## LSU EE 3755 -- Fall 2005 -- Computer Organization


## MIPS  Notes 4 -- Load and Store Instructions


## Contents


# Load Byte (Unsigned)

# Store Byte

# Load Byte

# Load Word, Store Word

# Load and Store Half

# Array Access Examples

# Histogram Program



## References


# :PH:  Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organization & Design"

# :Mv1: MIPS Technologies, "MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers Vol I: Intro"

# :Mv2: MIPS Technologies, "MIPS32 Architecture for Programmers Vol II: Instr"




## Load Byte (Unsigned)



# :Syntax: LBU rt, offset(rs)                  # Load Byte Unsigned

#          rt <- { 24'b0, Mem[ rs + offset ] }

#          Note: rs and rt are registers.

#          Offset is a 16-bit immediate

#          sign extended.



# :Example:


# Simple uses of lbu.


        # Initially: $a2 <-- 0x0000 1000

        # At Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0x12


        lbu $a0, 4($a2)


        # Effective address is 4 + 0x0000 1000 = 0x0000 1004.

        # $a0 loaded with 0x0000 0012.


        addi $a2, $a2, 4   # $a2 <- 0x0000 1004

        lbu $a0, 0($a2)


        # Effective address is 0 + 0x0000 1004 = 0x0000 1004 (same as above.)

        # $a0 loaded with 0x0000 0012 (again)




# :Example:


# Procedure to determine the length of a C-style string.  Includes

# code to call the procedure.




        .asciiz "EE3755 is probably a cool class ."


        .asciiz "The length of string \n   \"%/a1/s\"\nis %/v1/d.\n"


        .globl __start


        la $a0, str             # Load address of string.

        jal strlen              # Call strlen procedure.


        addi $a1, $a0, 0        # Move address of string to $a1

        addi $v1, $v0, 0        # Move length of string to $v1

        addi $v0, $0, 11        # System call code for message.

        la $a0, msg             # Address of message.


        addi $v0, $0, 10        # System call code for exit.




        ## Register Usage


        # $a0: Address of first character of string.

        # $v0: Return value, the length of the string, $v0 holds the length of the string.


        # $t0: Character being examined.

        # $t1: Address of current character being examined.


        addi $t1, $a0, 0


        lbu $t0, 0($t1)

        addi $t1, $t1, 1

        bne $t0, $0, LOOP



        addi $t1, $t1, -1

        jr $ra

        sub $v0, $t1, $a0



# Why  addi $t1, $t1, -1 ?

# Look at a memory location . we assume only "EE3755\0".

#                    Memory

#    msg:  

#                   0x1000      E     

#                   0x0001      E

#                   0x0002      3

#                   0x0003      7

#                   0x0004      5

#                   0x0005      5

#                   0x0006      \0


# program at strlen procedure.

#  t1  = 1000,    t0 = E

#  t1  =1001     t0  = E

#    .......(assume it repeats till it loads "5".

#  t1  =1005   t0 = 5  

#  t1 = 1006   t0 = \0 (now load null).

#  t1 = 1007   # addi $t1,$t1, 1 // increments address by one

#                                                     although the character is null

#                     # so we have to decrement by one

#  t1 = 1006.  t1 - a0 = 6  ==> v0..

#  so  $v0 holds the length of the string.









## Store Byte


# :Syntax: SB rt, offset(rs)                  # Store Byte

#          Mem[ rs + offset ] = rt[7:0]



# :Example:


# Simple uses of sb.


        # Initially: $a2 <- 0x0000 1004

        # At Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0


        addi $t0, $0, 0x14    # t0 <- 0x0000 0014

        sb $t0, 0($a2)


        # Effective address is 0 + 0x0000 1004 = 0x0000 1004

        # 0x14 written to Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ]


        addi $t0, $0, 0x1234   # t0 <- 0x0000 1234

        sb $t0, 0($a2)


        # Effective address is 0 + 0x0000 1004 = 0x0000 1004

        # 0x34 written to Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ]

        # Note that only bits 7:0 of $t0 written to memory.




# :Example:


# Program to convert a C-style string to upper case.




        .asciiz "Hello, world!"


        .asciiz "Before: %/s1/s\n"


        .asciiz "After:  %/s1/s\n"




        .globl __start


        la $s1, str

        la $a0, before

        addi $v0, $0, 11


        jal upper

        add $a0, $s1, $0

        la $a0, after

        addi $v0, $0, 11


        li $v0, 10





        ## Register Usage


        # $a0: Address of string to convert.


        # $a0: Address of character being examined.

        # $t1: Character being examined.

        # $t2: Comparison result.

       #          Check whether the character is upper case or not.


        lbu $t1, 0($a0)

        addi $a0, $a0, 1

        beq $t1, $0, DONE

        slti $t2, $t1, 97 # < 'a'   // not a lower case.

        bne $t2, $0 LOOP

        slti $t2, $t1, 123 # 'z' + 1 // 97-122 lower case.

        beq $t2, $0, LOOP# $t2 =1 means , character is lower case.

        addi $t1, $t1, -32   # change to upper case.

        j LOOP

        sb $t1,-1($a0)  #because of addi $a0,$a0,1



        jr $ra



##  put ASCII table here



















## Load Byte


# :Syntax: LB rt, offset(rs)                  # Load Byte

#          rt <- sign_extend( Mem[ rs + offset ] );

#          Note: rs and rt are registers.

#          Offset is a 16-bit immediate.



# :Example:



# Initially: $a2 <- 0x0000 1000

# At Mem[ 0x0000 1000 ] = 0x12     // 12 = 0001 0010

# At Mem[ 0x0000 1001 ] = 0x7f     //  7f  = 0111 1111

# At Mem[ 0x0000 1002 ] = 0x80    // 80  = 1000 0000  (negative #)

# At Mem[ 0x0000 1003 ] = 0xff      // ff    = 1111 1111 (negative #)  


        lb $t0, 0($a2)  # $t0 <- 0x0000 0012        18

        lb $t1, 1($a2)  # $t1 <- 0x0000 007f        127

        lb $t2, 2($a2)  # $t2 <- 0xffff ff80  (-128)

        lb $t3, 3($a2)  # $t3 <- 0xffff ffff  (-1)




 ## Usage


# lbu:  Characters, unsigned integers.

# lb:   Signed integers.




## Load Word, Store Word


 ## Note


# Each memory location holds 8 bits.

# Register size: 32 bits.


# To load a register use lw (load word).

# Loads for consecutive bytes into a register.


# :Syntax: LW rt, offset(rs)

#          rt <- { Mem[ rs + offset + 3 ], Mem[ rs + offset + 2 ],

#                  Mem[ rs + offset + 1 ], Mem[ rs + offset + 0 ]  }


#          Load register rt with four bytes of memory starting at address

#          rs + offset.

#          Address rs + offset must be a multiple of 4.



# :Example:


        # Assume: $a2<- 0x0000 1004

        # At Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0x00003755

        # More precisely:  (Little  Endian)  //$$

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1007 ] = 0x00

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1006 ] = 0x00

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1005 ] = 0x37

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0x55


        lw $a0, 0($a2)

        # 0x0000 3755 loaded into $a0


        lw $a0, 2($a2)  # Error

        # Effective address = 0x0000 1006, not a multiple of 4


        addi $a2, $a2, -2

        lw $a0, 2($a2)  # No problem

        # Effective address = 0x0000 1004, is a multiple of 4




# :Example:





        .word 123

        .word 456



        la $t0, my_word

        lw $t1, 0($t0)    # t1 <- 123

        lw $t2, 4($t0)    # t2 <- 456

        addi $t0, $t0, 4

        lw $t3, 0($t0)    # t3 <- 456  (Another way to load 456)

        addi $t0, $t0, 4

        lw $t4, -4($t0)   # t4 <- 456  (And another way to load 456)

# Error, instruction will never finish because address not a multiple of 4.

        lw $t9, 1($t0)




# :Syntax: SW rt, offset(rs)

#          Mem[ rs + offset+  3 ] = rt[31:24]

#          Mem[ rs + offset + 2 ] = rt[23:16]

#          Mem[ rs + offset + 1 ] = rt[15:8]

#          Mem[ rs + offset + 0 ] = rt[7:0]

#          Write memory starting at address offset + rs with contents of rt.

#          Effective address, rs + offset, must be a multiple of 4.



# :Example:


        # Assume: $a2, <- 0x0000 1004

        # At Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0x00003755

        # More precisely:  (Little  Endian)

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1007 ] = 0x00

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1006 ] = 0x00

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1005 ] = 0x37

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0x55


        lui $a0, 0x1234

        ori $a0, $a0, 0x5678  # $a0 <- 0x12345678

        sw $a0, 0($a2)

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1007 ] = 0x12

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1006 ] = 0x34

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1005 ] = 0x56

        #   Mem[ 0x0000 1004 ] = 0x78

        lbu $t0, 3($a2)  # $t0 <- 0x0000 0012

        lbu $t1, 2($a2)  # $t1 <- 0x0000 0034

        lbu $t2, 1($a2)  # $t2 <- 0x0000 0056

        lbu $t3, 0($a2)  # $t3 <- 0x0000 0078



        lw $a0, 2($a2)  # Error

        # Effective address = 0x1006, not a multiple of 4


        addi $a2, $a2, -2

        lw $a0, 2($a2)  # No problem

        # Effective address = 0x1004, is a multiple of 4





## Load and Store Half



# :Syntax: LH rt, offset(rs)                    # Load Half

#          rt <- sign_extend( { Mem[ rs + offset + 1  ], Mem[ rs + offset] } )

#          Load register rt with two bytes of memory starting at address

#          rs + offset.

#          Address rs + offset must be a multiple of 2.


# :Syntax: LHU rt, offset(rs)                   # Load Half Unsigned

#          rt <- { 16'b0, Mem[ rs + offset +1], Mem[ rs + offset] }

#          Load register rt with two bytes of memory starting at address

#          rs + offset.

#          Address rs + offset must be a multiple of 2.


# :Syntax: SH rt, offset(rs)                    # Store Half

#          Mem[ rs + offset + 1 ] = rt[15:8]

#          Mem[ rs + offset + 0 ] = rt[7:0]

#          Effective address, rs + offset, must be a multiple of 2.




## Array Access Examples


# :Example:


# Array accesses.  In most examples i is the index (the number of the

# element to load).  Note that i must be multiplied by the size of the

# element before adding it on to the address of the first element.


# Registers:  a, s1;  b, s5;  s, s2;  us, s3;  c, s4;  i, t0;  x, t1


        # char *c; ...      # $s4 = c;  $t0 = i

        # x = c[i];


        add $t5, $s4, $t0   # $t5 <- &c[i]  (Address of c[i].)

        lb $t1, 0($t5)      # x = c[i];   $t1 <- c[i] 

        # char *c; ...      # $s4 = c;  $t0 = i

        # x = c[i+1] + c[i+2];


        # beginner's  way to compile  above code(not efficient).

        # pay attention to the addressing mode.


    addi $t2,$t0,1                             #i+1;

          add $t5, $s4, $t2                      # $t5 <- &c[i+1]  (Address of c[i+1].)

          lb $t6,0($t5)                               #   t6<= c[i+1]

         addi $t3,$t0,2                            # i +2;

         add $t5,$s4,$t3                         #$t5 <-&c[i+2] 

         lb $t7,0($t5)                                # t7 <= c[i+2] 

         add $t1,$t6,$t7                          # x = c[i+1]+c[i+2]


        # so 7 lines of code. see below a little bit better use of

        # addressing mode(4 lines)


        add $t5, $s4, $t0   # $t5 <- &c[i]  (Address of c[i].)

        lb $t6, 1($t5)      # $t6 <-  c[i+1]

        lb $t7, 2($t5)      # $t7 <- c[i+2]

        add $t1, $t6, $t7   # x = c[i+1] + c[i+2]


        # int *a; ...       # $s1 = a;  $t0 = i

        # x = a[i];

        sll $t5, $t0, 2     # $t5 <- i * 4;  Each element is four characters.

        add $t5, $s1, $t5   # $t5 <- &a[i]  (Address of a[i].)

        lw $t1, 0($t5)      # x = a[i];   $t1 <- a[i]


        # int *a; ...       # $s1 = a;  $t0 = i

        # x = a[i+1] + a[i+2];


        sll $t5, $t0, 2     # $t5 <- i * 4;  Each element is four characters.

        add $t5, $s1, $t5   # $t5 < - &a[i]  (Address of a[i].)

        lw $t6, 4($t5)      # $t6 <- a[i+1]

        lw $t7, 8($t5)      # $t7 <- a[i+2]

        add $t1, $t6, $t7   # x = a[i+1] + a[i+2]


        # int x, j, *a, *b; # $t1 = x;  $t2 = j;  $s1 = a;  $s2 = b

        # j = 3;

        # b = a + j;    //pay attention to this add operation

        #                    // if a = 0x1000 and j = 3, then b= a+j 

        #                   //      which will NOT be  1003 =  1000 + 3.

        #                   // since a is pointer, we should add like this following:

        #                   //   1000( a) +   3(j) * size of varialbe.

        #                   //  so a+j = 1000 + 3 * 4;

        #                  //      a+j = 100c.


        # x = *b;      // x = a[3];

        addi $t2, $0, 3     # j = 3;

        sll $t5, $t2, 2     # $t5 <- j * 4

        add $s5, $s1, $t5   # b = a + j;//address of a[3]

        lw $t1, 0($s5)      # x = *b = a[j]  = a[3]


        # short *s; ...     # $s2 = s;  $t0 = i  // short is 2bytes long.

        # x = s[i];


        sll $t5, $t0, 1     # $t5 <- i * 2;  Each element is two characters.

        add $t5, $s2, $t5   # $t5<-  &s[i]  (Address of s[i].)

        lh $t1, 0($t5)      # x = s[i];   $t1<- s[i]


        #                     $s3 = us;  $t0 = i

        # unsigned short *us;

        # x = us[i];


        sll $t5, $t0, 1     # $t5 <- i * 2;  Each element is two characters.

        add $t5, $s3, $t5   # $t5 <- &us[i]  (Address of us[i].)

        lhu $t1, 0($t5)      # x = us[i];   $t1 <- us[i] 

                                       # using "lhu" instead of "lh"





## Histogram Program


 ## Histogram Program.


# Computes how many times each letter appears in a string.


# For example, for the following string:


#  We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created

#  equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable

#  Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of

#  Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted

#  among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the

#  governed.  That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of

#  these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,

#  and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such

#  principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall

#  seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness


# The program would generate the counts shown below:


#  Letter A  count:  33 (  5.05) ****************

#  Letter B  count:   6 (  0.92) ***

#  Letter C  count:  11 (  1.68) *****

#  Letter D  count:  15 (  2.30) *******

#  Letter E  count:  77 ( 11.79) **************************************

#  Letter F  count:  14 (  2.14) *******

#  Letter G  count:  13 (  1.99) ******

#  Letter H  count:  32 (  4.90) ****************

#  Letter I  count:  36 (  5.51) ******************

#  Letter J  count:   1 (  0.15)

#  Letter K  count:   1 (  0.15)

#  Letter L  count:  18 (  2.76) *********

#  Letter M  count:  14 (  2.14) *******

#  Letter N  count:  39 (  5.97) *******************

#  Letter O  count:  36 (  5.51) ******************

#  Letter P  count:  11 (  1.68) *****

#  Letter Q  count:   1 (  0.15)

#  Letter R  count:  34 (  5.21) *****************

#  Letter S  count:  36 (  5.51) ******************

#  Letter T  count:  65 (  9.95) ********************************

#  Letter U  count:  13 (  1.99) ******

#  Letter V  count:   8 (  1.23) ****

#  Letter W  count:   7 (  1.07) ***

#  Letter Y  count:   7 (  1.07) ***

#  Letter Z  count:   1 (  0.15)


#  For Example:


# Memory :

# 0x1000  :   W

# 0x1001  :   e

# 0x1002  :

# 0x1003  :   h

# 0x1004  :   o

# 0x1005  :   l

# 0x1006  :   d




# str <=0x1000;


# Table :                   //we assume  0x 7000;

# 0x 7000 

# 0x 7001

# 0x 7002

# 0x 7003                    //we save int:  the number  of occurence of "A"  

# 0x 7004

# 0x 7005

# 0x 7006

# 0x 7007                   //    the number of occurence of "B"      


..                             .......

# 0x 7058                   //     the number of occurence of "W"


#    (c ="W") -'A'

#         87 - 65

#    index <= 22.      22 *  4=  88(decimal)

#                                88 = 0x58

#    table[index]++;         ..







# Here is such a histogram procedure written in C:



# Unoptimized:


# void

# histo(char *str, int *table)

# {

#   upper(str);


#   for(; *str; str++)

#     {

#       char c    = *str;

#       int index = c - 'A';


#       if( index >= 0 && index <= 25 )

#         table[ index ]++;

#     }

# }



# Optimized:


# void

# histo2(unsigned char *str, int *table)

# {

#   upper(str);


#   for(; *str; str++)

#     {

#       unsigned int index = *str - 'A';


#       if( index < 26 )

#         table[ index ]++;


#     }

# }



# The assembler version of the procedure is to be called with register

# $a0 set to the address of the first character of the string and $a1

# set to the address of the first element of the histogram table.


# The code below is just the histogram procedure.  The program

# used to generate the table above  is at the end of this notes.






        ## Register Usage


        # Call: $a0  String to analyze.

        #           $a1  Address of table.  Each element is an integer.


        addi $s0, $ra, 0    # Make a copy of the return address.

        jal upper           # Convert to upper case.

        addi $t0, $a0, 0    # Make a copy of string start address.

        addi $ra, $s0, 0    # Restore return address.



        lbu $t1, 0($t0)     # Load a character.

        addi $t0, $t0, 1    # Increment address.

        beq $t1, $0, DONE   # Check for null termination.

        addi $t1, $t1, -65  # Set $t1 to table index. ( A->0, B->1, etc.)

        sltiu $t2, $t1, 26   # If $t1 is >= 26 then it's not a letter.

        beq $t2, $0, LOOP   # Note that comparison above is unsigned.

        sll $t1, $t1, 2     # Scale index.

        add $t3, $a1, $t1   # Add index on to address of first element

        lw $t4, 0($t3)      # Load histogram entry.

        addi $t4, $t4, 1

        j LOOP

        sw $t4, 0($t3)      # Store the incremented value.



        jr $ra





# Assembly language generated by gcc for unoptimized version:


# Comment text in square brackets describe activities not covered in 3755.



            .align  2

            .globl  histo



# hist.c:11: {

            .ent     histo


            .frame            $sp,32,$ra                 # vars= 0, regs= 3/0, args= 16, extra= 0

            .mask 0x80030000,-8

            .fmask            0x00000000,0


            subu  $sp,$sp,32      # [Increment stack pointer.]

            sw       $s0,16($sp)     # [Save register s0, restored before return.]

            move  $s0,$a0

            sw       $s1,20($sp)     # [Save register s1, restored before return.]

            sw       $ra,24($sp)     # [Save register ra, restored before return.]


# hist.c:12:   upper(str);

            .set     noreorder

            .set     nomacro

            jal        upper

            move  $s1,$a1         # Make a copy of $a1.

            .set     macro

            .set     reorder



# hist.c:14:   for(; *str; str++)

            lb         $v0,0($s0)      # Load first character of string, sign extended.

            lbu      $a0,0($s0)      # Load first character of string again.

            .set     noreorder

            .set     nomacro

            beq     $v0,$zero,$L26

            sll        $a3,$a0,24      # First of two instructions to sign-extend

            .set     macro           # loaded character. (I don't know why

            .set     reorder         # compiler didn't just use $v0.)




# hist.c:16:       char c    = *str;


            sra      $v1,$a3,24      # Finish sign extension.


# hist.c:17:       int index = c - 'A';

            addu  $a1,$v1,-65

            sll        $a2,$a1,2


# hist.c:19:       if( index >= 0 && index <= 26 )

            sltu     $a0,$a1,27      # Note: unsigned comparison, so no need

                                # to check for index >= 0.


# hist.c:16:       char c    = *str;

            addu  $s0,$s0,1       # This is really : str++


# hist.c:19:       if( index >= 0 && index <= 26 )

            .set     noreorder

            .set     nomacro

            beq     $a0,$zero,$L11

            addu  $v1,$a2,$s1     # $v1 -> &table[ index ];

            .set     macro

            .set     reorder



# hist.c:20:         table[ index ]++;

            lw        $t1,0($v1)


            addu  $t0,$t1,1

            sw       $t0,0($v1)



# hist.c:14:   for(; *str; str++)


            lb         $t2,0($s0)      # Load character of string, sign extended.

            lbu      $a0,0($s0)      # Load character of string again.

            .set     noreorder

            .set     nomacro

            bne     $t2,$zero,$L27

            sll        $a3,$a0,24      # First of two instructions to sign-extend

            .set     macro           # loaded character. (I don't know why

            .set     reorder         # compiler didn't just use $t2.)



            lw        $ra,24($sp)     # [Restore saved $ra]

            lw        $s1,20($sp)     # [Restore saved $s1]

            lw        $s0,16($sp)     # [Restore saved $s0]


            .set     noreorder

            .set     nomacro

            j           $ra

            addu  $sp,$sp,32      # [Restore stack pointer.]

            .set     macro

            .set     reorder



            .end    histo



##complete code for histogram and generating table






        .ascii "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men "

        .ascii "are created equal, that they are endowed by their "

        .ascii "Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among "

        .ascii "these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of "

        .ascii "Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments "

        .ascii "are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers "

        .ascii "from the consent of the governed.  That whenever any "

        .ascii "Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, "

        .ascii "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish "

        .ascii "it, and to institute new Government, laying its "

        .ascii "foundation on such principles and organizing its "

        .ascii "powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely "

        .asciiz "to effect their Safety and Happiness "



        .asciiz "Letter %/t3/c  count: %/t1/3d (%/f4/6.2f%%) %/t5/s\n";


        .align 4


        .space 104


        .space 40



        .globl __start


        la $a0, doi

        la $a1, histogram_data

        addi $t1, $a1, 0

        addi $t2, $t1, 100


        sw $0, 0($t1)

        bne $t1, $t2, L3

        addi $t1, $t1, 4


        la $t1, stars

        addi $t2, $t1, 40

        addi $t3, $0, 42  # '*'


        sb $t3, 0($t1)

        bne $t1, $t2, L4

        addi $t1, $t1, 1

        sb $0, 0($t1)


        jal strlen


        mtc1 $v0, $f2

        cvt.d.w $f2, $f2

        addi $v0, $0, 100

        mtc1 $v0, $f4

        cvt.d.w $f4, $f4

        div.d $f2, $f4, $f2


        jal histo


        add $t0, $0, $0

        addi $t3, $0, 64

        addi $t4, $t3, 26

        la $s1, histogram_data

        addi $v0, $0, 11

        la $s2, stars

        addi $s2, $s2, 41


        lw $t1, 0($s1)

        addi $s1, $s1, 4

        beq $t1, $0, TEST

        addi $t3, $t3, 1

        srl $t6, $t1, 1

        sub $t5, $s2, $t6

        mtc1 $t1, $f0

        cvt.d.w $f0, $f0

        mul.d $f4, $f0, $f2



        bne $t3, $t4, L2



        addi $v0, $0, 10





## histo: Compute Character Usage Histogram



        ## Register Usage


        # Call: $a0  String to analyze.

        #       $a1  Address of table.  Each element is an integer.


        addi $s0, $ra, 0    # Make a copy of the return address.

        jal upper           # Convert to upper case.

        addi $t0, $a0, 0    # Make a copy of string start address.

        addi $ra, $s0, 0    # Restore return address.



        lbu $t1, 0($t0)     # Load a character.

        addi $t0, $t0, 1    # Increment address.

        beq $t1, $0, DONE   # Check for null termination.

        addi $t1, $t1, -65  # Set $t1 to table index. ( A->0, B->1, etc.)

        sltiu $t2, $t1, 26  # If $t1 is >= 26 then it's not a letter.

        beq $t2, $0, LOOP   # Note that comparison above is unsigned.

        sll $t1, $t1, 2     # Scale index.

        add $t3, $a1, $t1   # Add index on to address of first element

        lw $t4, 0($t3)      # Load histogram entry.

        addi $t4, $t4, 1

        j LOOP

        sw $t4, 0($t3)      # Store the incremented value.



        jr $ra





## upper: Convert to Upper Case



        ## Register Usage


        # $a0: (Call) Address of string to convert.


        # $a0: Address of character being examined.

        # $t1: Character being examined.

        # $t2: Comparison result.


        lbu $t1, 0($a0)

        addi $a0, $a0, 1

        beq $t1, $0, UDONE

        slti $t2, $t1, 97 # < 'a'

        bne $t2, $0 ULOOP

        slti $t2, $t1, 123 # 'z' + 1

        beq $t2, $0, ULOOP

        addi $t1, $t1, -32

        j ULOOP

        sb $t1,-1($a0)



        jr $ra





## strlen: String Length



        ## Register Usage


        # $a0: Address of first character of string.

        # $v0: Return value, the length of the string.


        # $t0: Character being examined.

        # $t1: Address of current character being examined.


        addi $t1, $a0, 0


        lbu $t0, 0($t1)

        bne $t0, $0, SLOOP

        addi $t1, $t1, 1


        addi $t1, $t1, -1

        jr $ra

        sub $v0, $t1, $a0