_exam();

   parameter exam_date = "Saturday, 15 December 2001";
   parameter exam_time = "12:30 CST";
   parameter exam_room = "Here";

   always @( avaialble_time ) begin


      for(h=1; h<=7; h=h+1) solve_homeork(h);




/// Exam Format

 // Not as long as practice final.
 // Allowed one 215 x 280 mm note sheet.
 // No communication devices.

 /// Possible Problem Types
// Given a MIPS implementation, determine what new instruction does.
// Add an instruction to a MIPS implementation.
// Write a MIPS program.
// Show hardware synthesized from Verilog.
// Write Verilog for an illustrated piece of hardware.
// Write Verilog for some arithmetic operation.
// Show timing diagram (like wave window) for Verilog.
// Etc.

/// Exam Topics

 /// Verilog
//   Defining and instantiating a module.
//   Module ports and connections.
//   Registers and wires.
//   Expressions.
//   Non-procedural code, continuous assignments.
//   initial begin ... end
//   always @( posedge foo ) begin ... end   blocks.
//   always @( foo or bar or foobar ) begin ... end   blocks.

 /// Synthesis
//   Form 1: Combinational logic and level-triggered registers.
//   Form 2: Edge triggered registers.
//   Relationship between procedural code and synthesized hardware.

 /// Arithmetic Hardware
//   Representations, algorithms, and hardware for integer addition and subtr.
//   Binary multiplication and division algorithms and hardware.
//   High-radix and Booth multiplication algorithms and hardware.
//   IEEE 754 Floating Point Representations.
//   Floating point arithmetic algorithms.
//   Floating point addition hardware.

 /// MIPS
//   Know what instructions do.
//   Registers, memory.
//   Be able to write programs.

 /// MIPS Implementations
//   Strawman MIPS Implementation
//   Hardwired MIPS Implementation
//   Microcoded MIPS Implementation

/// How to Study

/// Under Construction

module solve_problem(problem);
   input [999999:0] problem;

   reg [2:0] state;

   wire [999999:0] brain_input = problem;
   wire [5:0]      brain_state;

   always @( brain_input_src or problem or motivational_stuff )
     case( brain_input_src )
       bis_study: brain_input = problem;
       bis_mot: brain_input = motivational_stuff;

   parameter       bstate_tried     = 6'd0;
   parameter       bstate_confused  = 6'bxxxxxx;
   parameter       bstate_seeing_it = 6'd1;
   parameter       bstate_got_it    = 6'd2;
   parameter       bstate_lost      = 6'd3;

   brain my_brain(brain_state,brain_input);

   parameter st_start = 1;

   reg       clk;

   always begin clk = 0; #5; clk = 1; #5; end

   always @( posedge clk )
     case( state )

