## LSU EE 3755 -- Spring 2009 -- Computer Organization


## MIPS Notes 2 -- Control-Transfer Instructions



## Contents


# Types of Control-Transfer Instructions

# A Simple Jump Instruction

# A Branch Instruction

# More Branch Instructions

# More Jump Instructions

# Procedure Call Example

# Typical CTI Uses



## References


# :PH:  Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design"

# :Mv1: MIPS Technologies, "MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers Vol I: Intro"

# :Mv2: MIPS Technologies, "MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers Vol II: Instr"




## Types of Control-Transfer Instructions


# :PH:  Material covered in a different order.

# :Mv1: 4.1.3 (Brief overview.)


 ## Types of Control Transfers


# Branch

#   Used for loops, ifs, etc.  Most commonly used CTI.

#   Instruction specifies a condition and an address, the target.

#   If condition is true continue execution at target.


# Branch-and-Link

#   Used for procedure calls.

#   Instruction specifies a condition and an address, the target.

#   If condition is true save PC in $31 and continue execution at target.


# Jump

#   Used for returns and other purposes.

#   Instruction specifies a target

#   Continue execution at target.


# Jump-and-Link

#   Used for procedure calls and returns and other purposes.

#   Instruction specifies a target

#   Save PC in $31 and continue execution at target.


# Trap (Not covered in detail.)

#   If condition true continue at specified entry in OS-prepared trap table.




 ## Conditions and Targets


# The methods used to specify conditions and targets vary by instruction.

# See descriptions in following sections


 ## Delayed CTI


# All of the CTIs covered here are delayed.

# (Traps are not delayed.)


# The instruction after an ordinary delayed CTI is always executed.


        add $8, $0, $0

        j FORJOY

        addi $8, $8, 1  #This will be executed

        addi $8, $8, 2 # This will not be executed



        addi $8, $8, 4

        addi $8, $8, 8




## A Simple Jump Instruction


# :PH: 3.5

# :Mv2:


# Simple jump (j) covered here, others (jr,jal,jalr) covered in a

# later selection.


# Assembler :Syntax: J target

# Coding    :Syntax: J ii

#          After next instruction go to { PC[31:28], ii, 2'b0 },

#          where ii is bits 27:2 of target.


# In assembly language "target" is the line label for the target.

# In machine language "target", the ii field, is bits 27:2 of the

#   target address.

# Bits 31:28 of the target address must match bits 31:28 of the jump

#   instruction's address. (If not, use the jr instruction.)


# :Example:


# Code used to illustrate how target is determined.


FIRSTLINE:  # Address of add: 0x400000

        add $8, $0, $0

        j FORJOY

        addi $8, $8, 1

        addi $8, $8, 2


FORJOY:     # Address of addi: 0x400014

                       #simulator(assembler) produces this address

        addi $8, $8, 4

        addi $8, $8, 8


# In the code above:


#   FORJOY is a line label, part of the assembly language.

#   Suppose the assembler [really the linker] sets FORJOY = 0x400014.




## A Branch Instruction


# :PH: 3.5

# :Mv2:


# One branch instruction covered here (bne), others (beq, bltz, etc.)

# covered in a later section.


# Assembler :Syntax: BNE rs, rt, target    # Branch Not Equal

# Coding    :Syntax: BNE rs, rt, offset

#           if rs != rt after next instruction

#                       go to PC + 4 + 4 * sign_extend(offset)

#     Why 4 times?

#                 each instruction is 4bytes long.

#     for example)

              Memory Addr   Contents.

#addi $1,$2,1 400000      1-st instruction 

#             400001      1-st

#             400002      1-st

#             400003      1-st

#             400004      2nd   instruction

#             400005      2nd

#             400006      2nd

#             400007      2nd

#             400008      3rd

#             400009      3rd

#             40000a      3rd

#             40000b      3rd

#                                            .                          #


#     Why PC +4  ?

#                delayed branch ; the next instruction will be executed always



# "target" is the line label to continue at.

# "offset" is the number of instructions to skip, starting at

#   the instruction after the branch.


# :Example:


# Code to illustrate the offset.



        add $9, $0, $0

        addi $10, $9, 1

        bne $9, $10, LINE   #  actual code  will be  bne $9,$10,2(offset)

        addi $8, $8, 1      # Offset computed from this instruction.

        addi $8, $8, 2


        addi $8, $8, 4      # The branch target, offset = 2 instructions.

        addi $8, $8, 8



# :Example:


# Use of a branch in a loop.

#       Reg $10 holds i value


        add $8, $0, $0   # $8 -> 0

        addi $9, $0, 10  # $9 -> 10

        add $10, $0, $0  # $10 -> 0 (i)


        add $8, $8, $10  # $8 = $8 + i

        addi $9, $9, -1

        bne $9, $0, LOOP

        addi $10, $10, 1 # i = i + 1


# Short HW :   What the above code is doing?


## More Branch Instructions


# :PH: 3.5

# :Mv2:


# Assembler :Syntax: BEQ rs, rt, target    # Branch Equal

# Coding    :Syntax: BEQ rs, rt, offset

#           if rs == rt after next instruction

#                       go to PC + 4 + 4 * sign_extend(offset)


# Assembler :Syntax: BGEZ rs, target    # Branch >= Zero

# Coding    :Syntax: BGEZ rs, offset

#           if rs >= 0 after next instruction

#                      go to PC + 4 + 4 * sign_extend(offset)


# Assembler :Syntax: BGTZ rs, target    # Branch > Zero

# Coding    :Syntax: BGTZ rs, offset

#           if rs > 0 after next instruction

#                     go to PC + 4 + 4 * sign_extend(offset)


# Assembler :Syntax: BLEZ rs, target    # Branch <= Zero

# Coding    :Syntax: BLEZ rs, offset

#           if rs <= 0 after next instruction

#                      go to PC + 4 + 4 * sign_extend(offset)


# Assembler :Syntax: BLTZ rs, target    # Branch < Zero

# Coding    :Syntax: BLTZ rs, offset

#           if rs < 0 after next instruction

#                     go to PC + 4 + 4 * sign_extend(offset)




## More Jump Instructions


# :PH: 3.5

# :Mv2:


# Assembler :Syntax: JAL target   # Jump and link.

# Coding    :Syntax: JAL ii

#          $31 <- PC + 8

#          After next instruction go to { PC[31:28], ii, 2'b0 },

#          where ii is bits 27:2 of target.

#          Note: $31 a.k.a.(also known as)  $ra


# :Syntax: JR rs                  # Jump register.

#          After next instruction go to address in rs.


# :Syntax: JALR rs                # Jump and link register.

#          $31 <- PC + 8

#          After next instruction go to address in rs

#          Note: $31 a.k.a. $ra




# :Example:


# Use of j instruction.


        # Jump to LINEX

        j LINEX





        addi $t2, $t2, 1



# :Example:


# Use of jal instruction.


LINEA:  # LINEA = 0x12345678

        # Instruction below is stored at (PC=) 0x12345678

        # Set $ra -> PC + 8 = 0x12345680 and jump to LINEX

        jal LINEX





        addi $t2, $t2, 1



# :Example:


# Use of jr instruction.


        # Load the address of a line into $to.

        la $t0, LINEX

        # Jump to the line.

        jr $t0





        addi $t2, $t2, 1



# :Example:


# Use of jalr instruction.


LINEA:  # LINEA = 0x12345678

        la $t0, LINEX   # Note: this becomes  two instructions.

        # Instruction below is stored at (PC=) 0x12345680

        # Set $ra -> PC + 8 = 0x12345688 and jump to LINEX

        jalr $t0      # 0x12345680





        addi $t2, $t2, 1


#  So above code will become :




# LINEA:  # LINEA = 0x12345678

#       lui $t0,  0x1234       #0x12345678                                                         

#       ori $t0, 0x 568c      #0x1234567c    # la instruction.

 #                                  assume LINEX = 0x1234568c

#       jalr $t0                   # 0x12345680

#      nop                         #0x12345684

#      nop                         #0x12345688


# LINEX:  

#        addi $t2, $t2, 1   #0x1234568c





## Procedure Call Example


# :PH: 3.6


# :Example:


# Use of jal, jr, and jalr instructions to call and return from

# a procedure.


# The called procedure, times_three, puts 3 times $a0 in $v0.


# The procedure is called correctly three times, after which the code

# goes into an infinite loop.



        .globl __start


        addi $a0, $0, 12     # Set value to triple.

        jal times_three      # Jump and save PC + 8 in $ra ($31)


        addi $a0, $0, 3755   # Returns here after jal above.

        jal times_three      # Call times_three again.


        nop                  # Returns here after jal above.

        la $s1, times_three  # Store address of times_three in $s1

        addi $a0, $0, 2001   # Value to triple.

        jalr $s1             # Call times_three again, this time using jalr.


        addi $a0, $0, 22     #

        jr $s1               # THE WRONG WAY TO CALL A PROCEDURE!!


        addi $a0, $0, 0      # Never reached.




        sll $v0, $a0, 1     # Start of times_three.

        add $v0, $v0, $a0

        jr $ra              # Jump using return address.





## Typical CTI Uses


# :PH: 3.5


# Branches (bne, beq, bltz, etc.)

#   if/else

#   Loops


# Regular Jump (j)

#   if/else, loops (along with branches)


# Jump and Link: (jal, jalr)

#   Procedure calls.


# Jump Register

#   Procedure returns.

#   switch statements.



# :Example:


# Typical if/else statement.


# if( a + b > c ) { d = d >> 1; e++; } else { d = d << 1; e--; }

# i++;


# Reg Usage: a, $8;  b, $9;  c, $10;  d, $11;  e, $12;  i, $13


        add $16, $8, $9     # $16 = a + b

        slt $17, $10, $16   # $17 = c < a + b

        beq $17, $0, ELSEPART


        sra $11, $11, 1     # d = d >> 1

        addi $12, $12, 1    # e++;

        j LINEX



        sll $11, $11, 1     # d = d << 1

        addi $12, $12, -1   # e--


        addi $13, $13, 1    # i++



# :Example:


# Typical for loop.


# for( i = a - 5;       i < b + c;   i = i + d )   x = x ^ ( x >> 1 );

#      Initialization   Test         Increment     Body

# ++k;

# Reg Usage: a, $8;  b, $9;  c, $10;  d, $11;  x, $12;  i, $13; k, $14;


 ## Initialization

        addi $13, $8, -5    # i = a - 5

        j TEST



 ## Body

        sra $16, $12, 1     # $16 = x >> 1

        xor $12, $12, $16   # x = x ^ $16

 ## Increment

        add $13, $13, $11   # i = i + d

 ## Test


        add $16, $9, $10  # $16 = b + c  Note: Can be moved out of loop.

        slt $17, $13, $16 # i < $16

        bne $17, $0, LOOP


        addi $14,$14,1  # ++k;


# optimazation

#     if for loop repeats many times(say 1000) and

#     we include inside the loop body the statements:

##    {  x = x^(x>>1);

##       k = a +c;

##       p = 10;}

#  k and p are updated only once

# because a,c and 10 don't change. So it makes no sense repeating

# them 1000 times(waste of time)

# if we do that, optimized compiler will put these instructions

# outside of the loop. Anyways a programer shouldn't do it.  


# for the for loop if the loop repeats many times(say 1000), the assembly

#code of above has a problem.

# the problem is the instruction

#      add $16, $9, $10  # $16 = b + c 

#  This instruction  repeats 1000 times which is not needed

#  because b,c are constants so register $16 is updated only once.

# updating $16 1000 times is a waste of time. The solution is to take

# this instruction and put it outside of the loop. It looks like

#   addi $13, $8, -5    # i = a - 5

#    add $16,$9,$10 # $16 = b+c // this is one of optimized versions

#                                 # the optimized compiler will do this. 

#     j TEST

#     nop

# An even better way is shown below

#   addi $13, $8, -5    # i = a - 5

#    j TEST

#   add $16,$9,$10  # $16 = b+c

#   // taking advantage of delayed branch(delay slot)