/// LSU EE 3755 Fall 2009 Computer Organization


/// Verilog Notes 7 -- Procedural Code & Behavioral Modeling






/// Contents


// Procedural Code Overview

// Procedural Code Basics (initial,always,begin,end,#,$display)

// More Procedural Code Basics  (always)

// Variables (reg, integer, etc)


/// References


// :P:   Palnitkar, "Verilog HDL"

// :Q:   Qualis, "Verilog HDL Quick Reference Card Revision 1.0"

// :PH:  Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design"



/// Procedural Code Overview


// :P: 7, 7.1, 7.1.1


/// Structural Model


// A description of hardware in terms of

// an interconnection of simpler

// components.  The Verilog examples presented in class up to this

// point have been structural models.


/// Behavioral Model


// A description of what hardware does.  That is, a description of

// what the outputs should be given some input.



 /// Procedural Verilog Code


// Used for writing behavioral models.


// Like a Simple C Program:

//   Statements executed in program order.


// Unlike a Simple C Program

//   Multiple pieces of code can run concurrently.

//   Need to think about how code starts and stops.

//   Time (simulated) part of language(think about delay).

//   when we have /delay/, the /delay/ is unit time

// (simulated time).


//This example is NOT a completed code

//This  shows 3 blocks are running concurrently

// at time 3, each block generates output of and-gate

//each block has its own activity flow(what it does).


//module activity_flow( )





       and a1(a1,b1,c1);






      and a2(a2,b2,c2);






       and a3(a3,b3,c3);









/// Activity Flow (within procedural code)




// A Verilog description can have many activity flows.

//   Each "initial" and "always" (see below) block has

//   its own activity flow.


// How Code Starts in an ordinary C Program

//   Starts with call to "main."


// How Procedural Code Starts in Verilog

//   Code in all "initial" and "always" blocks (see below)

//   starts at t=0.


 /// Reminder


// Pay attention to how simulated time is handled.


// Remember that several pieces of procedural code can execute

// concurrently, and so several activity flows are concurrently

// advancing.




/// Procedural Code Basics (initial,always,begin,end,#,$display)


// :P: 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.1.2  initial, always

// :P: 7.7, 7.7.1 begin/end.

// :P: 7.3, 7.3.1 Delay (#)

// :P: 3.3.1 System tasks, including $display.


// :Keywords: initial, always, begin, end, #, $display, $stop


// Procedural Code


// Starts with either "initial" or "always"...

// ... followed by a single statement ...

// ... or a begin / end block [or a fork/join block].


// Details follow example.


// :Example:


// A module using procedural code to print simple messages.


module my_first_procedural_module();



   integer i;


   initial    // Indicate start of procedural code.

              // Activity flow (execution) starts at t=0.

     begin    // begin/end used to bracket code.


        // Lines below execute sequentially,

        // like an ordinary program.


      i = 0;


      $display("Hello,World!, i=%d t=%t", i, $time); //time t = 0;



      i = 1;


      $display("Hello,World!, i=%d t=%t",i,$time);  //time t = 0;







 /// Specifying Procedural Code: initial, always


// :Syntax: initial STATEMENT;


// Start activity flow (start executing) with STATEMENT at t=0.

// STATEMENT may finish at t=0 or later (depending on what it is).

// block of codes inside initial begin-end  will be

// executed ONLY once.

// Note: STATEMENT may be a single statement, a begin/end block, // [or a fork/join block].



// :Syntax: always STATEMENT;


// Start activity flow (start executing) with STATEMENT at t=0.

// STATEMENT may finish at t=0 or later (depending on what it is).

// When STATEMENT finishes start it again. (Loop infinitely.)



 /// Procedural [Sequential] Block: begin, end


// :Syntax: begin STATEMENT1; STATEMENT2; ... end


// Used to bracket statements.  begin, end, and statements between

// treated as a statement.


// The entire begin/end block below is treated

// as a single statement.

// :Sample: initial begin a=0; b=2; end


// :Sample: initial begin clk = 0; x = 3; end



 /// System Task: $display


// :Syntax: $display(FORMAT,EXPR1,EXPR2,...);


// Used to display messages on simulator console.  Similar to C

// printf.  FORMAT specifies what text to print and, using escape

// sequences( %,\) , how expressions should be formatted. 

// EXPR1, EXPR2, etc

// are evaluated and their values printed.


// Format Escape Sequences


// Start with a % and are followed by a format character.

// Format characters: %d (decimal), %h (hex), %o (octal),

// %b (binary),%c (character), %s(string), %t(time), ...


// See module for examples.



 /// System Task: $stop


// :Syntax: $stop;


// Stop simulator.  Typically used at the end of a testbench or

// where the testbench discovers an error.



 /// Procedural Delay


// :Syntax: # NUM;


// Delay  NUM time units.  See behavioral_2 example.


// :Syntax: # ( EXPR );// # (a+b);

                       // for example ,when a =1, b =3,

                       // # 4;


// Delay by value of EXPR;


// :Syntax: # NUM STATEMENT;

//          # 5 and a1(a,b,c);

// Delay  NUM time units then execute STATEMENT. This is

// equivalent to:  begin # NUM; STATEMENT; end

                  //begin #5; and a1(a,b,c); end


// :Syntax: # ( EXPR ) STATEMENT;


// Delay by value of EXPR then execute STATEMENT.

// This is equivalent to :

//  begin # (EXPR); STATEMENT; end





// :Example:


// Procedural code using initial.  Code below starts at t=0, and

// because there are no delays, finishes at t=0.


module behavioral_1(x);

   output x;


   reg [7:0]  x;



     // Activity flow starts here at t=0.

     // Procedural Code Starts Here



        x = 1;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);


        x = 2;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);


        x = 3;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);






// Simulator Output


// # Hello, x=  1, t=                   0

// # Hello, x=  2, t=                   0

// # Hello, x=  3, t=                   0



// :Example:


// An example of behavioral code using delays.  The initial block

// starts at t=0 and finishes at t=3.


module behavioral_2(x);

   output x;


   reg [7:0]  x;





        x = 1;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);



        x = 2;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);



        x = 3;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);







// Simulator Output


// # Hello, x=  1, t=                   0

// # Hello, x=  2, t=                   1

// # Hello, x=  3, t=                   2



// :Example:


// Use of two initials in a module.  Both start execution at t=0.


module behavioral_3(x);

   output x;


   reg [7:0] x;


   // Initial block A


     // Activity flow starts here at t=0.



        x = 1;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);



        x = 2;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);



        // The two statements below and in the next initial block

        // execute at t=20.  There is no way to tell

        // for sure whether

        // the final value of x will be 3 or 30.


        x = 3;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);





   // Initial block B


     // Activity flow starts here at t=0.




        x = 10;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);



        x = 20;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);



        // The two statements below and the two in the previous

        // initial block execute at t=20.  There is no way to tell    

        // for sure whether the final value of x will be 3 or 30.


        x = 30;

        $display("Hello, x=%d, t=%t",x,$time);







//  t   0    5    10   15   20

//  A   x=1       x=2       x=3

//  B        x=10      x=20 x=30


//  Both blocks execute at t=20.  One of them will execute before //  the other but there is not way to predict which one.


// Simulator Output:


// # Hello, x=  1, t=                   0

// # Hello, x= 10, t=                   5

// # Hello, x=  2, t=                  10

// # Hello, x= 20, t=                  15

// # Hello, x=  3, t=                  20

// # Hello, x= 30, t=                  20



// :Example:


// The module below is a behavioral description of an xor gate

// that doesn't work.  Why not?


module this_xor_gate_doesnt_work(x,a,b);

   input a, b;

   output x;


   reg    x;




        x = a ^ b;





// Because it sets the output to a xor b only once, at t=0. 

// Inputs a and b might change after t=0, but x won't.

// execution starts at t = 0, and executes only once.


// :Example:


// Testbench for the xor gate above.


module demo_xor();


   reg a, b;

   wire x;


   this_xor_gate_doesnt_work x0(x,a,b);


   integer i;



     for(i=0; i<4; i=i+1)


          a = i[0];

          b = i[1];








/// More Procedural Code Basics  (always)


// :P: 7.1.2  always


// :Keyword: always


// :Syntax: always STATEMENT;


// Execute STATEMENT at t=0.

// When it completes execute it again. And again, and again,...


 /// Use of initial and always


// Use of initial

//   Testbench code.

//   Initializing modules for simulation, NOT for synthesis.



// :Example:


// A simple always demo.  Message will be printed endlessly

// as simulated time advances.


module shouldnt_do_this();




        $display("This is an infinite loop.");







// :Example:


// An example of how NOT to use always.  It starts at t=0 and

// loops endlessly without advancing time. 

// Therefore the code in the

// initial block never gets past the #1 delay.

// Two blocks always and initial running concurrently

// because there is job to finish at time t = 0

//( which never finishes..always block).

// simulated time clock never reaches time t = 1;

// so the initial block's $display will never enter

//(it will be executed at time t =1.)


module never_do_this();




        $display("This is an infinite loop too.");






        $display("The simulator will never print this one.");






// :Example:


// An example of how to use always.  The code in the initial block

// initializes the clock to 0.  

// The code in the always block inverts

// it every ten cycles. 

// This sort of code is used by testbenches.


module clock_generator(clk);

   output clk;

   reg    clk;


   initial clk = 0;





        clk = ~clk;






// :Example:


// Another proper use of always.  This generates a clock that is

//high for 90% of the time. (The clock above was a square wave.)


module another_clock_generator(clk);

   output clk;

   reg    clk;




        clk = 0;


        clk = 1;








/// Variables (reg, integer, etc)


// :P: 4.2.3 Port connection rules.

// :P: 3.2.3, 3.2.5 Registers (Variables), variable types.


 /// Variable Types


// Hold values, unlike wires (nets)


// Variable Types


// reg:     Holds physical values. (Vector of 0, 1, x, z)

//          Declared with a specific number of bits.

//          Unsigned integer (or x or z).


// integer: Signed integer.

//          Usually 32 bits (based on host machine).


// real:    Floating-point number.


// time:    At least a 64-bit integer. 

//          For holding simulated time.


module var_usage();


   reg [7:0] r;

   integer   i;

   real      f;

   time      t;




        r = 5; 

        i = r;  

        f = 1.0 / i;  // Take reciprocal of i.

        t = $time; // Get current time.


        // Display values in appropriate formats.

        $display(" r = %h,  i = %d,  f = %f,  t = %t",r,i,f,t);






 /// Variable and Net Assignment Rules


// Nets and variables are not interchangeable. 

// Here is how they can be used:

// Letters refer to example below.


// Note: net types: wire.

//       variable types: reg, integer, real, time.


// A:Procedural Code

//   Can assign to variables.

//   Cannot assign to nets.


// B:Continuous Assignment (assign)

//   Left-hand side must be a net.

//   Cannot be used to assign variables.


// C:Instantiation Input Connection

//   Can use net, variable, or expression.

// : bfa bfa1(sum,carryout,a,b)

// : a, b can be net or variable.


// D:Instantiation Output Connection

//   Must use net. (Cannot use variable.)

// : bfa bfa1(sum,carryout,a,b)

// : sum, carryout should be net.



// E:Module Input Port

//   Must use net.  (Cannot use variable.)

// : module bfa (sum,carryout,a,b)

// : a, b should be net.


// F:Module Output Ports

//   Can use nets or variables.



// When make a module, inputs should be wires.

// When instantiate a module, outputs should be wires.


// :Example:


// Examples of how nets and registers used.


module reg_v_net();


   reg [7:0] x, y;

   wire [7:0] a, b;


   // B: Continuous assignment to a net.

   assign     a = x;

   // B: The commented-out line below would be an error

   // because reg's cannot be assigned using assign.

   // assign     y = x;




        // A: Assignment to a variable.

        x = 1;

        // A: The commented-out line below would be an error

        // because

        // net's cannot be assigned in procedural code.

        // b = 1;






// :Example:


// Examples of how nets and registers used for ports

// and connections.


module port_example_1();

   wire s, co;


   // D: Commented-out line below would be an error

   //  because variables

   //    (including reg's) cannot connect to instantiation output

   //    connections, in this case sum and carry out.

   // reg s, co;


   // C: Instantiation input connections

   //(inputs to an instantiated

   //    module, bfa_implicit.b1 below) can be either reg's

   //or net's.

   reg  a, b;


   // C: Input connections to instantiated module

   //are regs (a,b) and

   //    an expression (1'b0).

   // D: Output connections are nets (s,co),

   // and cannot be variables (regs).

   bfa_implicit b1(s,co,a,b,1'b0);





        #1; a = 0;  b = 0;

        #1; a = 0;  b = 1;

        #1; a = 1;  b = 0;

        #1; a = 1;  b = 1;








// :Example:


// Additional examples of how to use variables and nets.

// focus on usage of nets and variables,

// not to focus on module's functionality...

module port_example_2(x,s,a);

   // E: Module inputs must be wires. (The default.)

   input a;

   // F: Module outputs can be either variables or nets.

   //    Here x is a variable (reg) and s is a net

   //(wire, by default).

   output x, s;

   reg    x;


   // E: The commented out line below would be an error

   // since module inputs

   //    cannot be variables.

   // reg a;


   wire co;

   // D: Commented-out line below is an error because variables

   //    (including reg's) cannot connect to output ports,

    //in this case

   //    sum and carry out.

   //  below we intantiate BFA.

   // When intantiate a module, outputs should be nets

   // reg co;


   // C: Input connections to

   //an instantiated module (bfa_implicit.b1

   //    below) can be either reg's or net's.

   // Here, net type wire is  used.

   wire  b, ci;


   integer i;


   assign b = i[0];

   assign ci = i[1];


   bfa_implicit b1(s,co,a,b,ci);





        x = 1; // x is not a very useful output.


        #1; i = 0;

        #1; i = 1;

        #1; i = 2;

        #1; i = 3;




