Fall 2004

EE 3755: Computer Organization


Instructor:    Mookean Yang/Alexander Skavantzos

                      245 Electrical Engineering Building






Text:   “Computer Organization & Design,” David A. Patterson & John Hennessy.


Reference:    Verilog HDL,  Samir  Palnitkar,


Catalog Description: Computer Organization (3). Prereq: EE 2730.

               Structure and Organization of computer systems;  instruction sets;

               arthmethic;  data path and  control design.


Goals: To familiarize students with computer organization and processor




            Basic of fixed and floating point computer arithmetic.

             Introduction to Verilog.

            Introduction to Digital Computers.

            Instruction set architecture.

            Hardwired  and Micro program based control units.




            Midterms (2-3 Tests) :  50%

            Homeworks : 15%

            Final Exam :  35 %


Test Policy : If a student misses any one of tests 1,2or 3 for a medical reason,

             then the student should provide the instructor with a doctor's

             statement stating that the student was sick on the day of the test. In

             this case, a make-up test will NOT  be given but instead the 

             remaining test will count for 35%, the homeworks for 20% and

             the final for 45%. 


Homework Policy : Late homeworks will not be accepted.