//LSU EE 3755 – Spring 2008 Computer Organization


/// Verilog Notes 1 --- Verilog Basics





            ///Module Ports



            ///Module Instantiation

            ///Logic Value Set

            ///Binary Full Adder


//:P: Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”

//:Q:Qualis, “Verilog HDL Quick Reference Card Revision 1.0”

//:PH: Patterson & Hennessy, “Computer Organization & Design”



// This is what Verilog code looks like.

// You are not supposed to understand any of this at this time.

// You will understand this later as semester goes on.


module ripple_carry_counter(q,clk,reset);


output [3:0]  q;

input clk, reset;

T_FF tff0(q[0],clk,reset);

T_FF tff1(q[1],q[0],reset);

T_FF tff2(q[2],q[1],reset);

T_FF tff3(q[3],q[2],reset);




module T_FF(q,clk,reset);


output q;

input clk,reset;

wire d;


D_FF dffo(q,d,clk,reset);

not n1(d,q); //not is a Verilog-provided primitive. case sensitive



//module D_FF with synchronous reset

module D_FF(q,d,clk,reset);

output q;

input d,clk,reset;

reg q;


always @(posedge reset or negedge clk)


if (reset)

            q = 1'b0;

// module D_FF with synchronous reset


            q = d;



// Test bench or Stimulus Block

module stimulus;


reg clk;

reg reset;

wire [3:0] q;


//instantiate the design block

ripple_carry_counter r1(q, clk, reset);


// Control the clk signal that drives the design block.Cycle time =10


            clk = 1'b0; //set clk to 0


            #5 clk = ~clk; // toggle clk every 5 time units


//Control the reset signal that drives the design block

//rest is asserted from 0 to 20 and from 200 to 220.



            reset = 1'b1;

            #15 reset = 1'b0;

            #180 reset = 1'b1;

            #10 reset = 1'b0;

            #20 $finish; //terminate the simulation


// Monitor the outputs


            $monitor($time, "Output q = %d",q);



//Output of the simulation

//#  0 Output q =0

//# 20 Output q =1

//# 30 Output q =2

//# 40 Output q =3

//# 50 Output q =4

//# 60 Output q =5

//# 70 Output q =6

//# 80 Output q =7

//# 90 Output q =8

//#100 Output q =9

//#110 Output q =10

//#120 Output q =11

//#130 Output q =12

//#140 Output q =13

//#150 Output q =14

//#160 Output q =15

//#170 Output q =0

//#180 Output q =1

//#190 Output q =2

//#195 Output q =0

//#210 Output q =1

//#220 Output q =2







//Typical Ripple Carry Counter Output.

//        clock  0101010101010101010101010101010100

//      q(q0) 0011001100110011001100110011001100

//      q(q1) 0000111100001111000011110000111100

//      q(q2) 0000000011111111000000001111111100

//      q(q3) 0000000000000000111111111111111100

// if you don't understand any of above so far, it is OK.

//you are not supposed to understand.



//:P:4.1 Good description.

// Describes a part,

//          can be simpler than a gate

//          or more complex than an entire computer.

//A Module is the most basic element of Verilog

//          It represents a design or part of a design

//Modules have inputs, outputs, and perform “things” inside

//Modules “run” concurrently or in parallel.

//A Module is defined once (see example) and can be /instantiated/.

//used by other modules, many times.

//: Example:


//A definition of a module with no inputs or outputs, and that does nothing.

module my_first_module();


// : keywords: module , endmodule



///Module Ports


// A /port/ is either an input or an output [or an inout] of a moduloe.


//Each port has:

// a name E.g., clock, q, my_input

// a direction : input, output, [or inout]


//: Example:


//A module with two ports, an input and an output.

// Though it has two ports it still does nothing.

module my_second_module(my_first_output,my_first_input);

            input my_first_input;

            output my_first_output;


// :keywords : input, output

            ///more information


//The port declarations must be at the top of a module.

//A module can have any number of ports.

//Each port name must appear near the module name(my_second_module)

// and with a port direction below (input my_first_input).

//The input and output keywords can be followed by any positive of names.

//Inputs and outputs can appear in any order.

// In class outputs will appear first.


//: Example:


// A module with four ports.  Also does nothing.


module my_third_module(a,b,c,d);

            input a,c;

            output b;

            output d;




/// Wire(Nets)


// Objects of type /wire /(among other things) are used to connect

//items within a module.


//Wires don’t store their values

//Wires may be assigned with an assignment statement



//: Example:


//A module with a wire, c, declared. It doesn’t connect to anything.


module my_first_wire_module(a,b);

            output a;

            input b;


            wire c;



//: Example:


// A module with three wires declared: c,d, and e. None connect

// to anything.


module my_second_wire_module(a,b);

            output a;

            input b;

            wire c,d;

            wire e;


// : Keyword:wire

// Used to declare wires.


// More Information


//The wire declarations can appear in many places in a module.

//wire is one of several /net/ data types.




//: P: 5.1


// A / gate/ is a /primitive/ component.


// Some Verilog gates : /and/, /or/, /xor/.


//  /primitive/: something that is not defined in terms of something else.


//: Example:


//A module implementing : x = ab + c using gates.


module my_gates(x,a,b,c);

            input a,b,c;

            output x;

            wire ab;

            and and1(ab,a,b);

            or or1(x,ab,c);




//################here comes fig1#####################


/// More Information


//Gates are instantiated in modules.

//          E.g.: and and1(ab, a, b);

//The instantiation specifies a gate type (and), a name(and1),

//          and a list of port connections (ab, a, b).


//It does not matter what order gates are instantiated in. See two examples below.


///Gates to be used in class:

//  :Keywords : and . or, not, xor, nand, nor , xnor.





module my_second_gate(x,a,b,c);

            input a,b,c;

            output x;

//Wire declarations can be omitted but don’t . We could have used anything, instead of “ab”, but

//”ab” helps the person reading this description remember that “ab” is the output of an AND gate with inputs

// “a” and “b”.

wire ab;

//Code below /instantiates/ an AND gate. Instance name is “and1”.

//Output is always first, followed by 1 or more inputs. (Gates can have

// any number of inputs.)

and and1(ab, a,b);

or or1(x,ab,c);



//: Example:


//Same example except for different instantiation order. The

//different order does NOT matter. Choose order for human



module my_third_gate(x,a,b,c);

input a,b,c;

            output x;

wire ab;


or or1(x,ab,c);


and and1(ab, a,b);




//Two modules implementing an exclusive or gate. The

//first module uses AND, OR, and NOT gates , and is shown to

//illustrate how gates are used . The second module uses

//Verilog’s xor gate.


//###############fig.2 comes here##########################

module my_xor_module(x,a,b);

            output x;

            input a,b;


            wire na, nb, na_b, a_nb;


            not n1(na,a);

            not n2(nb,b);



            and a1(na_b,na,b);

            and a2(a_nb,a,nb);


            or o1(x,na_b,a_nb);



module my_xor_module2(x,a,b);

            output x;

            input a,b;

            xor x1( x,a,b);





/// Module Instantiation


//:P:4.1, 4.2

//A module is used by another module by  /instantiating / it.


//A module instantiation is similar to a gate instatiation.




// An xnor module which uses the xor module defined above and a not gate.

module my_xnor_module(x,a,b);

            input a,b;

            output x;


            my_xor_module x1(y, a,b);

            not n1(x,y);

            //Here a module defined above , my_xor_module, is being used, or

            //instantiated, the name of he instance is x1.



///More Information

// The differences between a gate instantiation and a module

//   instantiation should not make a difference in this class.




///Logic Value Set


//:P: 3.2.1


// Wires can take on four values:

// 0: Logic 0, false, off

// 1: Logic 1, true, on

// z: High impedance

//          Nothing driving wire .(E.g. not connected to anything or output hi Z.)

//x: Unknown.


//          Simulator cannot determine value.

//          Sometimes this means two sources driving wire.



//Module below generates the four logic values. See comments.

//Assume that input “a” is either zero or one. The purpose of this

//module is to generate the four physical values for demonstration



module values(v0,v1,vx,vz,a);

            input a;

            output v0,v1,vx,vz;


            wire na;


            not n1(na,a);


            and a1(v0,a,na);  // v0 will be logic 0.


            or o1(v1,a,na);    //v1 will be logic 1.


            not n2(vx,a); 

            not  n3(vx,na);   //vx is driven by a 0 and 1, so its value is x.

                                     //vz unconnected, so its value is z.



// Testbench for values. Material for this testbench

//not yet covered. Ignore it if you like.


 module demo_values();

            wire v0, v1, vx,vz;

            reg in;

            values d1(v0,v1,vx,vz,in);


            initial begin


                         in = 0;




                         in = 1;








///Binary Full Adder

//:P: 5.1.3

//A /binary full adder // adds three one-bit integers.


// It is usually used as part of  a larger, say 32- bit, adder.


//Inputs : a, b, cin(carry in)



//Computes a+b+cin and sets

//   sum to the LSB of a+b+cin and

//   cout to the MSB of a+b+cin.

//  Truth Table


// a b  cin | cout sum

//  0 0 0  | 0 0

//  0 0 1  | 0 1

//  0 1 0  | 0 1

//  0 1 1  | 1 0

//  1 0 0  | 0 1

//  1 0 1  | 1 0

//  1 1 0  | 1 0

//  1 1 1  | 1 1


// cout = a b + a cin  + b cin

// sum = a xor b xor cin


//Won’t use xor here though.


//: Example:


//Example of a binary full adder. There will be several other

// example of this circuit.

//##############fig 3  comes here################

module bfa_structural(sum,cout ,a,b,cin);

            input a, b, cin;

            output sum, cout;


            wire term001,term010, term100,term111;

            wire ab, bc, ac;

            wire na, nb, nc;


            or o1(sum,term001, term010,term100, term111);

            or  o2(cout,ab,bc,ac);


            and a1(term001, na, nb, cin);

            and a2(term010, na, b, nc);

            and a3(term100, a, nb, nc);

            and a4(term111, a, b, cin);


            not n1(na,a);

            not n2(nb,b);

            not n3(nc, cin);


            and a10(ab,a,b);

            and a11(bc,b,cin);

            and a12(ac,a,cin);

