April 26, 2004

 EE3755 EXAM 3:


Do not turn over the page till I say so.

Some problems are very easy so do not spend

Too much time on them.

If you think a problem is difficult, try to solve

The easy ones First.




Problem 01(20pts):  10mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 02(10pts):  05mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 03(10pts):  05mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 04(10pts):  05mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 05(10pts):  06mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 06(04pts):  02mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 07(08pts):  03mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 08(12pts):  02mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 09(10pts):  10mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)

Problem 10(04pts):  01mins  (how much did you spend?      Min)


    Bonus(02pts):   01mins



Total 100pts  50mins




Problem 1: MIPS program.(20pts, 10mins)

1-a). Write a MIPS subroutine program to  add   two  numbers,  16bits  at a time

and return the result  (similar to  packed bcd).(14pts)

Ignore Carry out.

//C code

      Int ADDTWO16_BITS(int a,int b){

            Int c;

             .. ……..//c= {{left half of a+ left half of b} ,{right half of a + right half of b}}        

             return c;


For example )… a = 0x0001  0002,  //32 bits data

                b = 0x0001  0002,  //32 bits data then

c = 0x0002  0004   //add 2 - 16bits….

(checking points for grading: proper usage of registers, instructions, algorithm, length)

       Sol) MIPS code for ADDTWO16_BITS.                                                  



      Use $a0,$a1 for passing parameters

      Use $v0 for return value.  #(1pts)



newline: .asciiz "\n"


  .globl __start           # Must be global

__start: li  $a0,0x00000002

         li  $a1,0x00000002


         jal ADDTWO16_BITS


         move $a0,$v0

         jal PRINT_SUB



         addi $v0,$0,10






         li $t0,0xffff0000 # MASK UPPER 16BITS

         and $t1,$a0,$t0 # MASK

         and $t2,$a1,$t0 # MASK

         add $t3,$t1,$t2 # add UPPER 16bits.lower 16bits contains all zeroes.

         add $t4,$a0,$a1 #  don't care about upper 16bits.

         li $t0,0x0000ffff #MASK lower 16BITS

         and $t4,$t4,$t0

         or  $v0,$t3,$t4 # save return value to $v0.

         jr $ra




PRINT_SUB: addi $v0,$0,1


           la $a0,newline

           addi $v0,$0,4


           jr $ra








      addi $v0,$0,10



1-b) Write a MIPS  drive program(calling program)  for the above ADDTWO16_BITS routine.(6pts)

       //C code.


          a = 0x00010002; //line 1

          b = 0x00010002; //line 2

          c = ADDTWO16_BITS(a,b);//line 3


           (hint: Write a MIPS code for above line 1, line 2 and line 3)

           (checking points for grading: proper usage of registers, instructions)


li  $a0,0x00000002

         li  $a1,0x00000002


         jal ADDTWO16_BITS


problem 2:  Complete the module(10pts,5min)


module three_bit_Booth(prod,ready,multiplicand,multiplier,start,clk);

   input [15:0]  multiplicand, multiplier;

   input         start, clk;

   output        prod;

   output        ready;

   reg [32:0]    product;

   wire [31:0]   prod = product[31:0];

   reg [3:0]     bit;

   wire          ready = !bit;

   reg           d;

    initial bit = 0;

   wire [16:0]   multsx = {multiplicand[15],multiplicand};  //Fill here

   always @( posedge clk )

     if( ready && start ) begin

        bit     = 8;

        product = { 17'd0, multiplier }; //Fill here

        d = 0;

     end else if( bit ) begin


case ( {product[1:0],d} ) //Fill here

           3'b001: product[32:16] = product[32:16] + multsx;  

          3'b010: product[32:16] =  product[32:16] + multsx;

           3'b011: product[32:16] =  product[32:16] + 2 * multiplicand; //Fill here

           3'b100: product[32:16] =  product[32:16] - 2 * multiplicand; //Fill here

           3'b101: product[32:16] =  product[32:16] - multsx; //Fill here

           3'b110: product[32:16] =  product[32:16] - multsx; //Fill here



        d = product[1];

        product = { product[32], product[32], product[32:2] };//Fill here

        bit     = bit - 1; //Fill here



Problem 3: Complete the module(10pts,5mins).


// A 5-bit CLA using five cla slice parts.  The generate and propagate

// signals are used to produce the carry  signals.

module cla_5(sum,cout, a,b,cin);

   input [4:0] a, b;

   input cin;

   output [4:0] sum;

   output  cout;

   wire [4:0]   g, p, carry;

   /// Logic for Carry  Signals



 // Fill carry[1], carry[2],carry[3] and sum[0] . DON’T FILL carry[4]

    assign       carry[0] =  g[0] | cin & p[0];

   assign       carry[1] =  g[1]  |    g[0] & p[1] |            //FILL HERE

                                    cin & p[0] & p[1];


   assign       carry[2] =  g[2]  |    g[1] & p[2] |            //FILL HERE

                                    g[0] & p[1] & p[2]  |

                                    cin & p[0] & p[1] & p[2];



 assign       carry[3] =  g[3] |      g[2] &p[3] |            //FILL HERE

                                    g[1] &p[2] & p[3] |

                                    g[0] & p[1] & p[2] &p[3] |

                                    cin  & p[0] & p[1] & p[2] & p[3];



assign       carry[4] =      DON’T Have to FILL carry[4]

 g[4] |      g[3] & p[4] |           

 g[2] & p[3] & p[4] |

                                g[1] & p[2] & p[3] & p[4]  |

                                g[0] & p[1] & p[2] &p[3] & p[4] |

                                cin  & p[0] & p[1] & p[2] & p[3] & p[4];


   assign      sum[0]  =  p[0] ^ cin;  //FILL HERE

    assign      sum[1]  = p[1] ^ carry[0];

    assign      sum[2]  = p[2] ^ carry[1];

    assign      sum[3]  = p[3] ^ carry[2];

    assign      sum[4]  = p[4] ^ carry[3];

    assign      cout    = carry[4];



   cla_slice_part s0(g[0],p[0],a[0],b[0]);

   cla_slice_part s1(g[1],p[1],a[1],b[1]);

   cla_slice_part s2(g[2],p[2],a[2],b[2]);

   cla_slice_part s3(g[3],p[3],a[3],b[3]);

   cla_slice_part s4(g[4],p[4],a[4],b[4]);



Problem 4: Convert the following numbers(10pts,5mins):

Hint (7/8) = 0.875  


a) Decimal  11  to 8-bit Binary:


 b) Decimal  -11     to 8-bit Binary:

  // 11110101

c) Decimal 11.875  to Binary (as many bits as needed):


d) Decimal    -11.875  to IEEE 754 Single Precision (Show in hexadecimal):












Problem 5:  What will be the synthesizer output for module something?(10pts, 6Mins)

(Draw simple one just what we did at the class)


module something(x,y,a,b,c);

input  a;

input  [7:0] b,c;

output   [8:0] x,y;

wire [7:0] b, c;

reg [8:0]x, y;


always @( a or b or c ) begin

if( a ) begin

x = b + c;

y = b - c;

end else begin

x = b - c;
























Problem 6:  Name the four basic steps of synthesis(4pts. 2Mins)


(1) Synthesize to RTL (Inference)

  (2) Technology Mapping

  (3) Optimization

  (4) Place and Route



Problem7:Convert following pseudo instructions to real instructions.

        (8pts  3Mins).


        la $t0,0x12345678; (2pts)


        //lui $t0,0x1234

        ori $t0,$t0,ox5678

        move $t0,$t1;(1pts)

        // addu $t0,$0,$t1

        nop;   (1pts)

         //sll $0,$0,0

       abs $t1,$t0;(3pts) //take absolute value of $t0 and put it into $t1.

                     //hint..bgez $reg, target.

//4instructions .more will be OK, too.

    addu $t1,$0,$t0

bgez $t0 TARGET


sub $t1,$0,$t0


mul $2, $3, $4 (1pts)


mult $3, $4        

   mflo  $2







Problem 8: True(right ) or False(wrong) (12pts,2Mins).


                              T      F  

    8-1)  addi $t0,0x1234,$t0   F : addi $t0,$t0,0x1234

    8-2)  subi $t0,$t1,0x1234  F :subi is not a real instruction (HW) 

    8-3)  jr    $0x123456     F: jr reg..not address

    8-4)  jal   2500          T : jal address is OK. But since SPIM

                                   complains about this , also accept F

    8-5)  j     0x123456789   F: j Max. 26 bits address

(0x123456789  is 33bits).

    8-6)   9 decimal digits are enough to represent the significant  field floating point IEEE754 single precision .

         (Hint : opposite way to HW)  

T .: Mantissa field is only (23+1)

          24 bits long. So 9 decimal digits is enough.


Problem 9: What is the MIPS assembly code for the following C code?

         (15pits 10Mins)


# Reg Usage: j, $8;  sum, $9;

for(j = 0, j < 4;++j){

                    sum = sum + j;




newline: .asciiz "\n"


  .globl __start           # Must be global


         add $9,$0,$0  # sum = 0; #don't need for the solution.   


         add $8,$0,$0

         addi $10,$0,4  #test j == 4

         j TEST




         add $9,$9,$8 # sum = sum +j


        addi $8,$8,1 #++j

       #Test condition 


         slt $11,$8,$10  #j <4 

         bne $11,$0,LOOP



         move $a0,$9

         addi $v0,$0,1  # print $a0



Problem 10:  Fill the Blank.(4pts. 1mins)


MIPS coding format:

OPCODE   field is ( 6  ) bits long.

Each Reg.  field is ( 5  ) bits long.

Immediate  field is (16  ) bits long.

Jump instruction.

JALR rs     $31 <- PC +( 8  )…//return address will be saved at $31.

                             .// the return address will be PC +….


Bonus (2pts).

     Write down the time you spent for each problems on the very first page or next to each problems.