problem 1:  Complete the module


module three_bit_Booth(prod,ready,multiplicand,multiplier,start,clk);

   input [15:0]  multiplicand, multiplier;

   input         start, clk;

   output        prod;

   output        ready;

   reg [32:0]    product;

   wire [31:0]   prod = product[31:0];

   reg [3:0]     bit;

   wire          ready = !bit;

   reg           d;

    initial bit = 0;

   wire [16:0]   multsx = {multiplicand[15],multiplicand};

   always @( posedge clk )

     if( ready && start ) begin

        bit     = 8;

        product = { 17'd0, multiplier };

        d = 0;

     end else if( bit ) begin


        case ( {product[1:0],d} )

           3'b001: product[32:16] = product[32:16] + multsx;  

          3'b010: product[32:16] = ##product[32:16] + multsx;

           3'b011: product[32:16] = ##product[32:16] + 2 * multiplicand;

           3'b100: product[32:16] = ##product[32:16] - 2 * multiplicand;

           3'b101: product[32:16] = ##product[32:16] - multsx;

           3'b110: product[32:16] = ##product[32:16] - multsx;



        d = product[1];

        product = { product[32], product[32], product[32:2] };

        bit     = bit - 1;




Problem 2: Complete the module.


// A 5-bit CLA using five cla slice parts.  The generate and propagate

// signals are used to produce the carry  signals.

module cla_5(sum,cout, a,b,cin);

   input [4:0] a, b;

   input cin;

   output [4:0] sum;

   output  cout;

   wire [4:0]   g, p, carry;

   /// Logic for Carry  Signals

    assign       carry[0] =  g[0] | cin & p[0];

   assign       carry[1] =  g[1]  |    g[0] & p[1] |

                                     cin & p[0] & p[1];

   assign       carry[2] =  g[2]  |    g[1] & p[2] |

                                     g[0] & p[1] & p[2]  |

                                     cin & p[0] & p[1] & p[2];

   assign       carry[3] = g[3] |       g[2] &p[3] |

                                    g[1] &p[2] & p[3] |

                                    g[0] & p[1] & p[2] &p[3] |

                                    cin  & p[0] & p[1] & p[2] & p[3];

  assign       carry[4] = g[4] |        g[3] & p[4] |

                                    g[2] & p[3] & p[4] |

                                    g[1] & p[2] & p[3] & p[4]  |

                                    g[0] & p[1] & p[2] &p[3] & p[4] |

                                    cin  & p[0] & p[1] & p[2] & p[3] & p[4];

//Solution comes here


   assign      sum[0]  =  p[0] ^ cin;

    assign      sum[1]  = p[1] ^ carry[0];

    assign      sum[2]  = p[2] ^ carry[1];

    assign      sum[3]  = p[3] ^ carry[2];

    assign      sum[4]  = p[4] ^ carry[3];

    assign      cout    = carry[4];



   cla_slice_part s0(g[0],p[0],a[0],b[0]);

   cla_slice_part s1(g[1],p[1],a[1],b[1]);

   cla_slice_part s2(g[2],p[2],a[2],b[2]);

   cla_slice_part s3(g[3],p[3],a[3],b[3]);

   cla_slice_part s4(g[4],p[4],a[4],b[4]);



Problem 3: The following module my_loop is not working.


module my_loop(a,b);

input [15:0] b;

output a;

reg [3:0] a;

reg [3:0] i;

integer s;

initial begin

s = 0;

for(i=0; i<16; i=i+1) s = s + b[i];

a = s;



a) what is wrong with the above module?


      Infinity loop.


b) modify the module  as little as possible to make it working.

hint: it has one  16bits input. This is a very easy one. You don’t have to add any more code.

it should count the number of 1s in the input(b).

change [3:0] =>  [4:0]


 problem 4: module not_synthesizable_sum(sum,a);


   input [7:0] a;

   output [10:0] sum;

   reg [10:0]    sum;

   integer       i;


   always @( a ) begin

      sum = 0;

      for(i=0; i<=a; i=i+1) #3 sum = sum + i;



//Answer the questions

a) the above module is not synthesizable. Why?(Short answer )



undetermined loop index


Problem 5: Convert the following numbers:

Hint (3/8) = 0.375  


a) Decimal  14  to 8-bit Binary:


 b) Decimal  -14     to 8-bit Binary:

  // 11110010

c) Decimal 14.375  to Binary (as many bits as needed):



d) Decimal    -14.375  to IEEE 754 Single Precision (Show in hexadecimal):

Hint : Hidden one



Problem 6:  Write a MIPS CODE for the following line of C:


#  x = a + b > ( c & mask ) | d;

# regs usage: x, $8;  a, $9;  b, $10;  mask, $11;  c, $12;

# d, $13


        add $20, $9, $10   #  a + b

        and $21, $12, $11  #  c & mask

        or  $21, $21, $13   # ( c & mask ) | d

        slt $8, $21, $20   # ( a + b) > (( c & mask ) | d);


Problem 7:  Write a MIPS CODE  for the following line of C:


#  a = 23;

#  b = 105;

#  c = 0x1234a678;  // offset field Sixteen bits not enough.

#  d = 0;


# if( a + b > c ) { d = d >> 1; e++; } else { d = d << 1; e--; }

# i++;


# Reg Usage: a, $8;  b, $9;  c, $10;  d, $11;  e, $12;  i, $13


        add $16, $8, $9     # $16 = a + b

        slt $17, $10, $16   # $17 = c < a + b

        beq $17, $0, ELSEPART


        sra $11, $11, 1     # d = d >> 1

        addi $12, $12, 1    # e++;

        j LINEX



        sll $11, $11, 1     # d = d << 1

        addi $12, $12, -1   # e--


        addi $13, $13, 1    # i++

Problem 8:  The following instructions  are NOT MIPS32 instructions:


Implement these instructions by using real instructions.


#    subi $t1,$t2, 0x1234

     addi  $t1,$t2, -0x1234


#    nori   $t1,$t2, 0x1234

     addi    $t0,$0, 0x1234

     nor     $t1, $t0,$t2

Problem 9: Complete the module.

Implement MUL instruction.

#Note: SPIM treats this as a pseudo instruction, but it is

#a real instruction in MIPS32

Syntax: MUL rd, rs, rt

#          rd <- rs * rt;


implement this pseudo code with real instructions

#       mul $2, $3, $4      # Pseudo(without overflow)



        mult $3, $4         # Real (First of two.)

        mflo $2         


Problem 10:   Write a MIPS program to  print  values  from register $t1

8 bits at a time.

//Dont panic . You dont have to know how to print.

For example )… $t1 = 0x01020304,

     It will print: 1




You dont have to write a print routine. USE  Print_Sub subroutine which will print $a0 register value and will return  by using  $ra register value.



item: .asciiz " \n"


  .globl __start           # Must be global

__start:  li  $t1, 0x01020304  #//for testing purpose

         move $a0,$t1

         srl  $a0,$a0,24

         andi $a0,$a0,0x000f

         jal PRINT_SUB


         move $a0,$t1

         srl  $a0,$a0,16

         andi $a0,$a0,0x000f

         jal PRINT_SUB


         move $a0,$t1

         srl  $a0,$a0,8

         andi $a0,$a0,0x000f

         jal PRINT_SUB


         move $a0,$t1

         andi $a0,$a0,0x000f

         jal PRINT_SUB





         addi $v0,$0,10



Print_Sub :         addi $v0, $0,1


                    jr $ra

                    nop  #actually this will print 1234because there is no new line


Problem 11: the module below is an adder unit.


module adder(sum,a);

   input [7:0] a;

   output [10:0] sum;

   reg [10:0]    sum;

   integer       i;

   always @( a ) begin

      sum = 0;

      for(i=0; i<4; i=i+1) if( i <= a ) sum = sum + i;




 What will  be the synthesizer output?

     Draw the figure.