/// LSU EE 3755 -- Fall 2001 -- Computer Organization
/// Verilog Notes 3 -- Delay

These notes are outdated. The lectures page contains links to the latest versions of these notes.

/// Contents /// Delays /// Ripple Adder and Delays /// References // :P: Palnitkar, "Verilog HDL" // :Q: Qualis, "Verilog HDL Quick Reference Card Revision 1.0" // :H: Hyde, "Handbook on Verilog HDL" // :LRM: IEEE, Verilog Language Reference Manual (Hawaii Section Numbering) // :PH: Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delays // :P: 6.2, 6.2.2, 6.2.3 // :H: Not covered for continuous assignments. // :LRM: 6.1 // A /delay/ is a specification of elapsed time, the amount of // time the simulator is supposed to wait. // The simulator keeps track of simulated time, measured in cycles. // This is unlike conventional languages. // The default delay is zero. // // If delays are not specified things happen instantly. // // The default delay for a gate is zero. // // The default delay for an assign is zero. // // The default delay for an assign with a really complex expression is zero. // // The default delay for a module containing a zillion gates is zero. // // Zero is NOT the same as one. // // Delays can be specified in a variety of ways. // // The following will be covered in class: // // Delays in wires and assigns (this set). // Delays in behavioral statements (later this semester). // // See "delays" module, below, for further description. // :Example: // // A module that just passes the signal through, like wire. Suppose // at t=5 input a changes from 0 to 1, when does x change? module no_delays(x,a); input a; output x; assign x = a; wire w = x; endmodule // Ans: x changes at 5 + 0 = 5. // :Example: // // A module that just passes the signal through unchanged, though it // passes through two inverters. Suppose at t=5 input a changes from // 0 to 1, when does x change? module no_delays2(x,a); input a; output x; wire b; not n1(b,a); not n2(x,b); endmodule // Ans: x changes at 5. // :Example: // // Illustration and explanation of delays in assigns and wires. module delays(x,a); input a; output x; // Delay (For nets.) // wire #7 w = a; // // w gets value of x 7 cycles after each change in x (x must hold // steady for at least 7 cycles). // Delay (For continuous assignments.) // assign #3 x = w; // // x gets value of "a" 3 cycles after each change in "a" (a must // hold steady for at least 3 cycles). endmodule //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Ripple Adder and Delays // :Example: // // The binary full adder presented earlier. There are no delays here. module bfa_implicit(sum,cout,a,b,cin); input a,b,cin; output sum,cout; assign sum = ~a & ~b & cin | ~a & b & ~cin | a & ~b & ~cin | a & b & cin; assign cout = a & b | b & cin | a & cin; endmodule // :Example: // // The same BFA with delays. // Suppose "a" changes at t=5 and "b" changes at t=20. // When do sum and cout change? module bfa_implicit_d(sum,cout,a,b,cin); input a,b,cin; output sum,cout; assign #3 sum = ~a & ~b & cin | ~a & b & ~cin | a & ~b & ~cin | a & b & cin; assign #2 cout = a & b | b & cin | a & cin; endmodule // Ans: sum: t=8 and t=23; cout t=7 and t=22. /// More information // // If a changes at t=5 and b changes at t=6 the situation is // different because there are two changes in "sum" within the // 3-cycle delay. // :Example: // // A 4-bit ripple adder constructed using the undelayed BFA. // If a changes at t=5 when does sum change? module ripple_4(sum,cout,a,b); input [3:0] a, b; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire c0, c1, c2; bfa_implicit bfa0(sum[0],c0,a[0],b[0],1'b0); bfa_implicit bfa1(sum[1],c1,a[1],b[1],c0); bfa_implicit bfa2(sum[2],c2,a[2],b[2],c1); bfa_implicit bfa3(sum[3],cout,a[3],b[3],c2); endmodule // Ans: I'm sure everyone got it. // :Example: // // A 4-bit ripple adder constructed using the BFA with delays. // Suppose at t=0 a=0 and b=4'b1111 // If a changes to 1 at t=100 when does sum stop changing? module ripple_4_d(sum,cout,a,b); input [3:0] a, b; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire c0, c1, c2; bfa_implicit_d bfa0(sum[0],c0,a[0],b[0],1'b0); bfa_implicit_d bfa1(sum[1],c1,a[1],b[1],c0); bfa_implicit_d bfa2(sum[2],c2,a[2],b[2],c1); bfa_implicit_d bfa3(sum[3],cout,a[3],b[3],c2); endmodule // Ans t=109 (Not checked) // :Example: // // A 4-bit adder using operators and no delays. This would be // a better way of coding a 4-bit adder in Verilog, but it's // not a good way to demonstrate the low speed of a ripple adder // to a computer organization class. module another_adder(sum,cout,a,b); input [3:0] a, b; output [3:0] sum; output cout; wire [4:0] sum_with_carry = a + b; assign sum = sum_with_carry[3:0]; assign cout = sum_with_carry[4]; endmodule // :Example: // // This is not really an example and students are not expected // to understand it. This is a testbench for the adder, it // instantiates the adders, generates inputs for them, and checks // for the correct output. module demoadd(); wire [4:0] sum1, sum2, sum3; reg [4:0] shadow_sum; reg [3:0] a, b; integer i; ripple_4 adder1(sum1[3:0],sum1[4],a,b); ripple_4_d adder2(sum2[3:0],sum2[4],a,b); another_adder adder3(sum3[3:0],sum3[4],a,b); task check_sum; input [4:0] s; input [79:0] name; if( s != shadow_sum ) begin $display("Wrong sum in %s: %d + %d = %d != %d\n", name, a, b, shadow_sum, s); $stop; end endtask initial begin for(i=0; i<255; i=i+1) begin a = i[3:0]; b = i[7:4]; shadow_sum = a + b; #10; check_sum(sum1,"Ripple"); check_sum(sum2,"Ripple_d"); check_sum(sum3,"Operator"); end $display("Tests completed."); end endmodule