## Solution to LSU EE 3755 Fall 2001 Practice Final Problem 3

# Exam: http://www.ece.lsu.edu/ee3755/2001f/fep.pdf

# Note: 
# Instruction xxx changed on 9 December 2001:
#    "wb_rd = rt" was changed to "wb_rd = 25".

# Instruction xxx

# Assembler Syntax: XXX ummed26
#                   $t9 <- uimmed26
#                   Or, more precisely:
#                   gpr[25] = {6'd0, ir[25:0] };
# In words, load a 26-bit immediate in to register $t9 ($25).

        xxx 0x123456

# Equivalent Code:

        lui $t9, 0x12
        ori $t9, $t9, 0x3456

# Instruction yyy

# Assembler Syntax: YYY rd, rs, (rt)+sa
#                   rd <- rs + Mem[rt];
#                   rt <- rt + sa;
# In words, load rd with word at address rt.  
# Increment rt by sa.

        yyy $s4, $s3, ($t0)+4

# Equivalent Code:

        lw  $at, 0($t0)
        addi $t0, $t0, 4
        add $s4, $s3, $at

# Instruction yyy is the less likely MIPS candidate because
# it performs arithmetic /and/ it accesses memory.