/// LSU EE 3755 -- Fall 2001 -- Computer Organization
/// Verilog Notes 8 -- Floating Point

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/// Contents // // Binary Floating-Point Representation and Arithmetic // IEEE 754 FP Standard // FP Addition Hardware /// References // // :P: Palnitkar, "Verilog HDL" // :Q: Qualis, "Verilog HDL Quick Reference Card Revision 1.0" // :H: Hyde, "Handbook on Verilog HDL" // :LRM: IEEE, Verilog Language Reference Manual (Hawaii Section Numbering) // :PH: Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design" // :HP: Hennessy & Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Binary Floating-Point Representation and Arithmetic // :PH: 4.8 /// Binary Floating-Point (FP) Representations // // The floating-point (FP) representations in this section (before // IEEE 754) are NOT computer representations. // // Among other things, that means the number of bits needed to store a // number is not specified. // // Computer representations for FP numbers covered in the next section, // IEEE 754. /// Binary FP Representation // // // Each digit position has a multiplier. // // // FP Binary Number: 1 0 1 0 1. 1 0 0 1 // Digit Position: 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 // Multiplier: 16 8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 // // Value of number: 1*16 + 0*8 + 1*4 + 0*2 + 1*1 + 1/2 + 0/4 + 0/8 + 1/16 // = 21.5625 // // Other Examples: // // 1.1 = 1.5 // 1.01 = 1.25 // 1.11 = 1.75 // 1.001 = 1.125 // 1111.1111 = 15.9375 // // // FP Decimal to Binary Conversion // // To convert decimal number x, 0 < x < 1. // // Method 1: // // For digit position -1: // if x >= 1/2, digit is 1, x = x - 1/2; // if x < 1/2, digit is 0, x unchanged. // For digit position -2: // if x >= 1/4, digit is 1, x = x - 1/4 // if x < 1/4, digit is 0, x unchanged. // Etc. // // Method 2: // // Let r be the number of digits past decimal point desired. // Convert x * 2^r to binary. // MSB is first digit past binary point, etc. // Example: // r = 4, x = .75 // Convert .75 * 2^4 = 12 to binary: 1100 // x in binary is: .1100 // // Examples to 12 digits: // // 1.1 = 1.000110011001... // 1.2 = 1.001100110011... // 1.3 = 1.010011001100... // 1.4 = 1.011001100110... // 1.5 = 1.1 // // Note: // // Common numbers such as 0.2 do not have exact representations. /// Binary Scientific Notation // // Binary Scientific Representation Similar to Decimal Scientific Notation // // Decimal: SIGN SIGNIFICAND x 10^{EXPONENT} // Binary: SIGN SIGNIFICAND x 2^{EXPONENT} // // Decimal Examples: // // 1.23 x 10^{2} = 123 // 1.23 x 10^{0} = 1.23 // 1.23 x 10^{-1} = .123 // Examples above are normalized, examples below are not. // 12.3 x 10^{1} = 123 // .123 x 10^{1} = 1.23 // 123 x 10^{-3} = .123 // // Binary Examples // // 1 x 2^{0} = 1 = 1 // 1 x 2^{1} = 10 = 2 // 1 x 2^{2} = 100 = 4 // 1.1 x 2^{2} = 110 = 6 // 1.1 x 2^{1} = 11 = 3 // 1.1 x 2^{0} = 1.1 = 1.5 // 1.1 x 2^{-1} = .11 = .75 // Examples above are normalized, examples below are not. // 11 x 2^{1} = 110 = 6 // 11 x 2^{0} = 11 = 3 // 11 x 2^{-1} = 1.1 = 1.5 // 11 x 2^{-2} = .11 = .75 /// Addition Using Scientific Notation // // Consider: // // a_scand x 2^{a_exp} // b_scand x 2^{b_exp} // // Assume a is larger magnitude number. // // To add these: // // Set b'_exp = a_exp. // Set b'scand = b_scand / 2^(a_exp - b_exp) // If two steps above correct: b_scand x 2^{b_exp} == b'_scand x 2^{b'_exp} // Set s_scand = a_scand + b'_scand // Set s_exp = a_exp // Optional: Normalize s. // // Sum is s_scand x 2^{s_exp} // // Example: // See text or blackboard example. // // Subtraction is similar. /// Multiplication Using Scientific Notation // // Consider: // // a_scand x 2^{a_exp} // b_scand x 2^{b_exp} // // To multiply these: // // Set p_scand = a_scand x b_scand // Set p_exp = a_exp + b_exp // Optional: Normalize p // // Product is p_scand x 2^{p_exp} // // Example: // See text or blackboard example. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// IEEE 754 FP Standard // :PH: 4.8 /// Standard Specifies // // Formats of FP numbers. (There are several sizes.) // Results of arithmetic operations, including rounding. /// Objectives of Standard // // Represent range of numbers in common use. (Of course.) // Predictable rounding behavior. // Compare as integers. // // The following is NOT an objective: // // Keep things simple for an introductory computer class. // Nevertheless, it's not that bad. /// Features // // Can Represent: // Floating-point number. // + and - Infinity, and other special values. // // Special Properties // Positive Zero is 0. // Can use signed integer magnitude and equality tests. /// Sizes // // Single: 32 bits. // Double: 64 bits. // Extended: Varies, not shown here. /// Key Ideas // // Format Specifies: // // Sign. // Exponent. // Significand (Fraction) // // Slight Complications (but for good reason): // // Exponent is biased. // Significand may not include MSB (if not, it's 1). /// IEEE 754 Single Format // // Format: SEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // 31: S: Sign bit: 1 negative, 0 positive. // 30-23: E: Biased Exponent. (Exponent is E-127) // 22-0: F: Significand (Fraction) // // Case Value formula. // 0 < E < 255, S = 0 : ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-127} // 0 < E < 255, S = 1 : - ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-127} // E = 0, S = 0, F = 0 : 0 // E = 0, S = 1, F = 0 : - 0 // E = 255, S = 0, F = 0: Infinity // E = 255, S = 1, F = 0: - Infinity /// IEEE 754 Double Format // // Format: SEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // 63: S: Sign bit: 1 negative, 0 positive. // 62-52: E: Biased Exponent. (Exponent is E-1023) // 51-0: F: Significand (Fraction) // // Case Value formula. // 0 < E < 1023, S = 0 : ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-1023} // 0 < E < 1023, S = 1 : - ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-1023} // E = 0, S = 0, F = 0 : 0 // E = 0, S = 1, F = 0 : - 0 // E = 1023, S = 0, F = 0 : Infinity // E = 1023, S = 1, F = 0 : - Infinity /// IEEE 754 Rounding Modes // // Format specifies four rounding modes. // Hardware set to use desired rounding mode. // // Rounding Modes: // // Round to even. (Nearest LSB zero.) Most popular. // Round towards zero. // Round towards infinity. // Round towards -infinity. /// IEEE 754 Single Format Examples // // Single FP: 32h'3fc00000 // = 32b'00111111110000000000000000000000 // SEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // 0 01111111 10000000000000000000000 // S EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // S = 0, E = 7f = 127, F 400000 = // // Based on value of S and E, the following case applies: // // 0 < E < 255, S = 0 : ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-127} // // Value = ( 1.0 + 4194304 / 2^{23} ) 2^{127-127} // = ( 1.0 + 4194304 / 2^{23} ) 2^{127-127} // = ( 1.0 + 0.5 ) // = 1.5 // Single FP: 32h'456ab000 // = 32b'01000101011010101011000000000000 // SEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // 0 10001010 11010101011000000000000 // S EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // S = 0, E = 8a = 138, F 6ab000 = 6991872 // // Based on value of S and E, the following case applies: // // 0 < E < 255, S = 0 : ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-127} // // Value = ( 1.0 + 6991872 / 2^{23} ) 2^{138-127} // = ( 1.0 + 0.833496 ) 2048 // = 3755 // Single FP: 32h'c0490fdb // = 32b'11000000010010010000111111011011 // SEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // 1 10000000 10010010000111111011011 // S EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // S = 1, E = 80 = 128, F 490fdb = 4788187 // // Based on value of S and E, the following case applies: // // 0 < E < 255, S = 1 : - ( 1.0 + F / 2^{23} ) 2^{E-127} // // Value = - ( 1.0 + 4788187 / 2^{23} ) 2^{128-127} // = - ( 1.0 + 0.570796 ) 2 // = -3.14159 // Single FP: 32h'0 // = 32b'00000000000000000000000000000000 // SEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // 0 00000000 00000000000000000000000 // S EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // S = 0, E = 0, F = 0 // // Based on value of S and E, the following case applies: // // E = 0, S = 0, F = 0 : 0 // // Value = 0 // Single FP: 32h'7f800000 // = 32b'01111111100000000000000000000000 // SEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // 0 11111111 00000000000000000000000 // S EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF // // S = 0, E = 255, F = 0 // // Based on value of S and E, the following case applies: // // E = 255, S = 0, F = 0: Infinity // // Value = Infinity. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// FP Addition Hardware // FP arithmetic hardware simple in principle, but details can be overwhelming. // Only hardware for FP adder shown. /// FP Addition Hardware Examples // // Add IEEE 754 Doubles // For simplicity, rounding is not performed correctly by example hardware. // // Two Adders // // Combinational. (Unrealistic) // Sequential. (More realistic. [Real adders would be pipelined.]) // /// Steps For Addition // // Step 1: // If b's exponent is larger than a's, swap a and b. // // Step 2: // Insert 1 in significand if corresponding exponent not zero. // // Step 3: // If necessary, un-normalize b so that a and b's exponent are the same. // // Step 4: // Negate significand if corresponding sign bit is negative. // // Step 5: // Compute sum of significands. // // Step 6: // Store sign of sum. Take absolute value of sum. // // Step 7: // Normalize sum. // :Example: // // Combinational adder. Computes the sum of two IEEE 754 doubles. // Does not round correctly and does not handle certain special cases. module fp_add(sum,a_original,b_original); input [63:0] a_original, b_original; output [63:0] sum; reg sumneg; reg [10:0] sumexp; reg [54:0] sumsig; assign sum[63] = sumneg; assign sum[62:52] = sumexp; assign sum[51:0] = sumsig; reg [63:0] a, b; reg [54:0] asig, bsig; reg [10:0] aexp, bexp; reg aneg, bneg; reg [10:0] diff; always @( a_original or b_original ) begin /// Compute IEEE 754 Double Floating-Point Sum in Seven Easy Steps // Note: Rounding and sub-normals not handled properly. /// Step 1: Copy inputs to a and b so that a's exponent not smaller than b's. // if( a_original[62:52] < b_original[62:52] ) begin a = b_original; b = a_original; end else begin a = a_original; b = b_original; end /// Step 2: Break operand into sign (neg), exponent, and significand. // aneg = a[63]; bneg = b[63]; aexp = a[62:52]; bexp = b[62:52]; // Put a 0 in bits 53 and 54 (later used for sign). // Put a 1 in bit 52 of significand if exponent is non-zero. // Copy significand into remaining bits. asig = { 2'b0, aexp ? 1'b1 : 1'b0, a[51:0] }; bsig = { 2'b0, bexp ? 1'b1 : 1'b0, b[51:0] }; /// Step 3: Un-normalize b so that aexp == bexp. // diff = aexp - bexp; bsig = bsig >> diff; // // Note: bexp no longer used. If it were would need to set bexp = aexp; /// Step 4: If necessary, negate significands. // if( aneg ) asig = -asig; if( bneg ) bsig = -bsig; /// Step 5: Compute sum. // sumsig = asig + bsig; /// Step 6: Take absolute value of sum. // sumneg = sumsig[54]; if( sumneg ) sumsig = -sumsig; /// Step 7: Normalize sum. (Three cases.) // if( sumsig[53] ) begin // // Case 1: Sum overflow. // Right shift significand and increment exponent. sumexp = aexp + 1; sumsig = sumsig >> 1; end else if( sumsig ) begin:A // // Case 2: Sum is nonzero and did not overflow. // Normalize. (See cases 2a and 2b.) integer pos, adj, i; // Find position of first non-zero digit. pos = 0; for(i = 52; i >= 0; i = i - 1 ) if( !pos && sumsig[i] ) pos = i; // Compute amount to shift significand and reduce exponent. adj = 52 - pos; if( aexp < adj ) begin // // Case 2a: // Exponent too small, floating point underflow, set to zero. sumexp = 0; sumsig = 0; sumneg = 0; end else begin // // Case 2b: Adjust significand and exponent. sumexp = aexp - adj; sumsig = sumsig << adj; end end else begin // // Case 3: Sum is zero. sumexp = 0; sumsig = 0; end end endmodule // :Example: // // Sequential adder. Computes the sum of two IEEE 754 doubles. // Does not round correctly and does not handle certain special cases. // More realistic than combinational adder. module fp_add_seq(sum,ready,a_original,b_original,start,clk); input [63:0] a_original, b_original; input start, clk; output [63:0] sum; output ready; reg sumneg; reg [10:0] sumexp; reg [54:0] sumsig; assign sum[63] = sumneg; assign sum[62:52] = sumexp; assign sum[51:0] = sumsig; reg [63:0] a, b; reg [54:0] asig, bsig; reg [10:0] aexp, bexp; reg aneg, bneg; reg [10:0] diff; parameter st_idle = 0; parameter st_cyc_1 = 1; parameter st_cyc_2 = 2; parameter st_cyc_3 = 3; reg [1:0] state; initial state = st_idle; assign ready = state == st_idle; always @( posedge clk ) case( state ) st_idle: if( start ) begin /// Step 1: Copy inputs to a and b so that a's exponent not smaller than b's. // if( a_original[62:52] < b_original[62:52] ) begin a = b_original; b = a_original; end else begin a = a_original; b = b_original; end state = st_cyc_1; end st_cyc_1: begin /// Step 2: Break operand into sign (neg), exponent, and significand. // aneg = a[63]; bneg = b[63]; aexp = a[62:52]; bexp = b[62:52]; // Put a 0 in bits 53 and 54 (later used for sign). // Put a 1 in bit 52 of significand if exponent is non-zero. // Copy significand into remaining bits. asig = { 2'b0, aexp ? 1'b1 : 1'b0, a[51:0] }; bsig = { 2'b0, bexp ? 1'b1 : 1'b0, b[51:0] }; /// Step 3: Un-normalize b so that aexp == bexp. // diff = aexp - bexp; bsig = bsig >> diff; // // Note: bexp no longer used. // If it were would need to set bexp = aexp; state = st_cyc_2; end st_cyc_2: begin /// Step 4: If necessary, negate significands. // if( aneg ) asig = -asig; if( bneg ) bsig = -bsig; /// Step 5: Compute sum. // sumsig = asig + bsig; state = st_cyc_3; end st_cyc_3: begin /// Step 6: Take absolute value of sum. // sumneg = sumsig[54]; if( sumneg ) sumsig = -sumsig; /// Step 7: Normalize sum. (Three cases.) // if( sumsig[53] ) begin // // Case 1: Sum overflow. // Right shift significand and increment exponent. sumexp = aexp + 1; sumsig = sumsig >> 1; end else if( sumsig ) begin:A // // Case 2: Sum is nonzero and did not overflow. // Normalize. (See cases 2a and 2b.) integer pos, adj, i; // Find position of first non-zero digit. pos = 0; for(i = 52; i >= 0; i = i - 1 ) if( !pos && sumsig[i] ) pos = i; // Compute amount to shift significand and reduce exponent. adj = 52 - pos; if( aexp < adj ) begin // // Case 2a: // Exponent too small, floating point underflow, set to zero. sumexp = 0; sumsig = 0; sumneg = 0; end else begin // // Case 2b: Adjust significand and exponent. sumexp = aexp - adj; sumsig = sumsig << adj; end end else begin // // Case 3: Sum is zero. sumexp = 0; sumsig = 0; end state = st_idle; end endcase endmodule